Ishra SS- Dil ko Teri hi tamanna # 3 Part 23 on pg 78 on 5/6 - Page 3


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Sabri_moon thumbnail
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Posted: 7 years ago
Congratulations for new thread.
ang87 thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
Hey I read all your in one go. All rights superb. Update soon
Divanru thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 7 years ago
Hi friends ,finally I'm back with another update .Here's the next update .

Part 17

Raman took a heavy breath and narrated everything to his parents ,they were shocked ,listening to him .Raman then continued " ma she is going through a trauma ,I think we should tell this to her parents ."

Mr bhalla - I think you are right .

R- papa before that I want to tell you one more thing .

T- kya puttar .

R- ma ,papa I love ishita alot and want to marry her .

Shocked would be an understatement for their condition ,Toshiji asked again to confirm " kya kya bola tune Raman ".

R- ma ,I love her a lot .

T- uske baad.

R- mujhe usse shaadi karni hai .

T- are you even listening what you are saying .

R- yes ma ,I m listening and understanding too ,she needs me ma ,let me marry her .

Mr bhalla- Raman have you gone mad , you are talking about your marriage.

R- yes papa I know what I m talking , papa please I really want to marry her .

Mr bhalla - ( angrily )- Toshiji samjhaao apne bete ko he wants to marry ishita .

R- what's wrong with ishita ,papa believe me she is a nice girl . I actually want to marry her .

Mr bhalla - nothing is wrong with ishita but the thing is you people are very young , you should concentrate on your carrier instead of this marriage thing .

R- I know papa , but she is in deep depression and I want to help her .I m not getting any other way to help .

Mr bhalla - why you will help her ,I mean come we will tell this to her parents ,they will look after her ,they will take care of her ,if needed they will go to doctor .

R- papa you are not understanding she needs me ,not treatment .please papa I have to marry her ,I can't see her like this .I love her a lot ,if something happens to her I will not be able to live .

Mr bhalla - suna toshiji , what your son is saying ,he will die because of a girl. He is thinking about her only not us .

Saying so Mr bhalla left the place while Raman looked at his mother with pleading eyes and spoke " ma please help us na ,she is a good girl .I will not ask anything after this .Toshiji looked helplessly towards her son with teary eyes and spoke ," Raman though your papa is right but then also ,I will try to convince your papa ."

Consoling Raman toshiji was about to go in her room to talk to Mr bhalla but before that they saw him coming out of the room and before they understand or ask anything they saw him going towards iyer house ,Toshiji and Raman too followed him .He rang the door bell Mrs iyer opened the door and was surprised to see him ,she greeted him and called them inside ," namaste bhallaji ,aap aise ,come inside ,viswa is here only .( then she noticed toshiji and Raman too )Arey toshiji ,Raman kanna , is there something important.

Toshiji gave her a tensed look while Mr bhalla entered the house in search of Mr iyer ,Raman also entered and sat in the corner ,waiting for their father's talk .Mr iyer saw them and got up yo greet them, he make Mr bhalla sit beside himself and asked " Arey bhalla ji aap ,is there anything serious .I mean you are always welcome but we just net few hours back and now you suddenly, that to with Raman and bhabhi ji .Kya baat hai bhallaji .

Mr bhalla - actually iyer sahab you are right ,there is something very important which these kids gave hided from us which they don't have to.

Mr iyer - I don't get you ,I mean is it something serious .

Mr bhalla - not only serious but very much serious ,you call ishita puttar and just ask " why raman and she is here in mid of their studies".

Mr iyer glanced at Raman with curious eyes and raised his eyebrows as if questioning while Raman down casted his head as the truth which they have hided is going to come out and may be the situation is going against them .Mr iyer signalled amma to call ishita ,she went to Ishita's room and found her sitting silently looking at nothing but she was so lost .Amma called her and informed that her appa is calling her .She nodded her head and got up from her place and walked towards the hall with slow steps .Soon she reached the hall ,she raised her head and saw bhallas sitting there ,she directly looked at Raman with worry and then asked meekly to her appa " appa you called me ."

Mr iyer ( making ishita sit beside him )- ishu kanna ,I just wanted to ask you that everything is OK in your college na.

Listening to thus ishita looked at Raman worriedly ,she started sweating while her eyes become moist ,she anyhow composed herself and asked with stammering voice " why why are you asking this appa ".

Appa - nothing I just wanted to know your college has just started few days back and you people are here ,I mean why your college had holidays.

Ishita looked at Raman again ,he blinked his eyes ,signalling her to say everything ,ishita took a deep breath ,then left it slowly ,she was sweating badly ,she curled her palm in tight fist and spoke with teary eyes " appa I didn't do anything ,it was not my fault ,appa please let me go to college,I want to complete my studies ."

Appa cupped Ishita's face and asked worriedly " what happened kanna ,why are you crying ,why I will stop you,does anything happened with you ."

I( stammering)- appa ,woh appa I woh I didn't do anything but appa...

She was trying hard to tell but she can't form words to tell about the incident to her appa ,seeing her state Mr and Mrs iyer got worried ,Mr iyer hugged Ishita and spoke " ishu kanna you are scaring me ,( then he looked at Raman and spoke )- Raman at least you tell us what's the matter .

Raman's state was also not less than Ishita as both were scared of their parents response ,already ,Mr bhalla has almost denied and now its turn of Mr iyer  to react . He also tried to speak but also couldn't spoke then Mr bhalla took the charge and narrated the whole incident to Mr and Mrs iyer ,they were beyond shock ,they almost became statue listening to him .Mr bhalla side hugged Mr iyer and spoke " relax Iyer sahab ,though much can happen but everything is alright ,our ishita puttar  is alright ,she just need Lil bit of our love and care .Listening to his words appa composed himself while amma hugged ishita tight and cried .Appa also hugged her and spoke " why did you hide such big thing from us ,we are your parents we have full right to know about your whereabouts . you don't worry I will talk to your dean about this ,how can they be so you don't need to go there ,you live here in Delhi ,we will try to get your admission here itself ."

Amma- yes viswa this will be right ,now I will not send my daughter there ,what we would have done if something would happened to her .

Amma and appa were discussing this hugging ishita tight ,while she was only glaring raman ,on the other hand Mr bhalla was relieved while toshiji was worried and Raman was feeling guilty to tell this to their parents .

R( st)- shit ,I told this to everyone to set everything ,to become Ishita's strength, to make her believe but everything turns upside down ,they are not thinking about us but only thinking to part us away ,papa is denying for marriage while uncle and aunty are not ready to send Ishita to college ,hey matarani what should I do .

He was praying to matarani when he hard her .

I(angrily ,toring herself from her parents )- Raman you did all this to leave me na ,I asked you but you assured me that you will never leave me then why you did all this .I told you na not to tell this to anybody ,but you did ,see now appa is not letting me go .yahi chahte the na aap ,you wanted to leave me after that incident that's why you did this na .aapne mujhe jhooth bola raman ,you wanted to leave me that's why you did this .I hate you raman you are a lier.

Saying so she ran to her room ,Raman followed her without thinking about his parents ,but before he reach her ,she entered her room and bolted the door . He spoke knocking the door loudly " cheeku please listen to me ,I love you ,I wanted to be with you always that's why I told this to ma and papa .and you know what ,...listen na cheeku..please open the door.suno to ..

He was knocking the door while their parents were witnessing the scene like mute spectators ,though their mother have hint that they like each other but they never know that their love is so deep .Raman was knocking the door and saying anything and everything while ishita was still saying same thing that he told this to their parents because he wanted to leave her . Understanding the seriousness of situation Mr bhalla dragged raman to their house while ishita was still crying bitterly , leaning on door and her parents were still in shock to know that their daughter is not bothered about herself but more than that she is bothered that Raman wanted to leave her .

That's all for now friends ,hope you like this .Enjoy reading and do comment .

Blakey thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
hope the parents allow them to marry as they can c they are in love hope they understand
update soon
MlovesKSG thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
Fabulous update
Raman told everything to Mr & Mrs iyer
Ishita's reaction
Update soon
-K.13- thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
Poor IshRa - not only did Raman's good intention backfire but the parents are adding to the pain. Hopefully things work out in ishra's favor and they don't get separated
Kavya_P thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 7 years ago
Kavya_P thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 7 years ago

Originally posted by: Kavya_P



Kavya_P thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 7 years ago

Originally posted by: Kavya_P


smilesusmita thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
Raman want to do all ok but everything spoiled
I think he did good after saying their parents
Poor ishu she thinks Raman will leave her
Feeling bad for ishita
Lovely update