"My Choice" advocates lopsided feminism: Manasi Joshi Roy

Meherbaan thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 9 years ago

Story from page 6 - AFTER HRS, dnaofmumbai

My Choice advocates lopsided feminism'

TV actress Manasi Joshi Roy reacts to Deepika Padukone's video

I'm not a prude but I'm not comfortable with this short film on women empowerment where the woman says "To have sex before marriage. To have sex outside of marriage. My choice." 

Does this statement imply that the makers of this short film are saying it's okay for a woman to want sex outside of marriage? That is adultery! And no matter how you choose to justify it or rationalise it... it still is betraying another person that you are in a committed relationship with! And how would people react if there was a film of this nature released on the public platform where a man proudly claims, "I want sex outside of marriage!" Wouldn't we all scream in outrage and say how dare he wants to commit adultery?"

So it's okay for a woman to say she wants sex outside of marriage and us to think this is empowering her in some way ? I'm sorry but I don't get this at all.

Let's give the devil its due and try to understand why they made this statement. These are the various scenarios which could have prompted this line:

1) The woman is in a bad marriage and her husband is having sex outside of the marriage so perhaps the woman wants to do the same... She can do whatever the man does and therefore she is empowered! Really? Or is the act actually not retaliation. She's doing this because she wants to get back at him or maybe they have reached a stage of apathy where each one is doing whatever he/she wants.

2) The woman is in a good marriage but still wants to have sex outside marriage! Fine ... that's your choice definitely as long you're willing to grant it to your man too. Because otherwise, this whole women empowerment thing is imbalanced. 

But whatever the reason a choice which would cause hurt to either partner in a relationship is definitely not empowering.

Sex is a beautiful act when it's between two mature consenting adults. Man/woman, man/man, woman/woman. But the minute the rules change for either, there's an imbalance. 

To have "my choice" is very important but along with it comes great responsibility. So if I have the choice to say or do whatever I want... I should also choose what I say and do wisely.

And that's what I have a problem with! I hope they explain the reason behind this line... Because otherwise My Choice merely advocates some sort of lopsided feminism.


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Meherbaan thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
Manasi is bang on!, totally well stated, exactly my thoughts!
What she is saying here is what I have been saying about this whole my choice video.

The video is horribly made! betraying, going nude and getting banged multiple times does not make anyone empowered!

Imagine if a man stated all this, he would have been labelled so many stuff! but just because a woman does it then let's all support it because it's different? betrayal done by man or women IS BOTH WRONG !

this whole my choice my choice can anyone scream and shout, but in no way will help a woman to get empowered.
light_year thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
The message was faulty. Now a day everybody stresses on rights , hope they will even stress about duties of eomen in marriage. They way they always tell men.
LifeOLicious thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
sex outside of marriage could mean many things- live in relationships, one night stands, any romantic relationship that can lead to sex.

If they were implying adultery then that would be a bit outrageous...that's a choice that has to  be OUR choice where both partners are ok with each other's sexual relationships outside of their marriage. So yes, I think an explanation is necessary because the message of the video is good...and it's sad it is getting so much flak over this one line!

Posted: 9 years ago
I agree women acting like tramps should be frowned upon not celebrated .