Khushi The Character Dedication

OmNaMaSteOm thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 11 years ago

No debates on the last 2 points about Khusi with some one else & Sanaya - Khushi please its completely my POV.

Pics by Sonya Oyster, IF & Google search.

Khushi The Character & her various phases -

About Khushi I can go on & on & never end. (I just love her)

Khushi The fighter : The character of Khushi drew me to her because of her fighting spirit. I could feel myself in her - I could connect to her. I m just like her fighting & giving answers back. Her dress sense, the scooty driving - gosh I was pulled towards her completely. The way she wanted justice for her sis though she herself my fall in trouble. She is the reason I even started watching this show & the best part she is the one who is there till the end of the show. Khushi you always make me feel so proud for being a girl - even though her character does feel a lil unrealistic post kidnapping phase specially. This aspect in the show is literally lost. Anjali the (useless for me sis) will never reach this stage in her life. She made ASR question himself through this spirit of hers but at some point of time that spirit gave away sadly due the poor characterization of Khushi in the Show.

Khushi the Daughter : This aspect in the show is not really dealt at all only before the MU phase. Khushi has proved to be an excellent adopted daughter. She surpassed Anjali, Payal, ASR too in this field. She understand her parents before any one understand them or her. She knows what to do when though her methods may not be "IN". She did everything she could just to make her parents & RM elders happy. She even lets Buaji & Mami taunt her though it might be hurting her so much πŸ˜­


Khushi the sister :Even though Anjali is not her real sister she treats like her own blood. She infact treats Payal & Anjali like the same her own blood when either of them are biological to her. She sacrificed her her life for a contract just to save her Sister who is not biological to her. She let Shyam loiter in the house those she knows the consequences just for Anjali. She has surpassed Payal & Anjali in the role of sister completely. No one can do what Khushi has done come what may. Anjali though being elder turned out to be completely selfish & Payal too lost.

(i put Anjali offscreen as Daljeet because all the other pics are making me go πŸ€’ i guess im not over the DKS track guess)

Khushi the wife : It is next to impossible to get a wife like Khushi who is all time ready to forget her own endless pain & think what others are going through. Khushi has always put Anjali before Arnav & never interfered in their brother & sister relationship. She never asked for a upper hand in his life even though she definitely deserves equality in Arnav's life. She loves Arnav selflessly, she doesnt put any effort to do it, it comes naturally to her. Arnav is slowly changing from the ASR shell into Arnav all due to Khushi's love, affection & extremely pure & golden heart. The change is evident in him in past few episodes, buying her gifts, trying to do things she loves & thinks more about, hell bent on getting her back into his life, etc. She finds solace if he is doing fine. She can feel him in trouble where ever she or he is the kidnapping track is a huge proof to that. The telepathy was beautiful. Best past is she finds happiness in natural & simple aspects of life. She cant be pleasured through materialistic items. For Arnav this will be the easiest in the future to respond to. 


Khushi the woman : From the time she has fallen in love she has emerged even more understanding then ever. How much ever humiliation she has been put through the minute she realizes that Arnav is going through some pain she completely forgets hers & tries in her capacity to cheer him up. She has never complained about Mami's taunts to Arnav ever. She never blamed any one for anything. She has always tried to reduce the stress for Arnav in her capacity. She has never claimed her position of Badi Bahu in RM till date. She has taken the responsibility of Arnav without being given it by anyone. Infact she has taken the entire responsibility of RM without anyone giving it to her. She has surpassed almost of the ladies in the show when it comes to showing love towards loved ones. A complete role model to me in terms of keep on giving but no expecting. She will not let her family get hampered in public under any pretext, she doesnt need any justification from her loved ones to support them - thats the level of love, understanding, maturity she carries with her effort - lessly - unlike ASR / Anjali needs justifications & confirmations most of the time. She feels Arnav's pain just as her's.


Khushi the mom : She has to a large extent played mother's role to ASR after Anjali. She could able to enter a place & change Arnav. She played a mom to a child who is not even hers happens to be an affair with her husband which was proved false later on. But that did not deter her. Child is child thats it. She plays mom to everyone in RM. I always wished she has her own children but sigh the show & sigh the character assassination. 

(my POV no one will sit & debate this at all)

Khushi the Character : I felt her character got stuck in the RM world with the Bro - Sis rather MU king & fainting or Aap Bhi Na lady. She could lived a much better life if she was in GH & got married to some one else. NK was a good choice but he is in RM. She deserves a place where she is respected & not taunted just because she is an orphan even ASR & Anjali are often they are not taunted like this. Double standards persist through RM big time which is where Khushi cant be herself always letting her life become a roller coaster ride.

Sanaya Irani always puts such incredible life into Khushi that i tend to forget Khushi's lil errors & just stare at Sanaya. Khushi does so many things which makes me really proud even though knowing i will never do most of it.

Thank you Sanaya for making Khushi a connectable character though the CV"s did not let the character do deep to make ASR & Anjali seem more cool.

Sanaya Irani

Edited by Arhi-Did-IT - 11 years ago


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StormChaser thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 11 years ago
Yippee! I'm first! πŸ˜›
Firstly, Harshu, WOW! What along post! You should be named Miss Long Posts.
And you've mentioned almost everything in your post.
For me, Khushi made the show so much better.
Her antics, her way of thinking, her fieriness, how she stuck up to ASR, her trust in people and how she stayed by their sides and supported them no matter what, etc. . Everything about her intrigued me, even her dressing style for that matter.
Sanaya brought the character alive and made Khushi a centre point of discussion for me. Some of her dialogues had become a part of my lingo. Maybe they still are.
It was wonderful how she stood for her family though Buaji and Garima hadn't supported her when she needed them most and Buaji always had the 'adopted daughter' line to tell her.
And most of all, the thing I loved the most was how she never held grudges against people and forgave them willingly every time, and also gave them so many chances to revive good thoughts for them in her mind.
She was truly a very endearing character and my most favourite one at that. Love her and Sanaya for portraying this character.
Thanks for this post, Harshu! With all these pics and the way you've described it, brought back the IPK journey with Khushi, in my mind. It was wonderful. πŸ˜ƒ 

Edited by ASR4eva - 11 years ago
-HappyBird- thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 11 years ago
sorry for late update 😳So It will be sort but I will make the post pretty😊

I love khushi cause She was  played by Sanaya Irani.For me Khushi was sunshine of  the show .

Edited by Freefallling - 11 years ago
boreddamsel thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 11 years ago

Get ready .. there is a good chance this post will end up to be long. 'coz honestly I cannot stop telling you how much I love Khushi and Sanaya. 

The Khushi I loved. 
As a sister : Doing everything she could to save her sister's marriage, joining hands with the guy she "hated" to bring happiness in her sister's life, making her life miserable (by accepting Arnav's contract marriage) so that she could save her sister's. 
As a daughter : She never let anyone know how depressed she was, she pulled herself together. She loved people who were not her own, but she saw them and treated them as her own, with so much ease that they forgot that she was adopted .. Garima's own words that really made me tear up! When she almost died in the guest house, she did not think about herself, she thought of the pain her death would cause her family! 
As an individual
When she saw her family was in trouble, when her father's shop was being sold for the sake of dowry, when she realized Buaji needed money, what did she do? She stepped up; she took charge. She walked out to negotiate with her sister's future husband. She took responsibility to earn money for her Buaji. She didn't think twice about what people might say, in fact she fought with Buaji to let her work. With La, she took responsibility for the missing goat, so that La could be saved. She wanted to do her job right. 
She would do anything to even help out a stranger. (Note: I am not talking about sacrifices here, I will get to that). 
She could not see anyone hurt, especially not because of her .. proof, Anjali. She was hurt by Shyam, but she couldn't bear the thought that she would be the reason for the destruction of something precious to Anjali. 
Her innocence and her devotion and treating DM like her best friend. 
She stood for her beliefs .. her morals. When Arnav said he didn't believe in God, she didn't stay quiet. When Arnav talked about value of money, she didn't stay quiet. When Arnav challenged her, she took the challenge and every other task he threw in her face, she took it with guts and completed it smartly and using her brains, and not her beauty! When she almost died in the guest house, she recovered from the shock of facing death and made sure she let him know where he was wrong. When she handed him the resignation letter, she made sure he knew he had lost. She was not scared of anyone, and she feared nothing except losing her family and being alone. 
As a lover (and not wife .. I will talk about it later):
She hated Arnav, but something about him drew her to him. What started as pranks because of hatred stopped the moment she caused him pain unknowingly (when she poured hot tea on him) .. slowly she started noticing that he was caring and a good person.. and she felt comfortable with him, remember the Nainital trip? Unknowingly, she had accepted him to be someone she could rely on, someone who she could turn to for comfort, and someone she could open up to .. hence the hospital hug. She realized she had feelings for him .. when she saw him with La.. and then the heartbeats started. She couldn't take her eyes off him, she couldn't stop thinking of him, his touch sent shivers down her spine, every time she saw him watching her, her heart raced .. she had found her love! 

All of the above .. is what made me fall in love with Khushi. For the first time when watching an Indian show, I could relate to a character,  a simple, loving, caring, hard-working, and independent .. there was nothing great about her .. but at the same time, she was an amazing person .. and she fell in love. I wanted to watch the show, for the same reason, I read a romantic novel or watch romcoms over and over again .. to remind me that one day, I will meet the guy who will love me, truly, madly and deeply! Sigh .. 

Then.. the bubble burst. Khushi became a sacrificial lamb .. and she had no worries any more.. I think the last track of hers that I liked was kidnapping .. in fact my show died the day Arnav came back. The pain she expressed when Arnav was away, when she felt he was in trouble.. that day I cried.. when she leaned against the window talking about her love.. I have never felt for her after that. There were days after the kidnapping track when I had wanted to slap Khushi for behaving like an idiot. I could never ever relate to Khushi since the moment she and Arnav met and they came back to RM after the kidnapping. She never said anything when her husband let her get insulted. She quietly (well, she resisted a little I guess), listened to her husband's threats .. what crap! She said nothing or did nothing, when her dream wedding was a nightmare. She even forgave her husband, who the night before had slept with her and still ran away leaving her to suffer alone at the altar, the moment he realized her mother was responsible for his parents death. She even said nothing when her husband was flirting with his ex, especially after he knew that she was worried about her. And the sacrifices, I would have still been fine if she had given up something for her husband (well if he had been loving and caring1), but no, she went ahead and sacrificed for her husband's family too even when she knew he was against it and without discussing it with him first. Wow! I would have loved Khushi if she had left Arnav, the moment after Arnav didn't support her even after knowing Shyam's truth. Then I would have loved this show. 

Ha, and the worst is the way she moves away when her husband tries to show his love. Yes, I agree this is a family channel.. then why even bother with almost kisses. I was really pissed off at whoever came up with this idea of almost kisses.. the Diwali one was brilliant, 'coz she never ever pushed him away. But every other time, they made her look like she hated it. This is no woman.   

I was told many a times, that I shouldn't expect Khushi to behave the way I would. Well I wouldn't have, if I hadn't felt that she was like me towards the beginning of the show. I wouldn't have, if she was shown like a typical divine, soft-spoken, sacrificial idiot at the beginning. Or maybe I expect a lot from a tv show. But this is a show watched by lots of young and old women. In fact I feel bad that they show such shows on TV even now.. there is a reason why even a very close friend of mine criticized me for the decisions I took in my personal life regarding my marriage. Yes, teach the girls of tomorrow to suffer everything quietly and accept that whatever her husband does is right... already they blindly feel that everything a hot guy does and says is right! I don't agree that is what gives a good TRP, then shows with stronger women won't be at the top of the charts.

I still say Khushi was one of the best characters I have seen on TV, but she was killed, butchered, cut into small pieces and crushed under the feet of cynical writers who wanted to highlight the hero.  

That said, now to Sanaya. She is one of the reasons I am glad I watched this show. Not only is she a talented and versatile actress (she looks hot even when she cries .. who does OTT comedy with such brilliance.. ), but she is hard-working and sincere. Even when her character was being treated unfairly, she never looked bored or uninterested, she worked her ass off .. and she looked to die for! (Yes, I am comparing her with Bhaiyya!!) And she single-handedly kept the show running even when the lead actor was busy making a career in movies .. and at the same time she was practicing for some dance show too. I know Shar once said Sanaya lives on the other side of Mumbai .. and has to sit through traffic to get to the sets. I'm sure she was super tired, and it sometimes did show on her face too, but did that ever affect her acting? Never! Even when she got no awards, even when she was given ridiculous looking clothes, even when her character was being an idiot, she gave her best. Yes, she was hurt when people asked for the show to be shut down because the lead actor was leaving. She was hurt, because she had given everything to this character .. those tears you saw them on SBS ..!! (Fans imagined tears in Barun's eyes .. and here we saw real tears ..still I didn't see those fans feeling sad for her!) 

Sanaya Irani, I am proud to have known such an awesome woman like you. So yes, I was disappointed with Khushi, but at the same time I am so so proud of you! I love you!

Ok, now I am off to cry after writing this. 
Harshu, I am sorry if this post turned out to be a little negative, but I had to say it!
Edited by boreddamsel - 11 years ago
SeerialLoops thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 11 years ago

Love, Laughter, Kindness, Anger, Courage, Terror, Disgust, Surprise, Peace

The nava rasas.  Why am I talking about that.  Because, Sanaya to me is perfection personified in each of them.  Not just Sanaya.  Even the role – Kushi that she played.  We got to see Kushi in so many different layers portraying so many different emotions.  We identified with so many aspects of Kushi.  We followed her every action, reaction, emotion, feeling, so much so that, we felt the acidity and the dhak dhaks too.  Why?  Because Sanaya managed to enliven Kushi.  Through her talent and delivery of emotions and dialogues, she was able to reach out of the TV screen and touch us and enthrall us.

When I reflect upon IPK, sometimes I wonder, if I admire Kushi more, Sanaya more or Sanaya as Kushi more.  Then I decided, it was all the above and hence the Reel and Real line between Sanaya and Kushi has disappeared for me.
Love :
When it comes to Love.  Can you get any purer the Kushi.  Her love for the people around her was pure, selfless, endless.  She did not love just one person and did everything only for them.  She loved her adopted family, Nani, Anjali, La, Mami, Aarav, and everyone else.  She took upon herself and went through hell to keep her loved ones happy.  She even went through hell and back twice even for the man who created havoc in her life, the love of her life, ASR.  Love is supposed to be an indescribable feeling.  But Kushi's love was tangible, palpable and you could feel it even though her love was for other reel characters.  And Sanaya managed to make me feel that.

Laughter :
Be it being silly.  Be it being OTT.  Be it being plain funny.  Kushi made us laugh.  We laughed with her.  Sometimes we laughed at her.  There is no greater proof then when Kushi dresses up as Mami.  Many thespians in the field of acting claim, comedy is the hardest to enact and portray.  It is all about timing.  Even slight misstep in timing, comedy falls flat.  But, even during OTT scenes, including washing clothes by the swimming pool or the Swami act, the timing was accurate and hence it worked.  OTT scenes were not designed by Kushi or Sanaya.  But the creatives and the director.  The job of the actor was to do justice to the scene they were given.  Kushi never let her silliness come out cheap or vulgar. And the credit for that goes to Sanaya.

Kindness :
This is another area where Kushi trumps each and every character in this serial.  There is not a single soul other than Kushi in this serial, who showed kindness towards everyone.  Kushi was kind to Hariprakash and Happyji as well.  She was even kind to the guards who wanted to throw out to her.  She was kind to the canteen wala when she realized he would suffer because of her Dubba business.  She was kind to Shyam and remained polite to him during their engagement all though she was not in love with him.  Her kindness was infectious.  In the face of tragedy, personal torture, losing self-worth, humiliation, sadness, never once did Kushi forgot to be kind. Such kindness is usually unbelievable, in real life.  But Sanaya once again managed to make us feel that kindness.  Many a times I told myself, I need to be more selfless, more kind and more compassionate, when I saw Kushi being Kind. 

Anger :
Tigress.  Kushi.  Goose bumps.  Sanaya Irani.  Warehouse Incident, Road Incident (After Arnav tells her, her parents were better off dead), I hate you more incident, Re-Marriage Dadi incident.  Spitting fire.  Livid Eyes.  You could see the roar in her voice and in her eyes.  You wanted to slap someone.  When Kushi was angry, even the mighty ASR seemed to take a step back.  Sanaya portrayed anger so fluently and fluidly that, goose bumps were but inevitable.  The quiver in her voice that she is used to add during dialogue delivery when heavy emotions were involved, made the emotions reach out of the TV and grab our attention.  Sanaya's eyes spoke volumes but her voice modulations created a better impact.  Case in point.  When her voice was gone and she shot those scenes post forced marriage and a dubbing artist was used, it was clear, that, the voice lacked the same bite as the emotions on the face portrayed.  But all was not lost, because, Sanaya conveyed the strength of the words, through her emotions.

Kushi was not afraid.  She was courageous.  She was courageous enough to stand up to La, ASR, Shyam, Kidnappers and even fate when Sheetal entered.  She never let fear dictate her actions, but fed of the fear to get into the correct reaction.  If Kushi had courage to face whatever life threw at her, I will say Sanaya had the courage to enact any scene that was given to her.  Wear any ugly dress that she was made to wear.  Horrendous hair pins and even worse hair pieces.  The conviction an actress has in a scene automatically translates into near perfection, and only someone like Sanaya could pull of what the CVs made Kushi to do.

Kushi was rarely terrified of anything.  Except on few occasions.  Warehouse incident immediately springs to mind.  She was terrified when her dad was in the hospital.  Two different types of terror.  First, for owns life.  Second for a dear one's life.  Both portrayed brilliantly and effortlessly by Sanaya.  In the first incident, you rooted for her to be strong and escape and slap ASR.  In the second, when she runs and hugs ASR in the hospital terrified she might lose her dad, who in viewing world wouldn't have wanted to be in ASR shoed and hug her sorrows away.  I am glad, that Kushi was not put through the terror other SP Bahus had to undergo, but nonetheless, happy we got to see Sanaya ace this as well.

Shyam, Shyam and Shyam.  Every time Shyam touched Kushi, Kushi expressions were as if caterpillars were crawling over her.  She felt that, but did not let Shyam feel that, because she was engaged to him.  But we felt it.  We felt squirmy when he touched her.  The only way this was possible was when the emotions and expressions were subtle and the actor lets us feel and interpret the rest.  Another case in point Dadi.  When Dadi calls her mom a wh*re, the disgust in Kushi's eyes was evident.  But it had to be restrained as well.  After all Dadi is an elder and it is norm, you do not spew venom at elders out of disgust.  This is another area that I feel Sanaya is not noticed in.  The restraint she shows during emotional scenes.  Strong emotional scenes.  Such scenes are breeding ground to go overboard unless marked restraint is shown.  And Sanaya knows exactly when to pull it back and when to let it out.

All I will say is the adorable and pinch able O faces Kushi makes.  Need I say anymore.  And in the scene where she cannot do the O with her mouth, she does it with her eyes.  Remember the adorable kiss that Arnav plants on her cheek by the swimming pool.  And how wide her eyes open in surprise.  It is very hard to pull the innocent and surprised act but Kushi was innocent and Sanaya made it look like she really was a 18 year old innocent girl who is yet to see the world.

I thought long and hard about this.  Peace.  Yes Peace.  Calmness.  Tranquility.  Her one touch soothed Arnav and he used to melt.  Her calmness in the face of danger let her rescue her husband twice from kidnapper.  Kushi strived to make peace and bring peace into the lives of Raizadas.  She played peace maker for La and Nani.  She played peace maker for La and ASR.  She played peacemaker between herself and all the people who doubted her.  In order to attain peace, love and harmony, Kushi had to do all the following.  OTT Comedy, Using Brains, Being Sexy, Breaking Down, Defending her loved ones, Standing as pillar of support for all the people she love, forgive, act like dolt, behave dumbly, forget to cook, seduce ASR, device plans, implement them, getting the right partner, wear garish clothes and look beautiful, wear beautiful clothes and look mesmerizing, be a doormat, be a tigress, be a stupid idiot.

I think these could be the reasons why Sanaya loved her role of Kushi.  Because Kushi was everything and anything for everybody and anybody. Through one actress who was capable of playing every emotion, to perfection, CVs gave us Kushi, a character who had Beauty, Brains, Oomph, Sex Appeal, Over The Top Behavior, Stupidity, Intelligence, Mass, Class, Heroine, Item Girl, 9 year old, 18 year old and 25 year old.

As Forrest Gump would say. Life is Like a Box Of Chocolates. You never knew which Kushi showed up in which episode.  But one thing was sure.  No matter which Kushi showed up, we were sure Sanaya brought perfection home every day and elevated, enhanced Kushi and enthralled us.

Sanaya, take a bow.  Because your Kushi was perfection personified, including her flaws, shortcomings and imperfections.  And that lady is what makes you UNFORGETTABLE.

Edited by stafhtad - 11 years ago


Posted: 11 years ago

[Post Removed]

canuck-umz thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago
Okay wow! Everyone has said everything that there isn't much left for me to say, really...this is a dedication!

 All I know is that, Khushi is a near perfect woman. At least someone who I would be like when it comes to the love she displays for her family. I remember while watching Khushi throughout the show I was reminded of myself, one of the biggest factors which played in me continuing on with the show with so much interest. Mostly, it was her innocent, childish behaviour, love for food, doing weird things when upset, her attraction to a man who had difficulty being romantic, and her relationship with her sister, her ability to stand up for herself and others when the time came which I could relate to more than anything. Finally, in my eyes, here was a character who was somewhat realistic, in the sense that she was not docile. She stood up for what's right but also knew when to stay quiet for others sake and let karma do the work. Yes there were times when she made mistakes, but she is only human and through these mistakes we saw her human side. No one is infallible, especially not Khushi but she always knew how to correct the mistakes she made and when she made them she knew she had done so.

Everything that happened in the show stemmed from her, it was as if we were watching her story more than anyone elses. She was the cause and the solution to everything. We were seeing everything through her eyes.
Edited by canuck-umz - 11 years ago
IMMI- thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago

Harshu sorry i soo forgot to un res this hahahah . ahhh well said loved this post you have explored all of Khushi my sapnooo ki raani i love khushi the character she just amazing and this post is amazing well done your da best and you rockπŸ˜‰.. hmmm my sapnoo ki raani and all her styles
Edited by IMMI- - 11 years ago
McNinja thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 11 years ago

Khushi's character was the life of this show. She meant something to each and every character whos life she entered and in a similar way, she meant something to us.

They say behind every great man, there is a great woman. Without Khushi there is no ArHi and there is no Arnav. A woman who taught a man like ASR to love, be loved, and laugh. This is the epitome of Khushi's character...her ability to love and spread joy.

And no talk about Khushi can be complete without talking about Sanaya, the woman who breathed life into this character. Sanayas portrayal of Khushi is one for the books...everything from showcasing all the right emotions to impeccable comedic timing. I can't say enough about her but I thank Sanaya for sticking with us and the show through all of the highs and lows. 

Harshu, love your post. It was a long read but worth it yaara πŸ‘ πŸ‘
Edited by McNinja - 11 years ago
abracadabra thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 11 years ago
Sanaya aka Khushi is such a darling.

Khushi is one character beautifully portrayed by Sanaya which connected us to her and made us fall in love with her instantly.

Her love for her Arnavji, her tolerance level with him, her care and love for the ones she loves, her cute childish acts, her Devi Maiyyas, Jalebis, her maturity at such a young age, her faith in herself, her positivity, never say die attitude, her beautiful face, her mesmerizing smile and gorgeous eyes, fighting for the right spirit, her haaaws, her dhak dhaks and acidity πŸ˜† all have made us love this adorable character much more with each passing day.

This could not have been possible if it wasn't for the scintillating and beautiful Sanaya  as Khushi Kumari Gupta. Sanaya just gave Khushi life and i believe it's the persona of the actor which made this character so popular and unique. I have always loved and supported Sanaya Irani and her as Khushi Kumari Gupta and this character will always remain etched in my heart forever.

Three Cheers to KKG and the most gifted and talented actor of our times Sanaya Irani. ❀️
Edited by chaitra2011 - 11 years ago