Love or Obsession... See page 16 ;) - Page 8


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~kRiPaFaN8~ thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago
awesome part and promo!!!!!!!! I love all of your fan-fics!! They are so detailed and very good!! I am looking forward to the next part!!!!
silly_gurl thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago
love your fan fic. please continue soon. can't wait till a-k meet
-Rose- thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 18 years ago

Chapter Two

She was unable to sleep that night. It was 2.00 am in the morning; she was still awake and dressed, sat on her bed, hugging her knees. How she wished that it all could be false but it was true. People she realized would never believe her; she has to keep it all by herself. She was not on her own, that gave her sense of relief as prithiv was with her and the librarian. His words kept ringing on her ears; it~{!/~}s the duty of slayer to balance the Good and evil on the earth. The slayers are the chosen one; they can~{!/~}t run away from their original identity.~{!/~} She knew if she tries to run away from them, the dreams will continue to haunt her and drive her insane. At the same time she was nervous, excited, frightened, mixtures of emotions flashed on her face.

She looked at the time, its 2.00 and she knew the prithiv wouldn~{!/~}t be able to sleep as well. She decided to go on his room, which was a next door to her.

Kripa and prithiv lived in New York on their own; they went to New York school and therefore live in the hostel. Their parents are like family friends and couldn~{!/~}t afford to buy house in New York because of increase rate of price in house market.

Ten minutes later, she stood outside prithiv door. She knocked. At the second knock prithiv opened the door still dressed.

~{!.~}Un able to sleep?~{!/~} Kripa asked

Prithiv nodded as he closed the door behind them. ~{!.~}I don~{!/~}t what to think Kripa, it just me frighten, nervous! I thought they were some part of comic but no! Hell, it means all the fairy tales and witches stuff is true as well! He cried with mixture of emotions coming out.

~{!.~}I know what you mean prithiv; I was like that as well, to think I was my own, you didn~{!/~}t even believe me~{!/~}

Prithiv looked at her sorry. ~{!.~}I am sorry krips, I didn~{!/~}t know what to believe and now I know anything can be true!~{!/~} he said

Kripa looked at prithiv and knew he was saying the truth, ~{!.~}its O.K Prithiv, so you believe that I have special power!~{!/~} she smirked at him!

Prithiv smiled, ~{!.~}Now that~{!/~}s something impossible!~{!/~} he laughed

~{!.~}Prithiv!~{!/~} she wined


Prithiv and Kripa walked to the library together during the lunch time.

~{!.~}Ah, I have been expecting you two!~{!/~} he said in British accent as he looked up from his book, he steadied his glasses and walked up to them.

~{!.~}So do you believe me?~{!/~} he asked

They both nodded, ~{!.~}Good!~{!/~} he said, ~{!.~}Kripa are you ready to accept who you are?~{!/~} he looked at her.

~{!.~}Who do you know my name?~{!/~} she said surprised

~{!.~}Now that~{!/~}s a long story! How are you two?~{!/~}

~{!.~}Good!~{!/~} they both replied

~{!.~}Very well then, Kripa I want you to be here every lunch time for training!~{!/~}

~{!.~}It means I get to skip my lunch time? That~{!/~}s not fair, I can skip Hitler~{!/~}s classes?~{!/~} she asked innocently

The librarian smiled, ~{!.~}We~{!/~}ll see about that later on, you can bring your friend here, prithiv I believe it is!~{!/~} he said as he looked at surprised prithiv.

~{!.~}We haven~{!/~}t asked your name yet?~{!/~} prithiv said

He smiled, ~{!.~}Wesley, Wesley Turner, you can call me Wesley.~{!/~}

They both smiled and said their byes and left.


~{!.~}Wesley looks so cool~{!/~} Kripa said as they walked towards their room

~{!.~}I know but sometime he just gives me creeps!~{!/~} prithiv confided. Kripa laughed at him.

~{!.~}Want to go out for club tonight? Prithiv asked, changing the subject.

~{!.~}Sure, 9.00 sharp~{!/~}

~{!.~}O.K Madam~{!/~} he laughed and gave her quick hug and left.

The moon shone over them as they walked in the park. It was the only short cut to reach the club.

They were scared and nervous and walked closely, they~{!/~}d look around every two or three sec to see if someone is following them.

~{!.~}Have you got any security? Prithiv asked.

~{!.~}Yep~{!/~} she showed him a little wooden stake that has pointy edge.

~{!.~}What will this do to us?~{!/~}

~{!.~}Just stake them in their body and they will turn in to dust!~{!/~} Kripa said calmly

~{!.~}You did your homework!~{!/~} prithiv said in surprise, ~{!.~}Are you sure you are Kripa?~{!/~}

~{!.~}Stop it prithiv~{!/~} she said as they reached the club.


Angad sat at the sofa that was in the corner of the club where he could see the whole view of club under his eyes. It was his duty to see and watch people, to protect them. He knew people would never appreciate his kindness or so, they~{!/~}ll always see him as a demon. They~{!/~}ll see him as a person who~{!/~}ll try to trap them in his web. He didn~{!/~}t care what people think of him, he have the opportunity in his hands to become what he want. He is not only caring for opportunity, deep down it ache him to see what he used to do, how far he had gone. But now, he is not the same person anymore.

Kripa and Prithiv entered the club and stayed there for few seconds, it was packed up with whole of their college students and some other students.

~{!.~}Now that~{!/~}s what I call clubbing!~{!/~} prithiv exclaimed

~{!.~}Prithiv, don~{!/~}t stress yourself, you don~{!/~}t want to get a slap like you did last time~{!/~} Kripa teased.

~{!.~}Krips honey, that was ages ago, now look what I can do!~{!/~}

Kripa glanced at the crowd to spot a familiar face, her eyes stop at the far back corner, a man about twenties starring at her. She looked away.

~{!.~}Prithiv, let~{!/~}s go somewhere else~{!/~} she said trying to get away from the man~{!/~}s attention.

~{!.~}What happened?~{!/~} he asked suddenly aware of her uncomfortable feeling. He looked around but found nothing.

~{!.~}Oh lets dance~{!/~} she grabbed him to the dance floor showing the stranger she wasn~{!/~}t alone. Prithiv followed her confused.

~{!.~}Kripa what are you doing? Or are you being jealous?~{!/~} he smirked at her.

~{!.~}Stop it prithiv, why in the world I~{!/~}d be jealous of you?~{!/~}

~{!.~}I don~{!/~}t know, maybe you have a crush on me!~{!/~} he teased

~{!.~}Good joke prithiv!~{!/~} she laughed.

~{!.~}Why not? I mean am I not good looking, smart and sexy?~{!/~} he asked as they danced.

~{!.~}You are good looking, smart and I won~{!/~}t call you sexy because to me you are only prithiv and you know that I don~{!/~}t see you that way! You are like brother to me~{!/~}

~{!.~}So sweet~{!/~} he said as he pulled Kripa into a hug and gave her a kiss on cheek. Kripa gave a quick look at the direction where the stranger was seating but he still was there, looking at her and he smiled at her. Kripa looked away.

~{!.~}I know~{!/~} she said, recovering from what just happened. ~{!.~} I am feeling very tired, let~{!/~}s go back!~{!/~}

~{!.~}Why, you~{!/~}re not feeling good are you?~{!/~}

~{!.~}No, I am just tired and nothing else~{!/~}

~{!.~}Let~{!/~}s go! You just spoilt my beautiful night Kripa~{!/~}

~{!.~}Thank you~{!/~} she replied irritated while prithiv grinned to himself.

The next night, Kripa walked on the streets alone, lost on her thoughts that she didn~{!/~}t notice someone following her. It was 11:00, she needed a time out on her own, her privacy that she couldn~{!/~}t share with any body.

Suddenly, she felt some one following her, her senses becomes alert. She starts walking faster. ~{!.~}I don~{!/~}t even have weapons to fight this monster, she thought. ~{!.~}What could it be, a vampire, dummy~{!-~}?~{!/~}

She turned left to a dark ally, it was an end, she quickly climbed up the pipe reached the top of the building that was three storeys high.

Suddenly she saw a figure turning in the dark ally looking for her; she wanted to know who it could be? The men turned around to go, but she jumped and fell over him.

~{!.~}Why were you following me?~{!/~} she demanded as the man tries to free himself.

~{!.~}I wasn~{!/~}t following you!~{!/~} he said

~{!.~}Then, why did you turn in this alley when you know it~{!/~}s an end!?~{!/~}

~{!.~}i.. I was dumping the rubbish here!~{!/~} he finally explained

~{!.~}Oh~{!/~} Kripa said in embarrassment, he was dumping his rubbish in the big greenie bin. The man turned around as he was the same man. She stared into his brown eyes, she saw something, twinkling that left her amazed.

~{!.~}You are the same boy in the club yesterday!~{!/~} she exclaimed

~{!.~}Were you checking me out?~{!/~} he smirked at her!

Kripa looked away in embarrassment. ~{!.~}No I wasn~{!/~}t, you were sitting there like lonely!~{!/~}

The man eye shows the expression of sadness that made her guilty. He stepped closer to her while she stepped back. And then he turned away.

~{!.~}I I am sorry about that, I didn~{!/~}t mean it~{!/~} Kripa whispered.

~{!.~}It~{!/~}s not your fault~{!/~} he said as he left to go.

~{!.~}Wait~{!/~} kripa said. ~{!.~}What~{!/~}s your name?~{!/~}

~{!.~}Why? You don~{!/~}t want to know me! But if you insist, Angel~{!/~} the man said.

~{!.~}Nice name Angel~{!/~}

~{!.~}Thanks~{!/~} he left.

Angad was impressed by her behaviour, the way she fought with him, and he is a stranger to her. She is the perfect slayer he thought. He smiled to himself as he won~{!/~}t be alone. But then again he has seen last slayers die in front of his eyes, he never took them personally, and it was all professional. This taught him to be more independent.

His eyes watched the innocent honey like eyes starring at him, his eyes as if she read his eyes. His eyes are the window to his soul which only he knows what~{!/~}s in there. But today, he let the girl look at his eyes for long. He has to be careful from know on.

~{!.~}I am tired~{!/~} Kripa cried

~{!.~}You have to be active, this is only training!~{!/~} Wesley said.

Wesley taught Kripa the basic moves of fighting, it wasn~{!/~}t like martial arts, and it was just fighting. Kripa starts punching the punch bag very hard, concentrating; at the end she gave the punch bag a very powerful punch that it ends up flying down.

~{!.~}That~{!/~}s remarkable; you have done splendid on your first day, 1200 punches in two minutes!~{!/~}

Prithiv who has been watching this al silently was surprised how fast she was. He knew she was not concentrating, her mind was somewhere else.

~{!.~}Krips, you O.K~{!/~} he asked as they entered the canteen for a quick grab of lunch.

~{!.~}Yeah, I am tired!~{!/~}

~{!.~}As you wish, if you feel like you want to share anything with me, you know where I am~{!/~}

Kripa smiled at prithiv. ~{!.~}How do you that? You always know when I am happy and in my mood swings. I~{!/~}ll appreciate it prithiv if I solve this on my own, please!~{!/~} she blinked her lashes at him.

He smiled. ~{!.~}O.K~{!/~}


That was the last part before I go on my vocations. No, The FF does not end, it still continues after I'll come back from my vocation; September! 😃

I hope you'll enjoy the part!

Preview: Kripa finds about Angel's real identity and so do you !😉 😆 😃



PS: Don't forget the story line!

silly_gurl thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago
wow love it
soo cool. at last kripa and angad aka angel meet
Mrs.Fr.. thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago
wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww izzy yes he is an angel 😉
JanuaryEmbers thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago
awesome part cont soon plz!!!!!!!! 👏
mnrza thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago
wow awesome part!! very intresting story although it did scare me a bit cuz i get honestly get scared really fast lolz! continue soon!!
insia12 thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago

Originally posted by: *Izzy*

I didn't get that! 😕

i meant that u r also an angel n writing fanfic that story happened wid ya got it?


insia12 thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago
hey ...
that was an awsome part!!!
mahbuba thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago
girl u betta come bak n i tink ur copin from buffy the vampire slaywergirl u betta com bak by the way ur copin from buffy the vampire salyer 😛