NEW SS-|Lovely Stranger| Updated pg33 |COMPLETED| - Page 13


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sukirtiraizada thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
hope they find each oder...plz...

Edited by sukirtiraizada - 11 years ago
Charmz_58 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Networker 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
vrindagupta thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago
this story sounds too much like a movie of kareena and shaheed but i can't remember the name of movie
nj123 thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago

Ch6- Crashing Down

Arnav frantically went through the various files that he just received, he knew this was going to be a difficult task so he hired someone and gave them specific details about her appearance and just a first name, he had nothing else and he knew this might take ages but he had to find her or he would be spending the rest of his life wondering if they were meant to be.

Arnav gulped down another mug of coffee and ran his hand through his hair 'This is tiring' he groaned, in the past two hours he had gone through at least 50 files and there was a large pile still left, he was surprised that there were so many people named Khushi, he buried his head into the files once again, his eyes thirsting to find her and catch a glimpse of her.

Arnav froze as he opened the 60th file, staring back at him was a picture of Khushi, the girl he was searching so intently for. He closed his eyes in relief and then opened them again to see if he was not dreaming, it was all happening for real, she did live in Delhi and this was all just miraculous.

As Arnav walked out of the office, Aman halted him 'Sir more rumors about your engagement with Ms Kashyap have been published on the gossip sites and we have been informed that an article on this issue will be published tomorrow in the news paper', Arnav groaned in irritation, he had enough of these celebrity gossips and there was no engagement, he wondered why these people were so intent on making something fake into tomorrows breaking news, 'I want you to talk to the publishers of this magazine and try to clear this mess, tell them there is no engagement and there wont be one' he said firmly and walked out.


Khushi tapped her fingers on the keyboard, her mind still asking her if she wanted to do this, she decided that the first step would be to google him, then she'l check a few social networking sites, well if all that did not work out then maybe it was all never meant to be, she sighed, what she was going to do could affect Karan and she did not want to be selfish but she also did not want to spend the rest of her life compromising her happiness, if she can't be happy, Karan won't be happy too, 'This is the right thing to do' she told herself and then started typing, this was going to be tough all she had with her was a first name.

Khushi typed in two key words 'Arnav' and 'Delhi' the number of search items that appeared on her screen were numerous and she groaned looking at the amount of sites she'l have to go through, she guessed that he was from Delhi because he had driven for a business trip and Delhi was close to Nainital, 'Yeah he probably resides here' she assured herself and scanned the screen.

Arnav the pediatrician, Arnav the accountant, Arnav the mechanic and even Arnav the zoo keeper, Khushi giggled at that and resumed looking through the pages, after about 15 minutes of futile efforts, she laid her head down and asked herself sadly  'What the hell are you doing, this is like searching for a needle in a haystack'.

Khushi suddenly sat up in her chair, 'Why din't I think of this before?' she asked herself and then added another keyword to the search 'Business', this time the pages that flashed were comparatively lesser  she clicked on a promising link and her eyes widened as she took in a picture of Arnav, it was him, it was definitely him, FINALLY!
Khushi breathed deeply and scrolled down, her eyes reading the text

'The owner of the Raizada industries Mr Arnav Singh Raizada has finally found his perfect match, our sources reveal that Mr. Raizada recently got engaged to MsLavanya Kashyap with whom he was known to be in a relationship with, the event was a secretive affair but nothing remains hidden from our expert sources' 

Khushi scrolled down to find images of them together at events and parties and she closed her eyes in defeat, 'It was never meant to be' she whispered to herself, grabbed her bag and walked out of the house. She needed to get her mind off all this, she felt foolish for thinking that there was something between them, 'it was never destined' she told herself quietly and walked down the stairs.


Arnav stopped his car at the side of the street and checked the given address once again, this was the place she stayed at. He got out of the car and walked up the stairs of the old building, he stood outside the door, his heart slamming in his chest, he found anxiety, eagerness and fear slowly creeping into his mind. He rang the door bell but there was no answer, after ringing it about five times he assumed there was no one at home and turned to go.

A woman from the next house stepped out and looked at him, Arnav decided to ask her 'Does Khushi live here?', the woman looked up at him and smiled' Haan beta, she does, she must have gone for her wedding shopping, she'l be back in the evening' the plump woman told him.

Arnav stood frozen as the words spilled out of the woman's mouth 'Wedding?' he finally managed to ask, 'Such a nice girl, she's getting married around next week' the woman said with a friendly smile. Arnav nodded at her weakly and walked down the stairs, his mind raging with a hurricane of taught's. He sat inside the car as the words repeated themselves in his head

                      'She's getting married around next week' 

Arnav leaned his head against the steering wheel and sighed deeply, 'Maybe it was not meant to be' he whispered to himself and drove away from there.

Okay guys please bear with me, they will definitely meet. Just have a little patience, I'll  give you quick updates and get the story moving, bear this torture for a while, I'tll soon be over and they'l be together.😉

Comment and tell me if your liking it, silent readers please do drop in a comment if you have time. Don't forget to hit the like button.
Charmz_58 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Networker 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
woooww man but plz make them cum together soon!!Edited by Charmz_58 - 11 years ago
ajoop thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 11 years ago
so sad,again 😭😭😭
thanks for update,please continue😳😳😳😳😳😳
aafan thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
PLEASE NO...they cannot give up.
not like this...they have to meet atleast once more.
TheMogambo thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 11 years ago
oh... no...
tension tension...
update soon yaar...
ChitraF thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 11 years ago
oh NO... I hope this misunderstanding will clear soon... nice update...
rukuswasthika thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
omg!!!!!!!!!plz make them meet soon and clear everything