NEW SS-|Lovely Stranger| Updated pg33 |COMPLETED| - Page 12


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nj123 thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago

Ch5- Something Missing


'Will you marry me, Khushi?'

The words kept echoing in her mind as she tossed and turned in bed, she buried her head into a pillow and tried pushing away her futile taught's, this is what was meant to happen.

Khushi squeezed her eyes shut and wondered why she was still confused about her 'Yes' to Karan, they had been together for two years and now he had proposed but after saying 'Yes' an unexplainable fear crept into her mind, if she got married to him it would mean forever, 'Is this what you really want?' a tiny voice whispered in her mind, she did not know why but she felt something was missing and the worst part was she could not place her finger on it.

She leaned on her side and gazed through the open window as the curtains swayed in the wind, she glanced at the tiny stars above and once again remembered Arnav and the connection they had shared, she was aware that it is stupidity on her part to still dream about  some stranger that she happened to meet but he was not just some stranger, he was someone who had made her say things that she never usually told anybody, not even her best friend.

Khushi groaned and felt foolish for thinking about that night today after 2 whole years when she had just been proposed to. 'Stop it Khushi, this is just foolishness, close your eyes and go to sleep' she told herself and tried drifting off into a disturbed slumber. 


'Chotey you are 28 for Christ's sake, if you don't get married now, your children will end up calling you Dadaji' Anjali said with a wicked smirk and tried to make her stubborn brother understand. 

'Okay so who exactly do you want me to get married to?' he threw back at her in an annoyed voice, he was having too much of this family drama, first it was Nani and now even Di did not hold back from pestering him.

'What kind of a question is 'Who' have you forgotten about your girlfriend Lavanya?' Anjali asked quirking her eyebrows in anger 'Di why don't you understand I do not want to get married to her, do I have to spell it out to you!', 'Then why the hell are you still in a relationship with that poor girl?' Anjali snapped angrily and walked out of the room, banging the door behind her.

Arnav laid back on the recliner and sighed to himself, this was seriously getting out of hand, he very well knew the reason why he did not want to  get married to Lavanya, he did not want to wake up and see her face every day, he did not want to spend a life time with her. No Lavanya did not fit the picture at all, he knew deep down that there was only one girl who had ever made him want to stay by her side forever. 

'Quit dreaming Arnav, she must be in some other part of this planet, she must be married' the realization hit him like a ton of bricks and made him feel foolish, those hazel eyes flashed through his mind once again and he couldn't help wishing he could drown in them again. 

Suddenly he sat up and taught to himself 'Forget about fate, unless you know what this girl is up to or where she is you're never gonna be able to move on' if he found her and if he could get her it would be wonderful but if he din't it'l be much easier to leave behind that night and move along with his life. 'It's time I took fate into my own hands' Arnav said to himself and got up with a determined look on his face, 'I have to know where she is' he told himself and taught from the looks of it and from what he had gathered from their conversations he had a feeling that she might probably be from Delhi.


Piya banged on Khushi's door, 'Will you open the damn door sleeping beauty!' she yelled, a half sleepy Khushi walked up to the door and looked at her with an annoyed expression 'Do you want to wake up the neighbors as well?' she snapped.

'Well my best friend just got engaged and I did not even know about it, what do you expect me to do, Kiss your feet?' she shot back angrily. Khushi yawned and looked at her with sleepy eyes 'How did you know?' , 'Oh the whole world knows except me, I walked into the office today to find that snob Siya, yelling out about Karan's  grand proposal' she said angrily and plopped down into the sofa.

Khushi just looked at her quietly 'Well I'm sorry, I just had a lot on my mind' she said quietly and looked down, Piya looked up and noticed the lost look in her eyes and sat next to her, ' Hey sweety I'm sorry I just got a little carried away there' she paused and then asked 'Are you happy?', Khushi just stared at the carpeted floor and when Piya tried getting her to look up she flung her arms around her and cried softly.

'I'm supposed to be happy, aren't I, you know the top of the world feeling' she stopped to get her voice together 'But I don't know, I can't feel any of it, when he proposed, my mind somehow told me that this was expected and instructed me to say yes, but now when I think about it I find something major missing ,nonexistant' she said in a broken voice.

Piya just rubbed her back soothingly 'Shhh there honey, we'l talk about this, first I need you to go shower, I'll make you coffee alright' she whispered and pulled her up and smiled gently, 'It'll be alright' she said quietly.

Khushi sat with the steaming mug of coffee in her hand and stared at its texture, 'So have  you tried asking yourself why you're not happy' Piya asked her slowly, Khushi simply nodded her head 'I did and I think I have an answer but the sad part is the answer is the crazy and stupid' she croaked, 'Well what is it then?' Piya asked and placed her hand upon Khushi's knee comfortingly.

'Well you remember that guy Arnav I told you about' Khushi asked with a sad smile 'The charming lovely stranger?' Piya asked, 'Yes, its him, I can't help wondering if I was a little too foolish that night, I mean I've always believed in fate, but letting him go just because that stupid paper flew away is kinda crazy, don't you think?' Khushi asked with wide confused eyes, 'I know it is but Karan's a great guy Khushi, you've said so yourself and for all we know this stranger might be anywhere, how are you gonna find him'.

'Piya I know Karan's a great guy, we've had our up's and down's but we've always gotten through but now that it comes to being with him for a life time I don't know what to do, I find something missing, something that I really long for' Khushi looked ahead and then buried her face in her palms 'God I'm being so selfish' she sighed as her eyes teared up once again.

Piya made her look up 'Listen sweety, if you believe that Arnav has that thing which you find missing, that one thing that makes you want to spend a lifetime with a person, then I think you should try finding him' she said quietly, 'But what if I don't or what if he is already married?' Khushi questioned 'Well then you'll know that it was never meant to be' Piya whispered and hugged her friend close.  

Okay this was for making way for the story ahead, do tell me if you liked it and let me know if it sucks. I love reading your feedback! :)
Do not forget to Comment/ like!😊

Edited by nj123 - 11 years ago
fffan123 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago
Oh ARHI are missing each other. They are in love. Hope they find each other soon. 😊
iLuvYellow thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
Lovely update! 
Hope khushi finds arnav! 
Edited by iLuvYellow - 11 years ago
--Amy-- thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago
I love this story...its milenge milenge types...
I was expecting that they would meet in a few days but its 2 years...GOSH!!!!
just continue it soon...I cant wait to
thanks for the pm...
ajoop thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 11 years ago
loved it,i really love this destiny concept👏👏👏👏
angel_prachi thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago
wowww awsomeee i hope dono miljaayyeee thatsss super plzzz cntinue n thnkkss a billions fr the pm ..
ms_1991 thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
ohh wht god decides is always the best..!!:)
your story is soo just get me hooked to it..m waiting for the next update:D
gunjanmkj thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
Awww they r mssng each othr..n nw they both hv dcidd to find d othr! Gr8! M so xcited abt their meeting aftr two yrs! I hope u mk their meeting xtra spcl😊
neag thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
finding eachother mission starts now...
sagarika13 thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
awww... yaar ye kab milenge ...
waiting for d nxt update