Muslim inventions that shaped the modern world

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Posted: 14 years ago

Assalam Alaykum,

Muslims are being Insulted by so many Anti-Islamic Groups,I read on many websites and seen peoples asking What Muslims contributed in the development of this world.

They always blame Everything is Invented by West and non-muslims'

Muslims did nothing just spread HATE.Terror..Terrorist'Terrorism and Terrorism'

O Really ?????????????

But the Fact is Muslims Inventions have shaped the MODERN WORLD.

The Muslim world has given us many innovations that we take for granted in daily life.

From coffee to cheques and the three-course meal,Analogue computers,on/off switch,medical school,restaurant,Research Institute,Steel,Acid,Gun powder, Ships,Astro,Pertrol,Glass,Rose Water,Soap,Deodrant,Algebra,Music,Cancer Surgery.Toothpaste,toothBrush.Flying Machine''.and many more

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Edited by kingallahslave - 14 years ago