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rakeshopg thumbnail
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Posted: 4 days ago

The entry of Seema and her conversation with Giriraj was probably the worst part of the episode. It was so not required, a simple conversation could have been much better. Seema seems to have her own agenda here against Giriraj here.

Again it looks like a repetition of Anurag's character now. Seema will go against Adi eventually, thinking Giriraj will prioritize him over her for minister position (same as what happened with Anurag and Omi). If thats true, an attack on Adi coming soon with Kavya rescuing his life putting herself/child's life in danger.

Hopefully, the makers dont keep repeating the tracks in a circle with different characters and plots/sequences. It becomes so predictable and boring.

rakeshopg thumbnail
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Posted: 4 days ago

This track looked completely unreal and forced drama, especially after Adi and Kavya practiced to share/communicate everything so well for quite some time since they started working. They had difference of opinions and fought/argued but they were able to clearly communicate everything.

How could they not discuss and mutually agree to do things here? Thats really unbelievable.

The situation here was very close to reality. Any couple would do the basic minimum things in such situation. But, an IAS and MLA such strong-minded/intelligent/focused/married..etc failed miserably.

A very good lesson for the viewers about the importance of communication/discussion instead of assumptions/taking things for granted, in any relationship.

rakeshopg thumbnail
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Posted: 4 days ago

It looks like Kavya will make a deal/agreement with Adi to come back to him, only if he stays away from her work now. Otherwise, it seems like there is no point for her to stay with him anymore for whatsoever reason and it may be only for her love for him. As her trust on Adi is completely broken, and it was all expected to come this far.

Hopefully, we see some very strong reason for them to reunite now after sorting out the differences.

rakeshopg thumbnail
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Posted: 4 days ago

Hopefully, the makers show Kavya's posting at secretariat as a blessing in disguise now. They may have brought this purposely (which looks all forced drama currently) to clean up the corruption at the roots. If the ministers/top level do their work honestly, the officials/administration at bottom level would be left with no option but to do their work correctly.

Instead of correcting things on the field, in every village/areas under her control, Kavya may clean up the system at the root now. She may achieve better results and more than what she could have done being on the field and faster. The officers like Kavya are definitely needed at the root level.

Now, with her being at the secretariat and access to all the files, she would know about every problem/corruption, where it starts from. That may be a better side of this track (not sure if the writers wanted to do this though).

In the end, this may result into Adi and Kavya working together to stop the corruption/correct things at the root level, so that nothing to do at the bottom eventually. 

That may earn her better reputation and the Collector post later. After all, both of them had joined hands and promised to work together to correct the system and serve the people/nation.

May be the stage is set for them now and hopefully there will be no unnecessary drama put into it now. That will be a treat to watch, hopefully the makers/writers heading towards this.

Edited by rakeshopg - 4 days ago
Lestari thumbnail
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Posted: 4 days ago
It's sad to see Kavya when she finds out that it was Adhi who actually called the reporter. I don't know if it's true or not, but Adhi called the reporter for the good of Kavya and her stillborn child. Hope everything is fine
name2saakshi thumbnail
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Team Kavya

Posted: 4 days ago

Adi don't understand politics but in wrong way he know how to use this. Tell me how he pass out IAS exam.

CherryKavya thumbnail
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Posted: 17 hours ago

The way was rushed to hospital with her stomach paining n helpless Rajiv finding hospital having no doctors to attend on her immediately, certainly she Kavya is not safe in her early phases of pregnancy. If Adi had to rush in emergency to help his wife n child with doctors, it's understandable the lady coming n slapping Kavya upon seeing Ambulance rush for Kavya 

CherryKavya thumbnail
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Posted: 17 hours ago

Adi having his friend to put up the faje news about villagers un happy over Kavya's posting in that village and having her demoted to go to sacchivali was truly unfair, Kavya's stubborness of wanting to remain in the village regardless of lack of safety and medical facilities, certainly no husband wud like to leave his pregnant wife in such a place. This has forced Adi to take such a drastic step to protect Kavya. All this cud hv been solved amicably if they cud hv sat n discussed it well 

CherryKavya thumbnail
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Posted: 17 hours ago

Exactly this looks like repetitive topic. Seema seems to have come for her own benefit n will put Giriraj in the scam along with Adi. Adi n Kavya need to be alert. All said n done, Adi, Kavya n her baby need to be safeguarded all d time. 

rakeshopg thumbnail
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Posted: 14 hours ago

Yes, mostly the writers have nothing new to offer and have failed badly so far. Most of the tracks have been repeated.

Seema may not use Adi, she will use Giriraj for sure. She already knows Giriraj's weakness is the fear for his son and heir. So, she will keep attacking Kavya, and Giriraj will keep instigating Adi to protect Kavya and child. In the process, Adi will continue to make mistakes and Kavya will keep hating him.

All needed badly here is a good communication between Adi and Kavya first to stand together. Then they can handle Giriraj and Seema better.

Otherwise, it will be a replay of Amma track, where Adi will not trust Kavya and Kavya will eventually Adi wrong by exposing Seema.

For the the safety of child, I think, Adi should let go his fear and come to terms that Kavya will not compromise her work/career/job for anything. Nor anyone can convince her and as long as Rajiv there around her, it will definitely not happen.

He already tried everything possible, even ruined her career now, so nothing left for him to make her realize not to risk. He should just leave it to fate now, otherwise he might lose Kavya as well forever, which he cannot afford, as he has none except her in his life.

Edited by rakeshopg - 14 hours ago