No I know some scenes were purposely filmed some dark shots, but the majority of the drama seemed quite drab. Perhaps because I watched it online, but I sometimes see the channel here in the UK and seems dull most of the times, and when I watched Hum for the first time here in the UK it seemed more lively and better quality. Even though Hum still has a long way to go in comparison to other channels and even Indian channels. I hope our channels get that sort of quality and become HD.
Originally posted by: starstruckk
Yeah, Humtv has better cameras or something..even Humtv's most crappiest of shows are easy to watch merely because of their print.
And, I like how Humtv at least puts up a good quality link of every episode for each of their show...I don't see Geo and ARY doing that yet.
Originally posted by: HeavenlyBliss.
I think Geo uploads their videos betteras on Hum, on a lot of their videos, the sound doesn't sync properly with the video. Like their lips move first and you ehar them speak after, its damn frustrating! Why can't they check it before uploading :@
Just okay types episode 🤔 nothing special 🥱
Geo has made a channel on and they upload HQ videos over there