Originally posted by: NigelMolesworth
I've few questions.
Was Kiran's issue only about physical abuse? When she demanded respect from the first guy...was it only about abuse?I was shocked to hear that she left college because this second guy is against it. Isn't curbing your dreams disrespect? It almost looked like they were taunting working women. So much for respect.
Originally posted by: NigelMolesworth
I've few questions.
Was Kiran's issue only about physical abuse? When she demanded respect from the first guy...was it only about abuse?I was shocked to hear that she left college because this second guy is against it. Isn't curbing your dreams disrespect? It almost looked like they were taunting working women. So much for respect.
She was teaching at a school, the second guy asked her to quit her job, not her studies. He wanted to take care of her himself.
I don't think Adnan asking Kiran not to work is disrespect because Kiran never actually wanted to work.