Missed the #Oscars telecast but did an interesting shoot with @BarunSobtiSays . Can't give details.. Let's see how it turns out.
And she followed him 😎
Pooja Dutta i.e Barun's spokesperson said that she cannot reveal anything atm in details. Also, Barun will start being available as from March then news will come 😎
They would look HOT together ☺️ Damn, I can't wait!
People are already being like woww Arnav and Arohi ☺️😳
And yes Astrus said it's not for Scavin. Hopefully it's an ad <3
It's a short film guys 😳 Looking forwarddd!!
Here Kritika talked about it 😳
At around 12:50
She is awesome, I love her! <3
@poojadutta2002 this is at an optic exhibition in delhi!!
So any guesses who this is ...
@BarunSobtiSays #Scavin !!