You are right the USA education system is not the greatest, but yet everyone benefits from a free education. The downside of this, the taxpayers pay for this. The teachers do not have a say so in what they can teach to a certain extent. They will be fired for any political conversations in the school. The school boards in some districts are against the truth being taught in schools. Therefore, people believe hearsay and the news instead of researching the history of this nation. Many people that come to USA do not know the complete history, just the dream, and the newer generation is occupied by social media. The history taught in school is the history America wants us to know, it is not history we should know. There are many factors why the educational system is flawed and the explanation is even rooted in American History. Nevertheless, it is what it is… vote for a convicted felon, a traitor, and every bad adjective in the book. His only good attribute is he knows how to con a country or countries into believing a word he says. I would think something is wrong with the values and morals of such people.