Don't know where to ask this question, so posting it here
What's this 'game' going on with members making topics attacking actresses and Shreya locking it down
Don't know where to ask this question, so posting it here
What's this 'game' going on with members making topics attacking actresses and Shreya locking it down
Originally posted by: TotalBetty
Don't know where to ask this question, so posting it here
What's this 'game' going on with members making topics attacking actresses and Shreya locking it down
Check this out.... Game
When you look above on the main site of BW-forum here you see - under Global Announcements - the thread about the Jimmy Jab Season 9... Jimmy Jab is a certain kind of game with Minionite as the game-leader giving tasks to the participating members.
Shreya explained it in another thread, so I quote her:
Originally posted by: Minionite
I chose these 3 because the forum nowadays loves hating on these 3 especially. So it's easier to make a "hate" thread and get some engagement. smiley37
Basically the contestants had to answer a question - Do you like annoying hardcore fans?
Those who said yes were told to come here and make a negative thread on DP, Alia, orShraddha (their choice) and see if they could engage people on it.
Those who said no were sent to BB18 forum to ask people why they like BB or BB18 so much.
Thank you @Autumnn & @Clochette
As one of the comments below said why didn’t Nicole Kidman let her daughter model for her favorite brand Balenciaga?
Even after the pedo scandal Nicole Kidman (she's evil) is still spokesperson for that brand
Cardi B too. They're all pure evil
P.S. Tried to tag Zeal17 but it's off
This is last year's article. She still struts around in Balenciaga gowns wherever she goes
Kim Kardwshian (what a surprise), Kendal Jennar, Naomi Watts, Han SoHee are also it's spokespersons
Why would anybody want to associate themselves with Balenciaga after that ? Unless they're twisted themselves
'Wicked' musical is being adapted into a movie, hard to miss it, you see it everywhere, it's being so heavily promoted. Of course being a Disney movie they're selling 'Wicked' dolls aimed at kids. But with one twist though. If you click at the link www.w8cked (I don’t want to give the link here) given at the back of the doll, it doesn't take you to Wicked the movie website, instead it takes you to Wicked themed adult website, yes a po*n site
Could this really be a mistake? Hard to believe