Originally posted by: return_to_hades
No one should be named
Alexander (look at everything he conquered)
Ivan (I hear he was terrible)
Mary (She's bloody)
Joseph (Stalin)
Vlad[islav] (so monstrous he inspired monster legends also)
Vlad[imir] (Putin, Lenin, nuff said)
Winston (starved Bengal)
Henry (had a thing with beheading wives)
Richard (too many bloody crusades)
Julius (Caeser is there but it was Caligula's name too)
Hernan (Conquistador)
Tomas/Thomas (Conquistador)
Elizabeth (Bloody Countess)
Leopold (Belgians in the Congo)
Charles (Manson Family)
Ted (Serial Killer)
Ed (Made people into furniture)
Jack (was a ripper)
Herman (Built a murder castle)
Jeffry (dissolved people in acid vats)
Ashok (led one of the bloodiest battles in history before flip-flopping)
Please add to the list and educate future breeders.
Haha good one. Although I think Saif and Kareena are the biggest attention whores who put up their son for sale, I really don't get why they can't name their sone Taimur 😕 I mean no one really knows or cares about the Timur ruler or whatever.