Titli: Titli organises a retro themed birthday party for Garv, struggles to find the truth behind the picture

In the upcoming episodes of Star Plus' show 'Titli,' Titli will be seen coming very close to solving the mystery behind the picture that scares Garv.

Team India Forums

Team India Forums

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Neha Solanki and Avinash Mishra

The Star Plus series 'Titli' continues to captivate its audience with its intriguing storyline. A recent promo released by the channel has left viewers in suspense as Garv reacts strongly to a picture displayed by Titli on the wall. As the questions mount, India Forums brings you an exclusive update on the show.

In an upcoming episode, Titli plans a retro-themed party to celebrate Garv's birthday, and it's during this event that she inches closer to unraveling the mystery behind the enigmatic picture. She begins her quest for answers by questioning Dhara, Koel, and others about the picture, but to her surprise, everyone evades the topic, urging her to steer clear of it. Undeterred, Titli persists and eventually approaches Dadaji, hoping to find some clarity. Dadaji reveals that the person in the picture is known as 'Chikoo' but is abruptly interrupted by Monica, who prevents him from divulging any further details.

Previously, we had reported on Garv's desperate attempt to thwart Titli's efforts by endangering her life. He secretly adds a 'Dhatura flower' to a shake prepared by Titli, resulting in Drishti, who is allergic to the flower, choking.

The mystery surrounding the picture deepens, leaving viewers eager to uncover the secrets hidden within. As 'Titli' takes viewers on a thrilling journey, the impending revelation promises to be a pivotal moment in the series.

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Avinash Mishra

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Neha Solanki

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Comments (1)

Nonsense TV show. Male lead character is pe*****************v psychotic abuser. Dont promote all these nonsense. People pick up very fast.

1 years ago

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