Pranks BollyCurry Would Play On Celebs

We picked a few of our favorite celebrities and cooked up some fun pranks we would like to play on them.

April 1st has been known as "April Fools Day" for a long time now. It is a day typically designed to prank those who may be susceptible to practical jokes, those who may not be and those just for the heck of it. Bollywood and BollyCurry has a special relationship when it comes to April Fools Day too. However, this time around, instead of listing movies or scenes focusing on pranks, we picked a few of our favorite celebrities and cooked up some fun pranks we would like to play on them.

It has been a while since this leading lady of Bollywood has been rumored to be dating the young Ranbir Kapoor. So much so that apparently the sound of wedding bells could be heard in the near future. It's common knowledge that Kapoor was earlier in an exclusive and much publicized relationship with the gorgeous Deepika Padukone, where Padukone tattooed Kapoor's initials on the back of her neck to seal her commitment. To combine all this in a prank sandwich, BollyCurry would most probably tell Kaif that in a fit of reminiscent buzz, Kapoor stamped an echoing tattoo on the back of his neck which reads "DP" for Deepika Padukone. Maybe this would get Kapoor and Kaif to announce the union soon?

Oh dear! A torn dress? That too worn by the self made fashion icon Sonam Kapoor! The calamity that would ensue and the field day the paparazzi would have. Her movies might not do so well at the Box Office, but her fashion sure gets everyone turning their heads. Therefore, in our minds, that would be the perfect prank BollyCurry would play on the beautiful woman who is popularly known for her universal fashion statements. She rarely has one look out of place so why not tease her on a subject so close to her heart. All in good humor, of course.

Anushka Sharma sat on the famous (and dreaded) couch of Karan Johar's show, Koffee with Karan, where the constant chit-chat revolved around her supposed relationship with one of the most prominent members of the Indian cricket team, Virat Kohli. The news came as a shocker to many but what might astonish Sharma even more may be the fact that Kohli is quitting cricket for the love of his life - her. Love might be in the air but will Sharma be able to live without Kohli earning money by doing what he does best? Worry not, Kohli fans, the cricket star isn't leaving the field any time soon but you have to admit, it'll be one great prank! 

When we speak of cricket, how can one not mention Shah Rukh Khan and his deep association with the sport? Khan's team, Kolkata Knight Riders, is known many things, some good, some bad, but one such news has us gasping with surprise. Apparently King Khan has been informed of a certain cricket champion and his new desire to join the Kolkata Knight Riders - none other than Mahendra Singh Dhoni. How we'd love for this to be true but hey, one can dream...and prank! Who said pranks only exist to make people suffer? We like to bring in a rush of joy as well, albeit it being short lived. 

The charming but very young Alia Bhatt is a sweetheart out and out, there's no doubt about that. But her gullible nature also makes it very easy for the world to dupe her into things that may sound close enough to the truth, hence why she is the perfect target to play a prank on. You could tell her something as weird as Mahesh Manjrekar, who is standing up for the Lok Sabha elections, has won and she wouldn't even bat an eyelid. Most probably won't even ask for proof. Only until she has congratulated the party in question would she acknowledge that she's been made bait of...again. 

Salman Khan is getting married! Yes, you read right! The eternal bachelor of Bollywood is chucking his single title and is finally settling down. The lucky lady is not from Bollywood, for reason's he wishes not to disclose, but he plans to tie the matrimonial knot sometime in November this year. You wish! Everyone knows that Khan has been constantly hounded by the media prying to find out what his love life is like. We wouldn't be surprise if he suddenly came out one day and played the mentioned prank on us, just to get us to leave him alone in peace. The shock factor is definitely there though, we can say that for sure.
BollyCurry wishes everyone on India-Forums a safe and joyful April Fool's Day. Leave us with comments on who you think would be easy to prank and if you had the choice, who would you like to play a prank on.

Note: The above ideas are made in jest and not a direct attack on any of the listed celebrities.

Author: Saraa K.
Editor(s): Juju K. and Jenifer Y.
Graphics: Fizii.

Have a suggestion or comment for BollyCurry? Then drop us a PM at BC_Dropbox today!

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Shah Rukh Khan Thumbnail

Shah Rukh Khan

Salman Khan Thumbnail

Salman Khan

Mahesh Manjrekar Thumbnail

Mahesh Manjrekar

Katrina Kaif Thumbnail

Katrina Kaif

Sonam Kapoor Thumbnail

Sonam Kapoor

Ranbir Kapoor Thumbnail

Ranbir Kapoor

Deepika Padukone Thumbnail

Deepika Padukone

Anushka Sharma Thumbnail

Anushka Sharma

Mahendra Singh Dhoni Thumbnail

Mahendra Singh Dhoni

Alia Bhatt Thumbnail

Alia Bhatt

Virat Kohli Thumbnail

Virat Kohli

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