Look, who's the favourite co-star of Rajkumar Rao...

The actor who ruled the year 2017 despite the films by Khansreveals his most favourite female co-star of all.

Rajkummar has worked with some of the beautiful actresses by now but, his favourite amongst all is the one he shares a very close relationship with. And it's very own partner in crime actress, Patrlekha.

One of the longest relationships of the couples from Bollywood is of Rajkummar Rao and Patralekha. The duo has been dating and going strong for a long time. The couple has also worked together in CityLights (2014). Post that, recently, they were also a part of the web series called, Bose: Dead/Alive.

When a leading daily spoke to Rajkummar about working with Patralekha, the actor said, "I was happy to work with her in the web series, because she's a wonderful actor, and one of my favourite co-stars. I am not saying this because we are in a relationship. She is committed to what she does, and such co-stars make your job easy."

He further adds, "When we work together, it is always about the character and how we can make the scene better. We share the same passion when it comes to acting."

Apart from being the travellers, the actor is also happy that Patralekha is an actor as well. "It does help that Patralekha is an actor. We love talking about acting and films."

When he was asked about their marriage plans Rao stated, "Not right now. Both of us want to focus on our respective careers, and we're not thinking about it. Marriage will happen for sure but I don't know when."


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