Kid being ASSAULTED in the VIDEO is the Niece of this Singer

You'll be SHOCKED to know, that the Kid who was being assaulted in the video is the niece of...

Priyanka Chauhan Thumbnail

Priyanka Chauhan

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Kid in the Video is the Niece of this Singer 
A video of a young girl being assaulted by her mother has been making rounds on the social media since a long time.

Virat Kohli was the first one to express his anger and pain after watching it and soon after he posted it on his social media account, many Bollywood and Television celebs expressed their concern and gave their piece of mind about the issues.

After a lengthy research, an entertainment portal found out that the kid that's being assaulted in the video is none other than singers, Sharib Sabri and Toshi Sabri's niece and the lady hitting the baby girl is their sister.

The little kid's name is Haya and it's very sad and shameful that this thing is coming from a family of talented artists.

Here are few other videos of the baby girl that Sharib Sabri had shared earlier:
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Dia Mirza Thumbnail

Dia Mirza

Arjun Rampal Thumbnail

Arjun Rampal

Jennifer Winget Thumbnail

Jennifer Winget

Karan Wahi Thumbnail

Karan Wahi

Toshi Sabri Thumbnail

Toshi Sabri

Virat Kohli Thumbnail

Virat Kohli

Sharib Sabri Thumbnail

Sharib Sabri

Comments (13)

@Cshafkat: Pot calling kettle black huh ?

WTH! do u know about my country before you comment on it or the beauty of it ? Someone who knows nothing about the country & never lived, other than having an idea just based on the media articles & news has no right to comment on others. While I have been to 20 countries & counting including yours to give an first handed experience on the culture before commenting.

For the topic on where you belong from, you can dig your own profile & find the comment where you have self confessed - where you are basically from & etc. I have no interest in wasting my time to prove an hatemongerer "silly".

Please don't even go to multiculturism topic, we've been living in a society that has been multi-cultrual for decades, don't even dare to start a debate on this now ! I've wasted enough time on an non-Indian hatemongerer.

LOL !!! Truth hurts ??? What sort of truth hurts ? The one that you shouldn't be on a forum which has nothing to do for an outsider ? You couldn't even digest my comment that you'd to hit the Dislike button & you're calling me it hurts, irony !!!

As an Indian I have a right to praise my country & similarly criticize for the shortcomings - its my birth right but you don't have it. You go to your country's forum & blabber how much ever you want, none over here would be even bothered to counter you.

When your so called civilized country failed to educate you on how to be civil & dignified, I wonder where you might have ended up if you were brought up in any other 3rd world or 4th world country.

7 years ago

Cshafkat we don't need a reality check. And, I so wish I could cross that line and point out the great doings of yiur country. But, alas not everyone is a moron like you.
We don't need to tell a troll like you about the beauty of our country. Just get your butthurt ass to doctor asap before it turns infectious and consumes your remaining brain too.

7 years ago

@--Amulya-- Cant prove me wrong regarding my points so you decide to point out my language. Nice try loser!

@basherz Beautiful country??? LOL what's so beautiful about your sorry country? You're such a lunatic. Yeah you cant even prove me wrong so you tell me not to be concerned. I pity you.

You morons are suffering so badly that you cant even justify choosing that mass murdering old fool as your PM. Truth hurts doesnt it? Indians cant handle the truth. That's why they get pissed when someone criticizes them. But they think it's okay to be racist or bash others. Indians are such lunatics.

I knew you're stupid enough to assume where I'm from but let me tell you. I belong to a country that supports human rights and multiculturalism. If you can figure it out then go ahead. If you get it wrong I will come and bash you even harder.

Go ahead and try to pin down my nation's faults. The country I belong to might have its share of shortcomings but it got over them and developed itself and now it's known for its tolerance and freedom. Problem with your country is that they don't wanna fix their problems. They like to keep things the way they are and then in the end complain about how there are so many problems. Indians love criticizing others but cant take a single criticism regarding their own filthy nation.

I challenge you to point out faults regarding my country. If you know your positives and negatives then why is your country still a third world country? Why is it still "developing" and not "developed"?

@Xx..Anjali..xX You're the one who needs to see a doctor. Yeah you dont need my opinion on who you choose. That's what every butthurt Indian says when someone gives them a reality check. Your so called Supreme Court hasnt been able to punish rapists and lynch mobs and here you're barking and trying to defend your so called India. I pity you morons.editDate>2017-08-23...ed...

7 years ago

Cshafkat: just mind your languagethe so called amas murderer has been given a clean chit by the Honourable Supreme Court of India which has rightly given death penalties to terrorists and mass murderers like Afzal for which the terrorist loving UPA went to SC at midnight.
Mind your language and let our country be the way it is. We don't need your opinions on who we choose or not. And since you are so butthurt I would suggest you to see a doctor to get that shoe Outta your ***.

7 years ago

so the mom is identified, so what next ? What has I-F done as their moral responsibility other than filing an article - just another click bait ? Shame on the mom to treat her kid like that, I wasn't even beaten once in my entire lifetime for an record by my parents & I'm an proud Indian - my mom is strictly a non-violence preacher & even never used to allow anyone to scold other's kids either - that's the society I grew in.

@Cshafkat: wtf! is wrong with you ? If you have such hatred for India & Indians, get the hell out of here. We don't need hate mongers like you to spew anymore venom on these platforms - which is basically for Indians & Indian show/movie lovers.

What we ban in India or don't ban is none of your concern - if you don't belong to this beautiful country.

Who are you to judge us, on whom we choose as PM or President ? Being an outsider you have zero ground value & anyone who supports your stupid arguments can leave the hell out of this site. Its Indian-Forums not your country's forum.

We know our positives & negatives, so you can keep your comments to yourself. And for the final time shut the f**k up & get out of this forum. I-F moderators/admins kick these brats out of these forums - if they don't know how to maintain dignity & be civil.

If I start pinning down your nation's heroics (yes, I do know where you are from & where you reside as well - you have confessed in your own comments on another topic in one of the forums atleast), there'll not be an full stop but I don't steep so low as you to downgrade others on their own platform.

7 years ago

Such acts can't be justified at all. It's kind of mental harassing which is not good for a child. A child never forgets the pain she/he has gone through in her/his childhood which is why parents are being told not to indulge in fights and all infront of kids because they're sensitive. Even though Toshi made a statement that we can't judge her sister for a minute video still he can't justify the act his sister did. Everybody can see how scared is her child and how she's begging for mercy...such parents needs counseling.

7 years ago

@Cshafkat, You'll know what kind of a person you are once you check the language you used in the post, I think its high time to reflect yourself

7 years ago

I just happened to read Toshi's reaction on the whole thing.. But before commenting on people over reacting and judging the scenario based on the video, he must first answer, if they didn't want such public interference, why was this video made and published on the internet? Also, seriously the kid is crying in pain or maybe even if its one of the kid's mischievous tricks, you go around taking a video of it ? Justifying something just because it has been practiced since long in our society doesn't make it right.

Rest to each its own, but from next time onward such people and celebrities should be very careful with what they let outside, because once its out on the net, you are giving everyone the right to judge, comment and interfere.

7 years ago

These are the types of people that are capable of murder!! If she was in any foreign country she would be in jail right now!! Nothing will change in India...sad and pathetic

7 years ago

I hope the woman doesn't go and beat her brothers for outing her.
This kinda torture is a routine for many children in India.

7 years ago

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