Jhanak: Jhanak accuses Arshi of marrying Aniruddha out of competition

Jhanak written update, 7 October 2024: Jhanak accuses Arshi of marrying Aniruddha out of rivalry, not love, and claims her love for him ended long ago.

Jhanak: Jhanak accuses Arshi of marrying Aniruddha out of competition
Jhanak and Arshi from the show Jhanak. Image Courtesy: Star Plus

Tonight's episode of Jhanak begins with Jhanak meeting Aniruddha, gently placing a flower on his forehead as the song "Tanha Sa Dil Hai Mera" plays in the background. Lost in her thoughts, she reminisces about their time together. Overcome with emotion, she admits her mistake of living without him, acknowledging that she hurt herself while trying to distance herself from him. 

Holding his hand, she pleads with him to wake up, expressing how she's unable to find happiness away from him. She tells him he is not just her husband but also her best friend, her entire world. Despite the pain they've endured, she says she only desires his happiness and is willing to accept all the sorrow. Jhanak tearfully admits that although they can't be together physically, they will live under the same sky, and she remains devoted to him.

Jhanak reflects on their bond, stating that while she cannot reveal the truth about their relationship with the world, her mother knows they are husband and wife. She breaks down, praying for his recovery. Meanwhile, Anuradha hands Appu a piece of chocolate and a letter from Aniruddha. Just then, Bablu calls Anuradha with shocking news about Aniruddha's condition, but she decides not to alarm Appu and hides the truth. Appu unknowingly prays for the recovery of an unwell person.

Aniruddha reacts in Jhanak's presence:

At the hospital, Arshi and Shrishti arrive, sceptical about Aniruddha's condition. Arshi refuses to believe he is unwell, despite Bipasha and Lal explaining the situation involving Jhanak. Bablu and Choton confront Lal, while Arshi and Shrishti are taken aback by the mention of Jhanak. Tanuja informs them that Aniruddha's condition is critical, but Arshi remains distrustful, accusing the doctors of exaggerating. Demanding to see Jhanak, Arshi is pointed upstairs by Aditya, whom she sarcastically mocks as she leaves. Aditya, in turn, rebukes her for her attitude.

The doctor requests Jhanak leave Aniruddha's side, but she insists that he is responding to her presence. The nurse marvels at the miraculous change in his condition. The doctor explains that Aniruddha recognizes her on a deeper emotional level, and her presence is giving him comfort and driving these improvements. He asks Jhanak to step out, but she pleads to stay with him a little longer.

Meanwhile, Aditya boldly declares that he isn't afraid of anyone and reminds everyone of Jhanak's contributions. He criticizes Arshi for not believing in Aniruddha's illness earlier, yet being present now. He highlights how Jhanak's faith, manifested through her prayers at the temple, seems to have worked when science had given up hope.

Shubh interrupts, accusing Jhanak of being unlucky, while Arshi remains defiant, sarcastically claiming she wouldn't mind facing Jhanak even if it risks her own life. She asserts her place as Aniruddha's wife, but Choton reminds her that she abandoned him. Shrishti questions Choton, accusing him of calling Jhanak, but he denies it, suggesting that perhaps destiny is at work, trying to reunite Aniruddha and Jhanak. Shubh dismisses this idea, while Choton challenges him to investigate, convinced that Jhanak is key to Aniruddha's recovery. Tanuja questions whether Jhanak's temple flower has made any difference, but Choton remains hopeful of a miracle.

Aniruddha's condition improves:

Arshi prepares to leave, but Shrishti tries to stop her. Arshi insists on seeing Aniruddha, asserting her position as his wife. Shrishti reminds her about her upcoming trip to Dubai, urging her not to get distracted by unnecessary drama. Aditya overhears and mocks Shrishti's advice, revealing that Jhanak is also supposed to attend the Dubai dance festival in a few days. However, he adds that Jhanak won't leave Aniruddha's side, even for that. Annoyed, Arshi orders him to leave, but he refuses, vowing to stand by Jhanak, pointing out that not everyone in the family is against her.

Elsewhere, Appu expresses her worries to Anuradha, but Anuradha encourages her to read the letter. Appu refuses, believing that Aniruddha will return. She hugs her dolls, clinging to hope. Meanwhile, Arshi heads towards Aniruddha's room despite Shrishti's objections. Arshi claims Jhanak has no right to live anymore. Upon reaching the room, the nurse informs Jhanak that Aniruddha is stable, calling it a miracle. Relieved, Jhanak tells the doctors to proceed with the surgery but insists on staying until the operation is complete. The doctors thank her, saying that Aniruddha's improvement is due to her.

Jhanak's reply for Arshi:

When Jhanak steps outside, Arshi confronts her, angrily questioning her presence. Jhanak responds by asking why Arshi wasn't there for Aniruddha. The tension escalates as they argue, with Jhanak asserting that she will always be there for him. Arshi accuses Jhanak of ruining both her and Aniruddha's lives. Jhanak calmly asks if Aniruddha had ever said this himself, further frustrating Arshi. The family gathers, and Bipasha and Lal mock Jhanak, but Bablu defends her, asking if she has seen Aniruddha. Jhanak confirms that he is stable and assures them that she will stay until he fully recovers, adding that she has already prayed for him.

Arshi continues to accuse Jhanak of creating a public scene, claiming that Jhanak talks as if she is Aniruddha's wife. Jhanak firmly responds that in her heart, she believes she is. She challenges Arshi, pointing out that if Arshi truly considered Aniruddha her husband, she wouldn't have abandoned him when he needed her the most. Jhanak explains that Arshi has never truly understood Aniruddha, only caring about defeating her. 

She accuses Arshi of marrying Aniruddha out of competition rather than love and points out that any love Arshi once had for Aniruddha ended when problems arose between them due to Jhanak's presence. Jhanak further accuses Arshi of wanting to move abroad for selfish reasons, neglecting Aniruddha's needs. Despite being scolded by Bipasha, Lal, and Shubh, Jhanak stands her ground, boldly declaring that their relationship won't end unless she decides it.

Precap for the next episode:

In the precap, Arshi attempts to visit Aniruddha, but the doctors warn her that his condition is deteriorating because of her presence. Meanwhile, Aniruddha asks for Jhanak, expressing his wish to see her first after the operation. Jhanak reassures him, promising that she will be there when he wakes up.

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