Ambalika, Predicts people's future
King Naag/Naagraj is Amrita's father
AS: Vikram
Vikram is Amrita's foster father, dead
AS: Naag
Naag is Kanak's love interest
Queen Naaginn/Naagrani is Amrita's mother
AS: Sneha
Sneha is Karan's wife
Rudra Pratap Singh is Singh family's 2nd son, killed Naag's, main antagonist
AS: Naaginn
MaaSa/Triveni is Singh family's head
Queen Surmaya is the Queen of Trikund Lok
Amrita is the main actress of the show she is the daughter of Naagraj & Naagrani
AS: Kanishk
Kanishk is Amrita's enemy and prince of Trinan Lok
AS: Kanak
Kanak is Devotee daughter to evil Bhairav Baba, foster daughter of Rudra and Archana
AS: Karan
Karan is Vishnu's son
AS: Arjun
Arjun is Karan's brother and Amrita's to-be-husband
Ratna is Vishnu's wife, Karan and Arjun's mother
Bhairav Baba is Tantrik guru who tells Rudra about the naagmani, antagonist
AS: Amrita
Amrita, Small Naaginn, as a child
AS: Vishaka
Vishaka is Amrita's maternal aunt & sister of Naagrani, dead
Vishnu Pratap Singh is Rudra's elder brother
AS: Archana
Archana is Rudra's wife, Kanak's foster mother
Nagdev is the Ruler of naag kingdom from whom Amrita seeks blessing to fulfill her mission