Kyun Hota Hai Pyarrr is a college-based series that essentially revolves around Nikki, Adi and Ash - their lives and love. Nikki - the main protagonist, a simple small town girl who has just arrived in Mumbai and is looking to find her feet among strangers in a strange city. She has idealistic and romantic notions of love. Niki and Adi are the most romantic couple of greenfields College. Adi - He is other main character who is the most popular guy in college. He loves Nikki. Ash - She is rich girl who loves Adi. All of Ash's energies are directed towards breaking the realtionship between Niki and Adi and get back Adi. The other characters in the show are - Kuku - He is a narcissist who spends all his time grooming himself and checking out his reflection in the mirror. he thinks he is Gods gift to girls. he and ramya shar a cute love hate relationship always after each others lives and revelling if the other gets into trouble. Malini - the tomboy who has a perturbed home life and keeps much to herself. Jatin - He is the perfect nerd, whose life revolves around computers and thick books. Runs away from girls. Ramya - who judges everyone on the basis of their sunsigns. Abhi - the guy who can't stop flirting but can't find true love. All these characters complete the canvas of love and separation. Tune in to these youngsters week on week.