The story revolves around Guddan, a 20-year-old girl, who makes a mess of every opportunity that comes her way and therefore people have lost all hopes on her. Life takes an unexpected turn when she marries an old man and becomes India's youngest mother-in-law.
Guddan is raised by her father, who is her only confidante and support system in the house along with Revati Gupta (Srishti Mitra), Guddan's step sister in the show. She lost her mother at an early age. Guddan's stepmother, Kaushalya who is played by Trishna Vivek tries to bring down her confidence by her infamous line 'Guddan Tumse Na Ho Payega'.
Can Guddan handle her three daughters-in-law, who are older to her, and prove her critics wrong by overcoming all her challenges, will be an interesting plot to watch and will keep the viewers intrigued. The show airs on Zee TV from Mon-Fri at 8 pm.