Chacha Chaudhary About

Originated in the sixties, Chacha Chaudhary is a take off from the popular series created by Pran - the famous cartoonist. Chacha Chaudhary is loved by the elders and children alike - is desi, tiny, shrewd and a do gooder character who stands against evil.

His original ideas and tricks come handy when every law keeping force fails against the ever - perpetuating satanic forces.

He is believed to be faster than any computer…and ofcourse he is not alone in his mission.

Sabu, the man from Mars is there to take care of the physical side of the adventures and last but not the least, Chachi in her own right is not less than any heroic character of any comic strip.

The giant from Mars - Sabu, work wonders with the Indian viewers in very original ways.
