Lahore Story

A Selection - New Delhi Selection of the National Indian kick boxing team is to be done. There is a buzz in the air, final stage of qualification is in process, frenzy activities taking place amongst the players, administrators, bureaucratic and all high profiles involved with the game in varied manners.

Amidst all this, there is

A Minister...who wants his favorite participant to be selected.

A Coach....who wants merit to be the order of the day.

An Aspirant...who dreams to qualify purely on the basis of his merit. His true aspirations are at a challenge with the behind the back politics going on.

Another Aspirant...Overconfident, well connected and aims high to represent India, but not on merit, connections instead.

As the mix of emotions, aspirations and palpitations reach to a vortex; a bilateral kick boxing tournament with Pakistan is announced.

The aspirations are intensified, so are the activities and comes the day that leads to the destiny being sought in the ring.
