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Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Jimmy Jab Games Season 7 0 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 1 months ago




Burning skin

Crackles of fire

Screams of the pained

Tears of the grieving

Sweat trickled down his temple as he shot up awake yelling incoherently, his chest heaving, his hands fisted the blanket as he glanced around looking for the dangers.

He blinked covering his eyes as the door swung open and the lights switched on blinding him for a few seconds.

“Maan…” Rhea came rushing to his side with her husband. “Are you okay?” she touched his unmarked cheek in concern.

He tensed for a moment blinking and slowly nodded. “I’m fine mama”

“Do you need anything son?” Rajeev asked gently touching his shoulder.

“N…no” he shook his head, he swallowed thickly as he inhaled and exhaled as his therapist suggested. He wanted to shove back the memories, he didn’t want them.

Rhea and Rajeev looked at each other in silent understanding then slowly stepped away.

“Just call if you need anything” Rhea brushed her hand over his thick hair pressing a kiss to his forehead.

“Mmhmm” he hummed nodding but kept his eyes averted. They slowly walked out closing the door and he lay down staring at the white ceiling thoughtfully.

Why don’t the nightmares stop?

Why do they continue reminding him that they’d died and he survived?

He didn’t want that.

He should’ve joined them.

He closed his eyes once again hoping the nightmares don’t return for the rest of the night. It seems someone must’ve heard him and his nightmare didn’t visit him for a second time.

First love is always the memorable one, they say.

“I cannot wait to get home” Kanchan murmured.

“We’ve got around 22 hours ladies” Jamie chuckled flashing a cheeky smile as the ladies they walked passed.

“You do realise you weren’t given this uniform to flirt with the ladies?” Geet looked at Jamie arching her brows.

“Now it isn’t my fault, the ladies are drawn to me” Jamie winked.

“Mmhmm remember you’re married to this lady” Ashley slipped her arm around his arm smirking.

Jamie’s smile widened. “How could I ever forget? You come up with such beautifully creative ways to remind me”

“I don’t want to hear anything, I’ve not had any in two weeks” Kanchan scrunched her nose at them. “So don’t mention sex!”

Geet rolled her eyes at them and continued ahead showing her badge to the officials as they all made their way to the terminal and towards their plane.

She pulled out her phone calling her mother before she climbed aboard.

“I was just thinking of you baby”

Geet smiled brightly. “Hey Mum, I’m just about to climb on aboard. I’ll be landing in about a day…”

“Oh that’s great. I really wish sometimes you didn’t have to be away for so many days”.

“It’s only been 3 days” Geet laughed.

“Hey baby girl” Suneel called out from the background.

“Hey dad” Geet chuckled loving the sound of him. “How’s he been mum?”

“Your father is well, he’s been accompanying me in the gym”

“Only to fight off the men” Suneel spoke taking the phone of Marissa.

“You sure it’s not to check out the ladies?” she teased.

“I only have eyes for your mother”

“Good answer” Marissa spoke taking the phone off Suneel. “Geet, your little boo has been asking for you”

“I’m coming to get him” Geet laughed. “I missed him so much”

“Mmhmm, I’ll tell him” Marissa answered. “Have a safe flight honey”

“I will, I’ll call you when I land”

“Tell me your flight number, we’ll come get you” Marissa suggested.

“It’s okay mum, I’ve left my car parked up so I’ll drive back. I’ll probably see you a day after that…” Geet trailed off.

“Why don’t you just come straight here? You can sleep in your old bedroom”

“I’ll think about it mum” Geet responded. “I’ve got to head off now, I’ll see you soon”

“Alright baby. Take care of yourself” Marissa replied cutting the call. Geet switched her phone off and climbed aboard preparing herself mentally for the long hour flight.

“Are you going to speak to her or shall I?” Marissa questioned Suneel.

“Let her rest for a while then we’ll speak to her” Suneel responded thoughtfully.

“What if she says no?” Marissa arched her brows.

“We’ll see when it comes to that. It’s going to be her decision” Suneel replied. “I don’t want to pressurise her but she isn’t so young anymore”

Marissa nodded in understanding and smiled.

Chapter 1

Hand stays bare

The sparkling diamond disappeared

But the feeling of the cold band remains even if it’s not seen.

Geet S Pearson was a beauty that attracted attention, good and bad.

She caught the eyes of many, but her eyes remained for only one.

Even if the one isn’t before her eyesight anymore.

She dreamed big and achieved them, some may even say she touched the sky with the tips of her fingers literally. Dressed immaculately in her uniform she stood at the front of her business class aisle offering her smile, a smile that was wide and very fake. Being in the business she was in, it was drilled into her brain that she must always smile. Always.

She ignored the lewd stares she’d received from the passengers and continued doing her job professionally, keeping smile maintained and swear inwardly. No one will hear her thoughts.

“Good morning ladies and gentlemen this is your captain speaking. We would like to welcome aboard Emirates Group Flight service 306 from New York to Delhi, India. Once we are airborne the flight time is 21 hours 25 minutes, we are not expecting any turbulence so it’d be a smooth flight all the way. Once again welcome to Emirates Group, we hope you enjoy your flight”

“Ashley, drinks” Geet pointed to the tray.

“Geet…” Kanchan hurried over to her side looking nervous.

“Please don’t tell me you’re having a panic attack again” Geet faced her friend.

“No, I… it’s these passengers. They’re not… they’re complaining about the woman behind them who’s breastfeeding her child” she murmured.

“Wait…” Geet her held her finger up and scrolled down the manifest she’d received from the flight agent. “Offer the lady seat 08A in business class, just say something like there’s a comfortable seat available for her here” she suggested.

“Alright thanks” Kanchan nodded and returned to her aisle.

“I’m starving…” Geet mumbled as Ashley returned to get some more drinks from the fridge. She pulled open the drawer and grabbed her container which she’d stuffed with fruits and crackers.

“Do you want this wrap?” Ashley asked grabbing one of her foiled homemade wrap.

“Yes, please” Geet nodded eagerly taking the wrap and pulled the foil apart from the top and bit into it. “I need to sleep so bad…” she murmured with her mouthful.

“Mmhmm… tell me about it” Ashley nodded and returned to her aisle leaving Geet in the kitchen area to eat peacefully.

Echoes so deafening

Shrapnel flying in different directions

Another aiming for him

“How are you feeling today?” Shirley asked gently.

“How do you think Shirley?” Maan answered with a question of his own.

“Any nightmares?” she looked down at her notes.

“You know it” he replied.

“As always Maan you’re not answering me properly” Shirley shook her head.

“As always Shirley, you’re always giving me the same old lines. I can’t believe I’m paying 25,000 per month for these 4 sessions” he responded.

“Maan” Shirley said his name warningly.

“Shirley” he repeated in the same tone.

“Did you do your breathing exercises like I suggested?” she asked.


“Did it help?”

“To calm myself down, yes” he nodded.

“Alright so there’s some progression from our last meeting” she jotted down the notes.

“If that’s what you call it” he murmured earning another narrowed teasing glare.

He simply offered a small smile.

“I can’t wait to speak to Gaurav” Shirley murmured quietly though loud enough for Maan to hear.

“Shirley please don’t be dragging my grandfather into this” Maan shook his head disapprovingly.

“Well you could speak properly instead of going around bushes” Shirley shrugged.

Maan glanced at his wrist watch and stood. “Our 30 minutes is over”

“But…” Shirley wanted to protest.

“I’ll see you in a week’s time” Maan offered a smile walking out her room.

“Breathing exercise and your notes” Shirley called out.

Maan chuckled to himself inwardly shaking his head as he left the office.

“Shirley called me” Gaurav spoke hearing the footsteps of his grandson enter the house.

“I expected her to” Maan replied walking over and taking a seat.

“You’ve not been answering her questions properly my son” Gaurav stares at him.

“I pay 25,000 rupees for 4 sessions, isn’t she supposed to give me advice and get over it?”

Gaurav shook his head disapprovingly. “That isn’t what a therapist does…” he paused.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” Maan inquired.

“Your dadima got a few proposals…”

“No” Maan’s face tightened.

“Maan…” Gaurav said calmly.

“Please don’t dadaji” he shook his head breathing heavily. “And tell dadima to stop bringing these proposals” he stood walking away.

“Maan listen to me…” Gaurav stood to go after him.

“Give him some time alone” Savitri placed her hand on her husband’s shoulder silently consoling him knowing he was just as upset seeing that Maan was upset.

“What do we do Savitri?”

“We can only be there for him” she replied staring silently at her grandson.

“Did you call sir?” Geet approached the young man who’d pressed the bell a few times. She’d ignored him after the first time he’d called her over and asked for her number however he’d been pressing it insistently.

“How about that number darling?” he smiled teasingly at her trying to seem charming.

He wasn’t being charming at all, he looked like a daddy’s spoiled kid.

“I’m sorry but I don’t give my number out to children” she replied passing a bright widened smile and strutted away rolling her eyes inwardly.

“I want a complaints pack” the guy yelled out.

“Sort him out for me would you?” Geet handed Ashley a complaints pamphlet.

Ashley chuckled walking over to the guy and explained how to make a complaint then walked away.

“I want to sleep” Kanchan murmured as they stood in the kitchen area preparing hot drinks for some of the passengers.

“Tell me about it, only another 3 hours to go before lights out” Ashley jokingly fist pumped the air.

“Mmhmm” Geet nodded. “I think Yasmine’s preggers” she mumbled.

“How’d you know?” Ashley gasped in surprise.

“She’s got the hormones and a small bump” Geet informed.

“Has she told Brian?” Kanchan whispered.

“Do you think Brian would have let her fly if she did” Geet chuckled.

“She tell you?” Kanchan frowned.

“Nope, I told her I need to speak to her when she’s back in Mumbai” Geet responded. “She knows she can’t be working when she’s pregnant, she’s probably around 4 months or something” she shrugged. “After that, I’ll break it to Brian”

“That’d be a good idea” Ashley nodded.

“If you girls fall pregnant, let me know first please. I don’t want to be guessing” Geet turned to them.

“I’m not falling pregnant for another 5 years” Ashley informed. “I love my job and my life. Jamie isn’t ready either for kids…” she added.

“It’s so not fair man, I want to be married and have 2.5 kids and I don’t have that… and these two have it but don’t want it” Kanchan mumbled pouting her lips.

Geet chuckled shaking her head. “It’d happen one day…”

“I can’t believe Yasmine though, didn’t she just marry Ali about 6 months ago and she’s already pregnant…” Ashley laughed.

“We all knew she wanted kids straightaway so good for her…” Geet grinned. “Ali must be really good if he was able to knock her up so fast”

“Mmhmm…” they both hummed in agreement and Geet nudged them to go ahead and serve the hot drinks whilst she prepared the blankets to give out.

Maan knocked at the study door to let his Dadaji know of his presence however walked in without waiting for his permission. He knows his Dadaji does not like being disturbed in the evening, which he spends reading books and prefers referring as “me-time”. But he didn’t know where else to go now.

He has come to hate his time with any of his family members as they’ve only one topic to discuss about – his marriage.

A couple of years ago, he had looked forward to getting married and settling down. But things changed during last two years, time changed, and most importantly people change. He, of all, has most definitely changed.

He glanced at Dadaji sitting down on the sofa with the support of armrest and white walking cane. Finding a comfortable position he relaxed. Dadaji nodded his acknowledgement and continued reading his book which caused Maan to give a small smile.

Dadaji was the only person in the house with whom Maan felt comfortable with and being himself as he didn’t treat him any differently. Instead he was still the same strict, disciplined yet sweet loving Dadaji he had always known.

Maan very much enjoyed spending time with him even if it was spent in utter silence like moments like this. He didn’t like being so alone however he also didn’t like being around his family so much. Hence, he preferred silence over the chaos.

While Dadaji was always his inspiration and role model for as long as he could remember and he continues to remain so, Maan was more close to his Dadima amongst all.

However, in the last two years he has bonded with his Dadaji on an emotional level and they’ve become very close. It was only because of the man sitting in front of him that Maan regained some of the normalcy and stability back into his life.

Being with Dadaji meant he won’t be receiving sympathetic or sad looks.

Dadaji instead looked at him with pride in his eyes, although Maan wasn’t sure anymore if he has really done anything worth being proud of.

But it was a relief since Dadaji didn’t treat him like he was a three year old who needed help and guidance at every step he took.

“Where are you lost, son?” Dadaji asked Maan closing his book and removing his reading glasses.

Maan just shrugged in response.

“You know you can talk to me about anything” Dadaji started gently.

“I don’t know what to do about Dadima and mama. They keep persuading me. And I don’t like telling them off time and time again”. He sighed rubbing his face.

“Then stop denying them and start considering their options” Dadaji said with a small gentle smile.

“Not you now, please. How can you even support them knowing this bride hunting will leave us with the same result like before?” he asked exasperated.

“Maan, not everyone is same. And just because we’ve had couple of disappointing result doesn’t mean we give up and stop looking around. It doesn’t mean you give up. I will not take you as a quitter. So, stop this self-pitying and try to move on. I know you’re better than this. I’ve taught you to be brave and strong to face any situation.’” Dadaji responded sternly though compassionately.

“Anyway, it’s not your loss. It’s theirs. So, you’ve got nothing to be ashamed of. Now, get up and come downstairs. It’s time for dinner” Dadaji added getting up and walking towards the door leaving Maan behind to ponder over his words.

“And yes son, I don’t want to receive any calls from Shirley complaining about you not contributing to the sessions. You’re a grown-up man so behave like one. If I get another call from her again, we will be having words” Dadaji said with authority and finality in his voice as he looked straight in Maan’s eyes before walking out the room.

“Dear Lord…” Maan sighed heavily shaking his head. He had his mother on one side, his grandmother on the next followed by his grandfather and Shirley, all of them jumping down his throat in some way or the other.

“You do remember Geet might not be coming here?” Suneel asked as he watched his wife cleaning up her daughter’s old bedroom.

“And she just might” Marissa chuckled as she shuffled things around. She grabbed the photo frame from the dressing table and smiled.

Suneel wrapped his arms around his wife gently pressing a kiss to her temple. “She’s doing so well…” he looked down at the frame proudly.

Marissa hummed in agreement brushing her fingers across her daughter’s smile.

“Tara and Sean will be coming tomorrow” Suneel informed.

“That’s great. Geet will definitely come home then” she turned around to face Suneel grinning widely.

Marissa Pearson met her husband 36 years ago in college, she was 17yrs old at the time whereas Suneel was 18yrs old. Their initial friendship changed to love and affection for one another. The only issue for them at the time was their races, Marissa Pearson belonged to the Christian white family whilst Suneel belonged to an indian family.

Back in their days interracial marriage was frowned upon, it still sometimes and some people see it as odd even now.

But luckily, they weren’t tied down by ideology and cultural traditions, both families had talked to each other over the phone as Suneel’s parents lived oceans away in India whereas Marissa’s had settled in America after their shift from England. Both families were open and shared a mutual respect which made it easy for their kids to marry and love one another.

At aged 18yrs old, smitten by her husband she had tied the knot. A year later they had welcomed their first daughter, followed by their second 3 years later. Both their daughters had their mother’s beauty and the intelligence of their father. A little over a decade however, they had to make the move to India due to Suneel’s mother’s ill health. At age 32 in 1997, she had uprooted and followed her husband. There were highs and lows that came with the change, but they ploughed forward holding each other’s hand facing every storm that came their way.

“Hey Papa when is Gigi coming?” Nick called running into the room. He halted looking between them. “Eurgh are you kissing? I’m going to tell Gigi I saw you kissing”

“Wait here, you little monkey” Suneel released his wife and ran chasing his grandson.

Nick screamed running around whilst being chased whilst Marissa watched them both, admiring her husband and her grandson together as they played around.

Chapter 2

Mask in place

Smile as always

No one will know the facade

Geet pulled the curtains closed to where she sat, majority of the passengers were fast asleep and her colleagues were catching some sleep as well with few agreeing to stay awake whilst they attended to the few passengers who remain awake.

They were going to be landing very soon in Mumbai and her excitement peaked. It’d been only 3 days but she missed her family whenever she flew.

She grabbed her bag pulling out her wipes and makeup, she wiped her face with the cool wipes and applied a fresh new layer of makeup soon after.

It was important to keep appearances fresh and immaculate always, there shouldn’t be a time where you seem dishevelled especially when attending to passengers.

Feeling a little refreshed she packed away her things back into her handbag and stood walking over to the drawer and grabbed herself a protein bar feeling starved. Unfortunately for the crew, they receive the same meals as the passengers – food that comes in foiled containers. Many tend to bring their own food or homecooked meals, however sometimes they tend to forget like Geet did here. She’d brought some fruits and managed to snag some protein bars on the way to the airport but was in such a hurry she’d forgotten to get herself a few sandwiches.

She snagged a bottle of water from the fridge and ate her protein bar quietly, keeping herself alert should any passengers press the call button.

Avoid mirrors they were brutal reminders

Of his failure

His damaged skin were a mark of shame

Rather than a mark of pride.

Maan Khurana was a man of discipline and principal. He followed a simple set of rules in his life, and that could’ve been due to having a grandfather who’d once been a General in the Indian Army. He’d once aimed to be like his grandfather however fate decided different. He didn’t regret it though.

He simply wished the nightmares weren’t of his failure.

He sat in his home office for a few moments before dinner wanting to go through his email, being a federal government security analyst it was important he was always available in case of an emergency. He ran through some vital checks as usual and went through any emails he’d received. Replying to his colleagues regarding some suspected emails they’d received he locked his laptop and grabbed his cane. He stood with the support of his cane and walked out of his office.

Kartik was sat with a laptop in front of him, with his mother and Dadima occupying the two seats besides him, when Maan paused and stood watching them all from the first floor landing.

He watched his Dadaji join them on the opposite sofa and pick the remote to switch on the TV. From where he was stood, he could see that Dadaji had switched on to a football match.

He tried to see what his brother and the two women were doing, but failed to catch a glimpse as all three had their heads in the laptop. He just hoped they were not considering some potential brides’ profile on the matrimonial sites. He’d had enough listening to his mother and grandmother going on and on about brides. He could swear he could hear their voices even in his sleep.

“Kartik, stop looking into your phone and tell me what do you think of this one?” Rhea asked her youngest son making Maan sigh in irritation.

Maan instantly wanted to retrace his steps and lock himself in his room rather than go down and sit amidst them and listen to the qualifications and occupation of some girl. Or worse, listen to their opinions and praises on how beautiful the girl looked in her profile picture.

“Just a sec mama” Kartik replied.

Kartik then went on to open another tab and open his Instagram account. As the page got loaded, he typed a name and opened someone’s profile.

“Who’s she?” Dadima asked.

“She is a model” Kartik answered, not once shifting his gaze from the picture he has just opened.

“Who’s the girl with her?” Rhea fired next question at him.

“Mama, will you let me look at the picture in peace?” Kartik asked annoyed at the interruption. They weren’t letting him drool over his latest crush’s new Instagram update.

“Shut up. And tell me who is the girl with her” Dadima smacked on his head.

“She’s got such beautiful blue eyes”. Rhea commented.

Having heard enough of the nonsense, Maan turned to go when his Dadaji asked him to join them for dinner. Seeing as he had no other choice, he started descending the stairs at a snail pace, wanting to delay getting down.

“She is an interior designer”. Kartik finally replied knowing it was better to give them what they wanted than making them angry. He decided he will look at his crush’s picture when he is alone and there is no one throwing questions at him disturbing his thoughts.

“That’s nice. A woman gifted with skills in designing homes”. Dadima said sounding pleased. “Is she single?” she questioned curiously.

“How would I know Dadima?” Kartik shook his head. “Not everyone posts their life online” he rolled his eyes.

“Then how did you know she is an interior designer?” Rhea asked confused.

“Mama, it says that in the tags here”. Kartik huffed.

“Don’t be huffing at me” Rhea twisted his ear.

“Dadaji” Kartik whined.

“You deserve it son” Gaurav chuckled. “You know very well not to mess with these ladies”

“Yes, Kartik” Dadima joined in. “You should listen and take notes down” she smirked glancing at her husband.

“Okay meri ma… please please let go of my ear” he pleaded pouting his lips.

Rhea shook her head and released his ear. “Remember it my darling son, or else I’d be ripping it off next time” she narrowed her eyes.

“Yaar where is dad when I need him?” he murmured knowing for sure his dad would’ve sided with him.

“This woman looks so elegant and graceful in that business attire. I like how she carried herself. One can see the confidence and pride in her eyes. I’m sure she will be perfect for our Maan. I can already imagine these two together”. Dadima gave her two cents returning her eyes on the woman they’d been admiring a moment ago.

“You got to know all that just looking at a picture. How?” Kartik asked incredulously.

“Experienced eyes, my son” Dadaji answered instead, winking at his wife.

Listening to his wife rave about the woman who caught her eye, Gaurav had walked around and a taken a look at the woman himself. And he must say he liked what he saw. The woman indeed had a spark and there was a certain charm to her.

Maan got curious having seen his Dadaji take interest in the drama that was unfolding in the living room for the first time and reluctantly moved towards the sofa to see what all the commotion was about.

What he saw caused his heart to skip a beat and he stood rooted to his spot. There was a woman who looked no less than a dream. Dressed in a white sleeveless jumpsuit she looked almost angelic, her pretty looking curls left open with some of the strands kissing her face, she looked breathtakingly gorgeous. The white colour complimented her fair complexion and it made her blue eyes look more prominent.

He couldn’t guess if the colour of her eyes were naturally blue or if she was wearing contact lenses. He wished he could brush his fingers along her face to see if her skin was as smooth as it seemed in the picture.

His train of thoughts would have continued if not for his Dadaji asking the name of the woman who has taken the Khurana household by storm.

“It says Geet Pearson” Kartik responded after he checked the name tags on the picture. “Her Instagram account is private though” he added.

“Alright, try to find some details about her if you can” he suggested and glanced around. “Now all of you come and have dinner. We’re already late” Dadaji told them.

Kartik left his laptop and moved towards dining area telling Maan to follow.

Maan, who had been in kind of a stupor, snapped out of his thoughts and frowned.

What the hell! His family’s craziness was rubbing off him. And where did all these stupid thoughts come to his mind?

He couldn’t believe his family was now looking at random girls’ pictures on internet and collecting all the details.

“Maan, for how long do you plan to keep standing there? Come and have dinner” Rhea gestured to the table.

Maan shook his head as if shaking all the thoughts of the woman out of his mind and walked towards the dining table and took his place. He involved himself in the conversation which thankfully wasn’t related to his marriage.

Geet stood with her smile in place as she thanked the passengers as they climbed down the steps and left. Her smile still stayed in place when some of the passengers that she’d cleverly avoided winked, though mentally she was cursing them and wished they tripped over the steps and broke their legs.

Once the passengers left, the crew grabbed their belongings and climbed down, the cleaning crew already waiting at the bottom to get to work once everyone leaves.

“Want to grab a few drinks?” Jamie asked glancing around.

“How can you be up for a drink?” Ashley nudged him. “We’ve been flying for so long. I just want to sleep” she rested her head on his shoulder as they walked inside.

“What time are you guys flying back tomorrow?” Geet questioned.

“We set off tomorrow at 9.25pm” Jamie answered. “You’re lucky you’re living here so you’ve got no more flying for another 3 days?”

“Actually I’m off for a week, booked it off an extra 3 days” Geet replied and glanced at Kanchan. “Do you want me to give you a lift?” she asked.

“No, I’ve told my dad to come already so he’d be here” she shook her head.

“I can’t believe you’re still living with your parents” Ashley chuckled.

“Whatever” Kanchan rolled her eyes.

“Alright lovelies… I’ll catch you all later” Geet hugged them quickly and walked towards the parking area. She smiled as she glanced at her phone screen and answered the phone.

“Hey mum, I’ve just landed” she informed before Marissa even said something.

“Are you coming down here?” Marissa questioned happily.

“Mum I am so knackered” Geet groaned climbing into the car and buckling in. “I promise, tomorrow evening…”

“Sean and Tara are here” Marissa informed.

“You called them over didn’t you?” Geet laughed.

“Baby girl I’ve not seen you in a…”

“Hiiii Gigi!!!!” Nick screamed into the phone. “I’m waiting”

“Hey boo” Geet grinned widely loving the sound of his adorable cute self. “I’m on my way baby” she told him.

“I’ve made you cake with papa” he responded as he paced around the room like his Papa. “Papa let me lick the icing off the bowl”

“Oh did he now?” Geet responded placing her phone on speakerphone and slid it into her iPhone holder and started the car. “What else did you do with Papa?”

Geet listened as Nick went on about the stuff he’d been up to, she could’ve listened to her boo all day and night if she’d had the option.

“Mind if I talk now monkey?” Suneel ruffled Nick’s hair.

“Papa I’m talking to Gigi. You’re going to have to wait” Nick frowned and climbed onto the sofa stretching his legs out. “And you know Gigi I got 30 percent in my spellings” he grinned proudly.

“Boo, you do know that isn’t good” Geet chuckled.

“That isn’t? Papa told me…”

“Boo give it to Papa would you for a moment? Gigi needs to shout”

“Papa here, Gigi wants to shout!” Nick held out the phone.

“I didn’t say anything” Suneel spoke into the phone.

“You aren’t fooling me dad” Geet chuckled. “You’re supposed to help him do better and not say he’s done well. 30 percent is rubbish”

“He didn’t do that bad. The teacher knocked marks off for his bad writing”

“I heard that Papa” Nick frowned crossing his small arms in front of him.

“Where’s Tara?” Geet asked.

“Helping your mother make grilled salmon and Greek salad” Suneel informed.

“Right I’m speeding up now” Geet grinned. “I’m starving. Tell mum to add lots of olives and avocado” she added.

“Alright I will, come home quick” Suneel chuckled.

Geet said her bye and cut the call.

“Stop eating the avocados” Tara smacked Sean’s hand frowning disapprovingly.

“What?” Sean rolled his eyes. “Geet should stop trying to copy me”

“You only liked avocado after she forced you to try the guacamole” Tara reminded.

Marissa laughed looking between her daughter and son in law. “Sean, set up the table please” she cut in noting Sean wanted to reply with a snarky response.

“Nice save” Sean winked at Marissa.

“He’s just trying to piss me off now” Tara scowled.

“Calm down love” Sean mocked. “I don’t want you to blow your top off”

“Mum!” Tara turned to Marissa.

“Sean, leave” Marissa pointed to the dining area.

“Okay dokey” Sean smirked turning to leave.

Grabbing an avocado from the bowl Tara aimed and hit his head.

“Tara” Sean gasped rubbing his head. “I swear down pregnancy makes you mad”

“You’re making me mad” Tara rested her hands on her hips narrowing her eyes.

“Alright football, I’m going” Sean laughed.

“That’s it…” Tara snapped ready to go give him a blasting, Marissa quickly intervened.

“Tara it’s not good for the baby. You know what Sean is like, you let him get to you” she brushed her daughter’s cheek.

“He’s such an arse! I can’t believe I love this dork” Tara huffed.

“Sean what did you do to upset my daughter?” Suneel walked into the kitchen gathering Tara into his arms and hugged her.

“He’s such an arse” Tara complained. “He keeps calling me football”

“Sean…” Suneel shook his head.

“Dad, you seriously need to come live with us and see why I call her that” Sean walked in laughing holding Nick in his arms.

“Leave baby mama alone” Geet appeared smacking Sean on his shoulder.

“Hey baby girl” Sean threw his arm around her and hugged her tightly.

“Gigi” Nick screamed throwing his arms around Sean as well as Geet.

“C’mere” Geet took Nick off Sean and hugged him tightly. “Missed my boo so much” she pressed kisses after kisses on his face. Once she’d given Nick his share of kisses, she hugged her parents and Tara tightly.

Once they’d shared a few words, Geet excused herself wanting to quickly change out of her uniform before they sat down to eat.

“What are you thinking about?” Gaurav joined Maan on the sofa.

“I’m just cursing my fate for giving me my mother and dadima” he responded.

“And why are you cursing your fate for having these amazing women?” Gaurav chuckled in amusement.

“They don’t have an off switch” he murmured. “As soon as dad came home, they went on and on about getting me married” he rubbed his palm over his face.

Gaurav chuckled “They aren’t going to stop son until they see you married so its best to accept their determination and go along with it. Believe me son, I learned the hard way”

“And till date your dadaji regrets that one time” Savitri laughed walking into the living area and settled on the sofa.

“Please don’t bruise me in front of our grandchildren” Gaurav looked at his wife sweetly.

“Dadaji nobody would believe us if we said you were once a general” Kartik settled by dadima’s feet resting his head on her lap. “You can go up against anything but not dadima” he laughed.

“I can also crush you with one hand” Gaurav mockingly glared.

Maan laughed.

“What are you laughing at bhai?” Kartik scowled.

“Don’t even think about starting on me Kartik, you’re going to lose” Maan replied.

“Fine, let’s go an arm wrestle”

“Kartik didn’t you learn your lesson last time?” Rajeev shook his head at his son. “You want to break your other fingers as well?”

“Great, why don’t you all gang up on me?” Kartik huffed.

Chapter 3

False promises

Don’t have expectations

It hurts when you’re disappointed

“Where’s Tara?” Marissa entered the living room glancing around as she placed the tray of coffees on the table whilst Suneel followed in with a few sweet desserts.

“She’s gone to put Nick to sleep” Sean answered grabbing himself a coffee.

“God… mum why do you bring desserts out for?” Geet huffed.

“One small piece of cheesecake won’t hurt” Suneel chuckled helping himself to a chocolate mousse.

“I made you this” Marissa picked up the bowl. “It’s toasted oats with mango and yoghurt” she informed.

“Ooh that’s good” Geet smiled taking the bowl and grabbing a spoon. “How have things been whilst I was away?” she questioned staring at her mother.

“You’ve only just come back, you want to talk work already?” Marissa rolled her eyes at her daughter. “Eat up and rest”

“Alright” Geet shrugged and grabbed the remote switching the tv on. “Anything new with you and Tara?” she glanced at Sean curiously.

“Other than football being moody, everything’s been good” he replied.

“I hate him” Tara joined them scowling at Sean.

“I love you too sweets” Sean grinned widely.

“Dadddd” She turned to Suneel.

“I’m tired” he flopped his head back closing his eyes making everyone laugh.

“Leave her alone” Geet smacked Sean then turned to Tara. “Nick asleep?”

“Yeah, just about. He wanted his little boo to take him out for a drive” Tara chuckled.

“I’ll take him out tomorrow or something. I’m off for a week now until then” she informed.

“Thank goodness for that, you’re staying here” Marissa told her.

“I’m guessing that isn’t a request” she smirked.

“No darling, it isn’t”

“Mum I expect this from like typical mothers but you…”

“Geet Pearson do not piss me off”

“Suneel Shergill, you need to tame your wife. She’s looking at me like she’s going to kill me” Geet turned to her father mimicking her mother’s tone making Sean and Tara burst out laughing.

“Why you little…” Marissa shook her head glancing over at her husband. “Thanks for spoiling her”

“When they do something bad, they’re my daughters and when they’re good they’re yours” Suneel sat up straighter. “And Geet…” he turned to his youngest daughter. “That isn’t a way to speak to your mother young lady” he answered trying to keep a straight face but seeing his daughter snicker he laughed.

“Suneel” Marissa smacked his arm.

“Yaar mujhe hi dosh dena band karo” he spoke.

“Whatever the hell that means, back at you” Marissa scowled at her husband. “And stop saying that word yaar, I am not a street tomboy friend”

“Go home Geet” Suneel turned to his daughter. “Whenever you’re here I’m always in the dog house”

“Excuse me, it’s not me” Geet laughed.

“It is so you” Tara nodded her head agreeing with her father.

“Serious Tar, you’re siding with dad. Hoes before bros sis” she waved.

“And where was hoes before bros when you chose to side with Sean and Nick the other week teasing me?” Tara arched her brows.

“What? I was being honest. That dress made you look like Quasimodo”

“Stop teasing me about my weight bitch” Tara scowled looking hurt.

“What?.”.. Geet laughed unable to hold back. “I’m joking” she leaned forward pressing a kiss to Tara’s cheek. “I love you sis”

“I don’t like you right now” Tara replied looking away.

“I know” Geet winked. “You love me”

Screams never stop

Tears continuing streaming down

Helplessness settles within

I failed

Maan jerked upright looking around his room, he listened for a noise but there was pin drop silence. Once again it was just his nightmare.

The images of those nights so clear, they seemed to have embedded into his memory.

He couldn’t get them out, he tried to push them away but they return every night reminding him of some of the harshest days he’d witnessed.

His eyes drew to the clock and noticed it was early morning, knowing he wouldn’t be able to sleep he climbed out of bed wincing slightly as he put pressure on his left leg and limped into the bathroom.

After he’d done his morning routine, he dressed grabbed his white cane to support him and walked downstairs. Nobody else seemed to be awake at this time, the living room seemed empty and there wasn’t any noise coming from the dining room nor the kitchen.

“You’re awake pretty early?” Rajeev smiled down at his son as he climbed downstairs. “Are you okay?” he asked placing his hand on his son’s shoulder.

“Yeah I’m fine” he answered. “Are you going somewhere?” he asked noticing Rajeev was all dressed, he didn’t have to be in work until 10am and it was only nearing 7am.

“I was going to get some breakfast” Rajeev replied smiling. “You know I cannot cook for the life of me and your mother is still sleeping” he added.

“Want me to cook something up for you?” Maan chuckled.

“No, how about we both go and enjoy some breakfast together? We can bring back some doughnuts and coffee back for everyone” he suggested to which Maan agreed to.

Wake up

Glance around

Side is empty

And you realise what is lost

“Sleep well?” Suneel looked up at his daughter as she walked into the dining room.

“Mmhmm” Geet nodded. “Where is everyone?” she glanced around.

“Tara and Sean left last night, they have to open up the bar today so couldn’t stay” Suneel explained.

“Damn… I never go to say bye” Geet murmured.

“Your little boo is still here, he refused to go home” Suneel laughed.

“He playing?” she stood glancing out the window and grinned seeing Nick riding his small quad bike. “He looks so cute” she sat back down grabbing a toast. “Where’s mum?” she asked noting her mother wasn’t anywhere to be seen.

“Shower” Suneel replied.

“Oh… Can you make me scrambled eggs then?” she asked.

“You’re going to have to learn cooking one day love” Suneel shut the newspaper and stood grabbing a pan and opened the fridge pulling the tray of eggs out.

“I’m busy” she explained in two words.

“Excuses, excuses” Suneel rolled his eyes. “C’mon up, I want you to watch”

“Daddd” Geet frowned. “I’m not getting up”

“It’s supposed to be your turn to cook me stuff and I’m still cooking for you” he shook his head.

“Whatever” Geet buttered her toast and poured herself a cup of coffee. “I want pepper in my scrambled eggs” she told him over her shoulder.

“Anything else?” he sighed.

“Yeah, can you pass me an avocado from the bowl?” she held her hand out.

“Enjoying yourself darling?” Marissa walked in grabbing the avocado and passing it to Geet then turned to her husband.

“You should’ve let her go back to her apartment” Suneel responded.

“You’re really enjoying it” Marissa grinned pressing a kiss to his lips then turned to Geet. “Morning, how did you sleep?” she bent down pressing a kiss to Geet’s temple.

“Great” she sipped her coffee. “I am still tired though”

“Mmhmm, flying constantly will make you feel like that” Marissa nodded stealing a glance at Suneel, they’d both spoken about Geet last night and had concluded they were going to speak to her today.

Physical appearance is what is seen

Behind each mark is a story

That no one wishes to listen to

They simply come to their own conclusion

“How are your appointments going?” Rajeev asked as he and Maan settled in a corner booth of their local cafe.

“Shirley not so well” Maan smiled. “But the physiotherapy is going great”

“What’s going on with Shirley? I thought she was great” Rajeev looked curious.

“I don’t know dad” Maan sighed. “I don’t like speaking about everything but every time I go to see her, it’s like she’s wanting to cut me open and just wants to express everything. I don’t even know where to start sometimes” he explained.

“Son, I can’t say that I understand what you’re feeling when you’re facing her and are having to speak about stuff, you’d like to forget but I would only suggest you try. Start by telling her small things, things that you liked previously then go from there” Rajeev answered. “Like I said though, I’ve not seen the life you’ve seen. Maybe if I had chosen the same career path, I might have been able to help you” he sighed.

“I’m happy you’d chosen something you love; you’ve done a pretty great job with the business” Maan reassured, he offered an uneasy smile when the waitress came with their order. Maan noticed the glances he’d received and her hesitation as she placed them down and hurried away. He felt his heart sink wondering whether this feeling would go away. Would there ever come a time when he’s not so outed from the community?

“Rudra called yesterday evening after you’d gone to bed” Rajeev recalled.

“Oh, did he say anything?” Maan inquired grabbing his grilled sandwich and ate.

“He’ll be hosting a barbeque this weekend and wanted you to come over” he informed. “It’s a small get together” he added.

“I’ll call him later and speak to him” Maan replied. “How’s work?”

Memories is all you have left

The positive overcomes the negative

A desire to feel that feeling once again arises now and then…

But the heart accepts that some people aren’t just cut out for that feeling.

I didn’t know how to hold onto it.

“Nick, come inside now. Watch some cartoons” Suneel called opening the back door.

“Aww” Geet pouted lifting her nephew into her arms. “We want to play some more”

“Geet, bring him inside” Suneel waved over. “He’s been out playing, he needs to hydrate and rest”

“Papa Neel” Nick whined. “I wanted to play with my Gigi” he wrapped his arms around Geet’s neck holding her tightly.

“Gigi will play in a little while” Suneel answered ruffling his grandson’s hair. “Go and drink up your milk and eat your snacks” he pointed to the bowl of fruits Marissa had laid out for her grandson.

Geet put Nick down to his little feet and he went running into the living room sitting on the floor grabbing his milk and fruits, his eyes immediately drawn to the tv.

Geet was going to join and settle for a while when Suneel spoke.

“Follow me?” he gestured to his office.

“Uh, yeah sure” Geet looked curious and walked in. “It’s not something serious is it?” she asked. “Mum…” she looked surprised seeing Marissa already in the office waiting.

“Guys…” Geet looked between her parents. “What’s going on?”

“Sit down” Marissa patted the seat beside her offering a gentle smile.

Geet nodded settling down and turned to her face her mother whilst her father settled on the arm of the chair facing her.

“Baby” Marissa took her daughter’s hand smiling. “There was a few proposals that came…” she started.

“No” Geet stood immediately shaking her head.

“Listen to your mother Geet” Suneel told her.

“I don’t want to get married” Geet sat back down looking away from her parents.

“Baby listen to us” Marissa cradled her cheek and turned her head towards them. “We’re your parents, we don’t want anything bad for you”

“Your mother’s right Geet. We both love you, all we’re saying is just see them and see if you both have some common ground and we’ll go from there” Suneel added.

“You don’t get it, I don’t want to get married. After marriage what if the family expects me to… leave my job for them?” she huffed. “What if he expects me to cook and clean like those… indian weird serial actresses that die a thousand times?”

Marissa snickered covering her mouth immediately, this was an important conversation.

“Just meet them” Suneel sighed. “You don’t have to say yes, or anything. At least meet them” he stressed.

“You’re using your no argument tone” Geet scowled.

“You’re right I am” Suneel rolled his eyes. “I’m not saying I’m going to get you married straightaway…”

“Dad pleas…”

“Geet, good proposals are far and few these days” Suneel cut her off. “And you being 31years old and single isn’t quite common around here”

“Geet you wanted to find someone yourself to marry but you’re not even trying” Marissa reminded.

“I’m busy, hello. Are you both hearing?” she frowned.

“Excuses, excuses again” Marissa shook her head disapprovingly.

“Are we done now?” she crossed her arms furrowing her brows.

“Just say you’ll think about it” Suneel responded.

“Alright, fine. Dear God! You both just don’t stop” she stood shaking her head.

“You never know, you might just find the one” Marissa winked.

Doubt it Geet thought inwardly but didn’t say anything else.

Chapter 4

Not all dreams come true

That doesn’t mean that you stop dreaming.

“Pearson is in the building!” Shibhani yelled out.

“Hide the food” Aryan hissed grabbing the take out containers.

“Zarina” Shibhani hissed noticing her continuing to sit and not help.

“I don’t know why you lot are running about, Marissa’s not going to eat you up” Zarina rolled her eyes.

“Do you think we’d care if it was mama Pearson?” Shaira walked over rolling her eyes. “It’s Geet who’s back”

“Oh” Zarina tensed. “I’m so behind with my client” she covered her mouth. “She’s going to chew me up” she stood looking for her client’s file. “I’m booking an appointment so I don’t have to see her, it’s not like she’s going to be here much long. I mean she’s got to be back tomorrow or so for her flight right?”

“It’s your lucky week” Geet informed glancing around the office. “I’m off till next week” she winked.

“Hey Geet” Zarina plastered a wide smile.

“I invented the fake smile so it doesn’t work on me” Geet rolled her eyes and looked around at her team. “Aryan, seriously? Take outs?”

“Well we all can’t be fitness gurus” Aryan sighed.

Geet shook her head disapprovingly and walked past them. “Send Adhira to my office”

“It is so not fair man! She has like 13 days off in the whole month” Zarina murmured.

“And yet instead of partying and resting, she comes here to lecture” Aryan sighed.

“I’m going to do a side course and become an air stewardess” Shaira piped in.

“I’ll join you” Shibhani chuckled.

“You called Geet?” Adhira knocked on entering the office.

“Just give me a brief update of the clients that they’ve got this month” Geet told her offering a small smile then returned to her files on her desk.

Whilst Adhira rattled on the updates, Geet unwrapped her bouquet she bought and started arranging them properly and placed them in a vase.

She walked over to the window releasing the lock and opened it widely smiling as she glanced outside.

“Saima put in a request for maternity leave” Adhira continued down her list. “Interns are to be interviewed for Saima’s replacement cover and for Shravan”

“Shravan?” Geet inquired. “Where has he gone?”

“Uh he resigned two weeks ago” Adhira replied. “His father was diagnosed with cancer so they’d moved to USA for treatment”

“Oh, okay” Geet nodded. “Anything else?”

“Rishi called in sick today”

“And what was his reasoning this time?” Geet rolled her eyes.

“Nose bleed and he was under the weather… something like that” Adhira mumbled.

“This is 4th sick over the last few months?” She arched her brows.


“Alright…” Geet pulled out her phone flicking through her schedule. “Book him in for a meeting this Thursday at 2pm”

“When he asks what it’s for?” Adhira quizzed as she jotted down some notes.

“Tell him it’s his disciplinary meeting for his absence” Geet responded. “He read the contract when he joined my business”

Adhira nodded. “Would you like anything else?”

“No” Geet shook her head. “How’s the office been?”

“Uneventful” she chuckled.

“How’s your little ones?”

“With my rotten apple of a husband” she sighed.

“I am always advising you to go see Sherryl, she’s one of the best attorneys working here” Geet laughed.

“Where would I go with my kids?” Adhira sighed pulling out a chair and sat down. “At 37 years old, it’s going to be difficult being single and bringing the kids up alone”

“I understand but that doesn’t mean you have some b*stard drag you down” Geet replied. “Adhira you also need to think about your children. Is Vijay the sort of father you want your kids to see as a role model?”

“I can’t do it at this age, my kids still need a daddy even if it is a rotten one” Adhira murmured.

Geet nodded though she disapproved her colleague/friend’s way of seeing things, her friend had a point, at that age it was surely going to be difficult especially here in India where the woman is supposed to keep the peace in the marriage and compromise at every turn.

One’s personality is shown through their actions not their physical beauty.

Why is it that assumptions are made when one looks at me?

Judge me not by my face but my actions.

“I want an omelette please” Kartik called out noticing Maan in the kitchen.

“You’re old enough to make it yourself” Maan replied.

“Bhai, can you do that one little thing for your baby brother?” Kartik offered a small sad smile in the hopes of getting an omelette.

“Beg then”

“Bhai” Kartik scowled.

“Your plates there already” Maan smirked.

“Bloody heck bhai” he huffed grabbing his plate and headed into the dining room.

Maan shook his head grabbing his plate and walked out the kitchen, his cane tapping against the black floor tiles almost as if reminding him… He pushed away the memories far behind and instead of moving towards the dining room to join the others he moved in the direction of his home office.

“Son, breakfast time includes you” Gaurav spoke noticing his grandson.

“I’ve got Aaron calling me in 10 minutes dadaji” Maan glanced over his shoulder. “I wouldn’t be able to join you today”

Gaurav wasn’t too happy but understood, with Maan working as a federal government analyst he was going to be needed at odd hours.

“Just call if you need us” Gaurav responded nodding his head.

Maan turned and continued in the direction of his office.

He sighed in relief placing the plate down and grabbing his headset. “Speak to me guys, what do you need?” he spoke.

“Maan I need you to find out if there’s anyone with the initials K.B in the area” Jason replied. “He’s a person of interest”

“What’s the crime?” Maan questioned as he tapped rapidly taking in all the information.

“We think he might behind kidnappings of these teen boys” Aaron answered this time.

“Okay, what years are we looking at? Because my results have come up with over a thousand” Maan responded as he clicked away.

“25years to 40” Neema replied.

“7 possible matches” Maan responded as he received the results. “I’ll fax them over to you now” he replied.

“Thanks Maan, we’ll get back to you soon” Aaron thanked and cut the call.

Maan returned to his files flicking through unsolved cases whilst he ate his breakfast.

“Maan” Gaurav tapped on the door just to let him know he was here, he didn’t want to startle his grandson.

“Yeah, dadaji?” Maan answered continuing to focus on the screen in front of him.

“Son, you’ve been in here for 3 hours now” Gaurav reminded.

“I’m coming out in a little while, Kartik has already called me for lunch” he replied, he paused when Gaurav didn’t respond and looked over. “Did you need anything?”

“No, nothing” Gaurav smiled as he looked around the office then turned to Maan. “Seeing you work pleases me” he touched Maan’s shoulder.

“I enjoy it” Maan replied gently.

“Not as much as before I suppose?”

“I don’t regret a moment, I miss it but I’m still helping here” Maan smiled, he turned for a brief moment locking up the screens and stood. “What’s mama cooked for lunch?”

“It was your dadima today” Gaurav responded.

“Dear Lord…” Maan shook his head.

“You’ll be okay son, it’s me I’m worried about. I’ve got a poor immune system, you can already guess I’ll be upstairs clutching on to my stomach”

“I heard that” Savitri glowered at her husband.

“Maa, papa is joking” Rajeev spoke in the hopes of soothing his mother.

“Tell your papa he isn’t allowed lunch” Savitri looked at her son.

“Savitri dear, you already know I love your cooking. It wasn’t your beauty that made its way to my heart, it was your delicious food” Gaurav spoke and winked at his wife.

“Eurgh” Kartik scrunched his nose. “Please don’t flirt in front of me, you’re all old. It doesn’t suit you”

“Just wait till you’re old” Rhea smacked her son’s head.

“Whatever” he rolled his eyes. “By the way I found some information about that woman” he smiled as he looked into his phone.

“Which woman?” Rajeev questioned.

“This woman that was with my angel, Mama wanted to know a bit more about her” Kartik responded. “She’s an interior designer, owns the business P.D - Pearson Designs” he clicked on the website link. “She’s done some really fantastic designing. I love her blue rain drop tiles in the bathrooms she’d designed” he showed his family the pictures.

Not again Maan thought inwardly taking his seat at the table and watched his family silently as they stood behind Kartik as he rambled on.

“She designed that actress’s home as well?” Rhea asked curiously noticing an actress posing beside Geet with a big smile.

“Yeah” Kartik nodded.

“She’s beautiful” Rhea smiled. “It’s all fine with looking at the girl, but we should try to find about her family” she suggested. “It’s not going to be right if we’re looking at only her and finding out everything to only learn she’s married or something”

“You’re right” Gaurav nodded. “I’ll ask around and maybe we’ll find at least her father’s name”

Dear Lord… Maan dipped his head down sighing. “Lunch is getting cold” he cut in as they continued to speak amongst themselves.

“Oh, yes” Gaurav smiled. “Everyone sit now, Kartik you can stop looking around. I’ve got some friends who might know a thing or two about interior designing”

Silent mouths

Cracking hearts

But that still didn’t push us to open up

“Shibhani I asked you for your client update” Geet rested her hands on her hips.

“I… I didn’t check in with my client for the last 2 weeks” Shibhani confessed.

“What?” Geet stared. “Shibhani we’ll lose clients just like that if you don’t see them” she clicked her fingers. “You need to update them, at least every two days. You need to meet them at least once in the week to show them how the house is coming along”

“I know” Shibhani mumbled. “I just… I’m far behind with some clients and these stupid distributors, suppliers were delaying and…payment went wrong”

“If you were on an airplane right now, I would’ve liked to kick you out of it” Geet replied shaking her head. “I can’t believe this. Did you speak to my mum about it?”

“She did ask me for an update but I was scared she was going to tell you so each time she’d call me I lied…”

“I think I’m having a migraine” Geet touched her forehead.

“I’m sorry Geet” Shibhani frowned looking and feeling guilty and upset. “I just didn’t want to disappoint you. I’ve been doing so well last month, I hoped everything will go smoothly”

“Shibhani we’re working in an industry where nothing goes smoothly” Geet straightened pacing her office. “Interior designing isn’t easy as everyone may seem to think. It’s difficult, we work in the direction of our clients. When you’re working in the direction of clients, it’s difficult to give them their specific vision but here we’re aiming to do just that” Geet explained. “Look, I’ll let you off this month because of the money you brought into the business last month. But I need to at least finish one project this month, change suppliers, fire whoever but make some progress”

“I will, I promise” Shibhani nodded.

“Good…” Geet nodded. “Send in Aryan now, tell him to get me the Mehra file”

“Okay” Shibhani grabbed her files and walked out looking at Aryan. “Mehra’s file and good luck… you’re going to need it”

Aryan stared upwards “Please don’t let her shout at me as well, I promise to do a good deed once a day” he straightened and walked into Geet’s office.

Edited by Queen0fDarkness - 1 months ago


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Frequent Posters

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Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Jimmy Jab Games Season 7 0 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 1 months ago

Chapter 5

Who’s at fault?



Or time?

“You’ve been back only a day and you’ve already gone checking” Marissa shook her head at Geet.

“You’re supposed to be helping me mum” Geet murmured sitting down on the stool. “I go back, half of them are lagging behind” she rolled her eyes.

“They’re doing what they can” Marissa responded. “Pass me the salt” she pointed.

Geet stepped down grabbing the salt and passed it to her mother. “I want black pepper and lemon juice on it”

“Yes, yes I’ve got it all down” she responded taking the salt. “Your father is right, you should learn how to start making your own food, he’s always right, we’ve spoiled you”

“Suneel Shergill, wherever you are I hate you right now” Geet called out.

“You’ve wounded me” Suneel walked into the kitchen with Nick in his arms.

“Oops gigi you hurt my Papa” Nick wrapped his arms around Suneel hugging him. “Don’t worry Papa Neel, I fix you”

“Dad” Geet frowned crossing her arms.

“Yes” he turned to Geet arching his brows. “What did I do to deserve my daughter’s hatred?”

“You told mum I’m spoiled” she stated.

“Marissa…” Suneel looked at his wife then turned to Geet. “I didn’t, your mother’s dobbing me in it”

“I did not” Marissa gasped in exaggeration.

“I’m not eating with you lot” Geet scowled and turned to leave.

“Baby ek minute, meri baby gussa ho gayi…” Suneel placed Nick down on the stool grabbing Geet.

“Whatever that means…” Geet huffed. “Speak English”

“Accha baba” he turned Geet to face him.

“Dad” Geet narrowed her eyes.

“Alright, alright” Suneel laughed. “We’re only joking”

“Well these jokes aren’t funny” she rolled her eyes. “I don’t like either of you right now”

“I like you Gigi” Nick grinned widely holding his arms out.

“I love you baby” Geet lifted him up kissing his cheek. “We want to go out don’t we?”

“Yeah” Nick nodded excitedly. “I want burger”

“No, I’ve nearly finished making dinner” Marissa cut in.

“We’ll go out for ice cream and doughnuts afterwards baby” Geet told Nick.

Faint lines are the reminders

Of the piercing screams

The dark red blood

The bodies

Maan leaned back sitting down on the shower support seat unable to stand too long on his feet without any support, he closed his eyes as the water sprinkled over him. He brushed the soapy loofah over his damaged skin gently, though it didn’t hurt anymore it remained sensitive to the littlest touches. After he’d finished he switched the shower off grabbing the towel and stepped out, he reached for his white cane and re-entered his bedroom to dry off and change.

He’d just finished dressing when his phone started going off, he quickly grabbed it.

“Talk dirty to me boyfriend”

“Kirsten shoot away” Maan chuckled.

“Okay, okay Jason wants the background of Lydia James. She’s suspected of being connected to all three girls who’ve gone missing” Kirsten explained.

“Alright, what years are we looking at?” Maan inquired walking out of his room and towards his office.

“1980s, early 1990s” she replied. “From what we learned is the connection to the 3 missing girls was Lydia James. Nothing else was common…”

“So the kidnapper didn’t have any preference?” he cut in confused.

“Yeah, nothing matched. The only common link we found was Lydia James”

“Alright, I’ll send you over the details in the next 10 minutes tops” he responded.

“Alright hot chocolate and cream, talk to you soon” Kirsten sang out cutting the call.

Maan chuckled, if anyone could make him smile when he most needed it, it was his friend Kirsten Vangsness. They’d met a year ago, when he’d joined the Federal Government as a technical analyst assisting the team of Profilers to nail down suspects.

Due to his reluctance of working at the office having to deal with scrutinising with looks, he’d been cleared of working from his home however he was required to come into the office when needed which was fine with him.

The last person on Earth he expected someone to become his friend was Kirsten, she was nerdy, messy, loud and crazy all rolled into one. Everything he avoided.

But that girl made him smile even when she didn’t intend to, she said the right words at the wrong times, she changes her hairstyle and colour every month. Her clothes are ridiculous colours and styles but they suit her. Her glasses frame colours are changed every day. Just thinking about his crazy nerdy friend made him chuckle.

He settled on his chair and started working on finding everything about Lydia James, once he’d gathered all the information he faxed it over to the team.

Gaurav smiled as he finished the call with one of his friends, Savitri raised her brows questioning wondering what was making her husband smile so much.

“Do you remember Anil Joshi?” Gaurav asked.

“Oh yes, Rimmi Joshi is his wife right?” she answered nodding her head.

“Anil Joshi’s cousin is Suneel Shergill, the girl we were considering is Suneel’s” he informed her. “Anil just told me Suneel is looking someone for his daughter as well”

“That’s good” Savitri smiled. “She’s beautiful and very hardworking if her interior designing company is anything to go by”

“I’ve asked Anil to speak to Suneel and get back to us, hopefully we can set a family meeting” he responded glancing over his shoulder at the closed door.

“We’re going to find someone for our Maan” Savitri placed her hand over her husband’s gently. “The other women weren’t deserving”

“I know Savitri but I worry for him, with each proposal it’s disheartening to see Maan simply accept the negatives as the norm” he sighed. “He closes off and becomes reluctant each time”

“You’ll see one day, Maan’s wife whoever she is will be his pillar and see him for his heart and nature, not his looks”

Gaurav nodded and hoped that this is true.

Happiness is never found when comparing

It always makes one wonder

About what they had and they got

Love can never be found this way

“Only been home 3 days and they’ve already got someone coming” Geet paced her bedroom.

“It won’t be so bad” Tara told her sister hoping to calm her.

“Dear God…” Geet slumped down on the bed hearing laughter echoing from downstairs. “I think I’m going to have a heart attack”

“Just be yourself” Tara suggested. “Pretend you’re on your flight”

“I have a plastic smile on my flight” she rolled her eyes. “I can’t believe dad, I bet it’s him who came up with the suggestion of arranged marriage”

“Well you are 3…”

“Don’t even think about finishing that sentence Tar” Geet warned.

“Baby girl you need to consider marriage though” she replied.

“Whatever, not everyone wants to be tied down”

“Geet” Marissa smiled entering the room. “C’mon down”

“I don’t want to go” Geet stood stepping back. “Please don’t make me do this”

“It would’ve been cute if you were 3 love” Marissa chuckled. “C’mon, we’re all going to be here for you” she assured.

“Mum please” she begged pouting her lips batting her eyelashes.

“I promise, if you don’t like him we’ll say no” Marissa promised.

“I can't believe I agreed to this, are we living in the 1800s?” she huffed walking out alongside Marissa and climbed down the stairs.

“Smile baby girl and arranged marriages still happen to this day” she replied.

“I hope he’s ugly and short so I can divorce him afterwards” she mumbled.

Geet gathered herself and smiled entering the living room with her mother, she’d donned on a casual flare midi sleeveless dress, her hair curled and slipped in diamond studs leaving her neck bare.

Her entrance seemed to have an effect on the family who’d come to see her, they’d looked surprised and she found herself cursing her parents inwardly.

The parents whom she assumed dressed in traditional indian saree and his father wore a casual shirt and pants, the guy beside his mother dressed in a suit and the woman beside him wore a salwar kameez, this family reminded her of the indian tv shows her friends watched when they were bored.

Geet settled beside her father and Marissa sat on her right.

I am so going to regret this she thought inwardly.

Chapter 6

“I can't believe you chose that monkey for me” Geet scowled at her parents. The family that'd come to see her had certain expectations and she apparently didn't qualify. They’d turned their nose up at her when she told them the truth about her schedule and what she can and can’t do. Typical families.

“How couldn’t they even guess that I don’t speak Indian?”

“Hindi” Suneel corrected.

“I don’t care what it’s called” I huffed rolling her eyes. “I’m not seeing anyone ever again”

“Why? I think he was handsome, he has a good job and is settled”

“He earns less than me, what if he wants me to provide for him when he sees I earn more than his whole family?” she argued.

“He’s a man, they wouldn’t expect that” Suneel answered.

“Don’t you side with them dad or I’m never speaking to you again” she threatened.

“C’mon I it wouldn’t be so bad”

“Whatever, say no from my side” she looked away crossing her arms.

Suneel looked at Marissa for support who’d only rolled her eyes.

He scowled and she finally broke her silence.

“You deserve it” she told him, “you know your daughter more so you should’ve chosen someone who’d be better fitted for her”

“Someone who cooks and cleans for her” Suneel countered.

Geet turned her head narrowing her eyes. “I can cook”

“Making a toast isn’t cooking, you can’t even boil an egg properly”

“It was one time Shergill” she snapped.

Suneel glanced at his wife who’d shrugged.

“Yaar mere bete kyun nahi huye, ladkiyon ke beech mein mujhe pagal kardiya” he huffed shaking his head.

“Back at you honey” Marissa replied.

“Speak English” she scowled.

“Speak hindi”

“I’m not speaking indian” she countered. ”And choose someone who isn’t so typical, I don’t have a schedule where I’d have time to learn cooking. I go out flying every 3 to 4 days, what do they expect? Me to return home from long flights and cook for them? Jerks!”

“Dono maa beti ne decide kar liya haina, dono hi choose kardo” he murmured.

“Suneel speak English” Marissa responded sharply.

“Seeing as you know what sort of man you’re looking for, you both search for proposals and choose” he looked between his wife and his daughter.

“I hate you” Geet walked out of the room grabbing her keys and headed out the front door. “I’m not coming back home tonight” she called out cursing her dad.

“What?” Suneel huffed seeing his wife rolling her eyes.

“Geet has always been daddy’s girl, you should’ve known what sort of family would’ve been right for her” Marissa shook her head.

“Yes, why don’t you blame me?” he sighed pinching the bridge of his nose.

“I will blame you”

“You weren’t exactly very helpful” he countered. “We’ve been here for 20 odd years, you didn’t bother teaching her basics or even speaking the language”

“Watch yourself Suneel or you’re sleeping in the outhouse” she threatened. “Don’t you dare question how I brought my daughters up. I moved in a complete foreign country for you, don’t you dare question how I brought my daughters up” she stalked off.

Suneel cursed inwardly brushing a hand through his hair.

“Papa Neel” Nick scurried into the dining room looking around. “Where’s my Gigi?”

“Gigi is angry with papa Neel” he responded.

“Peppa Pig is on, I want Gigi to watch it with me” he pouted.

“How about Papa Neel watches it with you?” he responded.

“Okay, why is Gigi angry?” Nick questioned curiously.

“She’s a girl, she doesn’t need a reason to be angry” Suneel replied.

“Papa Neel, Gigi won’t like that” he laughed.

“You’re not going to tell Gigi are you?” Suneel winked.

“Only if you take me out for ice creams and doughnut”

“You had that for dessert the other day” Suneel reminded.

“I want it again, Gigi would’ve got it me”

“Alright, alright…”. Suneel chuckled and settled on the sofa with Nick on his lap and watched Peppa Pig together.

Disappointment is felt when you’ve got expectations.

I didn’t feel disappointment anymore.

Because I stopped expecting.

Maan winced inwardly having to stand for quite some time without any support, he watched his physiotherapist jot down notes.

“Here’s your cane Mr Khurana” Dr Malhotra picked up the cane and passed it to him. “You’ve made some progress, you stood for 18 minutes without needing the cane. Your left leg just shook a minute ago” he pointed out.

Maan nodded clearing his throat and walked over to the chair and sat down. “How long do you suppose before I’d be able to walk without my cane?”

“We’ve progressed, it takes time” Dr Malhotra responded. “Your left hand has gained full flexibility, that’s great progression”

Maan nodded.

“How has your sleeping been? Have you been trying to sleep on your left side?” Dr Malhotra returned to his desk and typed his notes on the computer.

“Yeah, I can lie down for about an hour or two but then it does cause discomfort to my face” he answered honestly. “The side of my neck feels more sensitive”

Dr Malhotra walked around and tipping Maan’s chin up and to the side to check his neck. “The scars are faint but the skin is tight” he commented. “When is your next appointment with your dermatologist?” he asked.

“I’ve got an appointment with Dr Perkins tomorrow afternoon”

“Have you been scratching it?” Dr Malhotra asked.

“No, I’ve avoided scratching it, instead I’ve been applying the cream I’d been given”

“Alright, speak to Perkins about the sensitivity and the tightness”

“Okay” he nodded.

“Alright, I’ll just suggest you continue stretching your legs at least twice a day, maybe evening walks” Dr Malhotra returned to his desk. “You’re continuing to do light housework?”

“Yeah, I’ve been doing my own work. Just light cooking, breakfast mainly. And just my bedroom…” he explained.

“That’s good” Dr Malhotra nodded his head. “Keep it light, every 30 minutes you’ve walked in your office?”

“Yeah I stretch my legs out for two minutes every half an hour” he agreed.

“Mmmhmm…”. Dr Malhotra scribbled down something on his notebook then looked up at Maan. “Do you have any questions you’d like to ask?”

“No, I’m good” Maan offered a small smile shaking his head.

“Alright then, here’s an appointment slip” he handed out a card. “If you’re unable to make it just give Anderson a ring, I’ll rearrange it”

“Alright, thanks for your time today” Maan took the card standing up and left the office.

“Yes Kirsten?” Maan answered his phone.

“Melting marshmallows on a stick, look behind” she grinned.

Maan glanced over his shoulder mentally smacking his forehead wondering what brought his friend here, he cut the call pocketing it as she walked towards him.

“Kirsten” Maan arched his brows.

“Hey baby boy” she threw her arms around him. “Drown me in your arms hot chocolate”

“Dear Lord…” he murmured throwing an arm around her. “Hey Kirsten”

“Don’t talk, let me hear your heartbeat”

“Kirsten back up a sec, you’re not helping me breathe”

“You calling me fat?” she scowled stepping back.

“No, of course not” he responded.

“Good” she nodded approvingly, “lets go for coffee today”

“I’ve got to head home and work on…”.

“Actually I got Callum to cover you so you’re mine this afternoon” she clapped excitedly.

“Why do I feel like I’m going to regret this sweet?”

“Have I ever made you regret spending time with me?” she puffed out her bottom lip.

“Every time we go out together” he responded.

“I’m just peeling those hard cracking shells” she replied. “Now c’mon let’s go honeybun” she smacked his arse cheekily squeezing.

“Kirsten” Maan pushed her hand away shaking his head.

“You shouldn’t have such a great arse” she told him off as if it were his fault and walked over towards her car. “C’mon I sent the taxi away so I’m driving you”

I am going to regret this he thought inwardly as he followed his crazy friend.

Chapter 7

Once something is broken,

It’s never fixed

You can glue it back

However the cracks still remain.

“What is she doing here?” Shibhani murmured noticing Geet on the other side storming towards her office. “Adhira, go find out”

“No, do I look like I want my ass handed to me?” Adhira shook her head.

“I hate you” Shibhani scowled glancing around her desk. “Yes, I’m going to check on the Dixons” she stood grabbing the files.

“Can I come with you?” Zarina fluttered her eyelashes.

“No” Shibhani waved and hurried out the door.

“Pakka khalegi mujhe” Zarina mumbled.

Fortunately for them Geet walked out of her office holding a folder, she didn’t spare a glance towards them.

“Where is she going?” Zarina looked at Adhira.

“Do I look like I’m her husband or something?” Adhira frowned.

“Well you’re like the detective of here so…” Aryan piped in.

“Whatever” Adhira rolled her eyes.

Geet climbed into her car flicking through file she’d grabbed as she drove, she glanced from time to time at the notes as she drove towards the client’s house.

The new client wanted a kitchen and nursery make over, it was doable and it was something that’d take her mind off her father’s stupid proposals.

She continued to curse Suneel mentally, why wouldn’t he have chosen someone who’d she’d be compatible with? And what did he expect? She magically learns indian for some stranger?

She turned into the street parking up outside her client’s house and climbed out grabbing her file and glanced down at herself wishing she’d changed out of this dress.

She wasn’t planning to distract herself by seeing a client but unfortunately for her it was only late afternoon and she couldn’t go out drinking just yet.

There are always layers to a character

Don’t judge by the outer layer

Peel away the layers and you’ll see the real person

“Dear God, you seriously need to lower your voice” Maan stared at Kirsten disapprovingly.

“And you need to loosen up my dark chocolate button” she shook her head.

“Do you ever stop?”

“You’ll have to say the safe word playboy” Kirsten grinned.

Maan approached the counter, he swallowed noticing the cashier staring blatantly.

“Hey Mister, my hot chocolate doesn’t have boobs stuck to his face” Kirsten clicked her fingers in front of the cashier. “If you’re looking for boobies, my girls are down here”

The cashier cleared his throat blushing furiously in embarrassment noticing his colleagues and other customers turn their heads.

“Uh Ma’am is it just these?” he stammered.

“How dare you call me Ma’am?” she gasped pressing her hand to her heart. “Bring out your boss now. Do you know who I am?”

“Sorry, excuse my friend” Maan scowled down at her and turned to the cashier. “It’s just those” he pointed to their items.

The cashier quickly rung them up and Maan paid, he grabbed their bag of items and turned to leave.

“I’m going to hunt you down and make you pay for calling me Ma’am” Kirsten threatened before she followed Maan.

“Hey you can’t threaten me” the cashier called out as she moved away a few steps.

“Or what?” she glanced over her shoulder.

“I’m going to call the police” he replied nodding his head.

“And I’m the damn FBI” Kirsten replied smugly and narrowed her eyes.

The cashier swallowed and looked away flushed.

“Kirsten” Maan held onto her elbow leading her out the door.

“Did you see his face?” she burst out laughing taking the bag from his hand and digging inside for her strawberry laces. “Swear down these lot are so funny” she chewed on her sweet lace.

“You didn’t have to do that” Maan told her as they climbed into her car.

“Do what?” she arched her brows.

“You know what” he told her glancing at her.

“Sugar baby, I didn’t do anything. He was looking for boobs, I just pointed him in the direction” she laughed.

Maan chuckled and leaned forward pressing a kiss to her cheek. “Thanks doll”

“Anytime sugar coated candy” she winked and started the car.

“Sean came and picked up Nick” Suneel spoke entering the bedroom, his wife sprawled on her stomach flicking through the magazine.

“Good for him” Marissa muttered.

“Angry with me?” Suneel lay down on his back turning his head to his wife.

“What do you think genius?” she slapped the magazine closed and looked at him. “What did you expect Suneel?”

“Marissa…” Suneel sat up sighing heavily. “I…”

“Don’t even think about bullshitting” she stood pacing the floor. “For the twenty odd years we spent here, Geet and Tara didn’t spend more than a handful of years here. Geet probably even less because of her flying out so much. She spends only about 15 days each month, the other half of the month she’s flying out”

“I know, I was wrong. I’m sorry” he apologised. “This was a good proposal, the guy he was great and his family were good people as well”

“She’s agreed for us to search because she clearly isn’t going to search for anyone but we need to find someone compatible for her”

“Someone like Adrian” he muttered bitterly.

Marissa straightened frowning at him. “Don’t bring him into this”


“Suneel” Marissa warned.

“Alright, fine. I’ll look around someone more American/English for her” he rolled his eyes.

“Do you really want to fight again?” she crossed her arms.

“Actually” he stood smiling sheepishly. “I’ve got something else on my mind instead”

Marissa arched her brows curiously and laughed when he started unbuttoning his shirt.

“Geet is going to be back soon” she reminded.

“She’s angry, she wouldn’t be back tonight. And you know she wouldn’t come home until I apologise” he responded unbuckling his belt.

She chuckled knowing his right and approached him at the same time throwing her arms around her husband as he fell onto his back on their bed….

“Hi my dear in laws” Kirsten called out entering the Khurana house beaming brightly at everyone who’d sat in the living room.

“Jason gave you the day off?” Kartik looked up from his laptop in surprise.

“You think that guy would rest” she shook her head. “I begged Aaron to let me take the day off” she winked. “Get off your laptop and come sit here” she sat down on the sofa and patted her lap.

“I’m not 5 years old” Kartik frowned.

“Oh really? You act like a 2 year old” Kirsten laughed.

“And how old are you grandma?”

“Why you strawberry shortcake” she glowered. “Rhea you need to sort him out”

“I’ve tried a lot darling and I’ve failed” Rhea laughed.

“Dadaji” Kartik whined.

“You girls ganging up on my son again?” Gaurav looked between them.

“Papaji, your son shouldn’t be such a cry baby” Rhea chuckled. “You wouldn’t think he was 17 years old”

“I’m still in my teen years – seventeen” he emphasised.

“In a few months, you’re going to be an adult” Maan corrected.

“Here comes the correction Nazi” Kartik sighed.

“Isn’t it your bedtime?” he questioned.

“Dadaji tell bhai”

“Maan you’re older than him”

“What did I say? I swear down everyone sides with this baby”

“He is your baby after all” Kirsten cackled.

“I’m not a baby” Kartik huffed.

“Uh yeah you are. Everyone in here is a decade and older…”. She laughed.

“I’m at least not running into my 70s”

“Why you…”.

“Hey” Rhea warned simultaneously.

“She called me baby” Kartik pointed.

“And she’s right” Maan responded.

“Yeah, stick with your girlfriend” Kartik turned his head crossing his arms.

“I will” Maan smirked sharing an amused look with Kirsten.

“Hello” Geet answered her phone walking out her client’s house and waved silently heading in the direction of her car.

“Where you been for the last few days? I went by your apartment and you’ve not opened the door” Kanchan asked.

“I’ve been staying over at my parents, I’ll be coming home tonight though” Geet responded.

“Did you get your route for the coming week? You only got like 3 days left” Kanchan reminded.

“Yeah, I’ve got Canary Islands for my week” Geet responded. “I can’t wait to get some sun and tanning. I’ve become pale here” she murmured starting her car.

“How is it going at your parents?”

“Not so good this time” she replied. “They’re serious about wanting to get me married”

“God… what is it with people dying to get their daughters married off early” Kanchan sighed.

“I really wish my dad stayed over in America than coming here. He wants me learning indian now” she told Kanchan.

“Hindi” Kanchan chuckled.

“Shut up. What are you doing tonight?”

“Nothing really, just been out for dinner with Rishi and returned home”

“Drinks?” Geet asked.

“Sure” Kanchan agreed.

“C’mon Maan, everyone will join us” Kirsten pouted looking down at her friend holding her hand out wiggling her fingers.

“Stop wiggling your fingers, fatty blobs are dropping onto our floor” Kartik piped in.

“Kartik” Rhea, Maan, Gaurav and Savitri called out his name disapprovingly.

“Great the whole Khurana clan is against me now” Kartik muttered.

“White chocolate asshole” Kirsten cussed.

“Kirsten” Maan frowned at her.

“What! Come with me” she scowled.

“I don’t want to go out anymore. I’m tired”

“Yeah whatever” Kirsten grabbed a hold of his elbow tugging him up.


“You’re going with me caramel latte whether you like it or not. It’s been so bloody long since we’ve all gone out and what better night than Bridget’s birthday drinks”

“Kirsten” Gaurav arched his brows.

“I know, I know he isn’t allowed any due to his stupid medicines. I’ll make sure he’s on soft drinks plus I’ll be his designated driver. Shit I’ll be your driver” Kirsten pouted.

“I’ll send Rajeev, just call me” Rhea offered.

“Okay goody! C’mon let’s go handsome” Kirsten squealed excitedly.

Maan sighed heavily glancing over at his dadaji for support but he’d smiled in encouragement.

Geet headed to her parent’s house to quickly change as she’d left her apartment key set on her nightstand upstairs.

She glanced around wondering where her parents are and assumed they’d gone out seeing as it was all quiet downstairs. She hurried up the stairs and into her room, she quickly changed out of her dress and slipped into her rose gold sequin shorts and black top. Grabbing her clutch she walked out of her room pausing when she heard a thump, and looked around.

“OH MY GOD! MY EYES!” Geet screamed slamming her parents bedroom door and flew down the stairs.

Marissa and Suneel looked at one another stumped for a moment then burst out laughing.

“What?” Geet screamed answering her phone. “I’m going to have to stab out my eyes”

“What?” Kanchan questioned confused.

“I need to stab out my eyes! I’ll never be able to unsee two oldies at it” she continued to ramble on.

“Uh I’ll get the tequilas ready” Kanchan murmured cutting the call. “I think she’s gone crazy” she told Suman and Nandini.

“A long time, Maan” Harshad stood and hugged Maan.

“It would’ve been much longer, if I didn’t drag my chocolate ice cream out” Kirsten piped in.

“Yes, thanks Kirst” Harshad chuckled.

“Good” she nodded glancing around. “Where are the others?” she asked.

“On their way, Jace is over there grabbing some drinks” Harshad pointed.

“Where’s my dip?” Kirsten questioned.

“He’s coming, oh look they’re here” Harshad pointed to the door.

Maan and Kirsten glanced over their shoulders smiling as they noticed their colleagues making their way into the bar, Maan’s smile faltered as his eyes drew curiously to the woman behind. As she walked in the same direction, his heart rate sped slowly as he recognised as to who she was.

Geet Pearson

He stared in awe as she walked fluidly, she wasn’t a picture anymore. She was real, and right here just a few feet away. The beauty in front of him was even more beautiful, her face shaped almost like a heart, piercing blue eyes, soft brown curls framing her face and caressing the sides of her slender neck and resting just under her shoulder.

She seemed determined as if searching for someone, her saunter flawless and confident.

The distance didn’t matter between them, he felt an invisible unexplainable pull towards her.

His heartbeat picked up as she walked past him and he smiled faintly and turned towards his friends, he did however steal one glance over his shoulder.

Beauty and appearance is important

One cares more about how someone looks rather than how someone is.

Chapter 8

Who is at fault?

Did I start the end of this?

And did you finish this?

Neither of us are blameless

“How long is it this time?” Marissa questioned watching her daughter pack, each week watching her daughter pack and walk out the door stung her.

She supported her youngest daughter in her ventures but she didn’t always approve. Air stewardess isn’t something she’d wished for her daughter but this was something Geet wanted to do so she’d been encouraging and supporting. She didn’t want to take away her daughter’s dreams even if it hurt each time Geet walked out of the doors.

“About 4-5 days, I might stay for a day or two to catch some sun” Geet answered.

Marissa approached Geet placing her hand on her shoulder, Geet turned arching her brows.

“Yeah, mum?”

“Are you serious about settling down?”

“How do you mean?” she looked curiously.

“This time round, we’ve been wrong in choosing someone not compatible but whilst you’re away, me and your father will continue looking around. When you return, will you be willing to look at them? Meet the guy only for lunch or something?” Marissa responded.

“Mum” Geet placed her hands on her mother’s shoulder and held onto her. “Look into my eyes. I am serious but you need find someone suitable for me. I don’t want to be hindi daughter in law”

“Indian slash traditional” Marissa corrected with a shrug.

“Stop becoming dad!” Geet rolled her eyes. “Where is Shergill?” she returned to her task of packing.

“He’s been called into the office”

“God! I don’t know how he does it? Sitting in an office all the time”

“You sit in an office” Marissa chuckled.

“Yeah only for a day or two that too only for a few hours” Geet laughed. “Oh, did the Sinha’s pay?” she questioned. “Aryan finished their project two weeks ago. I’ve not seen any payment receipt”

“Yeah, they’ve paid just a few days ago, so it will come to your account in the following 2-3 business days” Marissa replied.

“How much was the project?” she questioned shrugging out her shirt and tugged her jeans off.

“I’m guessing you’re going to start calculating how much you’ve received” Marissa shook her head.

“And why shouldn’t I? Aryan learned from the best” Geet winked as she slipped into her white shirt and cream skirt. She pulled on her cream blazer followed by her hat.

“You look nice” Marissa admired Geet in her uniform.

“Thanks mum, now how much was the project?”

Marissa explained the breakdown and the profit that is to be received which pleased her daughter greatly.

Geet hummed with a smile grabbing her nude heels and shuffled into them. “Right…” she glanced around noting down she’s gotten everything. “Yep, got everything”

“Fly safely” Marissa pulled Geet into her arms.

“Always, I’ll see you in about a week’s time”

“Try to come earlier. You were supposed to have two more days with us” Marissa sighed heavily tightening her arms.

“I know but Yasmine’s not feeling well” she replied.

“That girl shouldn’t even be flying”

“Yes I know. When she returns I’ll be speaking to her” Geet grabbed her bag and keys.

“Can’t I drop you off?” Marissa questioned following Geet downstairs and out their front door.

“No, because last time I allowed you. You cried and embarrassed me”

“I only got scared after hearing about the engine failure” Marissa frowned.

“Yeah, whatever. Give my love to everyone” Geet shoved her small travelling suitcase into the back and turned to Marissa. “Love you Marissa” she winked.

“Be safe” Marissa hugged Geet once more then stepped back. She sighed heavily as she watched her daughter drive away, she shot a quick silent wish that her daughter be safe and return home quickly.

Shrilling screams continue to echo.

Even in the unconscious state, he lives the nightmare all over again.

“Bhai, bhai” Kartik knocked on Maan’s door however there wasn’t an answer. “Bhai dadaji is calling you” he raised his voice assuming his brother was probably in the shower.

“Kartik, have you called Maan?” Rhea called out from downstairs.

“Your precious son isn’t answer” Kartik yelled back. “I think I’ve lost my voice”

“Yeh ladka bhi na…” Rhea shook her head.

“Rhea, you continue. I’ll check up on Maan” Gaurav stood and headed up the stairs. “Kartik, go help your mother with breakfast”

Kartik nodded and skipped down the stairs leaving.

“Maan” Dadaji knocked on the door. “Maan” he called again, receiving no answer he turned the door handle and stepped into the room.

The air surrounding him seemed to thicken, the curtains were drawn and the whole room dark despite it being brightly lit outside.

Gaurav’s attention drew to the figure in the middle of the bed, he walked over concerned noticing his grandson murmuring softly, his eyes squeezed tightly and his body curled into a foetal position. Another nightmare he thought inwardly as he slowly reached out knowing he couldn’t jerk Maan awake.

Maan was in the state of a nightmare however he was reliving this one in his subconscious mind.

“Take cover. Delta Six, come in. Delta six, come in. Cover is blown. Delta…”

“Maan” Gaurav placed his hand over Maan’s shoulder gently rubbing. “You’re safe son” he crooned gently. “You’re home. You’re safe” Gaurav repeated. “Wake up son, it’s just a nightmare. You’re safe”

His subconscious mind seemed to register the words and Maan slowly blinked and glanced around, his heart beating rapidly. “Dadaji…” he whispered.

Gaurav offered a small gentle smile. “Yeah, son. You’re home”

Maan squeezed his eyes closed tightly wishing he could blank this whole episode out, though Gaurav wasn’t pitying him, his eyes were pooling with concern. He hated being seen so vulnerable, he swallowed thickly inhaling sharply when he felt his grandfather’s touch against his marred skin.

“I’m very proud of you son” Gaurav informed him.

Maan didn’t open his eyes, he felt the lone tear escape and slide down his temple. “It never stops” he whispered.

“It takes time” Gaurav replied honestly.

Chapter 9

“Stop the drinks for the passengers on seats 35-38b” Geet told Kanchan as she returned to the kitchen area. “They’ve had more than they should’ve and they’re rowdy”

“Okay” Kanchan nodded.

“I’ll see to that” Geet pushed the curtains to the second class side and walked towards the passenger who’d pressed the bell insistently. “Can I help with something sir?”

“I wanted the other stewardess, you know the blonde one” he responded.

“For?” she arched her brows.

“Well I want her to serve me” he frowned.

“Well, you’ve got an option. You can tell me what you want and I’ll see if we have it or I could go back and see to other passengers. Your choice”

“I paid a lot of money for the service here”

“You paid a lot of money for being flown sir, not for our stewardesses” Geet replied firmly and turned leaving the aisle and returned to her side.

“Don’t see to passenger 56b” Geet told her colleagues then grabbed the cart with the hot and cold drinks. “Ashley, you stay on first class with me. Aaron, you join Kanchan on second class”

“I can’t wait until we land” Aaron huffed as he grabbed the cart wheel and rolled down the aisle with Kanchan on the opposite side.

The rest of the flight remained smooth seeing as Geet had straightened out a few passengers who’d expected first class services despite paying for second class.

When the plane touched down on the ground, everyone in the flight sighed in relief.

Like always the flight attendants stood at the exit of the plane plastering fake smiles thanking the passengers for flying with them though they didn’t mean it.

Once the passengers all descended, the crew grabbed their stuff and climbed down. The cleaning staff already making their way up inside to clean up the mess.

The voices continue echoing

Don’t stop

Can’t even block them

“Speak to me Maan” Shirley looked concerned.

“The last few nights… I could hear their voices” Maan turned his head staring off at the side. “I just want to forget and block it all out, I shouldn’t want that but… it’s there always reminding me”

Shirley nodded jotting down everything he said. “Have you shared this Gaurav?”

“No and I don’t want to” Maan shook his head.

“I would suggest that you share that with him, he might be able to relate” Shirley spoke.

“Maybe” he shrugged. “Dr Malhotra mentioned I’ve been making some improvements physically” he informed Shirley changing the subject from the nightmares.

“That’s good news” she smiled gently. “How is work?”

“Analysis isn’t something I’d wanted to do but I’ve come to enjoy it” he replied.

“Have you continued with your routine of going out once a month?” Shirley lifted her brows quizzically.

“I’d gone out with Kirsten just the other day” he responded.

“And what about before that?” she replied. “Don’t even think of lying to me, you’ve not been out for nearly a month”

“I… I don’t like going out, you know that”

“You cannot close off the world Maan, it doesn’t work like that. If you don’t try then there is no point of me charging you 25,000 a month for 4 sessions if you aren’t improving socially and mentally” she chuckled.

“It’s okay, I can afford it” he smirked.

“You can keep your money Mr Khurana if you’re not going to be improving”

“I’ve improved a lot, don’t you think? I was guy who refused to speak or acknowledge you” he reminded.

“Sometimes, I wonder whether you pay me to listen to yourself or me” Shirley shook her head.

“We could always do a little bit of both” he replied.

“Goodbye Maan, it’s been an hour” she gestured to the clock.

“Bye Shirley, I’ll see you next week” he chuckled standing up.

“Remember breathing exercises and counting mentally” she reminded standing and opened the door for him. “I’ll see you later”

He nodded and walked out, his brows rose curiously seeing his brother leaning against the car waiting for him.

“What are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be in college?” Maan questioned.

“Is Shirley checking you properly? You seem to have forgotten, I’ve finished college last month” Kartik laughed. “I’ll be going to university soon”

Maan rolled his eyes and climbed into the car unlocking his cane and folding it whilst Kartik walked around getting into the car and drove home.

Regret encases the heart

Squeezing until it hurts

Geet slipped on a layer of red lipstick, brushing a hand through her hair. She donned on a gold sequin plunge neck dress with her sparkly Louboutin’s.

Tyrell had booked them dinner at a fancy restaurant downtown and then they were going to go clubbing which suited all of them.

The crew arrived late afternoon at their 5 star hotel and retreated to their respective rooms to catch a few hours of sleep after the long flight they’d taken. They’d agreed to meet downstairs at the lobby at 9pm for so they’d all go out for dinner and clubbing.

One of the perks of being a flight attendant was the great destinations and so many opportunities to go exploring.

Though many of them were leaving in the next two days, Geet, Kanchan and Sophia had opted to stay an extra 3 days to catch a break from their homes.

Geet joined the others downstairs and the group climbed into two taxis going towards their destination.

Suneel opened the front door offering a smile at his cousin. “Anil, how are you?” he hugged him slapping his back.

“I’m good” Anil responded. “How is the family?”

“They’re all good” Suneel responded. “Tara is all over the place and Geet went off flying”

Anil shook his head as he sat down on the sofa.

“Don’t even bother saying it Anil” Suneel laughed.

“You have spoiled them girls, she’s 31yrs old”

“She’s agreed to seeing the guys, I just need to find one who’s mental enough to accept my daughter” he winked.

“I might have just found someone” Anil responded offering a small smile. “A family friend of ours – Gaurav Khurana is looking for someone for his grandson”

Suneel nodded and listened carefully as Anil told him all about the Khurana family.

Whilst the discussion of her future was being discussed between her uncle and father, Geet was in canary islands in one of the most hottest nightclubs chugging down tequila shots and dancing her feet off with her friends.

“So what do you think?” Anil looked at his cousin thoughtfully.

Suneel seemed lost in his own thoughts. “I really don’t know, they sound like a great family Anil but… Geet might not…”

“Why don’t you call them over when Geet returns and have them meet her and she meet them? I’ll tell them to bring over Maan”

“Just give me some time, I’ll speak to Marissa about it as well”

“Of course” Anil nodded. “They’re a great family and just the sort that Geet would be pleased to have”

“Maybe, I’ll speak to Marissa then we’ll speak to Geet when she returns” Suneel replied.

“Maan” Gaurav knocked on the bedroom door entering inside, he found Maan lying on his back staring up at the ceiling. “What’s wrong son?”

“Nothing” Maan shook his head and turned his head to Gaurav. “Did you need something?”

“Can’t I come and spend the evening with you?” Gaurav chuckled settling on Maan’s desk chair and spun around staring at his grandson.

“Dadaji, it’s usually me coming down to your library” Maan reminded.

“This time, I thought I’ll come upstairs” he responded. “How was your session with Shirley?” he asked.

“It’s going okay” he shrugged.

Gaurav knew that Maan wasn’t ready to speak about it just yet, he figured it instantly because he’d been through those stages when he served his life in the army and had come home feeling defeated sometimes. Seeing as Maan wasn’t ready to talk about the session he change the subject. “Kirsten called today, she said you’ve not been replying to her texts. Is something the matter?” he asked.

Maan stared at Gaurav briefly wondering mentally whether there was something wrong between them. They hadn’t fought nor argued. He just didn’t feel like engaging with anyone, especially with the recent whispering echoes that continued to reiterate in his ears. “Nothing” he replied shaking his head brushing a hand over his face and slowly sat up. “I’ll respond to her soon” he murmured.

“I’m here for you if you want to share anything” Gaurav stood from the chair nodding his head at Maan.

“Dadaji” he called out before Gaurav turned to leave.

“Yes, son?”

“When do the nightmares stop? How do I block out their screams?”

Gaurav wanted to offer a solution however he didn’t want to lie and give hope so he answered honestly “They don’t, we simply come to accept them and not be afraid. They’re part of our lives, son”

Maan swallowed thickly and sighed heavily. He wasn’t expecting that, he wanted a solution to stop the screams, he wanted to stop the images from continuously flashing.

The blood, the marred skin, the melted faces… he’d never be able to accept them as part of his life, the knowledge of failing them tore a piece of him each day.

Chapter 10

Perfection is what we were to the world

They were unaware of the dark secrets

“Geet, Geet” Marissa called out continuing to knock insistently.

“Oh my days!” Geet groaned pulling the pillow over her head.

“Geet!” Marissa’s voice rose.

“Geet is dead, leave!” she yelled.

“It’s 2 in the afternoon” Marissa reminded.

“I don’t care, I’ve only been back a day. I want to sleep”

Being a flight attendant isn’t easy on the body, the different working hours can mess with one’s body and sleep. Geet usually sleeps for a full day before she’s able to function properly. Hence, she prefers sleeping at her apartment rather than going to stay at her parent’s. At their home, it was routine to sleep at the right time and wake up before 10am, even on a weekend.

“If you wanted to sleep in peace, you should’ve come home” Marissa called out.

“Mum! Leave me alone. I don’t pay 2 lakhs each month towards this apartment for nothing! This is my home”

“Your home is where your husband lives” Marissa responded.

“Are you going to leave or do you want to chuck a bucket of water like last time?” Geet warned.

“Try it and I’ll roast you” Marissa responded. “You ruined my hairdo last time. Open up”

“I’m never coming back to live with you and dad” Geet climbed out of bed walking down the hallway and opened her door narrowing her eyes at her mother. “I don’t like you”

“I love you too” Marissa kissed her cheek and entered the apartment. “C’mon get into the shower and change. Tara is holding a barbeque”

“No, no and no” Geet shook her head returning to her bedroom and climbing back in bed. “Tar knows better than to invite me over, I’m knackered”

“Ooh what’s this?” Marissa looked down at the gift bag on the dressing table.

Opening one eye Geet glanced at what her mother was pointing to and answered “A passenger gave this bracelet to me, I took care of her son who’d been ill on the plane so she’d sent it to Emirates Airline in my name”

“That is so sweet” Marissa smiled admiring the bracelet. “Seems like sterling silver”

“Mmhmm… now can you leave?” she mumbled closing her eyes tightly.

“No, come on. Tara will be waiting”

Geet shoved the blanket off sitting up scowling. “I’m guessing you aren’t going to stop!”

“You guessed right” Marissa smiled. “C’mon. I’ll make you some lunch, how about porridge with banana and honey?”

“I need extra shot of coffee” Geet climbed out stropping into the bathroom.

“No one would think you were 31 years old” Marissa laughed walking out the room.

“Did you have fun at Canary Islands?” Marissa questioned when Geet joined her in the kitchen sitting down on the breakfast stool.

“Yeah, we’d partied, enjoyed the blazing sun. I cheated on my night outs, I ate the most amazing food. I miss it already” she murmured. “Do I look tanned?” she asked.

“You’ve got this golden colour to your skin” Marissa nodded.

Geet smiled pleased with her mother’s answer and tucked into her breakfast.

“Your father found someone” Marissa informed Geet slowly.

Geet arched her brows. “Some tradition tv serial types?”

“No, your uncle Anil brought this proposal” she responded. “The guy is a federal government analyst and he’s had two tours abroad when he used to work for the indian army” she added.

“He worked for the army?” Geet looked surprised.

“Yeah, from what your uncle Anil said this guy is disciplined, he’s very polite and respectful. He knows how to cook, he’s completely independent. It sounds perfect”

“Pay bracket?”

“We don’t exactly ask how much he earns so early on” Marissa laughed.

“Mum, might I remind you that I earn more than any average working man out there. I don’t want that the guy marries me for money, also envy and feelings of impotency can stem from the feeling of his wife earning more than him” she explained.

“I understand that and we’ll know more if we were to go ahead with this, from what I’ve until now, it’s all great”

“What about his family?” Geet arched her brows smirking at her mother.

“Grandparents, parents and a brother” Marissa responded.

“No way! I don’t want someone with a family” Geet shook her head.


“Mum, no. That’s one condition of mine, I don’t want in laws”

“Geet you’re being unreasonable” she looked at her daughter exasperatedly.

“How about you meet him Geet? You’re marrying the guy”

“Do you see where we live?” Geet waved to her surroundings. “Here, If I’m marrying the guy, then I’m marrying the family”

“How about you see him? Maybe speak to him. Once you speak to him we’ll ask about his expectations and find out more?” Marissa suggested.

“Erase the family from this equation and I’ll think about it” she climbed down the stool placing the empty bowl in the sink then turned facing her mother. “Also tell them, they can’t expect me to leave my job. That is one thing I won’t give up for anyone”

“Geet…” Marissa sighed approaching her daughter and cradled her cheek. “That is one thing I won’t let anyone take from you. You worked so hard to get here, I won’t be letting anyone tell you to sacrifice your job”

She smiled hugging her mother tightly. “Can you please erase his family?” she murmured.

“What has your father told you?” Marissa tweaked her daughter’s nose.

“Never judge a person without knowing them” she answered rolling her eyes. “Funnily it seems fine when people judge me with their googly eyes”

“They don’t know you, precious” Marissa pressed a kiss to her temple. “Just know that your family loves you”

“If my family loved me soooo much, they wouldn’t be pressuring me to get married” Geet moved away pouting her lips.

“No one’s pressuring you, you’re 31 years old Geet. Living here, it’s not normal to be unmarried at this age especially arranged marriage”

“Blah blah blah” Geet huffed. “Anyway can I just eat my porridge, I got hit the gym before I even come to the BBQ. I’ve just been eating so unhealthily. Oh I also got a meeting at the office” she glanced down at her watch. “When’s the BBQ?”

“In about 3 hours” Marissa responded.

“Great, I’ve got enough time. Gym is going to have to wait, I’m going to have to go and meet the girls today before they head off early morning” she hurried out the kitchen and into her room.

“What about your porridge?” her mother called out.

“Tupperware and spoon, I’ll have it when I meet them in the office”

How do you accept a nightmare as a reality?

I feel like I’m trapped in a nightmare

Looking for a way out

I can’t seem to see the end of this

“Talk to me Kirsten” Maan pressed the call button.

“I need you to look up a police officer who goes by the name William Dessant”

“What do you need?”

“Can you link him to Florida between the years of 2012-2015?”

“What am I looking for?”

“Possible homicides or suspicious suicides” Kirsten responded.

“Alright, I’ll get back to you when I get the results” he answered tapping away rapidly on his keyboard. Ten minutes in, he called Kirsten and told her the results and informed her of the current address the guy was residing at.

“Thanks mocha! Catch you later” she sang cutting the call.

Maan chuckled and pulled up his files sifting through them, he worked in his office for a couple of hours silently until his mother called from downstairs for dinner.

He paused at the top of the stairs as he listened to his grandfather speak about the proposal, it’d made him curious but he knew it wouldn’t lead him anywhere.

He knew what he was, his eyes drew to his reflection in the hallway mirror.

Who’d want to marry a beast?

“Anil has said, he’ll get back to us once his niece gives her okay” Gaurav informed Savitri and Rhea. “She’s very hard working”

“I guess I wasn’t wrong then” Savitri chuckled.

“Experience helped a lot” Gaurav smirked.

Savitri shook her head and smiled noticing Maan entering the dining room. “Maan bete, we were just…”

“I heard and I don’t want this” Maan replied. “I don’t want to go through all this”

“Maan” Gaurav stood approaching his grandson.

“Dadaji please stop doing this to yourselves and me” he looked at Gaurav. “We all know, it’s not going to happen. You need to stop holding out hope for something that isn’t possible” he looked between them.

“None of those other proposals were good enough for you” Gaurav informed.

“I appreciate what you’re trying to do dadaji but why don’t you see that the hope you build only continues to be shredded” he replied politely. “It doesn’t hurt me anymore but I know you’re all affected by it” he swallowed thickly. “Stop wishing for the impossible”

“Stop talking like that” Gaurav stood in front of his grandson and cradled his cheek firmly. “You’re worth it, you risked your life for this country. These scars are marks of your heroism, they’re a mark of pride”

“Then why does it hurt to look at myself?” Maan questioned. “We all know what happened, they’re marks of my failure” he whispered, his eyes stinging as tears welled up.

“I’ll see you at Tar’s!” Geet waved at her mother climbing into her lava red BMWi8 which she’d gotten imported from Abu Dhabi as it wasn’t available here in India.

She placed her phone on the phone holder calling her colleagues. “Kanchan, I’m pushing our meeting to 3.30pm today, call everyone to join you at the office” she told her.

“Alright, what reason should I give them?”

“Just say I said so” Geet laughed. “They’re not going to be questioning it, I am their line manager”

“Alright, I’ll message everyone. How come you’re pushing it early?”

“Tar is holding a BBQ so I have to be there. She’d kill me if I miss her BBQ”

“Okay, I’ll see you in half an hour then” Kanchan cut the phone and text their colleagues telling them to meet Geet in the office in half an hour.

“Sorry for calling you all early” Geet walked into the office noticing all of them already here, “Family BBQ that I couldn’t get out of and I couldn’t push this meeting for another time” she told them sitting down on the chair pulling out her file.

“Alright, so first topic is annual training is set for the end of this month” she informed. “Pencil in the 27th in your diaries, you all must attend”

“I can’t do the 27th” Yasmine spoke up.

“We’ll discuss after this meeting” Geet looked at her and looked down at her list. “Second order of business is we’ve had 2 complaints from passengers that say that someone from the airline is fraternizing with the passengers. All the line managers have been briefed, if its someone from here – come speak to me. You all the know the consequences of fraternizing”

“I don’t know why people are complaining though” Ashley chuckled. “Isn’t that something everyone assumes? We’ve all joined the mile high club?”

“If only they knew what goes in on those toilets” Kanchan scrunched her nose.

“That’s rumours we can’t stop, I want these complaints to be just rumours like any other. If I find it was someone from my team, I will terminate your contract right away” she warned. “I don’t need my bosses raining hell down on me because some of you couldn’t keep your hands to yourselves. If you know anything, come talk to me whenever” she flipped onto the next page. “Any questions so far?”

“Jess is looking confused, you might have to explain to her as she’s new” Brian pointed.

Geet glanced over at Jess who looked embarrassed.

“I know the rules” Jess spoke out. “I’m married” she lifted her hand.

“Quick recap – consequences of fraternizing with passengers – you can be fired, suspended which looks really bad on your documents if you were to apply for another airline. That is why there is rarely any cases of flight attendants fraternizing” Geet explained. “Also when you’ve been in the plane long enough, you don’t even want to join the mile high club. We’ve had women miscarrying in the toilets, we’ve had people soiling themselves and the toilets, we’ve had it all… so whoever even thinks of joining the mile high club might want to think about fraternizing” she smirked. “Now moving on…” she continued to go through a few more bullet points that she needed to highlight with the team, once she’d done that she concluded their meeting. Standing up she called Yasmine to follow her into the office.

“Take a seat” Geet pointed grabbing herself a glass of water and sipped. “When were you planning to tell me?” she questioned sitting on her chair.

“Tell you what?”

“You’re pregnant Yasmine, you know well enough you’re not cleared to fly” Geet responded.

“Oh… I don’t want to go on a maternity break so early” Yasmine murmured.

“You’re not cleared to fly, that’s in all of our policies. I’m happy for you, I really am. And I can understand the passion for flying but in this state, no”

“I understand” Yasmine nodded.

“Alright, I’ll draw up your papers and post them out to you” Geet informed. “You wouldn’t need to come to this training meeting” she winked.

Yasmine managed a small smile.

“Give me a hug, I’m happy for you” Geet hugged her. “Congratulations, give your husband my congratulations. He must be over the moon”

“He is” Yasmine chuckled.

“Anyway c’mon I think you should share the news with them before they leave. Once the papers drawn up, you probably wouldn’t see some of them as they’re flying out tomorrow” Geet suggested to which Yasmine agreed to.

Edited by Queen0fDarkness - 1 months ago
Queen0fDarkness thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Jimmy Jab Games Season 7 0 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 1 months ago

Chapter 11

Family is what kept me going

The love and support from my family is what continues to motivates me

“Lo and behold the highness has walked in” Sean called out holding his beer out when Geet joined them on the terrace where they were holding the BBQ.

The terrace of Sean and Tara’s house was a large garden, designed beautifully and fitted with the latest modern furniture and it was designed by their very own Geet.

In the far end of the garden was the barbeque grill, along the side of the garden concrete wall was a rectangular pond for Nick, the other corner had maple wood chairs with cushions and a maple wood table for them all.

“Evening sunshine” Geet flipped him off glancing around. “Boo, boo” she called.

Nick glanced over his shoulder grinning widely, he leaped up from besides the pond and went running in Geet’s direction.

“Gigi” he screamed throwing his arms out as she crouched down and hugged him.

“Hey Boo” Geet giggled peppering kisses on his cheek.

“What did you get?” he pulled out looking at her expectedly.

“What makes you think I got something for you?” she arched her brows in amusement.

“Because you always get me something” he grinned cheekily.

“Alright chipmunk, this is yours and don’t you dare show mommy or she’s going to throw me off this terrace” she answered handing him the gift bag.

Nick dug into the gift bag squealing when he pulled out the football and started kicking it around. Geet cursed noticing Tara narrowing her eyes.

Guess the memo didn’t register in his mind about not letting his mother find out she stood and approached to where her sister stood.

“You want to tell me what you would prefer, my sandals or my palm?” Tara scowled.

“Neither” Geet looked at her sister innocently.

“Geet” Tara frowned. “You promised not to spoil him”

“I… I was passing by and this football looked sooo cute and…”

“I don’t want to hear excuses” Tara plugged in her fingers into her ears shaking her head.

“C’mon Tar…” Geet pouted.

“You’re lucky you’re still cute” Tara rolled her eyes and pulled her sister and hugged her tightly. “Grab yourself a plate and help yourself to the food” Tara pointed.

“Mmhmm” Geet hummed excusing herself and exchanged pleasantries with her sister’s friends then moved in the direction of the grill.

“Anil, how are you?” Gaurav answered his phone. “I was just thinking about you”

“I’m good uncle, how is everyone at the house?” Anil replied, they both exchanged pleasantries. “Uncle, I spoke to my cousin and his wife and they’ve suggested around the end of this month would be fine” he informed.

Gaurav looked over at his wife and waved her over, Savitri nodded and walked over to his side placing a hand on his shoulder seeing the grin on her husband’s face.

“They know about Maan?” Gaurav asked just to ensure that the parents know.

“Yeah, I’ve told them. Uncle, my cousin Suneel and Marissa aren’t people who judge” Anil assured. “Maan has fought for our country so there should be no judgement. Geet will have been told as well about him”

“I know that son, but not everyone thinks like that when they see my grandson. I just want to see Maan hurt again. Does your niece know?”

“Uncle, Suneel and Marissa will tell her everything before you come at the end of this month. They’d want this to be Geet’s choice as well because in the end if this goes ahead, it’d be Maan and Geet marrying and it would be their choice”

“That’s true” Gaurav nodded and gave a silent thumbs up to his wife. They shared a few more words between each other then cut the call turning to his wife.

“Anil has said around the end of this month, he’ll be giving more information around the end of the month” Gaurav informed. “The parents agreed to seeing him and they know about Maan. His niece has also been told” he added.

“That’s really good” Savitri smiled squeezing his shoulder. “I hope this works out”

Gaurav nodded in agreement, his grin widened when Rhea returned home followed by Rajeev and Kartik.

“You look very happy papa?” Rhea arched her brows as she placed her handbag down.

“Anil called me a while ago, Geet’s parents have agreed to seeing Maan at the end of this month and they also know about Maan” he informed which made everyone smile widely.

“Sneaking a quick one?” Geet arched her brows at Sean who’d snuck to the corner of the garden for a break.

“Don’t you dare mention it to her” he warned exhaling out the smoke.

“Sean, Tar will know the moment she kisses you” Geet smirked.

“Don’t I know it” he mumbled and glanced over his shoulder then turned to Geet. “Heard Anil has found someone for you”

“Dear God… don’t remind me. He’s got a family” she scrunched her nose.

“Say no then” Sean responded holding out the cigarette for her.

“Have you ever seen me smoke?” she arched her brows.

“I can try” he winked.

“You only offer it to me so you could get me into shit with Tara” she nudged him. “Anyway, mum and dad don’t stop banging on about these proposals so I said I’ll see them. Doesn’t mean I’m saying I’d be marrying him” she continued.

“Good on you” Sean nodded.

“How did you know Tara is the one?” Geet asked curiously.

Sean smiled chucking his finished cigarette in the trash can and glanced over his shoulder, his eyes as always lighting up at the sight of his wife. “I could only see Tara in my future, I couldn’t imagine anyone else standing beside me through the good and bad” he turned to Geet. “When you feel like you don’t see your future without that person, you’d know”

“Wise words from a wise man” Geet chuckled and stared into the horizon, the sun had dimmed and was slowly setting. Shame I lost my chance at keeping my one she thought and wondered whether this new guy would be anything close to who she imagined as a life partner. He already had family attached to him so that a negative point right now but she was going to take her parents advice – don’t judge a person by its cover.

“Hey lovebug! I heard the good news” Kirsten called out swinging open Maan’s office door. Maan frowned glancing over his shoulder, his phone on speakerphone.

“Kirsten what are you doing at Maan’s” Aaron called out.

“Hello to you too Captain” Kirsten replied. “I’m here to keep my monkey bun busy”

Maan closed his eyes shaking his head.

“Just give me the list of names Maan, then I’ll leave you two alone”

“Sending right now Sir” Maan replied.

“Enjoy your evening” Aaron finished the call once he’d received the email.

Maan turned to Kirsten. “What are you doing here thunderstorm?”

“I heard about the proposal”

“What propos…” Maan paused wondering whether she meant the interior designer one.

“You know the one, moody general is looking at” she responded. “I heard the parents agreed to you all going over at the end of this month”

“The parents said yes?” Maan frowned. “You must’ve misheard”

“No pookie, my ears are clean. I’ve heard correctly” she laughed. “Oh my gosh, I can't wait! If she’s the one then I am so going to wear my pink sari I bought like million years ago” she squealed excitedly.

“She isn’t the one baby doll” Maan chuckled and turned to his laptop.

“Er, how do you know?” she planted her hands on her side.

“Believe me, I just do” he murmured shaking his head. They always say no at the end.

Chapter 12

“Why are you looking at me like that?” Geet arched her brows staring at her mother’s reflection.

“Nothing, I’m just admiring my daughter. Can’t I do that without being scrutinised?”

“No, you can't. You’re obviously deep in thought” she answered picking up her red lipstick and swiped it across her lips and checked to ensure no red lipstick smeared her teeth.

“We’re setting a date for the end of this month for the guy to come see you” Marissa informed.

“That was quick” Geet looked at her mother surprised. “I hope it’s only him coming, not his entire family” she added.

“Geet…” Marissa rolled her eyes.

“I don’t want to see his family, is he marrying me or his family?”

“Well we’re going to be there, is he coming to marry you or us?”

“Whatever, I swear down I don’t understand these stupid proposals” she huffed standing up and grabbed her hat and scarf.

“Well, we did offer you nearly 4 years to find someone” Marissa blurted.

Geet stiffened and Marissa instantly looked apologetically at her daughter realising what she’d spurted out without thinking.

“I… I’m sorry Geet, I didn’t mean it like that”

Geet nodded silently and continued finishing getting ready.

“I’m sorry baby girl” Marissa wrapped her arms around her daughter from behind and kissed her cheek.

Geet offered a tight smile and nodded once again. “I’ve got to head off” she murmured grabbing her travel bag and turned to leave.

“Geet” Marissa called. “I need to speak to you regarding this guy”

“You can discuss it with me when I return” Geet replied leaving the house without a backward glance, her mother’s words continuing to echo in her ear.

She’d failed and though her parents didn’t remind her, the little words meant a lot.

She may be successful in a lot of things but when it came to that she failed.

“Gaurav has updated me yesterday about you going to see someone” Shirley started off the session once Maan settled on the sofa comfortably. Other than exchanging pleasantries he hadn’t said a word as usual, she hoped after coming here for a year he’d start off the session or show some interest.

“I see” Maan murmured.

“What are your thoughts Maan? Gaurav and your family seemed very happy”

“I’m only going to see her, there isn’t much to say” he replied.

“You’re not speaking to me properly again” Shirley pointed out.

“How would you like me to speak Shirley?” he answered.

“I would like to know what your feelings are regarding this situation? I know about the previous proposals and I know…”

“You don’t” Maan responded cutting in, his face straight and devoid of any expression or flicker of emotion. “You’re not sat in my place Shirley, so you don’t know”

“You’re right, I’m sorry” Shirley apologised. “I would like to know what your thoughts are”

“I’ve got no thoughts about this, it’s just another woman” who’s going to reject me he finished off inwardly.

“I want to be able to help you and I can only do that if you’re open with me” Shirley looked at him concerned.

“Shirley, I can’t be a woman and share my feelings” Maan smirked.

“Maan” she frowned.

“Shirley” he said her name in the same tone arching his brows in amusement.

“One day, you’re going to share those feelings Maan Khurana” she promised.

Geet retreated to her room once they touched down on Manchester Airport, having slept for a few hours on the plane she decided she was going to use her time wisely here. It wasn’t often she flew to UK, most of her flights were to the US and EU countries.

It was only 7pm when they’d arrived and they were here for 3 days before she flew to US so she showered and changed into her black skinny jeans and t-shirt as it was only mildly warm, from what she’d learned over the years was UK had unpredictable weather, even when it was supposed to be Spring – it could snow.

“Yeah?” she answered her phone seeing Ashley calling.

“Want to stay at ours? We’ve got some space”

“No, I’m fine at the hotel” Geet answered. “You still meeting me at Piccadilly Gardens?”

“Yeah, we’re setting off now. I’ll see you at The Alchemist, I’ll get us a table outside” she informed.

“Yeah sure” Geet answered and cut the call. She was about to put the phone away when her phone vibrated with an incoming message.

She swiped it and noted it was her mother apologising again and she was reminded once again of her mother’s words. She knew Marissa didn’t mean to be sound curt when she said those words, but it was true. She’d been given up to 4 years and she had… but failed to keep him.

She pinched the bridge of her nose sighing heavily.

The silence was deafening

Words failed me

Words failed you

“Can I join you son?” Gaurav asked, he’d just stepped out to take a walk around their large garden when he noticed his grandson sat on the swing outside seemingly in deep thought.

Maan glanced at Gaurav then slowly nodded.

“Where are you lost?”

Maan shook his head and continued to stare ahead, his eyes closing as he enjoyed the feel of the sunrays and cool breeze in the early morning.

“How was your session with Shirley yesterday?” Gaurav asked gently.

“It was okay, I suppose” he shrugged.

“Maan, you’re supposed to be trying son. You promised me” Gaurav reminded.

“How do I try dadaji?” he turned to Gaurav. “I… I can’t think about it without having a panic attack, I can’t sleep without having a nightmare” he inhaled sharply closing his eyes.

“I know” Gaurav shifted closer placing his palm on Maan’s cheek. “I know son, but I want you to get better” he whispered.

“I try…” Maan clenched his fist on his lap. “I failed them” he murmured. “It shouldn’t have been them… I shouldn’t even be here”

“Don’t” Gaurav tilted Maan’s face making him focus on him. “None of it was your fault”

“I was their Captain dadaji, I was supposed to take the lead” Maan whispered. “My men lost their lives, their wives were widowed and their child is now fatherless because of my misdirection”

“What about Rudra? Pranav? Tushar? They’re all here, safe in their homes and with their families” Gaurav asked.

“I still failed the others” Maan replied.

“How could you have? You were injured”

Maan squeezed his eyes closed not wanting to talk about his injuries, he turned his head away averting Gaurav’s eyes.

“If I could swap our shoes, I would do it for you son” Gaurav placed a hand on Maan’s shoulder, he brushed his fingers through Maan’s hair briefly and stood knowing Maan would now want to be alone. He’d often closed himself off whenever his injuries were brought up, Gaurav knew Maan was still trying to adjust to his life after the incident.

He wondered how could he help Maan? How could he help his grandson out from PTSD? How could help physically? Working in the army meant one would need the mental capability and physical strength, Maan had both and did his very best up until his team was attacked.

Gaurav’s stomach dipped each time he recalled seeing his grandson on the stretcher, shrapnel had damaged his leg which made him unable to walk for a very long time.

His face was marred with scars, some of the shrapnel was still stuck beneath his skin as doctors were unable to take them out without damaging the surrounding tissues around his face.

One side of Maan’s face held the faint white lines of the scar, the side of his neck was creased and scarred despite the numerous surgeries after the incident. The movement in one of his hand was limited for a long time until he’d gone to a physiotherapist to help him. He’d improved over the past year but each time he was reminded of his incident and how he’d failed his men.

Gaurav hated it whenever he’d hear Maan talk about how he’d failed them, Maan did everything during the time of the incident. He’d damaged his leg by running towards the chaos rather than running away. Gaurav wanted his old Maan back.

“What is this?” Gaurav arched his brows pulling out the letter from the envelope, he stiffened for a moment then looked at Maan for confirmation.

Maan nodded grinning widely.

Gaurav laughed excitedly and hugged Maan tightly. “Savitri” he called. “Savitri”

“Yes, yes I’m coming” Savitri answered hurrying into the library followed by Rhea.

“Papa what happened?” Rhea asked concerned hearing the yelling.

“Maan has been accepted” Gaurav told them with pride.

“Accepted where?” Savitri looked on confused then realisation dawned on her. “No”

Rhea looked confused taking the letter from her father in law and looked at Maan.

“You enrolled in the army? You didn’t tell us” she stared at her son.

“Well I wanted it to be a surprise”

“Well you’re not going” Savitri cut in.

“Savitri?” Gaurav frowned.

“He isn’t enrolling in the army” she replied.

“Well I’ve already enrolled and been accepted” Maan responded walking over to his dadima. “Dadima, I know what you’re worried about but please let me do this. I want to do this, I want to make you all proud and I want to do this for our country” he told her.

Savitri glanced over at her husband, though her husband had done very well, he came bearing his nightmares and battlefield injuries. She didn’t think she’d be able to see her grandson going through the same situations.

“Ma, I know Maan would do well” Rhea supported her son cradling his cheek. “He’s going to make the country proud” she pressed a kiss to his forehead.

“Obviously, I am his dadaji” Gaurav replied placing his arm around Maan’s shoulder. “C’mon Savitri, give your blessings to Maan”

Savitri sighed and hugged Maan tightly. “You have my love, support and blessings with you at all times” she pressed a kiss to his cheek.

Maan grinned feeling happy with their blessings, he knew his father would be proud and he couldn’t wait to share it when his father returns from work tonight.

“Can I take his bedroom now that he’d be gone?” Kartik poked his head into the library which made everyone laugh.

“I’m so hung over” Geet murmured as she took a seat opposite Saira in Costa.

“Yeah, I can tell” Saira laughed. “Good thing I ordered a double shot espresso for you then. After the craziness I am not surprised” she winked. “By the way where’s the hottie you went back to the hotel with?”

“Don’t know and don’t care” Geet groaned brushing a hand through her hair slipping off her black shades when the barista placed their drinks on their table. She lifted her cup and took long sips of the drink wanting to get rid of the thirst she was feeling.

“Did you get his name?” she arched her brows.

“Craig, don’t know his last name” Geet shrugged. “How are things going on over here? It’s been so long since we’d both caught up”

“Mmhmm tell me about it” Saira nodded in agreement. “Nothing much, Adil has booked us a 5 day cruise” she informed.

“How is he doing? It feels like years since I worked with him last” Geet replied.

“He’s enjoying what he does, but I know he would like to return to flying the plane once more” Saira responded. “When he’d talk about the good old days, it always includes him flying the plane”

“Hasn’t the doctor cleared him for flying?”

“Not yet, he wouldn’t be able to fly until he has his eye treatment. His headaches have lessened but if he was to fly again, he would have to go through this surgery” Saira explained.

“I honestly feel for him, we all miss him. We know how much he loved flying”

“I hope he returns by the end of this year, as much as I love my husband being home I know his true passion lies in flying” Saira responded. “Anyway how are things at your end?”

Geet then explained about her parents looking for someone for her.

“Wait, he’s coming at the end of this month?” Saira looked surprised.

“Yeah” Geet nodded. “How did you even fall in love with Adil? Did you sleep with him on the first night?” she leaned in closer not wanting others to hear.

“No I didn’t sleep with Adil on the same night” Saira laughed. “I got to know him and we sort of just clicked. Anyway if he’s coming at the end of this month, what was last night?”

“I am still very much single” Geet laughed. “A girl has needs” she winked teasingly. “And I’m sure the guy I’m going to see is probably taking care of his needs just like I am. I’m still shocked you didn’t do anything until you married Adil”

Saira rolled her eyes shaking her head “Well I didn’t want to have sex, I wanted my husband to love me” she replied winking at Geet.

“Love is overrated” Geet answered.

“When you find the one you love Geet, you’ll see”

“Well I won’t taking any notes from you” she replied. “I can’t believe you took Adil’s surname, I hate his surname”

“What? After marriage you’re going to keep Pearson?”

“Uh yes” Geet responded staring at her friend with duh look. “I am so damn pleased my mother didn’t change hers, I would probably walked out of their house with the surname Shergill. Sounds like gills of the fishes” she laughed.

“Well you know it’s like one of those cultural traditional things everywhere, these days many keep their own last names” Saira shrugged.

“The amount of crap women do for husbands… I won’t be the wife to do half of what you’re all doing” she pointed out.

“Darling, when the time comes you’re probably going to be the wife that does more” Saira laughed.

“Oh please” Geet rolled her eyes and laughed with her friend.

Chapter 13

“Geet isn’t speaking to me” Marissa looked at her husband.

Suneel raised his brows questioningly. “What do you mean?”

She then explained what she had blurted out accidentally.

Suneel sighed and offered a reassuring smile. “Don’t worry too much about it, Geet will get over it”

“We are talking about Geet here, not Tara” Marissa shook her head. “That girl can keep a grudge for years” she reminded.

“Well, when she returns I’ll speak to her”

“That’s the thing, she’s returned. It’s been 2 days and she hasn’t called or even let me know. Suneel, she always lets me know” Marissa sighed. “I… I didn’t mean to hurt her” she pinched the bridge of her nose.

“I’ll head over to hers around noon, she’s probably just knackered” he assured not liking that his wife was so upset.

“I… didn’t mean to bring him up” she murmured.

“Marissa, she’s probably just tired as always. I’ll go and see her in a little while” he enveloped her in his arms and held onto her.

“Aren’t we doing a session today?” Maan glanced at Shirley as she led him around the building backyard.

“I thought we’d come out this time and speak, being in an old office can sometimes become annoying” Shirley smiled.

“I suppose so” Maan shrugged looking around the yard.

“Why did you choose to help the country Maan?” Shirley asked as she sat down on the bench and stared up at him curiously.

“Should there even be a reason to help out the country?” he arched his brow.

“Do you want to know why I chose this profession?”

“Why?” he walked over slowly taking a seat on the bench besides her.

“When I was in foster care, I had no one to talk to, I didn’t know who to turn to. My foster parents didn’t care for me, they only wanted the pay cheque that comes for me” she responded. “When I grew up, I decided I was going to be the ear to those who don’t have anyone to share their issues with. I’ve succeeded with a lot of my clients but you… you’re really not making my job worthwhile” she turned to him sighing heavily.

“How would you like me to make it worthwhile?” he teased.

“How about you tell me, why you joined the army?” she turned to face him. “Start off at the beginning”

Maan shook his head and offered a small smile. “My dadaji, he’d been my inspiration. Seeing how far he’d come, seeing him helping those people. Listening to his stories, I wanted to feel that happiness and pride he felt when he went out on tour” he answered. “But it didn’t last long for me” he murmured.

“These marks are supposed to something you take pride in” Shirley told him gesturing to his cheek. “They’re battle scars and I’m proud that you’ve gone out to protect our country”

“That isn’t what everyone sees. They don’t see me as going out to serve my country, they see me with pity and disgust” he informed her.

“Wear them with confidence and their mind will change” she replied.

“What the…” Geet frowned hearing her door open and frowned seeing her father stepping inside followed by her mother. “Dad! I gave you my keys in cases of emergency! Who died?”

“You’ve not been answering any calls” Suneel pointed out.

Geet rolled her eyes. “I only just returned, I’m tired”

“You arrived two days ago” Suneel reminded.

“Still tired” she yawned walking towards her bedroom.

“It’s afternoon” Suneel followed behind glancing over his shoulder at Marissa who continued to look concerned. “Your mother was worried for you”

“I’m fine, now can you both leave me alone?” she huffed climbing into bed and pulling the blanket over her.


“Dad” Geet sat up huffing in exasperation. “Leave me alone!”

“We need to speak to you, you do remember the guy is coming tomorrow to see you” he reminded.

“Tomorrow?” she looked surprised. “You said at the end of this month!”

“It’s nearly the end of the month” Suneel replied. “And we said that 3 weeks ago” he added.

“Oh my fcking days” Geet pinched the bridge of her nose huffing loudly. “I’m not seeing him”

“What?” Suneel looked at his daughter in shock. “What did you just say?”

“You heard me” she climbed off pacing her bedroom floor. “I don’t want to see him”

“Geet, this isn’t some joke. We’ve invited them over, they’re coming tomorrow dammit”

“Suneel…” Marissa stepped in hearing their voices rising.

“Did you hear what she’s saying? They’re coming tomorrow and now she’s saying she doesn’t want to see the guy” he looked at Marissa exasperated.

“Whatever, I decided I’m not ready” Geet crossed her arms rolling her eyes.

“You can’t be two minded Geet, this is marriage. A life time commitment” Suneel turned around facing her.

“Urgh! I hate living here!” She screamed stomping to the bathroom and slamming the door closed. “I’m going back to America where no one cares if you’re still single at 31”

“I’d like to see you try” Suneel called out.

“They’re here” Tara whispered as she stepped into the room Geet was waiting in. She didn’t try testing her father, she might not be happy too much and was surely confused as to what she wanted to do about her future but she respected her old man enough that she wasn’t going to disrespect him in front of guests.

“Have you seen him yet?” Geet asked her sister curiously, her mother had filled her in about the man having been in the army previously and he did have battle scars. How much, they didn’t know.

“No” Tara shook her head settling beside her sister. “It might not be so bad”

“What do you mean it might not be so bad? I don’t want to be married in the first place and whoever they chose might probably be running a boot camp! The guy was a captain, his grandfather was a General!” Geet shook her head staring at her sister dumbly. “After I say no, I’m running away so say goodbye to me now”

“Pfft as if” Tara chuckled. “You couldn’t run away even if you wanted to” she pinched her sister’s cheeks. “You love us all too much”

“Whatever, I wish I didn’t” Geet pushed her sister’s hands off crossing her arms and tapped impatiently. “It would’ve made my running away so much easier”

“Baby girl it’s going to be okay” Tara slipped her arms around Geet’s shoulder and kissed her cheek. “Just relax, don’t judge and see where it goes”

“Do people forget we’re in the 21st century? Who marries like this anymore?”

“I thought my baby whined more, but here it’s you” Tara shook her head.

“Shut up” Geet hissed narrowing her eyes at her sister.

Maan couldn’t compose his rapidly beating heartbeats which continued to accelerate, he offered a small smile as Suneel and Marissa conversed with his family.

Since they’d come he’d expected a hesitant reception from Suneel and Marissa but they’d both been warm and welcoming his family into their homes.

He figured that they’d been informed of his condition beforehand so they knew what to expect, would they give away their daughter to him though?

From what he learned of Geet, he knew she was successful, owned her own business in interior designing and she was exceptionally stunning. He’d seen it with his own eyes.

“Maybe we should leave some questions for Maan” Savitri chuckled looking at her husband. “And if you have anything to ask him…” she looked between Suneel and Marissa.

“Yes, if you have anything to ask him. Please ask” Gaurav agreed placing his hand on Maan’s shoulder offering him a comforting smile knowing his grandson isn’t so comfortable.

Suneel and Marissa shared a look wondering what they could ask as they pretty much got a lot of the information from Gaurav about his family.

“Hi Papa” Nick yelled running into the room.

Suneel grinned turning to his grandson and lifted him onto his lap. “This is my grandson, Nick and that’s my son in law” he gestured to Sean as he walked into the room. “Sean had gone to pick this one up from nursery” he ticked Nick’s sides.

“Stop it Papa” Nick laughed trying to push his hands off.

Sean sat down on the chair beside Marissa arching his brows questioningly at her, Marissa smiled and leaned closer whispering softly “He’s going to be great for Geet”

Sean nodded though he wasn’t too sure. Maan might be someone who’d done a lot of good and fought for this country but would Geet be able to accept someone who’s imperfect when she’s almost perfect in every way.

“So, what do you do now, Maan?” Sean asked turning towards Maan.

“I’m a security analyst with the Feds” Maan answered.

“Is it really different from being in the army?” he looked curious.

“Being in the army, there’s more of physical work out whereas here it’s my fingers” Maan responded offering a small smile.

“Do you miss it?”

Maan’s smile faltered for a moment that hadn’t gone unnoticed by Gaurav, he also noted how quickly Maan masked his grief and offered a polite smile.

“Always” Maan replied.

“Where’s mommy and Gigi?” Nick piped in glancing around.

“Upstairs, why don’t you call them?” Suneel placed Nick down on his feet.

“Okay” Nick nodded and ran off yelling for his mother. “Mommy! Mommy”

“Suneel tells me you and your wife own a bar?” Rajeev asked Sean.

“Yes, in Khar” Sean replied and glanced in the direction of the door when Nick came running followed by his Tara and Geet.

“Are they looking at us?” Geet whispered to Tara.

“Like we’re on a ramp” Tara smiled brightly at the family who’d come to see her sister.

“Yep, got it. They’re staring like vultures” Geet nodded and slowly glanced around uneasily, her eyes paused briefly as she took in the man that’d come to see her.

She looked away and continued ahead settling beside her father whilst Tara walked around settling besides Sean.

“This is my youngest, Geet” Suneel placed his arm around Geet’s shoulders proudly.

Gaurav smiled and shared a pleasant look with his wife then turned to Geet. “We’ve heard a lot about you, my wife hasn’t stopped praising your interior designing firm”

“Thank you” Geet smiled politely.

“And I haven’t been able to get over the fact that you’ve designed some of my favourite actors homes” Kartik intervened. “They’re really cool designs”

“Don’t bring up your models here at least” Rhea shook her head.

Geet giggled sharing a look with Tara who’d snickered.

Kartik rolled his eyes at his mother and winked at Geet.

“So bete, what are your hobbies?” Savitri asked.

“Why is she calling me Bete? Doesn’t she know my name is Geet?” Geet whispered to her father.

“Her name’s Geet, not bete” Tara cut in chuckling before Suneel could respond.

Suneel mentally smacked his forehead and shook his head whilst the Khurana family shared a look between them and laughed softly.

“Maine hindi sikhane ki koshish kiya” Suneel responded.

“Stop speaking indian” Geet whispered.

“Hindi” Suneel corrected softly. “Anyway” Suneel straightened. “Savitriji asked about your hobbies” he looked at his daughter.

“Interior designing is my hobby” Geet responded. “It’s what I took up when I have my holidays in between my flying” she added.

“Flying?” Rhea seemed confused.

“I’m a senior air stewardess” Geet answered. “That’s my full time job” she clarified.

Gaurav looked at Savitri sharing an uneasy look, it hadn’t gone unnoticed by Geet or her family.

“Maybe we should give some privacy to Maan and Geet to speak” Marissa suggested.

Geet’s eyes drew to the man who’d been quiet for the last half an hour, she was prepared by her family last night when they’d revealed that he might have scars, she just didn’t know how much.

“Yes, that’s probably a good idea” Rhea agreed, she had noted how quickly her in laws looked uneasily once they had heard Geet’s profession. She was surprised as well, they had seen her as a businesswoman who owned her own interior designing firm and was successful. They hadn’t ever thought this potential wife for Maan is an air hostess. It isn’t the most glamorous job and is mostly known by many as waitresses.

“Tara, why don’t you lead Maan and Geet outside into our garden patio?” Marissa looked at Tara.

“Yeah, sure” Tara nodded.

Maan glanced over at his mother who’d offered a small gentle smile, he stood followed by Geet.

Chapter 14

Tara led them both outside onto the patio, she glanced over at Geet concerned.

“Take a seat” she smiled at Maan. “Geet designed the patio” she added proudly.

“It’s very nice” Maan responded gently.

Geet sat down beside Tara and looked at Maan for a brief second before looking down at her hands. She’d caught glimpses of the scars that her parents talked about but couldn’t exactly see how much it affected his face as she didn’t want to be rude just staring at him.

Maan shifted uncomfortably, he swallowed thickly wondering what he was supposed to say.

“So, I heard you work for the Federal agency. What do you do?” Tara asked even though she knew what he did, she supposed his job might be a good conversation starter.

“Security analyst” he answered softly.

“What sort of job is it? Like computers or…” Tara prompted.

“Mainly computers, information security, keeping hackers out the computers. Keep track of data and information sharing, helping the homicide team to track down suspects” he explained.

“Homicide… wow that’s pretty cool” Tara smiled nodding her head and glanced briefly at Geet who’d seemed to be zoning out. She smiled politely and nudged Geet. “Do you have any questions Geet?” she turned her head focusing on her sister.

“Uh… not really” Geet shrugged, she didn’t know how these things went. Usually she was asked the questions and answered them honestly, which usually led to rejection. Many of the times it was her doing the rejecting, it’d wound her ego if she let them get the upper hand so she’d always said no before she even gives any proposal a chance to say no to her.

“Do you have any for Geet?” Tara looked at Maan who’d look uncomfortable. “Maybe I should leave you both to speak to one another” she suggested without waiting for Maan to respond and stood. “I’ll be inside” she slipped away hurriedly closing the door behind her.

Talk about awkward Geet thought inwardly staring at her painted nails as right now that seemed more interesting. She’d mentally starting jotting down pointers to discuss with her parents, they were definitely going to get an earful when this whole thing was over.

“I take it, you didn’t know about my daughter’s job” Suneel spoke once Geet and Maan were led away. He’d noted their momentary fallen expressions when Geet mentioned her job.

Gaurav cleared his throat. “We didn’t, we’d assumed she was a businesswoman with the interior designing and our Kartik had checked out website but we hadn’t learned anything about her second job” he responded politely offering a gentle smile.

“It’s commendable that she is managing two jobs” Rhea added.

“Geet keeps her hobbies and her job separate” Marissa offered. “Since she was young, she always wanted to be working in airplane. It was either a pilot or air stewardess” she chuckled.

Maan’s family members smiled politely, though not all were pleased.

“What are your expectations?” Geet finally broke the ice between them, her nails weren’t so interesting anymore. There were only so many minutes she could stay silent, being someone who was always on the move and always doing something to keep her going this has got to be the longest she’s sat quiet and didn’t fall asleep.

Maan lifted his head staring in surprise briefly then looked down, “Nothing really, isn’t that what arranged marriages are like…” he responded softly. “Unpredictable…”

“Everyone always has some expectations” Geet pointed out. Each proposal she’d seen always had something, they wanted her to at least learn a little indian, they wanted her to leave flying, they wanted her to give up both her jobs, they wanted something or the other thing.

“What are yours?” Maan asked.

“Someone who’d let me be my own person” Geet replied. “I don’t want to mould into something I’m not” she added slowly raising her eyes and staring at the stranger sat across from her.

Her eyes roaming over his face, he’d kept his eyes down and didn’t seem to acknowledge she was perusing him. Her eyes brushed over the cheek that was stretched, faint lines of his scar ran across from his cheekbones to his jaw, she didn’t miss the side of his neck which was stretched and slightly rippled. It got her wondering, what must've caused so much damage?

From his unaffected side of his face, she’d determined he had a square jaw, lean cheeks and high cheekbones. For a guy he had pretty long lashes, his lips were curved distinctively.

Maan wondered why she had gone silent, he slowly lifted his head and noted she was staring right at him, and this time she didn’t bother looking away. She stared and didn’t look embarrassed that he’d caught her instead she seemed intrigued which made him curious.

Staring in curiousity I wonder the story behind those scars?

As he always said, between the lines there is a lot to be discovered

“Gigi” Nick yelled running out and leaping onto Geet’s lap. She looked away and smiled down at her nephew.

“Hey boo boo” she grinned widely kissing his cheek.

“Papa Neel said are you ready to come inside?” he asked looping his fingers through her hair and rested his head on her shoulders.

Geet spared one glance at Maan then smiled down at her nephew nodding. She stood lifting him up in her arms sneaking another glance from the corner of her eyes at Maan.

She watched silently from the corner of her eye as he grabbed his cane, using it as a support he pulled himself up and stepped ahead. She walked forward leading the way inside unaware of Nick’s expressions.

Her nephew watched the man behind in interest as he sucked his thumb, he frowned. “Gigi” he popped his thumb out.

“Yes boo boo” Geet answered trying to straighten him but he refused to budge from her.

“The man has got deadpool’s face”

Geet gasped pulling Nick back and stared at him. “Nick, that’s not very nice”

His lips trembled and he started crying realising Geet was upset with him, his Gigi never ever called him Nick unless she was annoyed or angry with him. And he knew she was angry.

“It’s okay” Maan intervened hearing Nick burst out sobbing and burying his face in the hollow of Geet’s neck.

“I’m sorry” Geet glanced over, “He never should’ve said anything like that, he never usually does” she continued.

“It’s okay, he’s curious and it’s understandable” Maan replied gently hating that the young boy was crying. He wasn’t used to kids crying, when he’d been on his tours he’d usually put a smile on children’s face whenever he stepped in to protect them, yet here...

“It’s never okay to call names and it isn’t okay to accept them” she responded.

Maan watched silently as she stepped inside, he thought about her last words and smiled at the irony of life. It’d been him teaching discipline and respect a couple of years ago, had he been the same Maan as before, he wouldn’t have probably assumed that comment was okay. Yet today, here he was accepting it as if it were a second skin. Over the years, the pity, the insults, the comments had become a part of him.

Maybe there is no judgement

There wasn’t a look of pity but intrigue

The beauty of this beauty has captured me…

However the beast is still so far…

Chapter 15

“What are you doing?” Suneel asked Geet as she glanced around herself almost as if she were checking out her own body. The Khurana had just taken their leave.

“I’m thinking to myself wondering what is wrong with me” Geet answered turning around facing her father who’d looked confused.

“What’s wrong?” Marissa stepped into the room.

Sean looked between Geet and her parents noting her stance, he whispered inaudibly to Tara and they walked out of the living room with Nick and headed upstairs leaving the trio alone.

“Didn’t you like him?” Suneel questioned.

“What is there to like?” Geet bit out sharply. “How could you both even choose someone like him?” she raised her voice. “Is something wrong with me? Because as far as I knew, I was damn successful and fcking beautiful!”

“Geet, looks aren’t everything” Suneel started.

“Don’t go on about judgement dad!” She yelled angrily. “I mentioned my career and I saw the distaste in their eyes” she continued. She had maintained her expression, she didn’t express pity, judgement nor her surprise when she’d taken a good look at the new guy who’d come to see her. It was another craft from being a stewardess that had come to use in this situation.

“Geet…” Marissa stepped forward to approach Geet.

“Don’t” she stepped back shaking her head. “You both saw it as well, I’m not fcking stupid. I didn’t get to where I am by acting naive” she countered angrily. “I’m not even judging the guy, he fought his country, good on him but his relatives…” she scoffed crossing his arms.

“The grandparents are a little…” Suneel started only to be once again stopped by Geet.

“If you’re going to justify their look of disgust, then you can save your breath!” she cut in sharply. “Why choose someone like him? Why didn’t you choose someone who is better fitted for me? Why are his family even choosing to see women like me? They’re going to be in for disappointment, which family would want to give away their daughter for someone like that. You say not to judge but you’re forgetting we’re in the 21st century. Everyone judges!”

“Both families should’ve been more forthcoming, who they choose to see for their son isn’t got to do with me, but you’re my business” Suneel responded. “You’re not going to find perfection because everyone here is imperfection, you, me, him… You can’t just base your like or dislike because of something that…”

“Save your breath dad! Had it been me that was imperfect, they wouldn’t have given me a second glance!” she cut in and walked past him hurrying up the stairs in determination. She walked into her room grabbing her handbag and phone.

“Geet…” Marissa frowned noticing Geet hurrying out the front door.

“Don’t talk to me, either of you” she called out climbing into her car. “Save yourself a trip as well, don’t come to my apartment” she told them starting the car and drove away.

“What the…” Suneel shook his head returning inside brushing a hand through his hair. “We taught her better than that Marissa”

“She isn’t wrong either Suneel” Marissa responded taking a seat on the sofa. “Geet isn’t lacking, she’s got a career, she’s got her own business. Who else can say they’ve got what Geet has?” she continued. “Maybe we were just… I don’t know” she sighed heavily.

“Geet’s right you know” Tara entered the room followed by Sean. They’d stepped out before letting Geet and their parents confront each other about this new proposal.

“Tar, she’s…”

“Dad, I know my sister very well” she cut in shaking her head. “She wasn’t judging him, she knows that he’d injured himself in the army. She’s trying to find out why would you choose him for her? He’s not exactly for her, he’s a security analyst with the Feds, but that’s it. She’s still earning more money than him, she’s got her own business despite her career”

“Tara’s right” Sean agreed. “Why not choose someone in the same league as Geet? If roles were reversed dad, do you honestly think any family would choose Geet?”

As Suneel thought about it, he knew deep down had it been Geet who’d been scarred and was limping, everyone would’ve probably said no to his daughter.

“It isn’t that I haven’t looked, once they hear Geet is an air hostess and she’s 31. They say no” Suneel sighed heavily sitting down and looked over at Marissa.

“See, they’re being judgemental of my sister” Tara shook her head.

“What did you think Maan?” Rhea asked her son as they returned home and were making their way into their hall.

Maan shrugged in response, he wasn’t ready to share his thoughts with his mother right now especially in front of his grandparents and his father. It was obvious that they weren’t too keen on Geet once they learned about her profession.

“I think she’s really beautiful” Kartik offered instead grinning widely.

“Don’t you start…” Rhea shook her head. “I don’t want to hear about your models”

“Well I think…”

“I think you should keep quiet” Rajeev told his younger son.

He huffed sitting beside his mother and pulled his phone out deciding he’d spend the time browsing his Instagram account, right now everyone looked serious which usually meant deep meaningful boring discussions which usually puts him to sleep.

“Geet is an all-rounder but…her career is flying” Savitri spoke.

“Hmm” Gaurav hummed thoughtfully, he glanced over at his wife feeling resigned.

Maan excused himself and headed into his office, he’d left some work on his desk to finish off for when he returns. He knew that his family were going to be the ones saying no this time as well, it wouldn’t come as a surprise if Geet’s family said no because he expected that.

He wondered how he was going to make his family see that they aren’t going to find perfect women for him but they seem to close their ears whenever he mentions it.

It was an unrealistic wish of theirs, would they have gone for someone imperfect if he were almost perfect? He brushed off all the thoughts deciding to get stuck into work. He settled on his chair switching on his computer screens and flicking open his laptops.

“How I missed thee, my sweet chocolate bun” Kirsten’s face appeared on his screen almost scaring the shit out of him. He scowled as Kirsten burst out laughing.

“So, how did it go?” Kirsten wiggled her brows once she composed herself enough. “Was she as yummy as you?”

“Don’t you have work?” Maan arched his brows.

“I’m on a break” she answered. “C’mon share the details… I’ve been thinking about it all day”

“There’s nothing to say Kirst. Anyway I’m guessing by the look of disappointment that this time dadaji will be saying no” he answered.

“What? Why? What’s wrong with her?”

“They don’t like that she flies” he responded.


“She’s a senior stewardess”

“You’re serious?” Kirsten frowned.

“As a shotgun” Maan nodded.

“Anyway they’re not going to be marrying her, what did you think lover boy?”

“She’s… beautiful” Maan smiled faintly. “She’s career orientated which is a great thing, she’s got her own business. She’s certainly ambitious, independent. She’s comfortable in her own skin”

“Yeah, flying and atop of that she’s got her own business” Kirsten nodded. “I don’t see what’s wrong with her” she scrunched her nose.

Maan chuckled, “Anyway enough of talking” he cut in shaking his head, he wasn’t going to even go there because he was sure he’d be getting a lecture from Kirsten for letting his family choose for him. “Give me an update and let me know what assignment you’ve got for me this time”

“Do we have to?” Kirsten pouted. “I want to hear more. She sounds perfect”

Exactly, she’s perfect. I’m imperfection he thought inwardly.

It had been 2 weeks since the proposal meeting, Geet learned from Tara that the family had no to her which made her scoff, she also learned that Suneel had said no on behalf of her.

Though that didn’t soothe her angry self, she was still angry at her parents and hadn’t been home since that day. Suneel and Marissa tried calling but she’d ignored them.

She hadn’t worked on a housing project for a while as well, she’d busied herself with taking on as many flights as she could take. She was currently in Spain basking underneath the hot sun, tomorrow she’d be heading back home after her 3 day trip which she didn’t look forward to because she’d received numerous texts from Suneel and Marissa stating they’re going to be waiting at her apartment for her. They obviously weren’t giving her much of a choice anymore when it came to ignoring them.

“Hey, want to grab a bite to eat?” Kanchan lifted her head pushing the sunglasses off.

“No thanks” she shook her head. “I’ve made potato salad which is waiting for me in the fridge”

“How don’t you cheat on your holidays?” Kanchan asked.

“Because I love my body” she chuckled. “And I’d prefer to stay hot and sexy” she winked.

Kanchan rolled her eyes, “I love my body as well but that doesn’t stop me from cheating on like, every weekend”

“You’ve got a body that doesn’t add weight” Geet pointed out. “Remember how much junk we’d eaten through college?”

“Don’t remind me” Kanchan laughed.

“At least we learned about the rules of the airline…” Geet laughed.

“It’s been a great change though from college junk food” Kanchan responded. “We’re fitter, we’ve got energy and we’re happy”

Happy… Geet thought deeply, was she happy? She had almost everything a 30 year old wants in their life, she’s at her peak but there was something lacking in her life…

Edited by Queen0fDarkness - 1 months ago
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Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Jimmy Jab Games Season 7 0 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 1 months ago

Chapter 16

The stares are like lasers

Every eye filled with intrigue

And everyone coming up with their own answers

Not once asking me, they rather judge.

“It’s never okay to call names and it isn’t okay to accept them”

Her words never stopped ringing in his ears, Maan wondered how had he become this person? A shadow of his former self.

As he dressed today, he thought of his previous life before the incident. He was young, filled with zest and had a goal. He looked forward to the future, he loved life and tried to live it to the fullest for he knew he wouldn’t be getting another shot at this life. And life was simply too small to not live it properly.

Now, he didn’t see a future ahead of him, he didn’t seem to have goals and he couldn’t continue like this. He stared into the dull eyes of his reflection, they once shone brightly with dreams and aspirations, and he wanted to feel that again.

“Someone better had died” Geet groaned as she finally answered her phone. She’d ignored it, she’d just arrived back in India and had returned to her apartment to sleep. However just as she dozed off, it rang. She’d ignored it at first but the person on the other side seemed to be insistent and she mentally promised to kill them.

“It’s time” Sean panted over the phone.

“What’s time?”

“Geet, it’s time!”

“Good for you buddy” she mumbled cutting the call and flopped back closing her eyes.

A moment later she jerked upright, “it’s time” she murmured and clambered out of bed.

“We’re going to drop Nick at yours on the way” he informed.

“Okay, okay” she nodded. “Where’s my clothes?” she screamed to herself searching around. She snagged on her shorts, grabbing a t-shirt from the closet.

16 hours later

“C’mon Tar, you can do it” Sean squeezed his wife’s hand in encouragement.

“Mrs Jaxon, 3 big pushes okay?” the midwife looked at Tara.

“Pull the baby out, I’m dying here” Tara cried.

Sean pressed his lips to Tara’s temple, “C’mon you can do this. You’re strong love”

“If you ever knock me up after this, I’m going to kill you” Tara sniffed.

“Okay” he smiled. “C’mon let’s get our baby into this world” he told her pressing his lips against hers. He drew away and encouraged her rubbing her back smoothly.

“I can see the head” the midwife announced.

“Baby’s going to be here” he murmured.

“Nearly there… One final push Mrs Jaxon” the midwife called out.

Tara tightened her fingers around her husband’s hand groaning loudly.

“Yes, yes… it’s a girl” the midwife informed as they wrapped the new born baby girl up and placed her on Tara’s chest.

“She’s here… she’s finally here” Tara looked at Sean. “Our baby is here” she cried hugging their daughter closely, tears cascading down her cheeks.

Sean nodded, he pressed his lips to his wife’s temple and looked down at their daughter. “She’s perfect, T. So perfect” he whispered pressing his forehead to her temple admiring their child together.

After an hour, Tara was finally moved into the recovery room, exhausted but clean as was their baby. She cradled their daughter in her arms not wanting to look away.

Sean had called Marissa and Geet informing them of the news and they’d shortly arrived soon as well to welcome the new addition.

Marissa smiled approaching her daughter pressing a kiss to her daughter’s forehead and took her grandchild in her arms. “Aww, she’s gorgeous, Tara” she grinned widely. “You’ve done, baby” she cupped Tara’s head kissing her forehead once more.

Geet smiled watching her mother and Tara fawning over her niece, she turned her head as Suneel wrapped his arm around her shoulder encouraging her forward.

“She’s beautiful” she stopped besides her mother looking at the newborn sleeping. “Have you thought of a name?” she questioned turning her head to Sean trying to push away the ache that slithered its way up.

“Theresa Jaxon” Sean answered.

“Tess for short though” Tara piped in and grinned looking at Nick hovering near the bed. “Hey baby boy” she held out her hand, Sean lifted him up and placed him closer to Tara.

“Why didn’t you buy me a baby brother?” he looked at his mother in disappointment.

“Because the hospital only had a girl available” Sean responded. “But look how cute your sister is” he pointed as Marissa sat down on the chair cradling Theresa.

“No, I don’t want a girl” he scrunched his nose.

“C’mere buddy” Geet lifted him up in her arms. “How about we go get something to eat? I’m starving” she told him as she placed him on her hips.

“Can you get me shake?” he asked.

“Depends on how good you are” she answered.

“I’m good gigi” he pouted.

“I know you are” she winked and peppered kisses along his cheek.

“Before this incident, what did you see for your future?” Shirley questioned Maan as they strolled out the garden. The day was beautiful today, the sun high up, clear blue skies.

“I had a goal, I wanted to be the General like my dadaji” he answered turning his head to her. “It obviously didn’t work out”

“You must've had new goals when you started working with the Federal Agents?” she arched her brows questioningly.

“What do I become after a security analyst?” he responded. “There isn’t really room for progression because I can't go back out into the field” he added.

“It’d take time Maan” Shirley responded. “You need to take it a day at a time, maybe set a weekly goal” she informed plopping down on the bench and patted the place besides her.

He sat down and looked around the garden, it seemed so peaceful here.

“What was your personal goal?” Shirley turned to face him.

“What do you mean?” Maan frowned.

“Did you see yourself in a relationship? Engaged or married?”

Maan tensed momentarily as he thought back to his previous life, “I assumed I’d be married by now” he responded slowly. It obviously didn’t work out like I’d seen… he thought inwardly.

“Would you do something for yourself if I ask you to?” Shirley questioned.


“No, no depends” she shook her head. “Before our next appointment, you’re going to do this”

“I’m guessing you’re not giving a say here” he smirked.

“I’ve got Gaurav on speed dial” she threatened jokingly.

Maan sighed. “Shoot away”

“Okay, you’re going to spend half an hour each day taking a walk in the local park. Early morning”

“Hang on a seco…”

“No, you’re not arguing. You’re going to do this, you can't lock yourself in the perimeter of your house and assume this is your new life. This country is yours just as much as it is everyone else’s. You need to stop hiding. This is your first goal”

“Shirley…. Please don’t d…”

“Maan, you pay me to help you. I can’t help you if you don’t let me” Shirley placed her hand on his shoulder. “At least 3 times this week, in the mornings take a walk around the local park”

Maan slowly nodded, he wasn’t looking forward to it. The mornings are usually the busiest, people on their morning jogs/runs, college kids crossing through the park to get to their college.

“I’m hoping a new challenge each week will shed away the fears and give you confidence in accepting and adjusting. I want you to wear these marks as pride. You fought for us all here, we’re proud of you Maan”

He listened silently, all the while wondering if he’d be able to do this.

6 weeks later

“You meeting me there?” Geet asked Adhira over the phone as she slipped into her jump suit.

“Yeah, I’m here already” Adhira informed.

“How big is the house?” she questioned smearing a layer of gloss on her lips.

“4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms” Adhira informed as she walked around the new property they were going to do up together. “They’d seen the updated gallery on the site and wanted their garden done” she told Geet as she stepped out in the garden. “It looks a little boring”

“Alright, what do you think?”

Adhira offered Geet the costs of the project then breakdown of the profits.

“That’s great! I’m on my way” Geet cut the call slipping into her Louboutin heels, she snagged her sunglasses from her drawer and grabbed her car keys.

She put in the address in the sat nav and drove towards the new potential client’s house. Once she arrived, she parked up and walked up the path already noticing Adhira stood outside talking to the clients.

“This is my manager, Geet” Adhira introduced.

“Morning” Geet smiled holding out her hand.

“Rudra and Aanya Desai” Rudra responded shaking her hand, Geet then shook his wife’s hand.

“Nice to meet you both” she told them and glanced around the house. “Your house is pretty”

“Well, we were hoping you’d be make it much prettier” Aanya spoke.

“We’ve got a new addition soon” Rudra smiled down lovingly at his wife. “So we wanted to get the house done properly, change the 4th bedroom into a nursery for our twins”

“Congratulations” Geet smiled, “how about you show me around and I’ll draw up some ideas for you” she told them.

“Sure, this way” Rudra nodded and led them inside.

“I’ve got colours already in my head for the nursery” Adhira whispered to Geet as they followed behind Rudra and Aanya.

“Don’t say blue” Geet responded.

“Yellow and white” Adhira informed. “It’s a neutral colour, it can be for boy and girl”

“Get that written down so we can go over it later” Geet replied liking the idea.

“What is your budget?” Geet asked Rudra and Aanya as they stood around the kitchen island.

“I don’t mind, we want to the best for our family” Aanya replied. “We’re both working”

“I understand that but everyone has a budget” Geet responded. “I don’t come cheap” she teased.

“What do you think it’s going to cost for the bedrooms and garden? I really do want the garden fixed more than anything as I want my kids to have a safe place to play”

Geet provided a breakdown of the suppliers, labour cost, the supplies, content, materials then her own cost for working on the project.

Rudra whistled, “Wow… that is quite a lot” he chuckled. “But we’ll go ahead with it”

Aanya grinned feeling excited.

“Alright, we’ll get to work on it from Monday” Geet informed. “Will you be continuing to stay here whilst we work?”

“Yeah, my work is closer to here” Aanya replied.

“What we’ll do then is, we do two bedrooms first then you can move into one of the bedrooms then we’ll do the other two, making one into a nursery” she explained. “Then we’ll do your garden”

“Sounds great” Aanya nodded. “I’m so excited”

“Over the weekend, I’ll be going over the ideas and bring them to you on Monday” she told them. “I’ll be managing this myself, though I wouldn’t be here full time. Adhira will be overlooking when I’m going to absent” she added.

“Oh we were hoping you’d be overlooking it” Aanya replied.

“I will be over every week to keep up to date with everything” Geet assured. “I’m an air stewardess as well so I wouldn’t be able to overlook it all the time”

“Two jobs? How do you manage?” Aanya asked surprised, there wasn’t a look of judgement in her eyes as she learned about Geet’s job.

“Interior designing is more like a hobby, I don’t take projects on all the time. It’s something I do, maybe 3-4 times a year” Geet answered. “When it’s not me, it’s my colleagues taking on the projects” she pointed to Adhira. “They learned from the best, so they’ll give it their all” she winked.

“I do have better ideas than Geet” Adhira joked.

“Mmhmm whatever you say” Geet laughed. “Anyway it was nice meeting you both” she glanced down at her watch. “I’ve got a meeting that I’ve gotta get to, I’ll see you both Monday”

“Yeah, it was nice meeting you too” Aanya shook Geet’s hand. “I’m already wishing Monday is here soon” she added.

Geet bid bye then walked out of the house with Adhira, “What are you thinking?” she asked.

“Nothing” Adhira shook her head.

“C’mon I’ve seen your eyes, what is it?” Geet turned to her colleague as she stopped by her car.

“Is it just me and you on this project?” Adhira asked.

“You’ll get 5 percent for this project than base wage” Geet answered.

“How did you know what I was going to ask?”

“Because I know you” Geet laughed. “Seeing as you’re going to overlook this, I’ll give you 5% of it. That comes out of the business because I am going to be getting my full 50%”

“Thanks” Adhira exclaimed.

“So go on, what do you need the money for?”

“I’ve hired a divorce lawyer, I need to get away from Vijay. I’m earning more than enough, I decided to take your advice” Adhira admitted.

Geet smiled, “You’re going to get someone much better than that rotten Vijay! Your kids are going to be better without him in their lives, he’s dragging you all down”

Adhira nodded, “I’m looking to leave the small apartment and buy my own place”

“Let me know if you need anything, I’ll look around for you as well”

“Thanks Geet, I appreciate it” Adhira responded.

“Don’t mention it, anyway I’ll catch you later. I’ve got a meeting to attend” she excused herself climbing into her and drove away.

Gaurav stared in pride as Maan walked through the doors, he limped but he manages to go a few hours without his cane. Maan had been out again this morning for his walk, these days his beginning half an hour had turned into a hour’s walk in the local park.

“Morning dadaji” Maan greeted.

“Morning son” Gaurav patted Maan’s cheek. “Come sit down” he gestured to the chair besides him.

“Is everyone still sleeping?” Maan asked glancing around.

“Rhea is in the kitchen making breakfast” he informed. “How was your walk?”

“It was nice, it was slightly breezy this morning but it is getting warmer now” he responded.

“I’m so proud of you Maan” Gaurav told him, the small changes that occurred in Maan over the last few months were positive. He knew Maan suffered with the nightmares and was still battling his PSTD and depression but the small steps he’s taken has impacted greatly even if no one else seems notice much. Gaurav notices it. He’d been through these stages, seeing Maan go through the same made him ache.

“Thanks” Maan responded softly, “I’m going to see if mom wants some help” he told Gaurav standing up and walked inside.

“What’s wrong?” Savitri walked over noticing her husband sat outside on the chairs.

“Nothing, I was just concerned with Maan” Gaurav answered shaking his head. “Did I do this to him Savitri?” he asked turning to his wife.

“No one is to blame” Savitri placed her hand on her husband’s shoulder. “Maan is going to get better, he’s our grandson and he’s determined like you” she told him.

“Where are we going wrong? He doesn’t believe there is anyone out there for him” he sighed. “If only she…”

“You don’t need to bring her up now” Savitri told him. “He’s better than her”

Gaurav sighed heavily, he glanced over his shoulder for a glimpse of Maan and noticed Maan speaking with Rhea as they walked to the dining table placing down the breakfast plates down.

He stood and walked inside alongside his wife.

“Put your laptop away” Rhea scowled at her youngest son as she brought out the fruit bowl.

“Can you leave me alone mama?” Kartik rolled his eyes then gasped. “Oh my days! Look at this” he squealed like an excited child.

“What happened?” Rhea looked at the screen, it was a picture on Instagram of Kartik’s favourite models hugging the interior designer Geet Pearson. “You and your models…” she shook her head.

“You know, if bhai married her. I could’ve met my favourite model” he grouched.

Rhea glanced a look over at Maan, then looked at her in laws who’d quietened.

“Excuse me” Maan pulled out his phone. “Hello” he turned and walked away.

“Hey jammy dodgers! So I wanted to check what you’re doing tonight” Kirsten spoke excitedly.

“Sleeping” Maan replied entering his office. “Why?”

“Well I’ve got this party to attend”

“Sorry, you got to ask someone else” Maan shook his head.

“Cupcake please…” Kirsten pleaded.

“Kirsten, I know what you’re trying to do but I’m serious. I’m really not in the mood to attend a party” he responded.

“You’re never in the mood, I so hate you right now! I can’t believe th…”

“Bye” Maan cut her off then cut the call shaking his head.

He looked down at his screen when it vibrated with a new message.

You’re lucky, you’re scrumptious or else you would’ve been splattered on the wall by now like a fly

Thanks darling, you’re so kind – Maan tapped his response.

Chapter 17

“You sure you want to challenge me? I’ve kept up with my schedule” Geet arched her brows at Jamie questioningly.

“Darling, you’re not going to beat me” he replied, “I’ve got a hot bod and the muscles”

“I love how you’re so confident” she chuckled and glanced over at Ashley. “I win, $500 is mine”

“You better not lose” Ashley looked over at her husband.

“C’mon let’s do this” he smirked.

Geet shrugged off her t-shirt leaving her only in her sports bra and shorts, she smirked noting the stares she’d received from the other members of the gym.

“You’re on kid” Jamie responded pulling his t-shirt off, Ashley smiled admiring her husband’s lean body, his abs on show catching the eyes of the various women around them.

She looked over at Geet who stretched off and did her quick warm up, Geet was lean, toned and had muscles in the perfect places, her stomach was what many of their friends envied. She had abs! Ashley envied her friend for it.

“10 reps on each station” Ashley announced straightening up. “Whoever does it quicker, wins” she looked between her husband and Geet. They both seemed confident, it wouldn’t surprise her if it is a tie, Geet heads to the gym whenever she can, even abroad she’d get in an hour’s work out fitted in her schedule. Jamie spends an hour every day doing a HIIT work out. She wished she had the same motivation as her husband and her friend, but she loved food too much. Though she did ensure she didn’t add weight, she tended to join her husband once a week to lose off anything she adds on.

“Ready?” Jamie looked over at Geet as they waited for Ashley to say ‘go’.

“More than you know” Geet answered, she sprinted to her first station as soon as Ashley called out.

“I’m not doing this” Maan shook his head walking away from Kirsten.

“Hey, you’re supposed to do this! Dr Malhotra told me, I should make sure you do light exercises”

“And I agreed, but not at a gym” Maan continued towards the car though he wasn’t fast enough.

“Nutty Nutella spread, you’re not going anywhere” Kirsten slipped her arm around his and turned him around.

“Kirsten…” Maan stared down at her disapprovingly. “I… I’m not ready”

“Shirley gave you this as one of the challenges this week” she reminded. “C’mon… Look I never exercise, yet here I am” she pointed to herself. “By the way do you like my outfit?”

“Kirs…” Maan sighed, he looked over at the gym then turned to her. His scars didn’t just stop at his face, he had them down his arms and his legs were covered with fainted lines and stretched skin.

“You’re not getting out of this” Kirsten informed him in determination.

Maan sighed heavily and took a small step in the direction of the gym.

Their stares don’t mean anything

The story behind each scar is your own

Embrace yourself and people will embrace you

“Feeling sore?” Geet asked Jamie who’d settled on the bench panting heavily.

He flipped his middle finger at her which only made her laugh, she grabbed her water bottle and guzzled down the water feeling incredibly thirsty.

“I want a rematch” Jamie heaved.

“You lost, accept it gracefully” she winked. “Now I’m going to hit the treadmill” she strolled off and jumped onto a treadmill. Adjusting the settings, she started with light jogging then started pacing faster increasing the intensity and speed until she was running.

Maan glanced around as he and Kirsten entered the gym, he noted everyone was doing their own thing, none paid attention to him or his best friend who’d dressed in neon pink sports top and shorts. “What do you want to go on first?” he looked down at Kirsten.

“Kirsten” he nudged her when she didn’t answer, she continued looking towards the treadmills.

“Holy moly, sweet popcorn” she murmured. “Look at him, he’s so hot. I want him” she pointed.

Maan glanced over and rolled his eyes, he turned to glance back at his friend when his eyes caught a familiar figure by the treadmill.

He stared for a moment as recognition settled.

“He’s mine, stop staring” Kirsten warned nudging him.

Maan blinked and wondered what sort of coincidence was this, he cleared his throat.

“I’m going to go on the cross trainer” he told her.

“No, we’re starting with the treadmill, that could be my future husband so come with me” she didn’t give him a chance to protest as she grabbed his arm and pulled him in the direction of the treadmill.

Geet slowed down to a stop as Jamie and Ashley approached her.

“We’re heading off” Jamie informed. “We’ll see you tomorrow”

“I can’t wait to get to Barbados” Ashely grinned.

“That’s alright for you, I’ll be getting off at New York and flying to Italy” Geet groaned. “Henry did this purposely to me to get back at me for kicking his arse at the darts game”

“Remember his face, he was so pissed off” Ashley laughed.

“I’m going to get him back for making me take two flights in one day” Geet responded. “Anyways I’ll see you tomorrow”

“Barbados here we come” Ashley whooped.

“Piss off Ash” Geet scowled, she laughed as she walked off with Jamie.

“No, no…” Kirsten mumbled.

Maan wanted to smack his forehead, he noticed Geet turning around. He stepped on to a treadmill a few feet away from her and started walking slowly.

“Excuse me?” Geet looked down confused at the brightly dressed woman who’d approached her treadmill.

“My future husband just walked away” Kirsten frowned.

Geet looked over then turned to Kirsten, “He’s married”

“How do you know my sweet toffee is taken?” Kirsten placed her hands on her hips.

“Because he’s married to my friend and I work with him” she answered.

“Now why should I believe you?” she arched her brows. “You could lying for all I know, you better not lay your eyes on my future husband”

“Good luck at getting him darling” Geet stepped down and moved towards the rowing machine.

“Hey breadstick, wait I’m not done” Kirsten followed forgetting she’d come with her best friend who’d stolen glances from time to time.

Geet frowned and looked up at the woman who’d plonked herself on the rower besides her.

“Did I hear you correctly, you just called me breadstick?” Geet questioned, she gripped the handles and rowed on the machine.

“You’re as thin as a breadstick” Kirsten informed. “You need to put a little cotton candy here and there” she waved. “Men likes curves”

“Depends on your social circle” Geet replied, pondering to herself how did she find herself here talking to a woman who’d had rainbow coloured glasses, pink, purple hair and wore pink neon t-shirt and shorts.

“Urgh what is it with you people! Social circle and all…” she waved dismissively. “We bleed the same and we were born the same way, butt naked”

Geet bit back her smile staring at the woman now in amusement, “Did you come here to work out or annoy strangers?” she asked clearing her throat.

“I came here to… Oh Shit! Shoot me now” Kirsten stood almost stumbling forward. Geet stood grabbing Kirsten from falling and looked at her confused.

“Nice talking to you, you’re getting me the hot shot’s number” Kirsten stated.

“He’s married” Geet called out as Kirsten walked away.

“You’re lying. Friend me on facebook, it’s Kirsten Vangsness” she called out hurrying towards the other end where she could see Maan walking slowly on the treadmill. She paused half way and glanced over, “What’s your name breadstick?”

“None of your business candy floss” Geet smiled grabbing her towel and bottle walking out the gym. She shook her head as she thought over the weird encounter with the woman and headed towards the showers.

“I found myself a new friend” Kirsten informed as she stepped on to the treadmill besides Maan.

“I saw that” Maan answered. “She looked like she was running the other way” he chuckled.

“My scrumptious little KitKat, you’ll see. We’re going to BFF”

“Oh really? Where’s your loyalty Kirst?” he raised his brows.

“Hey, I need a girlfriend” Kirsten responded. “I considered Jenna for a moment but she’s a total weirdo, she doesn’t even laugh at my jokes. How can I be friends with plain jane?”

“So, what did you talk about with your new friend?” Maan asked curiously, though he could see them both talking, he couldn’t hear. He didn’t pay much attention to the both of them together, his eyes were drawn to Geet. She was makeup free, her hair pulled up in a high pony tail and her toned body on show. He closed his eyes clenching his jaw realising where his mind was drifting off to, he is no match for the woman. She had her own business, she was a senior air stewardess, she was successful in ways he wasn’t.

How was he ever going to compare to the woman?

He worked as a security analyst with Federal Agency, he wasn’t anywhere close to her.

She was confident, whereas he was apprehensive.

She had no flaws whereas he was marked with his mistakes

She was the beauty whereas he was the beast.

Chapter 18

“Sir, you need to calm down now” Geet warned sternly at the disruptive passenger.

“I said I want another drink” he yelled.

“You are not permitted to have another drink, you’re drunk and you’re disturbing our other passengers. Please quieten down” she replied.

“No, you…” he stood.

“Sit down now” Geet remained calm though stressed the words out.

“Don’t you fcking order me, I paid for you to service me” he retorted.

Geet clenched her jaw, flexing her fingers by her sides. An urge within wanted to punch his smug mouth however she couldn’t set a bad example so she straightened stepped forward leaning towards the passenger’s face. “First, watch your language! And this is now your last warning before we have you removed from here and moved over there” she pointed to the seats near the toilets. “We will handcuff you and we’re well within our rights to do that” she informed.

“I’d like to see you try you fuc…”

Geet swiftly turned him until his back faced her, his hands twisted behind his back as he yelped.

“Assault!” he yelled out as she led him forward, he wasn’t in a position to fight back. Geet planted him on the seat and zip tied his hands behind his back.

“Now you’re going to sit there for the rest of the ride” she informed as she hooked his zip ties onto the bar to limit his movements.

“You can’t do this! I’m going to sue you” he kicked out his legs trying to pull the zip ties off.

“I can do this, you were disruptive, verbally abusive, I’m well within my rights” she smiled and turned around facing the other passengers who seemed slightly relieved.

“Sorry for the disturbance, complimentary hot drinks on us” she announced.

“You’re disturbing me” Maan informed Kirsten as he tapped away on his laptop.

“I’m supposed to” she answered then huffed crossing her arms, “I’m still figuring out why your family would say no to her. She’s so perfect, did you see she’s got Louboutin shoes? I want to hug them to my bosom and sleep with those shoes” she squealed. She spent the better half of her night finding everything about Geet Pearson when Maan told her the woman she met was in fact the proposal his family denied.

“Jeez Kirsten, don’t talk to me about your bosom” Maan shook his head.

“Hey, my girls are fine” she scowled. “But look here, this wonderful breadstick has awesome designs! Would you loan me some money? I want to get my apartment done by her now?”

“If she were to design your one apartment, it’d cost yours and my livelihood” he replied.

“Forget the hot stud, she’s single right? Yeah she is seeing as she was looking around for someone, you know I’m going to marry her instead. I’m becoming a lesbian” she quipped. “Yep, I’m going to sweep breadstick off her feet and marry her” she nodded. “I’ll be like the cheese dip to her breadstick”

Maan scrunched his nose and shook his head at his friend. “Kirsten, don’t you have some work?”

“No because those rotten douchebags went to Florida for this next case, they didn’t tag me along with them” she replied.

“Right, I’ve got work though” he informed.

“I’m still trying to figure out why your family would say no to such a fiiinnnee specimen!” she repeated.

“You sound like a broken record”

“Okay, I’ll… stop” she closed her lips together for a moment. “I… I still don’t get it though, why would…”

“Kirst” Maan turned his head to her.

“Alright, zipping it up” she responded gesturing her zip on her lips.

Maan turned back to his laptop screen carrying out a few security tests, he paused rolling his eyes.

“I still don’t get it” Kirsten started once again. “I mean, seriously she works two jobs and has impeccable delicious tastes in design and….marble tables! Those marble tables were just… and I’m going to head off” Kirsten stood. “I’ll see you later my magnum ice cream” she kissed his cheek and walked out of his office.

“Hey strawberry shortcake” Kirsten smiled taking a seat besides Kartik as he scrolled through his laptop screen.

“What do you want blobby?” Kartik frowned.

“Don’t make me break you into two pieces” she responded smiling brightly.

“Stop smiling like a clown” Kartik responded rolling his eyes. “What are you doing here? My brother isn’t interested in you”

“Watch how I marry him and take him away from you” Kirsten countered. “Your brother loves me more than you, dweeb”

“Shut up” Kartik scowled. “Are you homeless or something? Because you’re always popping into our house?” he asked.

“You’re lucky, you’re still a kid or else this fist” she clenched her fingers and lifted “would be breaking this pretty face”

“A delight like always blobby” he rolled his eyes.

“I hate you” Kirsten hissed.

“Back at you” he shrugged.

“Anyway… forgetting this battle, tell me something”

“I’m not giving you my blessings to propose to my brother” Kartik cut in.

“Shut the… you know what, forget it” she stood. “I’m wasting my precious seconds and delicious smelling breath on you”

“You mean *cough* dragon breath” he responded.

“One day I am going to spank your ass red” she tossed and turned striding out the door.

Kartik chuckled to himself and tapped away finishing his assignment for college.

Memories still remain

Etched within

Reminding you

Geet jerked blinking open her eyes and glanced around her room, she could’ve sworn she felt a presence so near, those soft whispers, her eyes drew to her hand. She clenched her jaw, her gaze cut to her reflection across the room in the mirror.

In that moment she saw vulnerability, loss, failure.

She recovered, gathering herself together falling onto her back and stared at the blank ceiling.

The memories came rushing and she felt an ache.

Was this the goal?


“Hey baby girl, I missed you” Geet rocked her niece in her arms, she’d returned to India last night and driven here for lunch at her parent’s house where Tara and Sean had also arrived.

“Yes I did” Geet nodded as her niece shifted gurgling and smiled faintly.

“Sean, seriously” Tara nudged his hands off, Geet looked up hearing her sister and brother in law muttering amongst each other and playfully messing around.

She smiled admiring them for a moment and looked down at her niece, “Did you miss your Gigi? Hmm?” she pressed a kiss to her small button nose. “I wove you so much munchkin. Yes I do, so so much” she pressed gentle kisses.

Unfulfilled dreams

An urge to fulfil them arise

But it remains incomplete without you

“How’s your new project going?” Sean joined Geet out in the garden passing her a glass of wine. Tara decided to stay over for the night as it was really late now, she’d headed upstairs to put Nick and Theresa to sleep. Suneel and Marissa called it a night as well leaving Geet and Sean.

“It’s good, Adhira is keeping me up to date on the stuff” she responded taking a sip of her drink.

“You’re staying here tonight” Sean stated.

“What makes you say that?” Geet arched her brows.

“That’s your 3rd drink” he smirked.

“I so hate you Sean” she scowled.

“Back at you” he chuckled, glancing over his shoulder ensuring his wife wasn’t around he pulled out a cigarette and lit it.

“You need to stop smoking, you’re going to die younger” Geet told him.

“Please don’t give me your health lectures, you shouldn’t be drinking” he responded.

“Point taken” Geet chuckled. “So, how are things going?”

Sean inhaled and exhaled the smoke out, he smiled and looked at Geet with this almost dreamy smile, “it’s amazing. Holding Tess to me, knowing that she’s mine… It’s an amazing feeling G. When I met Tar, I hadn’t thought I’d love anyone as hard as I love your sister but when Nick and Tess came, I know I’d do anything for them” he sighed leaning his head back. “Tess and Nick… they’re a part of me and Tar, it’s sometimes unbelievable”

Geet smiled, she was happy but she felt a familiar ache within.

A while ago, she’d had it all and felt the blessings of the world upon her and within moments everything came crashing down. And it was no one’s fault. There wasn’t anyone to blame.

She had everything that others wanted, but the thing she wanted, she couldn’t find.

Maan lay on his back, his hands locked behind his head as he thought over Kirsten’s question.

Why his family actually said no to Geet?

Was there a valid reason behind their rejection?

He understood Geet’s family reasoning but his own family’s?

Was their reasoning even right?

Was her job such an inconvenience?

He drifted off to sleep with those questions niggling him in the back of his mind.

Splattered blood

Bodies spread


Painful screams

Cries of the mourning

“You’re safe Maan, you’re safe” Gaurav spoke gently, once again he heard Maan yelling in distress. Everyone had come running into the room, they couldn’t even shake him awake. He was in a trance and dangerous when he wasn’t completely aware of his surroundings.

Rhea looked at her husband in concern, she closed her eyes hating to see her son so vulnerable and helpless. She hated the pained cries and the feeling of helplessness.

“You’re safe” Gaurav continued to repeat, Maan continued to mutter coded words and shift endlessly, his hands clutched onto the blanket, sweat misted his skin.

“Listen to my voice, it’s only a dream” Gaurav continued offering soothing words in the hopes of reaching out to Maan and waking him up from his nightmare.

“Do something Rajeev” Rhea looked at her husband desperately. “Please” she begged.

“We need to be strong for him Rhea” Rajeev wrapped his arm around his wife, his eyes glistened with tears as he watched helplessly.

They were all warned they shouldn’t reach out for Maan physically, they were told to wait it out until Maan woke himself up or someone can speak to him in the hopes that Maan listens in subconscious state. They are never to physically wake him as they were warned Maan could act out assuming he’s in a battlefield and he could kill in his subconscious state. It was another side effect of PTSD.

“You’re safe, you’re home Maan” Gaurav noticed Maan slowing down, he wasn’t shifting as violently nor swiftly, he seemed to be subconsciously searching for something.

“You’re home, safe and sound. No dangers, we’re all here for you”

Maan exhaled heavily snapping his eyes open, he sat upright breathing heavily.

“Maan…” Rhea moved forward to touch him.

“Rhea, no” Rajeev grabbed her hand before she touched him.

Gaurav held his hand up at her, he continued to repeat the words until he noticed Maan visibly relax and slowly lift his head. He looked around brushing a hand through his hair realising what happened, he’d had another episode of his.

Rhea pushed forward taking him into her arms and cried. Maan silently held onto his mother swallowing down the helpless cry that threatened to escape his lips.

“I’m fine mama” he assured softly.

He wasn’t fine.

Chapter 19

Wake me up from this nightmare

Before it consumes me

I’m frozen here

The walls are closing on me

Wake me up…

Maan snapped his eyes open jerking upright, sweat beads misted on his forehead, his entire body tense and almost shaking. He looked around trying to pull away, there was clouds of darkness.

He inhaled sharply as his sight cleared, and his eyes drew to the woman.

“What happened?” he whispered.

Shirley relaxed, she’d been concerned seeing Maan go through a nightmare. She hadn’t realised how bad it was until she’d witnessed it.

“What do you look for when you wake up?” Shirley asked.

“I don’t know” Maan sighed shifting and sitting properly on her sofa. “What was that tablet?” he groaned brushing a hand through his hair.

“It relaxes your muscles and makes you sleep” she answered. “You agreed to this before you slept” she reminded. “It would help me understand you”

He briefly remembered allowing her to see himself in a vulnerable position, he reached for the glass of water and drank.

“How are you feeling?” she asked.

“I’m drawing a blank right now” he responded, he wasn’t sure what he’s supposed to be feeling. His senses were all over the place right now, a part of him knew he was safe and awake though he was aware of his surroundings and noting everything as if someone was hiding in the corner ready to pounce and attack him.

“Take your time…” Shirley responded understandably.

“What are you doing?” Suneel looked at his daughter surprised.

“I’m trying to make this” Geet pointed to her Joe Wick’s chicken stir fry rice.

“And instead of making that, you ruined my kitchen?” he answered. “You couldn’t fry an egg properly, what were you thinking?”

“Instead of insulting me, why don’t you help?” she huffed. “You weren’t home and neither was mum, so I had to make something to eat”

“You couldn’t make yourself some toast?” he rolled his eyes. “You just had to choose something like this?” he pointed. “Save me Lord” he muttered. “Did you just chuck in frozen chicken into the pan?” he asked.

“Well it says add chicken once the onions were brown” she informed.

“Not frozen, defrost, wash and clean with lemon and salt water then wash again then chuck in”

Geet stared blankly, “Whatever” she shrugged. “Can you make me something to eat? I’m starving”

“Eat this for now” he grabbed an orange and apple. “Sit and eat, whilst I clean off this disaster and make you something” he nudged her out of the kitchen.

“Why didn’t you lot cook something?” she mumbled.

“Because you don’t live here, and we ate dinner outside last night” he called out.

“Do you know how greasy those restaurants are? Can we move from here?”

“No, we’re settled here”

“Well, I’m not” she answered. “I want to move away from here”

“You’ve already moved out of our house, how far do you want to move?” he rolled his eyes.

She returned to the kitchen sitting down on the stool and looked at him seriously, “USA or UK”

“Yeah, whatever you say” he chuckled.

“Dad, I’m being serious. What’s holding us all here? Grandma isn’t here anymore”

Suneel realised Geet was being very serious, he turned around facing her, “I’ve given you the freedom of everything Geet, you wanted to be an air hostess, I let you. You wanted to move out, I let you but this… no” he shook his head. “This is where my mother brought me up and we’re living here” he told her.

“Well my mother wasn’t brought up here” she countered.

“Don’t” he narrowed his eyes sternly.

“Why can't you see I feel trapped here?”

“What’s trapping you Geet? You’ve been given all the freedom, find anyone else who has much freedom as you. You’re 31 yrs old dammit! You’ve got your career, 2 jobs, family, car, apartment, money… you’ve got everything a person could want”

“What about marriage?” she voiced. “What about partnership? Love? Everyone we’ve seen rejected me because of my job and age…”

Suneel knew Geet was right.

“I’ve got everything a person wants yet no one seems to want me” she chuckled, “I don’t want to stay in a place where I have to feel like crap for being a stewardess and for being 31yrs old” she stepping down the stool and walked out.

Broken dreams

Shattered hearts

How do we mend them?

Geet sighed heavily as she stepped into her apartment, it was silent like always, shrouded in darkness and a sense of loneliness lingering in the air. She scoffed switching the lights on and headed towards her bedroom.

Like everyone says, I’ve got the life anyone would die for – enjoy it she thought to herself as she rummaged through her wardrobe. She’d only been home for the last 3 days and was now feeling bored. There’s only so much exercise and catching up with her friends she could do, she’d even gotten an update on her current project and everything seems to be going smoothly.

She had another 3 days before her new schedule comes, she picked up her phone and dialled Kanchan’s number.

“Hey Geet”

“What’s on your rota for the next 3 days?” Geet asked.

“Flying out tonight to Bora Bora then I’ll be back in two days time then I’m off for 3 days” Kanchan answered.

“Swap with me”

“Are you my friend or line manager speaking?” Kanchan questioned.

“Friend” Geet drawled, “for now”

“But I want to go to Bora Bora” Kanchan exclaimed, “The stunning beach and that so turquoise blue water…” she mumbled.

“I’m bored here, I’ve gone gym like every single day”

“You go everyday anyway” Kanchan scrunched her nose.

“Twice – I went every morning and every evening after dinner” Geet informed. “Ashley and everyone else is out flying, I need something to do”

“What about your projects?”

“It’s going smoothly and right now it’s the builders in the rooms so I won’t be doing much until it comes to the designing”

“Find another client?” Kanchan suggested.

“No, because I’ll have to fly out in 3 days and… just swap with me”

“Sorry, can't. I’ve been dying to go to Bora Bora” Kanchan replied.

“You’re a bitch” Geet deadpanned.

“Back at you boss” Kanchan laughed cutting the phone.

“What are you doing Kirsten?” Maan scowled seeing his friend stuffing his clothes in a travel bag.

“You’ve heard Aaron, we’re going on a case” Kirsten responded.

“I told him I won’t be there” Maan shook his head.

“We need a technical analyst for this though, you can't work from here. This is like a major ring that we have to take down” she responded. “So you’re going to fly out with us all this time”

“I’m not going” Maan answered in determination.

“It’s part of your contract, section 8 page 36, paragraph 2 - as and when needed you are required to make trips with the team unless cleared with manager/chief/board director” she quoted. “So Aaron asked, you have to go this time” she grinned.

“Did you memorise the whole contract or something?” he questioned.

“Nope, I just memorised that line because I knew you’d come up with some excuse” she laughed. “Anyway I cleared with Dr Shirley, Dr Perkins and Dr Malhotra, you’re safe to fly”

“Please don’t tell me, you actually called them all and asked”

“I didn’t call, I went to their offices and got the all clear” she smiled.

Maan wanted to smack his head on the wall, he shook his head and watched as she continued to pack his stuff.

“Hey baby girl” Marissa slipped her arms around Geet from behind, she’d learned about the argument Suneel and Geet had and had come over to check up on her daughter. She found Geet stood by her balcony and staring out blankly.

Geet turned around frowning, “Mother I’m 31 and no longer a baby girl”

“You’re always going to be my baby girl” Marissa cradled her cheeks and kissed her nose.

Geet hugged her mother tightly pressing her face into the hollow of her neck.

“Your dad told me about this afternoon” Marissa approached the subject gently.

“I was starving so I just mumbled” Geet answered.

“Talk to me, honestly” Marissa requested softly.

“I don’t like it here mum, I stayed because I love you all but… I’m just not ready to live here” Geet pulled away and looked at her mother in the eyes, “3 days in I’m bored of here, I want to be going out, I want to explore…”

“You’ve got all of that Geet, your father and I have never stopped you from doing anything. You wanted to explore the world and you’re doing it”

“You don’t understand…” Geet sighed moving away, “You’ve adjusted well here which is great but it isn’t for me. Those families… they judge me for just doing a job I enjoy, I’m scrutinised. My own neighbours are always asking when I’d marry and how do my parents let me live alone…. No one seems to mind their own business”

“They’re much more open minded now Geet, look at Tara and Sean. They’re both running a bar together, it wouldn’t have been accepted back then if I were to run a bar with your father”

“Don’t compare that with my situation, Tara has Sean, you have dad and I…” Geet paused, “Forget it…” she waved off absently and walked towards her bedroom.

“Geet listen to me…” Marissa followed.

“I’m going away for a few days” she told her mother.


“I don’t know yet”

“What sort of answer is that? We care for you Geet, we want what’s best for you…”

“And I get that but I want to do what I feel is right and right now I need space” she replied.

“Haven’t you got a scheduled rota in a few days?” Marissa asked.

“Yeah, I spoke to Izzie. She wanted some extra shifts so she’s taken 3 days for me. I’ll be covering her whenever she needs it” she explained grabbing her to-go travel suitcase, handbag and phone.

“Just… remember this” Marissa held onto Geet’s forearm. “Your father and I love you so much, Geet, you and your sister are our world. We both care for you and want what is best for you. Those families don’t deserve you, there’s someone out there for you”

He is out there but not for me she thought, she closed her eyes as Marissa leaned in and pressed a kiss to her forehead.

“Take care of yourself, I’ll lock up the apartment”

Geet nodded and walked past her mother and out the door…

“Did I actually agree to this?” Maan uttered as he walked towards the terminal with Kirsten besides him.

“Yes, you finally did” she laughed. “C’mon it’d be fun”

“We’re going to work, we’re going to find a serial killer who might in charge of an underworld slave ring” Maan whispered, he’d avoided looking around his surroundings not wanting to see the judgment in stranger’s eyes.

“Fine, you’ll have fun company” she winked passing her ticket and passport to the stewardess.

“Hi, I wanted to ask if my colleagues have arrived – they’ve booked the first class seats” Kirsten questioned.

“Ah yes, they’ve arrived” the woman nodded handing their passports back and gestured them inside. “I hope you enjoy the flight”

“Geet?” Sophia looked at her colleague surprised as she approached her. “I didn’t know you were working this flight” she looked confused.

“Because I’m not, I’m flying as a passenger today” Geet answered smiling.

“That clears it up” Sophia laughed. “C’mon out with your ticket and passport”

“Really Soph? You should let me in without question. I’m your boss” Geet laughed handing her passport and ticket.

“Going alone to San Francisco?”

“Yep, I wanted to get spend some time away” Geet nodded.

“It says first class here” Sophia looked confused.

“Yeah and…”

“Actually the whole of first class has been booked by the Federal Agents” Sophia explained.

“You’re serious? What are you lot doing in there that you brought in Federal Agents?”

“Geet” Sophia rolled her eyes.

“I’m not sitting in second class, I paid for first Sophia” Geet informed. “Let me speak to the agents, I work for this airline anyway”

“Josh is flying, why don’t I get him to speak to the agents? That way if it comes from the captain, it might be a good way…” Sophia suggested.

“Alright, I’ll wait by the side” Geet agreed and greeted her colleagues.

“Speak of the devil and here she appears” Josh stepped out, Geet turned arching her brows.

“C’mere” Josh hugged her in his large bulky arms.

“How you doing Mr Pilot?” Geet laughed pulling back. “How’s Angelica?”

“She’s doing good, we hardly see you” he pointed out.

“It’s all Damien’s fault” she winked. “Anyway go work your magic on those detectives, I really want to sit and enjoy this flight”

Josh rolled his eyes laughing but did head towards the first class cabins.

“Why don’t you sit with us?” Sophia asked as she closed the doors.

“Because I see you guys enough times and I want to be alone” Geet replied.

Josh returned and joined them, “I’ve spoken to them. They’ll let you in and allow you to take the front seats”

“I wanted the middle”

“Geet they’re Federal Agents, be glad they’ve allowed you in” Josh responded.

“Alright alright, I appreciate it” she laughed. “I’m joking”

“Anyway go on inside, I’ll catch you after we land?”

“Sure, you going to be in San Francisco for some time?”

“About 2 days” Josh replied.

“Catch up with dinner?”

“Sure” he agreed. “I’ll see you in a bit” he told her kissing her cheek and headed back towards the cockpit. Geet headed towards the first class cabins, halted as she noted two familiar faces.


Maan frowned and slowly glanced to the side, his eyes drawn to the woman who’d unsettled him.


Chapter 20

“Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. We’re going to be experiencing some turbulence but it is nothing to worry about. We’re going to make your flight as smooth as possible”

Geet scrolled through her phone, the last 2 hours felt like eons and she wondered how she was going to get through the rest of the flight.

She’d plastered one of her bright smiles as she walked past them, she acknowledged Kirsten with a nod but didn’t say anything though it surprised her that the woman with bright pink ash blonde hair was a Federal Agent. It irked her slightly seeing one of the men who refused her, she didn’t doubt for a second it was either because she was old or it was her job. Here she was trying to escape and rejuvenate herself and fate played a nasty game – placing one of the guys who rejected her in the same plane and just a few feet away.

She jerked and turned her head to Kirsten who’d planted herself on the seat opposite her.

“Hey breadstick” Kirsten grinned.

“Cuckoo doll” Geet answered.

“You’re lucky I like you because I can use these fists and rearrange that pretty face” Kirsten teased.

“Try me” Geet smirked.

“Nice one” Kelsey laughed, Kirsten flipped off her middle finger at her friend then turned to Geet.

“Why don’t you come join us?”

“Aren’t you supposed to be working?” she answered with a question.

“We’ve been working, now everyone is tired and sleeping” Kirsten pointed behind her. “Men are so lazy” she rolled her eyes hearing someone clear their throat. “Alright chocolate bun, you’re not lazy” she blew a kiss behind her.

Definitely crazy Geet decided mentally, she glanced over wondering who’d cleared their throat and her eyes drew towards Maan. He’d dipped his eyes down when her eyes caught his.

Geet faced forward deciding to read something instead, so she pulled out her kindle and went to the current book she was on. As she read, a sentence caught her eye and she was transported to that time.

“Have you ever been in love? Horrible isn't it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens up your heart and it means that someone can get inside you and mess you up”.

― Neil Gaiman, The Kindly Ones

Her attention was drawn to Kirsten who poked her.

“Yes cuckoo?”

“You do know it’s rude to ignore” Kirsten pointed out.

“I don’t talk to strangers” Geet answered returning to her book.

“By the way how is my future husband?” she asked as if Geet hadn’t said anything. “Damn he is fine! Like wine”

Geet stared at Kirsten for a moment then broke out laughing.

“Who’s fine like wine?” Kelsey stood and took the seat diagonally across from Geet.

“So there was this guy I met at the gym, remember I told you” Kirsten turned to Kelsey

“Oh yeah, the way you described… sounds fine”

“And he’s married” Geet informed.

“In this day and age, despite being married you’re still like single” Kirsten shrugged.

“I’ve never punched a Federal Agent before, but I am really itching to punch you” Geet told Kirsten sweetly.

“Try me” Kirsten winked.

Geet rolled her eyes, their ears perked when another announcement came from the Captain and suddenly the plane started jostling very hard.

Geet frowned when Sophia and Hira rushed towards the cockpit.

“Buckle up” Geet informed noting most of them had taken of their seatbelts.

“What the hell is happening?” Aaron called out. “I thought the flight was supposed to be smooth”

“Turbulence, sir” Kirsten answered.

Geet noted the hushed whispers between Hira and Sophia, Max had stepped out speaking to them softly then returned back inside the cockpit.

Unbuckling her belt she strolled over arching her brows between her colleagues.

“What’s going on Soph?”

“We’ve got it under control Geet” Sophia replied.

“Right now, it’s your line manager speaking” Geet countered grasping hold of a bar as the plane continued to jostle violently.

“The engine… is failing” Hira sighed, “Josh and Max are having to do an emergency landing”

“Where are we?” Geet frowned.

“The monitor is failing to respond right now, it’s like there’s no coverage” Sophia informed.

“Alright, Hira you watch over here” Geet pointed. “Sophia, come with me to check on the others”

“Hey breadstick, you’re supposed to be sitting” Kirsten called out as she watched with surprised eyes as Geet hurried down towards the second class.

“Sir please sit down” Geet called noticing a passenger standing to his feet demanding answers.

“No, what’s happening?” he yelled.

Passengers around him started getting agitated and some were panicking.

“Sir please sit down first, you need to buckle u…” Geet groaned as the next jostle was harsh, she grabbed the seat however her hips hit the side.

“Everyone sit down” Taylor called from the other side. “You all need to remain calm, this would pass”

“We’re going downhill. Are we going to die?” A woman screamed.

“Try to calm them, I’m going to speak to Josh” Geet told Sophia who’d tried to assure passengers that they were going to slowly pass this.

“What’s going on? The plane’s going downhill” Aaron looked at Geet questioningly.

“I’m sorry but I can't say anything yet” Geet answered, she returned to her seat and grabbed her ID badge from her bag then walked towards the cockpit door and opened it with her pass.

She stepped inside looking between Josh and Max as they tried to stable the plane.

“You need to make an announcement Josh” she informed. “There’s screaming passengers and they’re scaring the others”

“G, I can’t. Not now” Josh shook his head. “The air is running out and it wouldn’t be long until the wings get hot and I need to land this ASAP”

“How bad is it?” Geet asked.

“We don’t know, we’re hoping we’d be able to land. Monitor is out so we’re not able to contact the centre” Max responded.

“I’m making the announcement then” Geet informed. “They have a right to know and it’s our duty to prepare themselves”

Geet stepped out grabbing the phone which connected to all the microphones and informed the passengers the engine had failed and they were doing an emergency landing. She commanded passengers to buckle up and remain calm. She then informed them of the emergency exits and told all passengers to use their masks that had popped down.

Once she’d informed the passengers, she caught Sophia giving a thumbs up and understood that everyone had quietened down. Geet then sat down on her seat and buckled up.

Whilst she’d worked to ensure passenger’s safety, she had missed the eye that followed her.

Maan witnessed an entirely different woman today.

“She’s perfect right?” Kirsten had returned to her seat a while ago. “I don’t understand why they said no to her”

“We’re about to die and you’re talking about that?” Maan whispered.

“We’re not dy….Oww my stomach” she screamed as the buckle dug into her stomach. “You’re killing me here”

“Kirsten” Aaron glanced at her sternly.

“Sorry” she murmured and looked at Maan who’d chuckled silently.

“You’re so not my Mocha Latte” she hissed.

“I love you” he whispered.

Kirsten smiled slowly, she looked down as Maan took her hand in his and squeezed. They looked at each other and smiled in assurance.

Geet closed her eyes biting down on her lip as she felt the plane descending at a rapid pace, her eyes stung with unshed tears and a silent tear slipped down, she cursed herself for fighting with her parents again. Why hadn’t she told them that she loved them?

Screams filled the plane as passengers witnessed one of the wings spark with fire, this time no one stop their panic. Max shared a look with Josh as they dove down trying to land quickly, loved ones held one another close, whilst others shot quick prayers. Some cried silently.

A piercing crash vibrated, buckles tore, passengers flew out of their seats, screams of agony filled the burning plane.

Edited by Queen0fDarkness - 1 months ago
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Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Jimmy Jab Games Season 7 0 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 1 months ago

Chapter 21

“Help! He’s bleeding out, help!” Screams filled the land, cries echoed, tears cascaded down mourning passengers.

Geet groaned, the impact of the crash was enormous, she had fallen out of her seat and across the aisle and through the cracked space and fell a few feet down onto the dry land.

Her whole body was aching as she tried to refocus her attention and try to get up.

She turned onto her left and looked around, there were passengers bleeding, some seemed unconscious whilst others didn’t look like they’d survived.

She dragged herself up in a sitting position holding her head in pain, it felt as if someone had bashed her head in with a massive rock.

She stood up with great difficulty shaking her legs as she couldn’t feel them for a few seconds, she glanced around and saw Hira and Max running to passengers. She noticed Josh attending to an injured child. In the distance she noticed Sophia lying on the ground, she started moving towards her and picked up her pace.

“Sophia” she called as she reached near her. “Sophia” she tapped her cheek, her cheek tilted to the side and Geet noticed the blood underneath her head.

“Sophia” Geet called as she pressed her fingers to Sophia’s pulse, there was a very faint pulse. She glanced around for something to put beneath Sophia’s head to stop the bleeding but couldn’t see anything nearby, she couldn’t even call for help as passengers were in distress and there were others running to one another trying to help. The wound beneath her head was minor, so it wouldn’t need stitching but it would require bandages and dressing to heal properly.

“Sophia…” Geet groaned, she found a sharp glass piece and sliced open Sophia’s shirt sleeve and wrapped it around Sophia’s head trying to stop the blood from flowing so much.

Once she’d done that, she started on trying to resuscitating her colleague, she started on compressions then blowing air into Sophia’s mouth.

“Sophia” Taylor rushed over. “What happened?”

“She’s bleeding from her head, I need something cotton to stop the bleeding” Geet looked up. “Find something, anything” she looked at him. “Make sure it’s wet with water”

“Sir…” Kirsten looked down at Aaron who was bleeding profusely, a metal piece sliced through his jacket and across his stomach. “Somebody do something” she yelled.

“Where the fck are we?” Kelsey yelled. “How aren’t there ambulances coming?”

“Where’s Maan?” Kirsten looked around, she couldn’t move and look around for him as she was keeping the pressure on Aaron’s stomach to stop him from bleeding. “Kelsey, find him”

Kelsey groaned and stood, she glanced around. There were numerous people running around, she couldn’t recognise Maan from any of them.

“Taylor” Geet called as she looked around for him, Sophia’s wound seemed to have deepened as she continued to lose more blood. “Tay…” she paused when she saw Maan come over pressing a bunched up wet cotton shirt underneath Sophia’s head.

“You need to hold this tightly, it’s a little cold but the material needs to be breathable so it doesn’t cause any infections” he told her. “I’ll start the compressions”.

Geet nodded and held the bunched shirt to Sophia’s head whilst Maan done the compressions.

“We need to start getting the blood flowing and reaching her brain, so tilt her a little” he told her, his mind focused on helping Sophia.

“Geet…” Taylor rushed back to their side.

“Give that shirt here” Geet took the shirt he had wanting to put more pressure on Sophia’s wound. “Taylor, go help the passengers” she looked at him firmly.

“But… I’ve not done the medical training… I don’t…” he looked at her panicked.

“Tay, listen to me” Geet spoke firmly, “Remember the 2nd year training, I made you all do?”

He nodded swallowing thickly.

“Put all of that into training, remember the basics and you’ll know what to do. Now go”

“Is she going to be okay?” Taylor asked.

“We’re doing the best we can” she answered.

“She needs to be okay” he murmured. “She’s pregnant…”

Geet looked at him shocked and felt the pressure of saving Sophia even more. “Alright, now go” she replied tightly.

“Okay, she’s stabilised for now” Maan sighed heavily.

“Thanks” Geet murmured and looked at the wound on Sophia’s head. She was now breathing properly, though unconscious, her pulse had gone back to normal.

“I need a belt” Maan looked around. “So we wrap the belt around her head and keep the shirt there as gauze, it’d stop the bleeding eventually”.

“Josh” Geet noticed him and called him over.

“A minute” Josh called back as wrapped his t-shirt around a child’s arm which had been cut with the shards of glass. Once he’d wrapped it he stood and hurried over to Geet.

“I need a belt” Geet told him.

Josh unbuckled his belt and handed it to Maan who held out his hand, once Maan had the belt he wrapped the belt around Sophia’s head twice and secured the shirts in place. The bleeding had slowed down and it’d now eventually stop.

Once Sophia’s wound was tended to, they lay her down ensuring no shards of glass or broken metal pieces were near her then stood and dispersed in different directions and tended to other passengers.

Four hours in, it was confirmed 38 passengers, 7 crew members died on impact, Josh and Max ensured they were laid to rest properly. Others were injured, some had minor bruises and cuts whilst others suffered with deep cuts and unfortunately right now there wasn’t any suture materials available to stitch them. From the first aid boxes they found, their wounds were bandaged securely. The passengers were now scared, the panic had subsided between them once Max and Josh assured them help is going to come soon.

Geet, Hira and Taylor had gone around the broken pieces of the plane to find the food containers which were still securely closed in their boxes and started handing them out.

Josh and Max worked on trying to get a signal and trying to call for help using their radios and satellite phones which should've still worked but it turns out that was affected by the fire.

“What’s going on?” Aaron asked as he looked around. “How doesn’t anybody know we’re here?”

“We’ve landed in uninhabited land” Kelsey informed.

“The headquarters would’ve gotten some coordinates from the captains before we crashed though, they should've found us by now” Helen responded.

“Where’s Kirsten?” Aaron asked.

“She’s with Maan, over there” Kelsey pointed, a few feet away Maan and Kirsten were sat near the water and it seemed like Maan was tending to Kirsten.

“I think I’ve fallen in love with you even more hot chocolate wafer” Kirsten commented watching Maan work on the minor scratches she’d received during the crash.

“Mmhmm” Maan hummed as he cleaned the scraped skin getting rid of the soil that’d stuck to her skin when she’d gone around helping whoever she can.

“You look very handsome, really focused” she muttered.

“You’re bruised and cut and you’re focusing on my face?” Maan looked up at her.

Kirsten chuckled and winked which made him smile faintly. He grabbed the bottle of water and washed her skin then wrapped a dressing around her forearm to prevent any infections.

Maan stretched out his legs groaning quietly.

“How are you feeling?” Kirsten asked in concern touching his knee.

“I just need to rest my legs a little now, way too much exercise today” he murmured.

“You’ve got two cuts on your temple and forehead…” Kirsten pointed.

“They’re minor” Maan responded, “Which I could fix myself”.

“You should get the doctor” she winked gesturing to Geet.

“I can fix myself” he reiterated making her rolls her eyes at him.

“Hey you okay?” Josh approached.

“Yeah, I’m fine” Maan replied nodding his head.

“Need some help fixing that?” he asked.

“It’s okay, I’ve got it all here” he pointed to the bandage and the clean water bottle.

“Alright, thanks for you help today man” Josh held out his hand. “Especially with Sophia”

“It was nothing” Maan shook Josh’s hand.

“You saved Sophia and her baby, it means a lot” Josh responded. “You’re not a medic are you?” he asked curiously. “Because you knew certainly knew what you were doing, not many passengers do know much about survival training”

“He was in the army” Kirsten boasted. “Captain and he’s done medical training as part of becoming a captain. 4 years”

“What she said” Maan shook his head at his friend.

“Nice, you guys must be hungry” Josh glanced over his shoulder. “Hira, pass 2 containers here”

“We’ll share one” Maan told Josh, “I’m not that hungry and others would need it more”.

“There’s more than enough” Josh replied, he didn’t need to add the unsaid words. There were only extras due to the dead people. Hira came over with two containers of food then returned to give out the rest of the containers.

“What is being done Max to find us?” Geet settled besides him with her container of food, Sophia had her wound cleaned twice every hour and she was kept hydrated. She was now sleeping, she’d come out of her unconsciousness but was told to keep lying still as they didn’t know how much of her was hurt.

“I don’t know” he groaned brushing a hand through his hair. “Everything was done by the book, every single fcking thing and we couldn’t save…” he looked over at the lined dead people that were on the other side covered with sheets and clothing.

“Do you know where we are?” she asked placing the container of food down unable to eat.

“I only managed to give them a partial coordinate. I don’t know where we’re at. Everything is burned out in the cockpit” he responded.

“Just so you and Josh know, I die here single – I’m going to haunt you and Josh, believe me” she turned to him. “I came out here to enjoy and I’m stuck in a fcking island that doesn’t have people. Is there such things out there anymore?” she asked.

“Apparently” Max chuckled. “C’mon eat up, we need the energy” he grabbed his container and peeled the lid open. “After we’ve ate, we need to gather clothing from whatever can find and set something up for sleeping”

Geet nodded in agreement and looked over at Sophia.

“Did you know she was pregnant?” she asked Max.

“Do you think I’d have let her fly if I had known?” Max arched his brows.

“What is with my team? They know they’re not allowed to fly yet they’re jumping on aboard”.

“Once you’ve got into flying, do you see yourself doing something else?” Max asked her.

Geet considered it for a moment and shook her head, “I don’t think I’d ever be able to stop this job. I love it far too much” she smiled. “Despite all of this…” she pointed to around them. “It’s given some satisfaction that we’ve managed to help them at least”

Max agreed, “The airline is so going to lose a lot of money though”.

“It’s years of investigation, do you know they’d even be able to determine this? It’s all crashed and burned” she questioned.

“Don’t know but the airline isn’t going to give the money out until they’ve investigated properly. If it goes to court, it’s most likely going to find it was accidental and the families would receive a small compensation” he replied.

“It’s not going to bring back them though would it?” she sighed.

“No, it wouldn’t” he nodded.

“Help” Kirsten screamed.

Geet and Max looked over and saw that Maan was lying on the ground, they both stood and hurried over, Josh tried to resuscitate.

“What happened to him?” Kirsten cried as she watched Maan simply lie on his back. “He’s just fell back and isn’t breathing”.

“There isn’t any visible wounds…” Josh looked at Max and Geet as they joined him. “Max, pull open his shirt” he lifted his hands pausing the compressions. Max tore open Maan’s shirt and there wasn’t any wound. Geet crouched down noticing the wet spot on his leg.

“Max” she pointed.

Grabbing a sharp glass Max tore his pants from the bottom whilst Josh restarted the chest compressions. There was a large deep wound that’d cut through the skin and muscles and he was bleeding a lot, it seemed infected.

“Shit” Max cursed and looked at Geet.

“We need water, get me a few bottles of water” Geet looked at Kirsten. “Quick” she raised her voice seeing Kirsten frozen. She then turned to Max, I need something sharp and it needs to be sterilised” she told him. “It could be anything, a pin, a metal hanger. Anything metal and sterilised”

Max called Hira over to help, whilst he boiled water on one of the fires they’d sparked, Hira searched for something metal and sharp. She was in luck as she found a couple of safety pins and a metal tweezer. Once Max sterilised it, he rushed over to Geet’s side.

Geet had cleaned the wound with the water, she looked up at Max and Hira as they joined her side.

“Is it sterile?” she asked as she washed her hands with the bottled water and took the gloves Kirsten passed to her from the first aid box.

“Yeah” they answered.

Taking the pin, Geet closed her eyes shooting up a quick prayer, hoping her first aid training all works right now, she opened her eyes and made a large cut across the wound and darkened clotted blood leaked out from the wound.

“Kirsten splash this water over the wound whilst I clean it out” Geet told her taking the tweezers and cleaning out his wound. Once she’d cleaned it as best as she could, Geet covered his wound with warm compress and wrapped it with clean white bandage.

Josh had managed to resuscitate Maan, once he’d done that he offered Maan some water to hydrate him to make up for the blood he’d lost.

“It’s clean and fixed for now, but he’s going to need stitches on this” Geet whispered to Max.

Kirsten sighed in relief when Maan slowly opened his eyes and rushed to his side touching his shoulder, “I’m going to kill you for scaring me” she hissed.

“What happened…” he groaned pressing a hand to his temple.

“Pass me some water” Josh said taking the bottle from Max. “We need to clean these two”

“No, I can do it” Maan tried to push Josh’s hand.

“You said that before and then nearly died” Josh countered narrowing his eyes. “I’m not having someone else die on me today”.

Maan sighed and nodded, his eyes drew to Geet then to his leg. He looked away, his scars were all on show, his marked skin were visible to anyone who was looking over at him.

Geet watched Josh clean the wounds on Maan’s temple then cover it up with plasters, she glanced down at the wound she’d covered then looked at Maan who’d averted his eyes from everyone. Her eyes drew to his body, there were lines across the left side of his chest and from his exposed leg, she noticed the marred skin around his knee. It piqued her curiosity but she was polite enough to keep quiet and stay focused on helping.

“Keep him hydrated” Josh told Geet as he stood to see to other passengers who’d need their wounds looked over as it’d been over an hour now.

“Get whatever blankets and pillows you can find and pass them out” Geet told Hira then turned to Max. “We need some more fires”

“Alright” he nodded and rushed back gathering any wooden items he could find.

Geet then turned to Maan, “we need to move closer to them, we shouldn’t be near this water. We don’t know how safe it is” she told him. “Are you able to move?”

“Yeah” he nodded, Kirsten helped him to his feet and Geet held his arm supporting his weight and he hobbled back towards the others.

Hira placed a blanket and pillow down on the sandy dry land and Maan crouched down trying to keep his wounded leg straight and lied down with the help of Geet and Kirsten.

“I’m going to get the water” Geet excused herself and grabbed the bottles of water, she looked up at the sky hoping to hear some sound of the rescue team but there wasn’t any life above them. It was now getting darker and it was with the help of fires Max was making that they were able to see through the dark. All the phones that were on the flight were damaged extensively by the fire.

Geet returned to Kirsten and Maan’s side placing the bottles of water down, “keep him hydrated. Only make him drink a few sips every few minutes” she told Kirsten. “I need to help Josh” she told them and stood to her feet to aide Josh.

Edited by Queen0fDarkness - 1 months ago
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Easter Egg Contest Winner (2023) 0 Thumbnail Anniversary 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 1 months ago

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