Advocate Anjali Awasthi: Rules & Participation Guidelines

LizzieBennet thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

Welcome to the Advocate Anjali Awasthi forum.

This forum is currently being moderated by:



Channel Moderator


Please follow the Participation Guidelines & Rules and IF Code of Conduct at all times.

In addition, please take the time to read and review these forum-specific guidelines carefully before posting here.




  1. Make offensive, inflammatory posts or posts meant to instigate a member/ fandom.
  2. Moral police any fandom/ forum member.
  3. Make personal attacks on any member/ actor/ crew/ DT member.
  4. Name-call any member/ fan group/ character/ celebrity/ DT member.
  5. Create code names or nicknames for any character (unless used in the show)/ fandom/ forum member/ actor/ crew member.
  6. Use foul / defamatory language/ profanity/ hate speech against any real person.
  7. Use ALL CAPS to post which is considered as shouting in online etiquette.
  8. Gang up to bully or mock any member of the fandom.
  9. Make off-topic posts/ threads or deviate from the main topic of discussion with the intention of derailing the thread.
  10. Discuss another forum's issues in this forum.
  11. Repeat topics. Check the first 2-3 pages to see if a similar topic has already been posted. Repeated topics will be merged.
  12. Counter-post or create a new thread as retaliation to provocative or abusive topics/ posts. Instead, report them.
  13. Quote long posts. Instead edit them to the part you wish to respond to, or simply tag the user whom you're responding to.
  14. Make discriminatory posts/ topics excluding any member/ fandom.
  15. Bring in religious or political topics or make comparisons with deities or any religious/political/ mythological figure/ story.
  16. Stereotype/ label fanbases or groups.
  17. Create MIDs for the sole purpose of erasing your WLs and availing of free access to the forum OR for the purpose of riling up/ attacking/ sending hate to fellow members/ DT. Existence of MIDs without due cause is an offense and can lead to direct WLs/ ban.
  18. Accuse someone of having a MID openly on the forum. Instead, bring it to the notice of the DT via PM along with any proof you may have, we can then use tools to check/ verify.
  19. Make derogatory posts on the physical attributes OR body shame a character /actor / fellow member.
  20. Make any speculative topics or post gossip on the personal lives of the actors, crew or showrunners.
  21. Post full Episode links from external sites.
  22. Share any PMs you have sent or received in the public domain, this will be considered privacy violation.
  23. Make posts about fanwars and other issues happening on External sites/ Social media sites.
  24. Post your own/ others' personal conversations/ chat message or discussions happening on Facebook chat or other Social Media sites.
  25. Disclose any personal information such as pictures, telephone numbers, emails, addresses either for yourself or any celebrity/ another member. India forums is not liable for any data leaks/ doxxing that occurs as a result of such information being shared.
  26. Advertise external blogs, Fan fiction on other sites etc by posting links in the signature box.
  27. Use provocative, derogatory, or explicit images/ gifs in your siggies or DPs.
  28. Use Morphed pictures in your siggy or DP. (This will lead to a direct rise in WL)


  1. Keep all threads/ topics relevant to the show.
  2. Post episode discussions in the Episode Discussion Thread/s.
  3. Post all show-related pictures, VMs/ screencaps in the Creations and Picture Gallery.
  4. Post all unrelated/ desultory/ off-topic discussions in the Chat Club Thread.
  5. Seek permission from the DT in the Welcome and Permissions Thread to request any new threads, specifically ATs or volunteering for WUs for Episodes in the EDT.
  6. Post TRP trends and discussions therein in the TRP Discussion thread or in the character's AT if it exists.
  7. Be accountable for what you post and be vigilant on what others are posting.
  8. Allow and accommodate differences of opinions if posted in a polite, respectful manner.
  9. Remember to be kind to everyone’s interpretations of the story/ show/ characters.
  10. Make your posts in English or Hindi. Regional/ Foreign languages are allowed as long as they're not used for groupism, mocking or excluding members.
  11. Post articles with the source link (URL); DO NOT copy-paste the content as this will be considered plagiarism/ copyright infringement.
  12. Share any BTS, spoilers or Social media posts from ONLY official handles/ accounts in the appropriate thread. Please refer here for further clarifications: External Content from Social Networking Sites.
  13. Refer to A&S forum's guidelines for use of siggies/ DPs.
  14. Refer to Fan Fiction guidelines for posting Fanfiction.



Escalation Chain:

Viewbie (LizzieBennet) ---> Channel Moderator (Minionite) ---> Admin (Vijay)

  1. Report any Thread/ post that is breaking IF CoC or Forum Rules, stating the reason.
  2. Allow 24-48 hours for the report/s to be addressed by the DT. If not addressed within this time, you can send a PM to follow-up.
  3. PM the Viewbie/s of the forum first if there are any moderation/ reporting concerns. Do not tag moderators or create topics in the forum to discuss moderation.
  4. DO NOT edit any posts/ Thread titles that have been edited by a DT member.
  5. The DT may lock down any topic that has too many reports or infighting. The topic may or may not be re-opened at the DT's discretion.
  6. DO NOT resort to targeted Reporting i.e reporting all negative comments on a character/actor, or ganging up to mass report one person's post to pressure the DT into taking action against said member.
  7. DO NOT send abusive or threatening PMs to DT members.
  8. If you have received an abusive/threatening PM from a fellow member, take it up directly with the DT or higher admins & don't share it in public.
  9. If you are copied on a group PM chain with the DT, each member of the chain is expected to keep the discussion limited to only the issue at hand. DO NOT share personal information or talk about individual warnings on the PM chain.
  10. All warnings/ moderation issues should be discussed one-on-one with the Moderation team.

Warning Levels (WL) and corresponding user Restrictions

Non-adherence to CoC or Forum Rules can earn a raise in WLs if the offense continues despite 2 initial Warning PMs (not applicable if a general DT note/ warning has been posted in the forum).

With each Warning Level increase, access to forum features will also be limited.

  • 20% - First warning, no restrictions
  • 40% - Only 15 posts (replies in topics) can be made in a day
  • 60% - No new topics can be created in addition to restrictions of 40% warning level
  • 80% - Restricted PM access whereby PMs can ONLY be sent to Dev Team to resolve issues, in addition to restrictions of 60% warning level
  • 100% - Automatically bans the member

Warning levels can only be reduced after 3 months if the member has been active with no new warning increase and no new violations. It is not an automated feature and requires the member to send a request PM to the Moderation team.

**Please Note: All moderation actions are strictly confidential between the concerned member and moderator/s. DT will not disclose what action was taken on any report/ member.



ATs can be created for a character/ a pairing &/or the actor(s) playing them.

If you wish to open an AT for an actor/ character, please inform the DT to seek permission in the Welcome and Permissions thread.

Note: To be Admin/ Co-admin of an AT you must have no active WLs.

  1. Appoint an admin and a co-admin for each AT.
  2. Admins are responsible for maintaining the members' list and ensuring that AT rules are followed in the thread.
  3. Keep discussions limited to only the character/ pairing &/or the actor/s playing them.
  4. ATs are meant to be a safe space for fans, so please refrain from posting negative opinions and riling up the fandom of the said actor/ character.
  5. DO NOT post derogatory comments/ hate speech on other characters/actors or on storyline(s) not relevant to the AT.
  6. Keep chatting to the minimum & use the Chat club for all unrelated/ desultory conversation.
  7. Follow all Forum Rules and IF CoC in the AT.
  8. DO NOT stalk the AT and report posts just with the intention of getting it closed; such reports can be counter-productive.
  9. DO NOT use the AT to target other members/ fandoms.

Penalties for AT

If more than 3 people break the AT rules twice in a row for a week, the DT will hand out violation notes as below:

Violation # 1 - First Warning Note

Violation # 2 - Second Warning Note

Violation # 3 - Third Warning Note

Violation # 4 - AT locked for 24 hrs

Violation # 5 - AT locked for 72 hrs

Violation # 6 - AT locked for 1 week

Violation # 7 - AT moved permanently to the Celebrity Fan Club Forum.


India forums has zero tolerance for bullying, hate speech or personal attacks.

India Forums stands against discrimination of any kind and against ANY groups, and believes in inclusion.

Freedom of Speech comes with the expectation of mature and civil behaviour. If these standards are seen lacking, such freedom(s) can be revoked. The DT reserves the right to amend the rules to help maintain a safe, inclusive and healthy space for everyone.


tags credit: oh_nakhrewaali

Edited by LizzieBennet - 1 months ago