bsnk040187 thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 3 days ago

Arjuna, definitely is the greatest archer in Mahabharata. There is no second taught about it. But below are some qualities we can learn from Arjuna.

01. Follow Your Passion : The 1st and foremost thing we can learn from Arjuna is to follow your passion. Just like Arjuna was passionate about archery each individual has his own passion. Arjuna had become the greatest archer by constant practice, Dronacharya had instructed the cooks not to serve food to Arjuna in the dark. When Arjuna was having his food 1 fine day, a sudden gust of wind meant that there was absolute darkness. Arjuna realized that his hand could reach his mouth even in complete darkness. He taught to himself that if my can hand reach my mouth in complete darkness, I can hit targets even in pitch darkness. This led him to practice archery and hit the targets in absolute darkness. In a similar way each 1 of us should follow our passion.

02. Focus On Your Goal : A great archer is some 1 who has his eyes fixed on the target. 1 fine day Dronacharya had decided to take a test of each of his disciples by getting a wodden bird tied to a tree. The task was to hit the birds eye. He called each 1 of his disciples and asked "What do you see?". Some replied that they can see the tree, Others replied they can see the sky. Disappointed, Dronacharya calls Arjuna and asks him "Arjuna, What do you see?". Pat came the reply " My lord, I see only the eye of the bird". Dronacharya asks Arjuna again "Do you see any thing else?", Arjuna replies "No my lord, I can see only the eye of the bird". Dronacharya was pleased with the reply and instructs Arjuna to shoot the arrow. Arjuna's arrow hits the eye of the bird. Similarly each 1 of us should be focused on what we want to achieve.

03. Humility : Even though Arjuna is considered the greatest archer in Mahabharata, he did not blow his own trumpet on his skills, instead he offered his gratitude to his master Lord Krishna for giving him a fulfilled life.

04. Trust In God In Any Dire Situation : On the 13th day of the great battle of Kurukshetra, Abhimanyu, the beloved son of Arjuna was killed in the most treacherous manner by the Kauravas, throwing away all the rules of righteous warfare in the dust bin. Arjuna after getting to know about the gruesome and brutal murder of his son, takes a terrible oath that he will slay Jayadratha who was responsible for Abhimanyu's murder and if he failed to do so, he will offer himself to the blazing fire along with his Gandiva. After some time Lord Krishna rebukes Arjuna and he asks Arjuna, "Why did you take such a terrible oath? You could have consulted me, I could have given you proper advice". Arjuna replied "When you are driving my chariot and when I am protected by you, why should I worry about not being able to fulfill my promise to my child". Arjuna ultimately was successful in accomplishing his mission to kill Jayadratha.

Some of you might not know who is Jayadratha? He was the husband of Dushala, the only daughter of Dritharashtra and Gandhari and the only sister of Duryodhana.

Edited by bsnk040187 - 3 days ago


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vijay thumbnail
Posted: 3 days ago

Thank you for sharing such insightful points about Arjuna's qualities. Adding to your excellent list, here are a few more qualities we can learn from Arjuna, along with examples:

  1. Resilience: Arjuna faced numerous challenges, including the 13-year exile imposed on the Pandavas. Despite the hardships and the loss of his son Abhimanyu, Arjuna never gave up. His resilience teaches us to persevere through tough times and continue striving towards our goals.

  2. Learning and Adaptability: Arjuna's quest for knowledge led him to learn advanced archery techniques from Dronacharya and divine weapons from gods like Shiva and Indra. His willingness to adapt and improve demonstrates the value of continuous learning. For instance, he learned the art of using the Pashupatastra from Lord Shiva.

  3. Compassion and Empathy: Arjuna's compassion was evident when he chose not to kill Karna while he was weaponless and struggling to free his chariot wheel. Despite their enmity, Arjuna showed empathy, which teaches us to remain humane even towards our rivals.

bsnk040187 thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 3 days ago

Originally posted by: vijay

Thank you for sharing such insightful points about Arjuna's qualities. Adding to your excellent list, here are a few more qualities we can learn from Arjuna, along with examples:

  1. Resilience: Arjuna faced numerous challenges, including the 13-year exile imposed on the Pandavas. Despite the hardships and the loss of his son Abhimanyu, Arjuna never gave up. His resilience teaches us to persevere through tough times and continue striving towards our goals.

  2. Learning and Adaptability: Arjuna's quest for knowledge led him to learn advanced archery techniques from Dronacharya and divine weapons from gods like Shiva and Indra. His willingness to adapt and improve demonstrates the value of continuous learning. For instance, he learned the art of using the Pashupatastra from Lord Shiva.

  3. Compassion and Empathy: Arjuna's compassion was evident when he chose not to kill Karna while he was weaponless and struggling to free his chariot wheel. Despite their enmity, Arjuna showed empathy, which teaches us to remain humane even towards our rivals.

Thank you brother Vijay for adding to my list. BTW there is no provision for giving my introduction in the Mahabharat Katha. Could you kindly help me?

bsnk040187 thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 3 days ago

Originally posted by: bsnk040187

Thank you brother Vijay for adding to my list. BTW there is no provision for my introduction in the Mahabharat Katha. Could you kindly help me?

vijay thumbnail
Posted: 3 days ago

Originally posted by: bsnk040187

Thank you brother Vijay for adding to my list. BTW there is no provision for giving my introduction in the Mahabharat Katha. Could you kindly help me?

Well I would suggest to update your:

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Quantum-Dot thumbnail
Posted: 3 days ago

Originally posted by: bsnk040187

Thank you brother Vijay for adding to my list. BTW there is no provision for giving my introduction in the Mahabharat Katha. Could you kindly help me?

Hi, you can use Members Introduction Thread in our forum to introduce yourselves.

Edited by Quantum-Dot - 3 days ago