YRKKH: BTS, SM Updates & Spoilers Thread # 19 - Page 4



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Ohgod! thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 14 days ago

Change of wardrobe, change of styling, change of hairstyle.. smiley22

sharadrocks thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 2

Team Armaan (Gen 4)

Posted: 14 days ago
he looks so hot ..I have been saying this ..a few weeks leap is most likely ..

Ohgod! thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 14 days ago

Originally posted by: sharadrocks

he looks so hot ..I have been saying this ..a few weeks leap is most likely ..

I'd be SO glad if this turns out true!! I was very worried they'd stretch the judge's vacation forever smiley37 it's better they ff to a weeks later tbh! Armaan and Abhira will both need a cooling off period! And I for sure will be very happy if they meet as colleagues after this time smiley42

Edited by Ohgod! - 14 days ago
sharadrocks thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 2

Team Armaan (Gen 4)

Posted: 14 days ago

 they’ve already shown him camping at her doorstep for a week ..they can’t show more of the same indefinitely ..going by the song, he’s still heart broken …but he has probably hardened himself ..bitter and all you know …the last dialogue in the precap was “don’t show me your face again in this lifetime “ ..that sounded pretty definitive ..so something else has to happen if they have to come back face to face ..maybe the divorce will go through ..but it would be terrible if there were no consequences for SB

Edited by sharadrocks - 14 days ago
Ohgod! thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 14 days ago

Originally posted by: sharadrocks

 they’ve already shown camping at her doorstep for a week ..they can’t show more of the same indefinitely ..going by the song, he’s still heart broken …but he has probably hardened himself ..bitter and all you know …the last dialogue in the precap was “don’t show me your face again in this lifetime “ ..that sounded pretty definitive ..so something else has to happen if they have to come back face to face ..

Time to get the popcorn and be seated comfortably! Exciting and entertaining times ahead smiley41smiley42smiley40

A_Derry_Girl thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 3

Team Naira (Gen 2)

Posted: 14 days ago

Now is a good time for a few months leap. They can meet professionally. I love a good good workplace romance, plus a fresh start to the relationship would be good for both.  There is too much baggage rn. 

However, is Abhira just going to stay with Madhav in rose garden all this while or they are simply going to forget about the house like they did with the kidnappers smiley36

Ohgod! thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 14 days ago

Originally posted by: A_Derry_Girl

Now is a good time for a few months leap. They can meet professionally. I love a good good workplace romance, plus a fresh start to the relationship would be good for both.  There is too much baggage rn. 

However, is Abhira just going to stay with Madhav in rose garden all this while or they are simply going to forget about the house like they did with the kidnappers smiley36

Ideally she could just up and leave without notice and be back after leap for a case or whatever else situation that may force her back! Would be a welcome relief!! 

A_Derry_Girl thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 3

Team Naira (Gen 2)

Posted: 14 days ago

I sound like a broken record but can we have a change of styling for Abhira as well. They give her the fugliest clothes. 

Ohgod! thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 14 days ago

Originally posted by: sharadrocks

 they’ve already shown him camping at her doorstep for a week ..they can’t show more of the same indefinitely ..going by the song, he’s still heart broken …but he has probably hardened himself ..bitter and all you know …the last dialogue in the precap was “don’t show me your face again in this lifetime “ ..that sounded pretty definitive ..so something else has to happen if they have to come back face to face ..maybe the divorce will go through ..but it would be terrible if there were no consequences for SB

Sanjay would just be following a pattern of no consequences for anything untoward for anyone except leads that the show has been following this gen! smiley7

sharadrocks thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 2

Team Armaan (Gen 4)

Posted: 14 days ago

Originally posted by: Ohgod!

Ideally she could just up and leave without notice and be back after leap for a case or whatever else situation that may force her back! Would be a welcome relief!! 

what about the divorce though ? They’re just going to bury it like that with no consequence for SB ? That would be such a shame ..I mean let them get divorced ..I don’t care ..but showing Madhav being indifferent to such a serious crime is such a blot on his character 
