✨ Happy 50 Episodes of Krishna Mohini ✨

Thorn.Princess thumbnail
Posted: 14 days ago



Meet Krishna, Mohan and Aryaman: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7f6V-dg0P1c


Congratulations to the cast and crew of Krishna Mohini on the completion of 50 episodes 🥳

Here's hoping it continues strong with its message smiley27

Edited by Thorn.Princess - 14 days ago


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Posted: 14 days ago

The reel was so cute!!!🥰 🥺 smiley27

Thorn.Princess thumbnail
Posted: 14 days ago

Krishna and Mohan's journey so far

The core, the heart of the show is the relationship between the siblings. 


Krishna feels protective about Mohan because they are naive and easy to be bullied and discriminated against, not just outside, but even within the household wherein Krishna's dad immensely dislikes Mohan. 


What a heart wrenching episode! We saw Mohan struggle to speak their heart to the person that matters most to them ~ Krishna, and we also noticed the disbelief in Krishna when Mohan confides in her that they want to transition into a girl. She is vehemently against even entertaining the notion, as she feels it is a temporary attraction Mohan has to feminity, and that she can 'fix' this. 


We find Mohan struggling to embrace their identity after witnessing the Pride March and learning what it stands for from people just like them, but it is Krishna's consent that still matters to them. 

Edited by Thorn.Princess - 14 days ago
Thorn.Princess thumbnail
Posted: 14 days ago


Mohan meets Mrs. Anuradha, who has transitioned into a woman, and asks them about their experiences. Due to misinformation about the topic, Krishna is fearful to keep Mohan in the college anymore. Mohan disagrees with her because they have finally found someone who can help them understand the gender confusion that clouds them. 


Given that they come from the kind of background wherein gender identity is not understood, both the siblings become susceptible to even more biased perspectives from those around them, and while Krishna presumes Mohan is possessed, Mohan is led to believe that their sister does not want their goodwill at all.


After learning about the situation, Krishna taking up the onus to become Mohan's Saarthi (ally) in this journey and this was quite the applaud worthy moment in Ep #50, though it is a shame that poor Mohan was not in the right state to be able to witness it in the manner that the audience hoped for them. 

Thorn.Princess thumbnail
Posted: 14 days ago

Krishna and Aryaman's journey so far

While Krishna is Mohan's Saarthi, we have Aryaman who is the main other link in this story, and who will be the Saarthi to Krishna in her journey to get justice for Mohan/Mohini. 


Aryaman is enamored by both Krishna's voice and fearless spirit to speak her mind. They meet on the pretext of saving Mohan multiple times, however get misunderstood by the society (under influence of the antagonists ofcourse!) and find themselves in a weird predicament of having to justify their nameless bond. 


As a fairly neutral audience, the OTT sindoor drop really made me laugh for a good 1 minute because of how shocked the two were, like what just happened xD 

But unlike other shows, both Krishna and Aryaman did not accept it as destiny immediately and saw the logic in how you cannot just be married to someone without all the actual rituals and/or without having any such inclination towards the other, and protested against the same, which was good to see.  


Aryaman symbolically leaving his past behind (even though he was not in love with Ananya, cannot ignore his emotional connect with her and her family given they did so much for him when his dad deserted him) for Krishna and accepting her as his family was well done, because there was already an subconscious shift in his priorities when he returned for her sake.

Thorn.Princess thumbnail
Posted: 14 days ago


ArshNa show the typical nok jhok that we see in shows after the protagonist's marriage, but the difference is that they have behave fairly normally while also caring for the other. 


Aryaman has now started to openly show how attracted he is to Krishna, and why not, biwi hai bhai uski, pura haq banta hai ghurne ka :P


However the one thing they don't see eye-to-eye on is now threatening to ruin their relationship. Aryaman's past makes him see Mohan's case differently than Krishna, and that is set to drive a wedge into their otherwise blossoming relationship. As an audience though, we can see sense in both Arshna's perspectives, and hence we are hoping for a reconciliation in due time.  

Edited by Thorn.Princess - 14 days ago
Thorn.Princess thumbnail
Posted: 14 days ago

Aryaman and Mohan's journey so far

They might be on two ends of the spectrum with Krishna as the link that binds them, but this Jiju-Saala/Saali jodi is one for the books with how much Aryaman cares about Mohan like a sibling and (vice versa to some extent, till noone influences them). We have had limited scenes of them, but each has been meaningful in its own way.


From the first interaction itself, Aryaman notices how Mohan is being discriminated against and when he sees Mohan being mistreated by family (maybe triggered by his own lack of paternal support), he immediately takes a stand for him without any care for the consequences.


We see multiple instances where Aryaman and Mohan behave like typical siblings, what with asking Krishna to prioritise her own self instead of trying to be the perfect bahu. This adorable scene of Aryaman getting stuff for Mohan even despite Krishna's refusal too because he believes it is his duty is the reason to believe that brother-in-laws can become brothers too.


Hum kisi ko kisi aur ke liye kyun badle? ~ Golden words said by Aryaman himself to Mohan (which is intrinsically motivational advice given just like an elder brother), now let us see how long it is till Aryaman realises that his principles even hold true when it comes to Mohan's identity and not just educational or skill capabilities. Here's to hoping he understands and becomes a true ally at some point! 

Edited by Thorn.Princess - 14 days ago
Thorn.Princess thumbnail
Posted: 14 days ago

Krishna's voice 

We know it is the reason Aryaman literally 'fell' for her, but it is also a soothing part of this show to hear the bhajans through the characters smiley27

Govind Bolo Hari Gopal Bolo 




Achutam Keshvam


Edited by Thorn.Princess - 14 days ago
Thorn.Princess thumbnail
Posted: 14 days ago

Mohan's dilemma

It is heartbreaking to witness the poor soul suffer so much internally, but it is necessary for them to accept themselves before they seek acceptance from society, and we are getting to see that acknowledgement happen through the show. Living like one is trapped in another's body is obviously not something to deride. We've seen considerable growth in Mohan in this regard, hope this gives him the courage to battle society with their true identity, coz that phase has not even actually begun!

From being aware of attraction to feminity but being willing to ignore that not to upset their Didi:


Expressing what is on their mind, wanting to be their true self:


Mohan embracing and acknowledging their identity and being confident enough to point out the obvious truth (context may not be right, however aptly stated!) 


Edited by Thorn.Princess - 14 days ago
Thorn.Princess thumbnail
Posted: 14 days ago

Aryaman's phobia 

 Aryaman's past haunts him, and he projects his discomfort with those that belong to the community accordingly. Even he will have to fight his own demons so he can become the true hero that he otherwise proves to be time and again in other circumstances. 


"I dont think I understand them. I dont think they understand themselves." 

This is what we started off with and it made us as an realise how the ML who seemed like a green flag otherwise is so phobic.

"Aise logo se durr rehna tumhare liye behtar hai kyunki aise log sahi nahi hote.."

Aryaman being deeply disturbed to see Krishna and Mohan in the midst of the Pride March. 


The outburst that shocked everyone, and finally dwelling on the reasoning behind the bias. 

His father seems to have left to embrace their true identity rather than the narrative fed to us that he left for monetary reasons. That is a lie that could have been fabricated by Kundan who knew this truth, and that is the reason why Aryaman's mother and him are indebted, because the Thakkars kept their mouth shut about this. Till this trigger exists, it is hard to see how Aryaman can come around, but here's to hoping he eventually will for Krishna and Mohini's sake. 
