Were ppl really remaking Shaktiman

naaznin thumbnail
Visit Streak 500 0 Thumbnail Anniversary 14 Thumbnail + 9
Posted: 15 days ago


I never watched shaktiman in childhood but this is hilarious 🤣🤣


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DivineAngel thumbnail
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Fantasy Force

Posted: 15 days ago

I don't want to watch this movie tbh. Too outdated for today.

zara321 thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 15 days ago

The original shaktimaan was made a very long time ago, the new one will use obviously better vfx and ideas 

e1t53e thumbnail
Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 15 days ago

Originally posted by: zara321

The original shaktimaan was made a very long time ago, the new one will use obviously better vfx and ideas 

Still, the whole superhero premise sounds tacky and uninspiring as an audience. Just thinking about it only I don’t want to watch. Ranveer better look for some simple and author backed roles and stay away from these tacky scripts. 

SmittenKitt3n thumbnail
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Posted: 15 days ago

Originally posted by: e1t53e

Still, the whole superhero premise sounds tacky and uninspiring as an audience. Just thinking about it only I don’t want to watch. Ranveer better look for some simple and author backed roles and stay away from these tacky scripts. 

Agreed. Instead of making a spectacle of himself with cheap gimmicks and movies, he should lay low and hunt for well-written stories that would let his acting skills shine.
And don't even get me started on the sorry state of the industry if they’re actually considering remaking Shaktiman.

Posted: 15 days ago

The kids of India who are used to watching Spiderman, Batman and what not.....wouldn't have watched Shaktiman.....Krishh still works.....because Hritik looks so awesome.....smiley16

Achha hua ...Ranveer bachh gaya...smiley36

Posted: 15 days ago

Inspired by Tron , stargate, voyager, farscape episodes

mirun thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 15 days ago

Shakthiman had a huge fan following when it was telecasted . Kids were obsessed with that character . I remember there were even incidents of accidents when kids tried to do similar action . Bollywood trying to make a movie out of this outdated concept shows the lack of creative scripts . They need new and fresh ideas.

zara321 thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 15 days ago

Originally posted by: e1t53e

Still, the whole superhero premise sounds tacky and uninspiring as an audience. Just thinking about it only I don’t want to watch. Ranveer better look for some simple and author backed roles and stay away from these tacky scripts. 

The script will likely be a new one, it's a fresh take on shaktimaan, basil Joseph is directing it and he got alot of praise for minal murali 

e1t53e thumbnail
Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 15 days ago

Originally posted by: zara321

The script will likely be a new one, it's a fresh take on shaktimaan, basil Joseph is directing it and he got alot of praise for minal murali 

A lot of us are rooting for him because he is a very good actor but he really needs to choose the right scripts from here on.
