Celebrating One Year of Vanshaj - Page 2


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Frequent Posters

Chingaari thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Most Liked (February 2021) 1 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 22 days ago

Wow ! Congrates fans for all the dedication smiley40smiley41

rbpll thumbnail
Visit Streak 365 0 Thumbnail Anniversary 10 Thumbnail + 6

Team Neil

Posted: 22 days ago

1year celebration 🥳 🎉 cake cutting 


Pete15rogmourey thumbnail

Team Bhidur

Posted: 22 days ago

Best thing about this show is the super talented cast and crew so congratulations once again on completing one year of Vanshaj!smiley40 smiley41

Candylicious thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 22 days ago

Congratulations to the entire team of Vanshaj and to the fans too 🎉

SoniRita thumbnail
Posted: 22 days ago

Congrats to the entire team of Vanshaj and to the fans and to Vanshaj forum smiley36🎉

Nice celebration thread

asmitamohanty thumbnail
Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3

Team Kabir

Posted: 22 days ago

Now coming to this show , 

Vanshaj is a truly different show and was very very promising in the beginning. The first 3 months of this show shall always remain the example for quality narrative in recent past of Indian television!👏

Began as A tale of mystery, justice,love, betrayal... twists and turns at every point..a tale of extreme side of human emotions..

One scandal...many lies... nothing is as it seems..
What followed is a tale of secrets, manipulation, unholy nexus of power circles, exposing the darkness behind the glitters...but also cherishing the goodness in people, a tale of hope, strength , courage, determination of a woman who never gave up... infront of the adversaries...

The USP of this show is its cast. 👏 Absolutely brilliant, perfect fit in their respective roles... mostlysmiley36

It has great villains who are so layered that they evoke multiple emotions at once!  Hatred, shock, awe,amusement, pity, sympathy, apathy, anger, curiosity!  It has the biggest green forest love interest as Neil who stands as an epitome of unconditional support and shows how love when devoid of any selfishness can be your biggest strength. Such a range of characters in one show is a feat in itself!👏

Again congratulations....to the entire team of Vanshaj....for going against the norm and still successfully navigating..In an industry which is so uncertain and ruthless...a different show like this achieving the milestone of one year is not a small thing...

BeingBlunt thumbnail

Team Neivika

Posted: 21 days ago

Congrats Vanshaj on surviving 1 year in ITV without A LOVE STORY and anyone of these cliches. smiley36smiley32

