Dil Dosti Dance and Discussions - E4 - Case of the Missing iPod - Pg 9 - Page 6


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ArShiDelena thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 1 months ago

I was missing D3 so much that I started reading the old fics of KriYaansh and SwaRon. I wish this fandom and DMG were as active as before. Anyways, thank you so much for tagging me and making this. ❤️

ssttuuttii thumbnail
Rainbow Reign Pride Participant 0 Thumbnail Anniversary 11 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 1 months ago

Originally posted by: ArShiDelena

I was missing D3 so much that I started reading the old fics of KriYaansh and SwaRon. I wish this fandom and DMG were as active as before. Anyways, thank you so much for tagging me and making this. ❤️

We are hoping to round up enough members of this fandom to be able to request the re-opening of old D3 forum smiley9. If you're in touch with any other fans, please tag them and ask them to participate as well smiley10.

Episode 3 will be up by tonight smiley4.

ssttuuttii thumbnail
Rainbow Reign Pride Participant 0 Thumbnail Anniversary 11 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 1 months ago

Episode 2


Dil Dosti Dance – Episode 3 (13th April 2011)

College Mein Nayi Nayi

Written Update :


This episode starts with a bang. Kriya, who has unknowingly occupied Sharon’s seat in the canteen, gets derided by her in front of all others in the canteen. Not one to take insult quietly, Kriya responds in kind, and this encounter marks their first conflict in what seems like a long rivalry to unfold.

As Kriya leaves the canteen, she drops her iPod there by mistake, and proceeds towards the basketball court. But here too, some girls jeer at her for her old-fashioned hairstyle and dressing sense, antagonizing her further. At that point, she realizes her iPod is missing and goes back inside the college to find it. Meanwhile, Sharon has angrily retired to the rehearsal hall, dancing and plotting her revenge against Kriya for the canteen fiasco.

Back in the canteen, we find Rey with his friends as they are questioning him about his conversation with Kriya, which has become the talk of the college and is apparently damaging Rey’s reputation. As, he tries to calm their fears, he notices Kriya’s iPod lying on the canteen floor, and thinking it to be a surprise gift for him from one of his admirers, pockets it. Upon finding that Sharon is fuming because of the morning’s happenings, he decides to make his way to the rehearsal hall, but bumps into Kriya on the way.

The two of the them get into another argument even as the other students including Rey’s friends stand witness. Upon realizing that they are being filmed by their audience, Rey leaves, and Vicky tries to threaten the students into submission.

Kriya continues to be upset about her atrocious first day of college and when she recounts the events to Neha, she is informed by her about how famous and talented Sharon is, especially in dancing. Neha loves Sharon’s dance and further calls Rey and Sharon as the dancing couple of their college even as we see why they are called so.

Sharon's star

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New Characters Introduced :


Nilesh “Nil” Kotian (portrayed by Macedon D’mello) –

Nilesh Kotian

The guy who loves rapping, he is one of Rey’s close friends who likes to tease him with Sharon. Appearing to hold the same prejudices as most Dazzlings, waiting to see more facets of his personality apart from being a jester…


Simmi Malhotra (portrayed by Samentha Fernandes) –

Simmi Malhotra

Sharon’s close friend who knows her even better than her own parents. She likes dancing and dressing up. She follows Sharon in all her endeavors, supporting her in all the goods as well as bads. But will she be able to find herself outside Sharon’s shadows? That’s food for thought…


Rinni Shah (portrayed by Priyanka Soni) –

Rinni Shah

Another one of Sharon’s lackeys, she is a dancer too. Like Simmi, she too is an ardent follower of Sharon. Whether she is really as sweet and innocent as she looks, remains uncertain yet…

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Episode Rating :

Plot ****

After introducing a new college environment and plenty of characters in the earlier episodes, this one takes a deeper dive into the regular happenings of the college while simultaneously showing how Kriya is upending the normal status-quo.


Screenplay and Dialogs ***1/2

A marked improvement in most of the dialogs although the screenplay could be better, jumping around too much while leaving conversations incomplete and inconclusive.


Acting ***

The actors still have a long way to go, especially in terms of dialog delivery.


Visuals ***1/2

The Cinematography could be better on the whole, but the use of the mirror in rehearsal hall was done well.


Soundtrack ***1/2

The background tunes and dance mix are all enjoyable.


Choreography ***1/2

Since it is more of a warm-up session than any actual rehearsal, the simple but energetic steps work well, even when done slightly out of sync. The final lift adds some extra oomph, 'raising' the expectations for future dances.


Overall rating –3.5/5


Word/s of the Day :

Dazzling Diva High Class Way – It’s Sharon’s way… or the ‘low’-way smiley36

Dancing Couple – Rey and Sharon when they dance together


Dialog of the Day :

“Iss college ka batwara to Mahabharat ke batware se bhi jyada serious hai” – Kriya realizes how deep the division between Dazzlings and Weaklings runs.


Scene of the Day :

First confrontation between Kriya and Sharon… setting the tone for all their future meets.

Kriya and Sharon canteen fight

Blooper of the Day :

The case of the haunted basketball continues, but this time it has found itself a medium. The basketball has it out for Kriya, following her through the corridor and making sure to stay in her vicinity, even as she remains oblivious to the danger surrounding her. smiley3


Theme of the Day :

Dil / Dosti / Dance – Dosti

D3 Dosti

Week 1 – Wrapup

Edited by ssttuuttii - 1 months ago
ssttuuttii thumbnail
Rainbow Reign Pride Participant 0 Thumbnail Anniversary 11 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 1 months ago

Originally posted by: ssttuuttii

Tagging old members from Dil Dosti Dance forum. Please press like or comment if you want to be tagged in further analysis or discussion posts about D3 (you can even mention if you are only interested in specific characters / pairings so I can tag you accordingly). 

You can also join the new Dil Dosti Dance forum to check out the Creations Gallery and make new topics according to your liking smiley4


So what are you waiting for? Let's reminisce (and dissect) our beloved show together smiley9.



P.S. Sorry if you find the random tagging annoying. With the old forum closed, there was no other way to reach out to you smiley24. But once we are all connected and active again, we can make a request for the old forum to be reopened or the new private forum to be made public smiley10.

SarafWasima thumbnail
Love Couple India Season 3 0 Thumbnail Jimmy Jab Games Season 6 0 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 1 months ago

Wow, what a nostalgic trip down memory lane! This episode captures the essence of college life, with its rivalries, friendships, and drama. The new characters add complexity and depth to the story, and the Word of the Day perfectly encapsulates Sharon's dazzling style. smiley10smiley32 The Dialog of the Day and Scene of the Day are unforgettable, highlighting Kriya's growth and the underlying class divide. And the Blooper of the Day adds a touch of lighthearted fun. Overall, a well executed episode that leaves you wanting more! smiley42smiley27

Edited by SarafWasima - 1 months ago
Mystic_Muse thumbnail
Rainbow Reign Pride Participant 0 Thumbnail Anniversary 10 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 1 months ago

Bahut din baad. I enjoyed this. Thank you 😊 

ssttuuttii thumbnail
Rainbow Reign Pride Participant 0 Thumbnail Anniversary 11 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 1 months ago

Originally posted by: Mystic_Muse

Bahut din baad. I enjoyed this. Thank you 😊 

Thank you smiley9. I'm glad you liked it smiley10.

ssttuuttii thumbnail
Rainbow Reign Pride Participant 0 Thumbnail Anniversary 11 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 1 months ago

Episode 3


Week 1  Wrapup

Couple in focus :

Kriyaansh –

X-factor vs. K-effect

3 Episodes, 3 Meets... or maybe we should say 3 times they bumped into each other (quite literally smiley36) and 3 Times Rey was left staring at something of Kriya’s in his hand (mask, iPod… and wait for it… her spit smiley37). Needless to say, they have had a memorable introduction to each other, although the memories seem more favorable to Rey while Kriya has formed a negative outlook towards Rey.

Rey’s friends are not helping matters, antagonizing Kriya further. While Rey is to be blamed for his better-than-thou attitude that ends up triggering Kriya, she is also at fault for being too keen to prove herself right and getting into fights at any and all given chances. Aah well, Kriyaansh’s combative interactions are their USP, so can’t complain too much. smiley42


Characters in focus :

Neha –

Drama Queen

It is a wonder why someone as helpful and cheerful as Neha would have been lonely before Kriya came along. Even if she is a Weakling, what was stopping other Weaklings from being her friend? Nevertheless, her instantaneous friendship with Kriya is really sweet and with her being Kriya’s guide to a new world, it puts Kriya in the unusual position of not being the leader for once (unlike how it was with her friends in Dehradun), and the change in demeanor is visible. Looking forward to more of their interactions.


Sharon –

Tune Maari Entriyaan

As much as Sharon might be bitchy to others, her attitude takes an immediate turn when with her friends. Her interactions with Simmi and Rinni, especially the quiet admission that her friends know her better than her parents, tell us about the sensitive girl hidden behind the mean façade she puts up. Her character is intriguing – beyond the usual vamps of telly world; and while she may play a negative role at least for the foreseeable future, it makes you want to wait and uncover the various facets of her personality to understand her reasons for being the way she is.

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Comic Moment of the Week :

“Haath ka bada alag istamal karte hai yaha par” – the dialog from Kriya brings a laugh unexpectedly, and the way she looks at her hand in child-like wonder is a bonus (E2). smiley36

Comic moment Kriya

Emotional Moment of the Week :

Kriya sitting alone in basketball court and lamenting her first day of college where she has been a target of ridicule constantly (E3). smiley18

Kriya sitting alone in bb court

Romantic Moment of the Week :

Kriya and Rey’s fates are already tied together (E1). smiley9

Naino Ne Bandhi Kaisi Dor re

Oh No Moment of the Week :

Kriya’s mom arriving at the police station even as Kriya was requesting the officer not to call her (E1). smiley44

Smriti at the police station

Oh Yes Moment of the Week :

Kriya’s mom has torn her train tickets… only to gift her plane tickets instead (E1). smiley4

Smriti gifting Kriya plane tickets

Dance Pose / Step of the Week :

Rey lifting Sharon during their rehearsal. smiley32

Rey lifting Sharon

Theme of the Week :

“When two stars collide, the whole universe lights up.” – befitting Kriyaansh’s constant collisions. smiley10

Kriyaansh collisions

Question of the Week :

How many of you thought that the great dancer Gautam Rai Prakash, whom Kriya idolizes, will turn out to be her unknown father?

Episode 4

Edited by ssttuuttii - 14 days ago
ssttuuttii thumbnail
Rainbow Reign Pride Participant 0 Thumbnail Anniversary 11 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 1 months ago

Originally posted by: ssttuuttii

Tagging old members from Dil Dosti Dance forum. Please press like or comment if you want to be tagged in further analysis or discussion posts about D3 (you can even mention if you are only interested in specific characters / pairings so I can tag you accordingly). 

You can also join the new Dil Dosti Dance forum to check out the Creations Gallery and make new topics according to your liking smiley4


So what are you waiting for? Let's reminisce (and dissect) our beloved show together smiley9.



P.S. Sorry if you find the random tagging annoying. With the old forum closed, there was no other way to reach out to you smiley24. But once we are all connected and active again, we can make a request for the old forum to be reopened or the new private forum to be made public smiley10.

Mystic_Muse thumbnail
Rainbow Reign Pride Participant 0 Thumbnail Anniversary 10 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 1 months ago

