FF - Passion of Love - Ch 249- Pg 84 - Page 83



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Posted: 25 days ago

What is Kala playing at? Why does she keep inciting jealousy in Aparjita?

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Posted: 25 days ago

chapter 217

Now Shaurya is taking sides with Kala, which will not sit well with Aparjita.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 25 days ago

Samagra keeps losing himself in Kaya's eyes, without realizing the connection between them.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 25 days ago

chapter 218

What had Kala wanted that they could not give her? How many years has she been there?

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Posted: 25 days ago

Chapter 244

Samagra came to meet Prithvi, they both looked at each other, Prithvi looked upset and angry but genuinely sorry that their friendship was at rocks meanwhile Samagra looked in guilt.

Prithvi- Samagra, Shaurya has been captured. You need to go and rescue him, Shaka needs your help. I know you are injured....

Samagra interrupted- I will go, don't worry about my injury.

Prithvi- Good, Shesha will give you all the details.

Shesha came and took Samagra outside


Vasantmitra was talking with Kamla.....

Vasantmitra- Oh no, Shaurya is captured, I wish Aparajita was here, i can't go but she can.

Kamla- I have heard Bhaiya is leaving to rescue Shaurya.

Vasantmitra uncomfortable- Oh....

Kamla- Don't worry, Aparajita's arrival would take time so he is sending Bhaiya. He will handle it, he's a great warrior..

Vasantmitra- Indeed he is a great warrior.

There was an awkwardness so Kamla diverted the topic

Kamla- So, how was your trip?

Vasantmitra- It was great, we spent a really great time as family. But I missed you, I wished to take you too but I know, our crown prince is still a baby and you needed rest.

Kamla smiled- Well, I wouldn't want to disturb you two anyway.

Vasantmitra- Listen, Kamla, you are my greatest friend, you have done so much for me, I don't know how to pay you back.

Kamla- If I wanted favours from you, it would prove Avantika's point that what I did was due to Selfishness.

Vasantmitra hugged Kamla when suddenly Samagra came to meet her, he was shocked to see Vasantmitra there...

Samagra- I will come later

Vasantmitra got up....

Vasantmitra- No please, you two talk, I will come later.

As she was about to go, the scent was Vasantmitra got to Samagra and he felt happy and smiled. To hide it he put hand on his face. Vasantmitra didn't notice it and left feeling sad that she couldn't be normal friends with Samagra like she was before. Kamla however noticed it.

Kamla- Bhaiya, when are you going to leave?

Samagra-Just now, before leaving I wanted to meet you. Take care of yourself and my nephew.

Kamla- I will Bhaiya, and be successful in this campaign and bring Shaurya back safely.

Samagra- Don't worry, Shaurya will be back. He patted her head and she hugged him.

Kamla in tears- I will miss you Bhaiya.

Samagra- Hey you, don't cry, he wiped her tears, this is not like a warrior's sister.

Kamla- You are suffering so much and now this.

Samagra laughed- It's not like this is the first time I am going on a mission.

Kamla- I know but my hears keeps getting faster, it's like saying, don't go in this war.

Samagra smiled and kissed her forehead and said- Take care and left the room. Kamla was in tears.


Kaya was furious with Samagra, he was packing his bags.

Kaya- So you are leaving without me?

Samagra- Well, my son needs you here, and what would you do coming on a mission with me.

She ran her finger on his chest and pinched a little- You know very well how I can serve you.

Samagra laughed- I am going to miss you and your countless attempts to get to me.

Kaya was in tears and she hugged Samagra- Before leaving, can't you love me? Even if it's just out of pity.

Samagra hugged her back and kissed her forehead and said- I like you Kaya but can't love you. I am again saying you are just wasting your time on me. You are her sister.

Kaya- So what if I am her sister? Do you really think that you have any chance with her? You willingly gave her up, why don't you understand by not moving on, you are only hurting yourself..

Vasantmitra came on their door but she saw Kaya and Samagra talking so hid herself but didn't let guards warn them that she was there and listening.

Samagra Confessed- I am hopelessly in love with her, I can't move on because I don't want to. Why should I move on? I am not demanding anything from her or Prithvi but they can't force me to love someone else. Since I first beheld her, my heart was irrevocably gone, I became unable to love anyone else as much as I love her. She is just so precious, so beautiful, so kind, the way she cares for people despite being a dacoit in past just makes me love her more and more, I always imagined my love to be like her, the way she smiles, the way she laughs, I love everything about her and the people she love, I love them. My life and my soul are devoted to her and her only.

The confession shocked Kaya and Vasantmitra both. Vasantmitra was in tears, she put her hand on her mouth to stop herself from crying and ran away to her room.

Kaya in tears- Then why don't you accept his offer? Take her to Durgpura.

Samagra- She is not some property to take, I love her but I won't destroy her happiness and more so her pride and dignity. It negates when I say I love her.

He kissed her forehead again and hugged her- Kaya, you have served me most diligently, but I cannot pay you back in the way you want. If you want, you can reveal your identity. Your identity is your freedom from Prithvi's Antahpura and I am sure in guilt Prithvi will also marry you if Vasantmitra allows. After all, he had you before Vasantmitra and Avantika.

Kaya- I am freakishly obstinate Samagra, I am twin of Vasantmitra, I am also like her, stubborn and gets what I want.

Samagra laughed- You sound more like Prithvi than Vasantmitra.

Kaya mocked him by making her tongue out...

Samagra laughed- I am going to miss you.

He left the room and Kaya fell on the floor crying inconsolably....

Edited by NostalgiaLove - 25 days ago
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Posted: 24 days ago

Chapter 245

As Samagra sitting on his horse was going out of the palace with his troops, suddenly a dasi came, she said- Rajkumar, Devi Kaya sent this Sword for you and this letter.

He took the sword and opened the letter- It said, Good Luck and bring Shaurya back safely. He touched the sword and thought- Kaya is not like this, who sent this Sword? He touched the sword gently and he felt a weird feeling in his heart. Tears came in his eyes without even realising it.

He left the palace to free Shaurya from the clutches of insurgents.

Vasantmitra was in her room, Dasi entered, Dasi- Maharani, the work is done.

Vasantmitra- Good Job, she gave a pack of gold coins to her and she left. She was in tears. She closed her eyes and saw Prithvi, herself and Chandra, sitting under a tree and being blissful and happy. She touched her heart and said- My love and my home is my Prithvi and my son, Chandra, no one else matters, but I do miss my friends, I miss Samagra, Bhadra, and even Lakha before he went crazy, she remembered her happy moments with her friends. We used to be so close, swordfighting together, eating lunches together without this awkwardness. But everything is change now, Prithvi lost his brother Lakha and best Friend Samagra, Avantika lost her love, Kamla is being neglected since I came in Prithvi's life. She stared crying. My and Prithvi's selfishness created problems which wouldn't exist if I never existed. She wiped her tears and was feeling depressed. She started blaming herself for misery of Samagra, Prarthna, Kamla, Avantika etc.


Roshani came to meet Prithvi and she was looking gorgeous, she looked happy.

Prithvi- Come Devi.

Roshani- Maharaj, two days after our marriage is going to happen, I am very excited.

Prithvi- Devi i was thinking, Shaurya is still captured, if we get married, it won't be a happy situation for us, how about we postpone the wedding.

Roshani- Seems like Maharaj is not interested in marrying me, isn't it Maharaj?

Prithvi smiled but did not say anything.....

Later Roshani went in thr garden where Avantika was sitting all alone and sad.

Roshani- Pranam Maharani

Avantika saw her and seized the opportunity to brainwash her.

Avantika- Pranam Roshani, two days from now you are going to be a bride, i must say you are very beautiful, you will make a fantastic bride.

Roshani- Well not as beautiful as Maharani Vasantmitra, she is gorgeous.

Avantika irritated but fake smiled- Oh yes, my sister is very beautiful, but too bad she lost her love.

Roshani- Lost her love?

Avantika- Oh you don't know this? Oh no...I shouldn't have said anything.

Roshani- What happened? Who is her love?

Avantika lied- Samagra....

Roshani shocked- Samagra? Impossible..

Avantika- Yes, before Prithvi's wife, she was his warrior and they all went on missions, love blossomed between them but Prithvi was adamant on marrying Vasantmitra, so he separated the two lovers and the gold digger like Vasantmitra, left Samagra in pain, but Samagra is such a nice man, he sacrificed for his love's happiness.

Roshani- Does Maharaj knows about this?

Avantika evil smiled- I don't think he does and I didn't tell him because I didn't want to break his heart. This is the reason why Prarthna got sick.

Roshani was very shocked- I am so shocked, such a beautiful face but such a black heart, filed with evilness, she wanted to be a queen so she left a prince. How evil. Good for Samagra, he didn't need a gold digger like her. Maharaj must know about this.

Avantika evil smiled- Samagra still pines for her, he wants her back even what she did.

Roshani in tears- I feel bad for Rajkumar Chandra, he has such an evil and manipulative mother.

Avantika thought- Go ahead Roshani, make Vasantmitra away from Prithvi.


Kaya came to meet Vasantmitra with Vidatha....

Vasantmitra- Oh good Kaya you came, Chandra wanted to play but I was tired. Now he will get busy with Vidatha.

Kaya smiled but thought- She is my twin but she is more beautiful than me, Kaya remembered Samagra's confession and Kaya had started feeling jealous of Vasantmitra.

Kaya thought- My past lover (Prithvi) and my love (Samagra) both are under her palm's grasp. What is in her that make people mad after her. Kaya was very jealous of Vasantmitra.

Kaya- Maharani, you are very beautiful, i wish I had a sister like you.

Vasantmitra- Oh you are my sister.

Kaya shocked...

Vasantmitra- You are like my sister Kaya.

Kaya smiled- Suppose Maharani, if I were really your sister, what would you do?

Vasantmitra- Well, I could do anything for you.

Kaya- Then give me Samagra....

Vasantmitra shocked.....

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Posted: 24 days ago

Chapter 246

Kaya in tears- Give me Samagra, my sister.

Vasantmitra- How dare you talk to a queen like that, from where you got the guts.

Kaya took her knife and made a cut on her hand frightening Vasantmitra.

Vasantmitra- What the hell are you doing?

Kaya- I get my guts from this blood, the blood of Maharaj Bhadradev and Maharani Lachi.

Vasantmitra was shocked to her soul......

Vasantmitra came towards her and slapped her.

Vasantmitra- How dare you make such an allegation? Have you gone crazy. My mother died after she gave birth to me.

Kaya laughed- Vasantmitra, two babies were born that day. You wanna know why I say this.....

Kaya told her the story which Kanak told Kaya and Samagra....

Vasantmitra was absolutely shocked....

Vasantmitra- You? You are my twin sister?

Kaya- I was born before you. Yes, you are my twin sister.

Vasantmitra in tears and she hugged Kaya- Oh my sister, you suffered so much, you were forced to live a life of a slave.

Kaya- Not only that, I was sent in service of Maharaj.

Vasantmitra felt really awkward and said- That's past, right?

Kaya- Obviously it's our past but I now want Samagra. I did not want riches, I don't want the title of the princess of Mahishmati, I don't want to stay in a palace, I just want Samagra. Can you give him to me?

Vasantmitra- He's not a toy that I give him to you. Besides, you came to wrong person. I have no right on Samagra and vice versa. You should request him.

Kaya- He isn't accepting me because I am your sister.

Vasantmitra- It's a good thing, you are a princess, why isn't he accepting you?

Kaya- Because of this very reason, perhaps he thinks that he still has a chance with you so he doesn't want to ruin it by marrying me.

Vasantmitra- If he thinks like that then he is pathetic and not worthy of anyone's love. His wife is suffering and he is pining for someone else who isn't even his. I can't respect such a person.

Kaya- But my sister, he loves you and would do anything for you.

Vasantmitra- I gave Chaya's marriage proposal to him but he rejected, I don't think I have that type of control on him. He will reject.

Kaya- Then manipulate him to marry me.

Vasantmitra irritated - Kaya that's pathetic, please, I won't do anything like that.

Kaya- Oh, now I see, you want both men, Prithvi and Samagra.

Vasantmitra shouted- Kaya, stay in limits. You might be a princess but I am a queen. Remember that.

Kaya in tears- Then please, he will only listen to you. Please........she fell in her feet... please Vasantmitra, I love him a lot.

Vasantmitra- Get up Kaya.....

She got up.. she said- I can see what I can do. Let him come back safely to the palace.

Kaya- What if he goes back to Durgpura.

She wiped Kaya's tears and said- Let him come back safely okay, then we will think about it. Kaya, true love never fails.

Kaya hugged her and cried a lot while she consoled him.

In night

Prithvi came to meet Vasantmitra who had just taken her night bath....her wet hair made his heart beat faster. He came towards her and grabbed her waist and tightly pulled her towards him.

Vasantmitra- You are being extra loving tonight.

Prithvi- I just feel like when I first I saw you.

Vasantmitra- You mean boy faced?

Prithvi laughed- Nope, an apsara with gorgeous eyes, the eyes which can make anyone their slave.

Vasantmitra- Oh really, well you master commands you to love me forever.

Prithvi- As you slave I can never deny your command.

They both laughed and touched their foreheads together.........

Prithvi- Where is Chandra?

Vasantmitra- He's with Rajmata, again....

Prithvi- Is Maa playing any game?

Vasantmitra- Nope, Chandra has gotten too close to Rajmata, oh god the whole day he cries for his Dadi. Maa is spoiling him, i fear our son will grow up like a bratty prince.

Prithvi- With his looks and spoiled attitude, he will be just like me.

Vasantmitra- Yup, surrounded by concubines....

Prithvi- Ah I meant a good warrior but that's not bad either...

Vasantmitra funnily slapped him on his cheek.....

Prithvi- Oh do it again...

Vasantmitra again softly slapped his other cheek

Prithvi- Again.....

Vasantmitra then gave a very soft kiss on his cheek...

Prithvi in passionate voice- Again ...

And she pulled him in her arms and kissed him passionately and they spent the night blissfully without any tension.


Avantika in her room- Now Samagra out of the picture, i will start my plan again....she evil laughed, Prarthna and Roshani are my two chess pieces, they both will separate Vasantmitra and Prithvi forever.

Edited by NostalgiaLove - 24 days ago
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Posted: 24 days ago

Chapter 247

In Early Morning

Prithvi opened his eyes and saw Vasantmitra who was awake and it looked like she cried a lot.

Prithvi- My love, why your eyes are so swollen? Did you cry? Don't worry, i have postponed my marriage with Roshani. I am hoping, she herself requests me to not marry her.

Vasantmitra- It's not about that.

Prithvi- Then what is it?

Vasantmitra touched his face and said- Prithvi, I am scared of losing you.

Prithvi- Losing me?

She kissed all over his face...

Prithvi confused- What's gotten into you?

Vasantmitra- Since I have entered your life, your relationship with your closed one's changed for worse. Rajmata became angry, Samagra and your friendship is on rocks, Lakha became evil, Avantika lost you, Kamla is alone even when she is mother of Crown Prince, it's all because of me. She dramatically hugged Prithvi and said- I can't bear to lose you and Chandra. I can even die for you two.

Prithvi- Hey, Hey, Calm Yourself. Nothing is happening because of you. Don't ever blame yourself for any problem. Just focus on us and our dear prince. Nothing else matters, only our relationship.

Vasantmitra- But Prithvi, he put his finger on her lips and caressed it gently.

Prithvi- Seeing you so distressed aches my heart. His words and care calmed Vasantmitra. She hugged him and said- My love, can you stay with me today?

Prithvi- I wish I could but I have really important matters to discuss with Amatyas. I hope you understand.

Vasantmitra a little disappointed- Yeah, I understand.

He kissed her forehead and left her room.


Prithvi- So what's the update?

Amatya- The skirmishes of Parsvapura have not stopped yet. I guess you delaying marriage with Roshani is not taken very well by Maharaj of Parsvapura.

Prithvi- Hmm, I guess he is not that serious about peace.

Amatya- Devi Aparajita is remarkably well in fighting but unskilled as an administrator. As Rajkumar Shaurya is captured, we need to send someone else.

Prithvi- Hmm, I will send Varun to take matters in his hand.

Amatya- Yes, Varun is very skilled.

Prithvi- He will manage the matters of Hariyupiya till Shaurya is rescued and sent back there.

Amatya- Devi Aparajita sent a letter, she is very distressed with Shaurya's capture.

Prithvi- She's a new royal, she is not accustomed to such things despite being a good warrior. Send her a letter that she should not worry, her husband will be fine.

Amatya- She also wrote to tell Maharani Vasantmitra, she is expecting a child.

Prithvi- Oh great news, guard, tell Maharani this good news.

Guard went to meet Vasantmitra and told her the news. Vasantmitra got very happy and gave the guard a very expensive necklace as a gift.

Vasantmitra- My little sister has become a woman. Oh I am so happy, now I hope Shaurya and Samagra comes back safely. He is gonna be so happy knowing he is going to be a father.


Later Prithvi called Roshani

Prithvi- Your father is still not too enthusiastic about peace, skirmishes are still on.

Roshani- Maybe he finds it insulting that you are keeping me in your palace but not marrying me.

Prithvi- I have not hurt you in anyway, did I? I hope you thing you are kept with honour and dignity.

Roshani- I am kept with honour and dignity but no respect.

Prithvi confused- How exactly?

Roshani- Not only you left with your favourite wife few days after our engagement, you have been neglecting me since I came here. I am a princess of Parsvapura, second greatest empire in the world after Meluha, i demand respect. Mahishmati maybe strong but it isn't as powerful as Parsvapura.

Prithvi angry- Are you threatening me?

Roshani angry- I am not threatening you, i am just saying that I deserve to be respected, I am not like Avantika who shuts her mouth on her insults neither I am sacrificial like Kamla. Besides, you are showering your love on a person who doesnt even deserve it.

Prithvi angry- What the hell did you say?

Roshani- I have got to know from a servant (she didn't name Avantika) that Vasantmitra and Samagra were lovers and they still have feelings for each other. She's a gold digger who left a prince to marry you, a King, not even a king but an Emperor.

Prithvi shocked...

Roshani- Now isn't this true sire?

Prithvi more shocked

Roshani- You love a gold digger who thirsted for power and money, ugh considering her upbringing it's not very shocking...

Prithvi shouted- Shut Up

Roshani shouted- I am not scared, I won't be disrespected by a queen who doesn't even deserve it, who has no morals, she is not fit to be queen, who lusts after your best friend.

Prithvi got very angry and he shouted- Guards..

Guard came

Prithvi wanted to say Imprison her but remembering the skirmishes he didn't want to escalate the situation.

Prithvi- Roshani, leave my room, I need to be alone.

Roshani in anger left the room and Prithvi became tensed....

Prithvi- Guards, Call Kamla....

Edited by NostalgiaLove - 24 days ago
coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 23 days ago

chapter 219

Avantike is not about to go anywhere. She will stay right there and continue to make trouble.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 23 days ago

chapter 220

Kanak is strong. She has a level head on her shoulders. She has not been a nice person, but she had a lot to deal with.
