FF - Passion of Love - Ch 249- Pg 84 - Page 81



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Posted: 1 months ago

Chapter 231

Avantika in her room- Ugh, that Vasantmitra would have been annihilated from my life but that damn Samagra. He loves bodyguarding his love. Idiot. He's turning into Maharaj Samudrasena, totally obsessed with Vasantmitra. I need to do something bigger .....she remembered putting a knife secretly in Prarthna's room. She didn't even care she could have hurt anyone, she just wanted Prarthna to hurt Vasantmitra. I must halt for a while otherwise that eagle eyed Samagra can also expose me and my fate can be worse than my mother.

Vasantmitra was in her room totally traumatized seeing Prarthna and her condition. She was in tears and very angry on Samagra. She thought- I Never wanted to be a princess, for my honour he sacrificed his everything, Why Samagra Why? Does he really think that if he had proposed me before Prithvi, I would have accepted him? Even if I didn't love Prithvi, I would only accept him if Prarthna wasn't in his life otherwise never. I tried so many times to reunite Prithvi and Avantika and when I saw Prithvi didn't love her, then only I accepted him. Samagra has indirectly made me responsible for her miserable condition. She started crying.

Chandra also started crying when he saw his mother in distress. She took him and said- Don't worry my joy, I am alright, I am strong. She kissed his cheeks.

Prithvi came running to meet Vasantmitra....

He said- I just got to know what happened, are you ok? Is Chandra ok?

Vasantmitra- Yes, we are fine.

He hugged Vasantmitra.....

Prithvi- How all this happened?

Vasantmitra gave him the details..

Prithvi jealous- Why were you talking with Samagra?

Vasantmitra- Prithvi I...

Prithvi interrupted- Because you were talking, Prarthna went insane seeing you two together.

Vasantmitra- Prithvi, i was just formally greeting him as our family friend.

Prithvi angry- I don't want you to meet or talk with Samagra. Understand?

Vasantmitra angry- You cannot forbid me to do things, I was just talking.

Prithvi- If you wanna talk, talk to women in Antahpura, there are thousands of chatterboxes there.

Vasantmitra- Prithvi he saved me and Chandra from Prarthna's attack and you are blaming me. He is injured right now.

Prithvi- Injured? That fool is like a bee, buzzing around you here and there.

Vasantmitra angry- Oh yeah, I am supposed to see you with your women and wives and I can't even talk to anyone.

Prithvi- Why are you so eager talking to him ha? You wanna leave me for him? Or are you going to cheat on me?

Vasantmitra shouted- Prithvi...

Prithvi shouted- Shut Up, keep you voice down. I am Your King, no one talks to me like that.

She looked very angry on Prithvi........

Prithvi- If you wanna talk to him so much, my offer is still open, go with him and I won't care.

Vasantmitra- Oh why would you care, a new younger one is coming for you.

Prithvi- That's an alliance, and for your information I can marry any times I want as I please.

The whole shouting and screaming made Chandra cry again....

Prithvi barged our of her room in anger....

Vasantmitra fell on her bed and took Chandra in her arms- My poor son, how will I bring him up in this toxic environment? She started crying...

Prithvi and Vasantmitra were so angry with each other they didn't meet each other for 10 days, to annoy her more he visited his Antahpura few times.

Avantika in her room, she started laughing- I did a little thing and cracks are already coming between their relationship. Prarthna even in this state is very useful for me. Good job my dear. Now my dear sister will soon leave the palace forever, and if she didn't, I make sure she always stay aloof, and Prithvi will love me....only me .....and if he doesn't, he will suffer. She started evil laughing....

In night, Prithvi was drinking and seeing dance with Varun and Arjun. He looked angry and very much hurt. He was remembering all the moments when he saw Vasantmitra with Samagra and was going mad with jealousy. He got so angry he threw his glass away and straight went to Vasudha's room.

Arjun- Staying away from Vasantmitra is surely hurting him.

Varun- This time the fight looks really big.

Kaya was taking care of Samagra....

Kaya applying ointment on his wound....

Samagra- Aaahh...

Kaya- Did it hurt?

Samagra- Yeah, a little.

Kaya- Do you know Maharaj and Maharani Vasantmitra had a huge fight.

Samagra shocked - A fight? Why?

Kaya- No one knows but Maharaj is not talking with her.

Samagra thought- Is it because of me? Am I the reason?

Two days later

Roshni put her foot in Meluha's Palace.

Kamla and Avantika were there to greet her, Vasantmitra didn't come despite Kamla's request.

Edited by NostalgiaLove - 1 months ago
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Posted: 1 months ago

Chapter 232

Kamla doing Arti of Roshani.....

Kamla- What a beautiful girl you are.

Roshani smiling- Thank You Maharani, I saw Yuvraj is coming in few days Haan.

Kamla- Yes, and I am very much excited.

Roshani- Maharaj must be taking very good care of you.

Kamla smiled faded a little considering Prithvi rarely visited her and whenever he did, he only talked to her formally.

Avantika- Oh yes, Maharaj is very excited for his Yuvraj.

Kamla- Ah Roshani, she is Avantika, Maharaj's third wife.

Roshani- Pranam Maharani, I have heard about you from Rajkumar Shaurya, you are childhood friend of Maharaj. You two must be really close.

Tears came in eyes of Avantika but she held her tears.....

Avantika- Oh yes, we used to play as children.

Roshani- Where is Maharani Vasantmitra? The most beautiful woman in the world as I have heard. I have also heard Maharaj is crazy about her.

Kamla- Are you gonna ask everything on the door? Come inside my dear.

Roshani entered and was taken by Avantika and Kamla to Kanak's room.

Roshani entered very elegantly and gracefully and she did pranam to her and touched her feet.

Kamla- Maa, she's you new daughter in law.

Kanak kissed her forehead and said- What a beautiful and elegant princess you are.

Roshani smiled-....

Kanak- And what a beautiful smile. She gave a beautiful diamond ring to Roshani as welcome gift. She agun touched her feet.

Kanak impressed- What manners you have, I am impressed.

Roshani- I will do everything in my power to make Maharaj happy and being peace and prosperity in the Empire.

Kanak- I am sure you would, you won my heart in your first impression.

Kanak gave some servants to Roshani besides her own servants.

Roshani was taken to her room.....she would meet Prithvi in the evening....

Roshani- I want to meet Maharani Vasantmitra, can you take me to her first?

Servant- You must rest Rajkumari.

Roshani- No, I want to meet her before entering my room.

Sarvant- As you comman my princess...

They take her to Vasantmitra...

Guard- Maharani, Rajkumari Roshani is here to meet you.

Vasantmitra shocked- Roshani? Let her in.

Roshani entered the room, Vasantmitra got up...Roshani looked at her and was shocked....

Roshani was staring at her in shock....

Vasantmitra- I thought junior queens did pranam to senior queens, but if you aren't gonna do it then fine, I will do it, Pranam.

Roshani bowed- Forgive me Maharani, I was totally in shock to see you are even more beautiful than I had heard about you. Your eyes, oh my goodness, it can take anyone's breath away.

Vasantmitra- Are you here to flatter me?

Roshani smiled- No Maharani, I am here to see the queen who rules Maharaj's heart.

Vasantmitra- You are mistaken my dear, I am just an ordinary queen in the palace, that only because I was revealed to be daughter of Maharaj Bhadradev.

Roshani- That can't be Maharani, if I were boy, i would have married you this very moment.

Vasantmitra amused- Your attempt to flatter me won't pay you off, you should flatter Rajmata or Maharaj himself.

Roshani hugged Vasantmitra, she was shocked..

Roshani- I have heard so much about your warrior talents, i want to learn it, can you teach me?

Vasantmitra- Are you a warrior yourself?

Roshani- Yes, all ladies of Parsvapura learn battlecraft.

Vasantmitra a little jealous but seeing Roshani's good behaviour she smiled, she touched her face- Fine, i will teach you, it will only enhance my own skills.

Roshani- Just like what Rajkumar Shaurya told me, a golden hearted princess. I am your biggest admirer.

Vasantmitra- You are marrying Maharaj not me, save some praises for him.

Roshani- It might look flattery to you, but I genuinely admire you Maharani.

Vasantmitra- You can call me Didi, I am three years older than you afterall.

Roshani hugged her- Didi...

Vasantmitra smiled...

Servant- Rajkumari Roshani, you must get some rest as you will be presented to Maharaj in the evening.

Roshani- Sorry but I have to go didi.

Vasantmitra- Don't worry, you take rest.

Roshani left the room....

Vasantmitra's smile turned in tears, she thought- Hope, atleast Roshani is the one who can make him happy. He will forget me in no time and then I will finally leave and next time he won't be coming after me. The thought completely broke her heart. She thought- Why did I fall in love? I wanted to grow as a warrior, not end up in this golden prison. She fell on the floor.....


Samagra despite being injured came to meet Prithvi, he didn't meet Samagra due to his intense jealousy and growing hatred for Samagra.

Prithvi- Oh come in Samagra, how is your wound? I am sorry I was busy , I couldn't meet you.

Samagra- I have heard you are fighting with Vasantmitra...

Prithvi- Samagra, I am saying this last time, I don't want to talk about my personal matters with you anymore, specially which concerns Vasantmitra. I am her husband, we will solve this matter, you don't have to interfere, if you care for her so much either become her brother or just leave her life.

Samagra in tears- I am sorry Maharaj that I made you feel irritated, that was not my intention, but I am sorry, when it will come to Vasantmitra and her tears, I will do anything in my power to remove her pain.

Prithvi angry- You have some audacity to talk like this.

Samagra- I have always been loyal and honest to you Prithvi, that's why.

Prithvi very angry - Samagra if you weren't a prince of Durgpur, I would cut your head off, don't make me do that, I will forget what mother told us, that not to fight due to Vasantmitra. Sometimes, lying is also good, don't be too honest with me, I have no interest in knowing what your feelings are for her. Understand. You are welcomed here till my marriage with Roshani, after that you can leave for Durgapur.

Samagra- I am injured and doctor told me to rest for one month, alas, I can't go sooner, sad for you.

Prithvi even more irritated...

Samagra left the room....

Prithvi in tears.....

Samagra was having difficulty in walking, he was thinking- Perhaps Prithvi is right, my meddling is actually affecting their relationship, i shouldn't do that anymore but how can I bear that she's sad and in pain. What should I do?

He came to her room and Kaya held him....

Kaya- Oh god why did you get up from your bed?

Samagra- Its nothing...I had some work.

Kaya- Don't do you work when you are injured, just stay on the bed.

Samagra- I want to go back to Durgpura.

Kaya- You can't, you have to atleast rest for one month.

Samagra- I know but I think Prithvi is not liking my presence here anymore.

Kaya- But you two are really close friends..

Samagra- Were, we were close friends. Our friendship is dieing and if I stay here for too long, it will turn in enmity.

Kaya- It's not good, really not good....

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Posted: 1 months ago

Chapter 233

In evening Roshni was sent to meet Prithvi for the first time and she was very scared. Though she heard that Prithvi was good looking but she was still sceptical. With heavy breaths she entered the room.

Roshni had her eyes lowered....

Roshani- Pranam Maharaj..

Prithvi turned and looked at her- Look at me Rajkumari.

She slowly looked up and saw Prithvi- She was mesmerized to see such a handsome man in front of him as her would be husband. She smiled being shy and coy.

Prithvi amusingly smiled and thought- Beautiful, but not like my Vasantmitra.

Prithvi- How was your journey Rajkumari?

Roshani- It was rough but my mind was only fixed on you.

Prithvi thought- Brilliant, a flatter too, like Avantika wasn't enough.

Roshani was very shy and happy...., Prithvi however wasn't that much comfortable but he had to remain calm and composed.

Prithvi- So, how are you liking Meluha?

Roshani- Oh it's beautiful and your queens, they are extremely gorgeous, specially Maharani Vasantmitra, but it looked like she was crying a lot.

Prithvi- Crying?

Roshani- Yes, but even then she was looking breathtakingly gorgeous, I was absolutely mesmerized.

Prithvi thought- Oh no, Vasantmitra crying, was i being too harsh on her? He immediately got up...

Prithvi- Ah I am sorry Rajkumari, I just remembered an important work. He ran to meet Vasantmitra.

Vasantmitra was in her room thinking- Prithvi would be meeting his new wife. He would be mesmerized with her. Tears again came in her eyes.

Suddenly Prithvi entered the room and Vasantmitra was shocked.

Vasantmitra- Prithvi? Are you alright? What happened?

Prithvi looked at her eyes and they were swollen from crying....

Prithvi in tears, he hugged Vasantmitra....

Vasantmitra confused- What happened? Did something happen? Is Prarthna alright?

Prithvi kissed her forehead, then cheeks and then he kissed her passionately- Roshani told me you were crying all day and night, why?

Vasantmitra- Oh so you came because your new wife told you to.

Prithvi- No, i came because I couldn't bear that you were crying, I can bear anything except tears in your eyes.

Vasantmitra- Oh, so thats why you said such harsh words to me weeks ago.

Prithvi grabbed her hand and said- I hate Samagra, i would hate anyone who have feelings for you. I can bear anything in this world except someone else when looking at you.

Vasantmitra grabbed him tightly and said- You think it's easy for me to see you with others.

Prithvi Passionately pinned her to the Wall- I don't want anyone between us. If you want I will send Roshani in your service, i want to show the world that you are the only queen in my heart.

Vasantmitra- how can I believe these words when you say such hurtful things in anger? Forget what Samagra feels or doesn't feel, don't you trust me? You really think I would have feelings for someone who didn't for once thought about Prarthna. I respect that he did so much for me but I feel betrayed because I thought of him as a friend and it turned out he did all that because he loved me. Don't you know me even one bit?

Prithvi in tears- Vasantmitra, I just, just cannot bear to see you with someone else, please, i beg you, for me, cut all ties with him, please.

Vasantmitra cupped his face- Fine, if you say so. I don't want to see you in pain either.

He kissed her so passionately that they fell on the floor.....

Vasantmitra broke it to take breath- Roshani is waiting for you.

He kissed her again and said- I don't care......

They reunited in the most passionate way, it was just like when they first were together after marriage.

Roshani was waiting for him but when he didn't come she left the room.

Roshani- What important matters Maharaj had?

Servant giggled- Maharaj never have anything more important than Maharani Vasantmitra. It had been says since he met her due to a fight between them, but looks like Maharaj couldn't bear it anymore so he left to meet her. Beware Rajkumari, she might not be Mukhya Maharani, but she completely rules heart of Maharaj, she changed the rule of concubines not meeting their children,it was such a rigid rule and Rajmata was very adamant but in the end Maharani won. Whole Antahpura worships Maharani. She is very charitable, generous and also really, really talented. She was initially Maharaj's warrior and she helped him in crucial battles.

Roshani was shocked to know the details and the crazy influence Vasantmitra had on Prithvi, she gulped and thought- How can I ever surpass her? She is best in everything, beauty, brains and courage.

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Posted: 1 months ago

Chapter 234

In Mid Night

Prithvi and Vasantmitra were entangled with each other.

Vasantmitra in tears...

Prithvi- I know I have said sorry like a thousand times, so should I say it again or you will automatically stop crying?

Vasantmitra- It's not about you saying sorry, why do you do things like this, always yelling on me , being angry and then saying sorry. Why?

Prithvi- Because I am scared to lose you, i feel betrayed by Samagra. He ruined my sister's life and have feelings for you, I am trying to see his good side and the so called sacrifices he did for us, but, I am unable to have the same brotherly love for him.

Vasantmitra caressed his face- I know it's really hard to see your sister like this, and I am sorry Prithvi, I am so sorry that I am the root cause for the pain Prarthna is going through. I feel like destroying myself.

Prithvi- What did you do? What are you blaming yourself for? That you are beautiful, is that your fault? Stop blaming yourself, never blame yourself my love.

Vasantmitra in tears, Prithvi said- It's Samagra's fault, if he had feelings for you he should have talked to me, he should have confessed to you, and after so long, he should give up on his feelings but he's being stubborn. Its like, he is not ready to move on. No matter what our relationship is like, it's our relationship, no one has right to meddle in it.

Vasantmitra- I absolutely agree, he makes us look like we are not capable ourselves to handle our relationship. Is our relationship so weak that we need a third party to save it?

Prithvi touched her face and kissed her forehead- I am glad you understand my perspective.

Vasantmitra- I always did, seems like we both are still young and needs to work better in our communication with each other.

Prithvi- Right, hurting you is the worst thing I do, and I don't understand why am I so insecure that I always end up hurting you.

Vasantmitra- Prithvi, nobody can break us if we stand together for our relationship.

Prithvi- I will try to be a better husband to you, you have turned into my life from my obsession. You were an object of my desire and you turned into my soul itself. He kissed her forehead.

Vasantmitra in happy tears hugged Prithvi very lovingly.

Prithvi- If it hurts you, i willl send back Roshani, for me nothing is more important than your happiness.

Vasantmitra- No, don't do that, Maharaj of Parsvapura will consider it an insult.

Prithvi playing with her hair- I want to declare you Mukhya Maharani.

Vasantmitra- What?

Prithvi- Yes...

Vasantmitra- Absolutely not, i can never snatch the position of Kamla.

Prithvi- That doesn't matter, you have my heart.

Vasantmitra smiled......he rubbed his nose with her nose.. Prithvi- My beautiful eyed goddess...

Vasantmitra- My angry yet cute Maharaj....they laughed and continued their love....


Avantika- Ugh.......again and again, he crawls back in her arms. What will it take to finally kick Vasantmitra out of this Palace?


Edited by NostalgiaLove - 1 months ago
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Posted: 1 months ago

Chapter 235

Vasantmitra didn't want to ignore Samagra but she did it for Prithvi's sake and knew about his health through Kamla. Samagra also understood it and tried to keep his distance as much as he could, besides his injury wasn't letting him walk much.

Roshani had been at Meluha for one week and she barely saw Prithvi which made her a little upset as she had developed a crush on him.

Kanak- Prithvi you have to do this, she's your would be wife.

Prithvi- I am really not interested.

Kanak- It's not about your interest, make her feel at home.

Prithvi- Fine, if you say so, but only to keep this alliance.

Kanak- whatever, just do it.

Prithvi sent a message to Roshani for a boat ride in night and she gladly accepted. Whole Antahpura was talking about the date and it went to the ears of Vasantmitra.

Vasantmitra sad- Oh , a boat ride? Prithvi and I didn't take any.

Kamla- I have heard that you two swam a lot though.

Vasantmitra blushed- Who told you that?

Kamla- Just took a shot ....she laughed....

Vasantmitra embarassed and she was very shy, she smiled.... suddenly Kamla shouted- Aaaaahhhhhh.....

Vasantmitra- Oh my god, it's time ....Call RajVaidya......

Servants ran to call the Rajvaidya.....

Kanak ran to come to meet Kamla.

Kanak happy- Yuvraj is coming, I am so happy.

Vasantmitra thought- I hope it's a son (she was actually being selfish as otherwise Prithvi would have to spend more time with her to get a son as heir)

Kamla was in pain...- Aaaahh...aaahh...I can't bear it.

Vasantmitra- Don't worry Kamla, everything will be fine.

Prithvi was waiting for Roshani in his boat, she came wearing a very beautiful golden dress with special make up of Parsvapura. She looked breathtaking. Prithvi looked at her and smiled....he gave her his hand and she was shy and took his hand and sat in the boat. It was beautiful scenery in moonlight...

Roshani- Meluha is so beautiful Maharaj, I never knew a place could be so beautiful, you have managed it so well.

Prithvi- Thanks for the compliments, he thought- Vasantmitra has totally destroyed my tolerance of these coy girls.

Roshani- So what are the things you like? I mean in food and other things.

Prithvi- Oh, ah...I like my mother's sweets, she makes wonderful sweets, Avantika is a good cook, when we were children, she used to prepare food for me when we used to play Wedding game.

Roshani laughed- so cute....

Prithvi- I also like Vasantmitra's Kheer, when she was just my warrior, I remembered she prepared kheer for all of us. I liked it but Samagra loved it. He realised what he said in the flow and became sad.

Roshani- I heard about Rajkumar's injury, i met him, he looked sad, I dont know why, but I don't think it's because of injury, I think it's because of his wife's sickness. I am sure he misses her terribly.

Prithvi- Can we not talk about him please? I feel uncomfortable.

Roshani- Uncomfortable? Why? I have heard you two are really close friends.

Prithvi- Yes, we are but it's our moment, why ruin it my mentioning someone else.

Roshani- Yeah, you are right, I am sorry.

Prithvi was getting a little bored with her talks and over sweetness while she was just naturally coy and sweet.

When they reached the edge of the river, a servant came running....

Servant- Maharaj, Badhai Ho, Yuvraj has arrived.....

Prithvi really happy....- My Yuvraj, finally.

Roshani- Bahut Badhai Ho Maharaj

Prithvi- Dhanyawad.

Rajvaidya gave the baby to Rajmata.

Kanak- Oh look at him, he will one day sit on the throne.

Vasantmitra- Oh he is so tiny, i bet Chandra and him will be really close as brothers.

Avantika came to congratulate Kamla but she was exhausted and was sleeping.

Avantika- Oh, a new prince, Yuvraj.....so cute.

Kanak- Avantika, you should also work on giving me another grandchild.

Vasantmitra thought- Rajmata is obsessed with grandchildren.

Avantika- If only his favourite consort allows, then only we can even think about that.

Vasantmitra- Yes Avantika, I have tied you to a rope so that you cannot meet Prithvi.

Avantika thought- I wish to do this to you.

Prithvi came running to the place, he took his son in his arms and said- My Yuvraja, my son........

Prithvi kissed the baby's forehead and Rajmata and Prithvi were admiring the baby.

Vasantmitra thought- Will he still be so attentive of Chandra now as his Yuvraj has arrived? He loves Kushagra but he does not give him as much attention as he does to Chandra, probably because Chandra is born from a princess but his Yuvraj is born from Mukhya Maharani, will he start ignoring Chandra?

Avantika- Well, look at him, so happy that his Yuvraj is here. I am worried for you sister, what if he forgets you and Chandra.

Vasantmitra- Care about Yourself Avantika, atleast I have a son, you are only ruining your life. Its still time, get some sense and make your life better before it's too late. She left the room.

Avantika thought- No matter what you try Vasantmitra, Prithvi will never make your son a Yuvraj, atleast there I have already won. You will always be in shadow of Kamla when she will become Rajmata.

Edited by NostalgiaLove - 1 months ago
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Posted: a month ago

Chapter 236

In Morning

Roshani had come on her balcony to take fresh air.

Roshani- Ah the Ambience of Meluha is so good, absolutely refreshing, I think I am going to like it here. Suddenly, she saw Prithvi and Vasantmitra sitting in the garden with Chandra in arms of his Dai Maa standing a little far away. She saw Prithvi was playing with her hair and occassionally giving her kisses.

Roshani thought- They look so much in love, I am surprised she is not Mukhya Maharani. He should be with Maharani Kamla right now.

Kamla opened her eyes after a long sleep....

Kamla- Where is my child?

Kanak was there....

Kanak- Here, take your baby my dear.

Kamla saw her son and cried in joy, she kissed his forehead.

Kanak- I am so happy our Yuvraj has arrived.

Kamla's smiled faded a little- I think we should wait for the princes to grow up to decide who is most capable of becoming a Yuvraj.

Kanak- That was purpose of your marriage with Prithvi Kamla, to get heir to the throne.

Kamla didn't say anything but thought- I have this feeling that Chandra will become the next king, Rishis always told me I had this power to predict the future, I sensed Prithvi loved Vasantmitra even when he himself didn't know. Chandra will be the greatest ruler of the dynasty.

Kanak- What are you thinking my dear?

Kamla- Oh nothing Maa, where is Maharaj?

Kanak- Ah he's busy.

Kamla disappointed a Little- Oh I see.

Kanak thought- This boy, he can't see anyone else when it comes to Vasantmitra. Its like he has forgotten he has other wives, his mother and an Antahpura to pay attention to. Vasantmitra is a princess but her upbringing is of a dacoit, she really stole my son from me.

Vasantmitra was lying in his lap....

Vasantmitra- Prithvi, it's such a beautiful day, isn't it?

Prithvi was waiting for Samagra to come in his balcony, he purposely sat on the spot from where Samagra could easily see him.

Samagra came outside to take sunlight and fresh air.

Prithvi saw him and he started kissing Vasantmitra, she was confused, she broke it- what's going on?

Prithvi- Nothing, I just love you so much. He started kissing her so passionately, they fell on the ground, he wasn't even letting her breath, he then kissed her neck sending her in trance and passion. She happily reciprocated not knowing Samagra was watching them.

Samagra in shock, he got tears in his eyes......

Kaya came out and saw it....

Kaya- Looks like he's marking his territory, come on let's go, it will only hurt you.

Samagra sarcastically smiled- Why would it hurt me? Don't I know how they made Chandra? I am just surprised that in his jealously, he can do such a thing, to hurt me he can go so low.

Kaya- Ah perhaps you should kiss me, to show him you have moved on, that way atleast he will stop whatever this is.

Samagra- I am not like him, I feel sad for my sister though, she just had a baby and he's indulging in making me jealous. I told my stupid sister again and again not to marry him but here we are. Poor Vasantmitra, if only she knew what she put herself in.

Kaya laughed- I am sensing some jealousy, looks like Maharaj knew what he was doing.

Samagra frustrated went back to his room...

Vasantmitra- Oh my, Prithvi, anyone could have seen us. Stop it.

Prithvi- Its my palace, my garden, I can do anything I want.

Vasantmitra- Kamla just had your heir, you should spend time with her.

Prithvi- I will, but I have work to do.

Vasantmitra- Yeah, seems like you are working.....a lot....

Prithvi- You know what I really wish

Vasantmitra- What?

Prithvi- To make you invisible, and only I could see you.

Vasantmitra laughed- Sometimes you act so childish.

Later in afternoon....

Samagra came to meet Kamla with great difficulty, with Kaya.

Kamla- Bhaiya, you shouldn't walk much, you should take rest.

Samagra- I am fine my dear, I just want to see my nephew.

Vasantmitra at the same time entered.....Samagra and Vasantmitra looked at each other and it was very awkward for them.

Vasantmitra- Seems like brother and sister are talking, i will come later.

Samagra- I am now going, you can stay.

It pained Vasantmitra to hurt Samagra but she had promised to keep her distance from Samagra. She controlled her tears and said- No Rajkumar, you have come here with great difficulty, I am sure you want to spend some quality time with your sister and nephew, i will come later. She left holding her tears as she didn't like hurting Samagra.

Kamla- You two seems to be quite distant than usual.

Samagra- Forget it, it's actually best for both of us. Nothing can be like before.

Kamla- If everything is settled, then why such awkwardness, Bhaiya.

Samagra- If not for my injury, i would have done to Durgpura. Prithvi would have been happy and I would be at peace.

Kamla- Really Bhaiya? How can you be at peace if you continue holding onto your feelings? Move on for your sake (looking at Kaya), forget everyone else, it's for your own good, atleast in this situation prefer yourself.

Samagra- I don't understand why all of you have such interest in what I feel, moving on , not moving on, my choice. He was about to go away when... Kamla said- Bhaiya, she will never be yours. Abandon this hope in your heart. Kaya looked at Samagra sadly...

Samagra- What hopes? I don't have any hopes.

Kamla- Then why?

Samagra stopped and looked at her, she was in tears- Please, for me.

Samagra in tears went away......Kaya followed him

Edited by NostalgiaLove - a month ago
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Posted: a month ago

Chapter 237

Kanak- So, what is the good Muharat for the wedding Rajpurohit?

Rajpurohit- Rajmata, engagement can be done in two weeks.

Kanak smiled- Perfect, Dasiyon, start the preparations for the engagement ceremony of Maharaj and Rajkumari Roshani.

The servants immediately started preparing, Roshani was feeling alone so she went to warrior's room to practice and she saw Vasantmitra was already practicing there.

Roshani started looking at her ....

Roshani- Wow, such good skills, i have so much to learn from her.

Vasantmitra was practicing fighting with Varun and Arjun, she also used to do with Samagra but as he was injured and their dynamics changed, they didn't practice together anymore.

Vasantmitra- Come on Varun attack....

Varun attacked but not with full power...

Vasantmitra- Come on guys, do you really think I am one of those royals whose ego would get hurt if I loose.

Varun- No but we are afraid to hurt you, one scratch and Prithvi can cut our heads off.

Roshani- Can I try Maharani? I promise I will use my full power.

Vasantmitra- Gladly....

Roshani attacked Vasantmitra, she defended herself but surprisingly Roshani was very good for a learner. They started doing swordfighting and she was giving a tough competition to Vasantmitra, it made her a little jealous and slightly angry, Vasantmitra used her full power and disarmed her but she went very angry in her jealousy, Roshani fell and Vasantmitra would have hurt her only for Arjun to stop her on time. Roshani was scared.

Vasantmitra realised what she did..- Oh I am so sorry Roshani, i got carried away.

Roshani- I thought it was practice, I did not think we were fighting for real.

Vasantmitra- You are surprisingly very good, you gave me tough competition.

Roshani- I always had an interest in swordsmanship and battle skills. I wish in future i will accompany Maharaj in battles.

Vasantmitra Jealous- Well, good luck then but I don't wish for any battles but peace. She threw her sword and left from there.

Roshani giggled- She is his favourite and I should be jealous, but opposite is happening. She laughed.

Vasantmitra came to her room and started mimicking Roshani, looking at that Chandra started laughing.

Vasantmitra- Wow my son, even you are liking her, traitor. She kissed his cheek.


Kaya was taking care of Samagra and rubbing balm on his back.

Kaya- This wound is so deep, i an surprised you are alive.

Samagra- It was a poisoned knife.

Kaya- Han? How in this condition Rajkumari Prarthna thought of poisioning the knife?

Samagra gave it a thought- You are right, how? Ah .....

Kaya- What? Does it hurt?

Samagra- Very much....

Kaya kissed the wound..

Samagra- Why the hell did you do that?

Kaya- I heard somewhere, that even very deep wounds can easily get healed by love.

Samagra- I don't want to listen to your Philosophy.

Kaya- Please Cheeku, let me do it.

Samagra- I forbid you to call me that. You are a servant , remember that.

Kaya- Yeah but a really close one to Rajmata. She brought me up you know.

Samagra thought- Yeah, she brought her up, but why? She's not a royal then why?

Kaya- Well your nickname is really cute, Cheeku. Such a well built six packed abs man with moustache and good looks called Cheeku.

Samagra laughed this time.....

Kaya hugged him from behind carefully....

Samagra- You won't give up, won't you?

Kaya- Never, I am stubborn......

Samagra- You are a lot like Vasantmitra.

Kaya- Oh god, it's already enough that I hear her name when you say it in sleep unconsciously, i don't have to hear it when you are conscious as well.

Samagra- What?

Kaya- Yes, don't ever sleep in front of Maharaj...you take her name a lot.

Samagra remembered having dreams about her and was embarassed.

Kaya thought- Don't worry Rajkumar, I will heal you.

Edited by NostalgiaLove - a month ago
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Posted: a month ago

Chapter 238

Roshani came to meet Prithvi, he was looking at a map.

Prithvi- Roshani?

Roshani- I hope i didn't bother you Maharaj.

Prithvi- No you didn't, please come in.

Roshani sat with him and asked- We rarely spend some time together, I brought this gold wrist chain for you as a gift. Can I?

Prithvi- Ah okay....

She was putting the chain and caressed his hand, Prithvi understood her intentions.

Roshani sat a little closer- In just few weeks, we are supposed to get married, she came a little closer and caressed his face, she said in soft voice- How about we spend some time together, like we did in that boat ride.

Prithvi- I would love to but I am very busy.

Roshani- I understand, you rarely spend some time with Kamla who is mother of your heir, why would you want to spend time with me?

Prithvi- I am actually very busy Roshani, that's why I can't come, but I will tell you when I am free.

Roshani- You were not so busy when you were in garden with Maharani Vasantmitra.

Prithvi laughed- You saw us?

Roshani- Oh yes, I did, you two looked very much in love. I am happy that after marriage, we will spend time like this.

Prithvi amused, he thought- She is remarkably positive about all this.

Suddenly Shaurya and Vidyut entered, Roshani left.

Shaurya- Maharaj I have a news for you.

Prithvi- What is it?

Vidyut- Maharaj of Parsvapura has sent his congratulations on birth of your heir.

Prithvi- Tell my thanks to him.

Shaurya- But Bhaiya, some bandits, also have attacked few villages in Meluha.

Prithvi- Bandits? Which Bandits?

Shaurya- Ah.....these are men of Akramak's brother and Virochana's cousins. They are hiding in jungles of these villages and attack them. They are taking revenge of their deaths.

Prithvi- Virochana died?

Shaurya- He was old, he couldn't handle torture much longer.

Prithvi- Who is funding them? Bhadradev won't do that, Parsvapura has an alliance with us than who?

Shaurya- They loot Villages and use the money.

Prithvi angry- Send Varun and Arjun against them.

Shaurya- Bhaiya, I am suggesting me, Vasantmitra Bhabhi and Samagra should go.

Prithvi shocked.....

Shaurya- Me and Bhabhi have knowledge of jungles and Dacoits and Samagra as a senior can be a huge help for us.

Prithvi- Samagra is injured, you and Vasantmitra can go, take Varun and Arjun also.

Shaurya- But Bhaiya we need Samagra....his injury is healing and injury never stops a warrior.

Prithvi threw away his things on the table in anger and shouted- Fine, then Vasantmitra wont go, either take Samagra or Vasantmitra, not them together.

Vidyut left seeing the tension

Shaurya- Bhaiya what's the problem? Samagra is our best friend.

Prithvi- That best friend is.....forget it...its your call, either Samagra or Vasantmitra.

Edited by NostalgiaLove - a month ago
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Posted: a month ago

Chapter 239

Vasantmitra- Really? Its so exciting, but how can I leave Chandra?

Shaurya- Bhabhi, Chandra is almost one year old.

Vasantmitra- He still needs me Shaurya. As much as I want to go in this mission, my child is my priority.

Shaurya- Then I guess, Samagra it is.

Vasantmitra- He's injured, look, call baba, he will help you.

Shaurya- I was looking forward to work with you and Samagra but I guess that's how it goes.

Vasantmitra- Well, I really wanna go, but Chandra...Shaurya, before I was a mother, I was reckless, now I have a responsibility, to take care of my joy.

Shaurya- So, will you never participate again?

Vasantmitra- Who said that? Ofcourse I will but it's not a simple work, it's a mission, a proper mission in jungle.

Shaurya- I understand, i will call your father right away.

Prithvi was really relieved to know that Samagra and Vasantmitra both were not going on this mission and that too together.

Later Roshani came all dressed up in night to meet Prithvi....

Prithvi- Come in Rajkumari...

Roshani- You are always busy so I thought this time would be good for us to talk.

Prithvi was tired but he thought if he said that she would think he was avoiding her.

Prithvi- Come, sit...

Roshani sat with him, she was all shy and he was extremely bored.

Roshani- So, I have heard Rajkumar Shaurya is going on a mission with Vasantmitra's father.

Prithvi- Yes...

Roshani- I am a warrior myself, I wish to go on missions as well.

Prithvi- Oh you are a warrior?

Roshani- Yes, I had a match with Maharani Vasantmitra, she won.

Prithvi- Obviously

Roshani- Yes, she's pretty good. Hey, let's have a match.

Prithvi- What?

Roshani- Yeah, come on....

Prithvi- Roshani, I.....he looked at her excitement and said- Ok...

They took swords and started fighting...Guards were there to protect Prithvi just in case. As they were fighting, they came in the balcony unknowingly, Vasantmitra was looking outside the window....she suddenly saw Prithvi and Roshani practising swordfighting and having fun. She was shocked to see them laughing, suddenly Roshani's leg slipped and she was about to fall when he caught her by the waist, her sword fell and she came in arms of Prithvi. She felt happy in his arms and considering it as her right she hugged him. Vasantmitra was shocked to see it, tears came in her eyes.......

Roshani hugged Prithvi more tightly and he reciprocated and hugged her.

Roshani- Looks like Maharaj, I am falling in love with you.

Prithvi was silent but quite proud of his looks too....

Vasantmitra's heart was broken and she shut her window in anger.

Prithvi broke the hug and said- Good...as he was about to leave, Roshani grabbed his hand, she came in front of him and touched his chest...he took his hand and placed it on her waist.

Prithvi- What are you doing?

Roshani- Telling you what my feelings are.

Prithvi- It's too soon, let us get married first, it's my duty to keep you with honour even if you are my fiancee.

Roshani smiled...

Prithvi- You may go now, I am very tired.

Roshani left....

Vasantmitra angry- I know she is his would be wife but can't she just wait for marriage. She is trying to replace me. Ugh .......I am supposed to watch this and he forbids me to talk to Samagra. If I want I can make him go berserk with jealousy, but I am not someone who uses my friends for revenge. Ugh.....Why am I so noble hearted? I sometimes wish I was a little cold hearted.

Prithvi didn't meet Vasantmitra for a week due to his work but she thought it was due to Roshani.

The day of the engagement of Roshani and Prithvi came.

Roshani was decked in a beautiful golden red dress but still everyone's eyes were on Vasantmitra who was still considered a breathtaking beauty. Vasantmitra didn't look happy at all.

Avantika came to her and said- Now you feel like how I feel, you are suffering what I suffered, someone else stole your love.

Vasantmitra- My love is not an object that someone can steal it.

Avantika- Roshani is your Karma of coming between me and Prithvi.

Vasantmitra irritated- Avantika let me remind you very clearly, I am Prithvi's first wife. His legitimate wife. You are not even second but third wife. If someone has tried to come in between it's you. Kamla and Roshani are alliances, you are the one who forced yourself in our lives, very shamelessly. Look at you, you have no love, no power, no respect, nothing, all because of your own doings, if you have a little bit of self respect left, you will go away from our lives and start a new life with a person who actually loves you.

Avantika- Look who's talking, who has a secret lover, Samagra must be so in love with you.

In anger, Vasantmitra slapped Avantika..

Avantika shocked- How dare you?

She was about to slap Vasantmitra when guards stopped her.

Guard- I am sorry Maharani but we have clear orders that no one can harm Maharani Vasantmitra. Its punishable actually.

Avantika in tears, she left the room.

Kanak Angry- Vasantmitra, why did you make a scene? Everyone is looking at us.

Roshani thought- Looks like there is some problem between the sisters.

Prithvi angry.... Vasantmitra left the occasion.

They exchanged the rings...

In night

Vasantmitra was removing her Jewellery when Prithvi entered....

Prithvi angry- Why did you slap Avantika? Why the hell did you make a scene in front of the guests . Do you know there were many people from Parsvapura and Mahishmati. What would they think about us.

Vasantmitra wasn't even looking at him but his bickering made her angry...

Vasantmitra got up- You third wife was accusing me of cheating, she Gaslighted me to do that. If you have to scold, scold Avantika.

Prithvi- She Gaslighted you and you got angry so easily. What type of a queen you are. Don't you have any grace, look at Roshani, she's so graceful and elegant.

Vasantmitra- Kshama Maharaj, if I am not graceful like your new wife, I was raised among dacoits you know, we were so busy in getting food, we didn't get education of being graceful and look like a decked up doll.

Prithvi- You don't have to be sarcastic

Vasantmitra- So what should I do? Change my personality like your new wife, if not for Chandra, I wouldn't be here, i would be with Shaurya and Samagra (she purposely took his name) on the mission.

Prithvi- Oh if you are so missing going on a mission with Samagra, then I have one for you, how about a good vacation for you two on a lonely island. How about that?

Vasantmitra- Oh wait , that's not a mission for me, that's for you and Roshani.

Prithvi- Well atleast she's my wife, not someone who is married to someone else but hits on me all the time.

Vasantmitra shouted- Shut Up

Prithvi-You shut up, you Gaslight me again and again and think I would run behind you and say sorry again and again. This pattern needs to stop. Its enough.

Vasantmitra- It's enough for me too.....she in tears- Why are you replacing me?

Prithvi shocked- What?

She hugged him tightly- I saw you two from my window, you looked so happy with her. She starred crying....

She said while crying- She is stealing you from me.

Prithvi- So that's what it is about.

He wiped her tears and kissed her forehead.......

Prithvi sniffed her and said- There is no woman in the world who can replace you.

Vasantmitra was melting in his arms....she hugged him tightly and ran her hands slowly over his back....he stared in her eye...and gently ran his fingers on her neck....

Vasantmitra pulled him closer and they shared a passionate kiss. Prithvi didn't know she kept that window opened from which Roshani could see them. As soon as she realised Roshani was watching them, she intensified her kiss, and then pushed him on the bed. Roshani was shocked and she immediately closed her curtains.

Roshani was feeling sad..

Prithvi- What's gotten into you?

Vasantmitra - Are you complaining?

Prithvi- I am not an idiot

They laughed, she was so passionate that night even Prithvi felt intimidated.....

Next Morning...

Prithvi was sleeping when Chandra's voice waked him up.

Prithvi- Come on Chandra, let you father sleep.

He saw Chandra was slapping him on his face with his baby hands..

Vasantmitra came all dressed up....

Prithvi- Look my queen, our prince is trying to dethrone me.

Vasantmitra laughed- Bad Chandra, obey you king. She sat on the bed with them, Prithvi took Chandra in his arms.....

Prithvi- Where was he last night?

Vasantmitra- With Rajmata...

Prithvi- Oh good, us fighting is not good for him.

Vasantmitra- Well, not just fighting, it's aftermath as well.

Prithvi smirked- I felt like your slave last night.. looks like this jealousy thing is good for me.

Vasantmitra funnily slapped him- Look Prithvi, I am really in very bad place right now with Samgara and the whole fiasco and Roshni and your marriage. Its all too much to take. I am scared...

Prithvi took her hand- Hey what are you scared for?

Vasantmitra in tears- Of losing you.......

Prithvi became emotional....

Prithvi- You can never lose me. Roshani is nothing for me, she is just an alliance.

Vasantmitra- I know but I can't help it, when I saw you two having fun while swordfighting, I felt like she was replacing me.

Prithvi- I was extremely irritated with her because I was tired and she was in mood of romance.

Vasantmitra- Okay let's just not talk about her.

Prithvi smiled- Yes, let us play with our cute bundle of joy.

Vasantmitra smiled seeing Prithvi and Chandra bonding as father and son.

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Posted: a month ago

Romantic Chapter

Prithvi and Vasantmitra decided to go on a peaceful place to get away from the stress they were facing and despite he had his wedding with Roshani in few weeks. Roshani was surprised and sad that he abandoned her to spend time with Vasantmitra and realised that her influence was very hard to get.

They took a trip to the same place where they had confessed their love. Chandra was in care of his Dai Maa who came along with them.

Prithvi took Vasantmitra to the lake.......

Vasantmitra- So what's the surprise you wanted to give me?

Prithvi bent down on his knees...

Vasantmitra shocked...

Dai Maa was holding Chandra and standing a little far away..

Vasantmitra- Prithvi?

Prithvi- We had confessed to each other here and today I wanted to confess to you again, that I Love You and this time it's not manipulation, it's pure love, it's not a plot to make you my concubine, it's not a plan to lure you into a hoax marriage, it's not out of ugly intentions I had. I had been a very selfish person but today, I confess that I Love You, no matter whether you are a dacoit, commoner or a princess.

Vasantmitra started crying, she bent down.

Vasantmitra- A true queen makes her king grow, not make him bend on his knees. She kissed his forehead.

Dai Maa took Chandra away with guards to their room, she was crying to see the pure love between the couple.

Vasantmitra in tears- Prithvi, i confess that I Love You, no matter who has feelings for me, no matter if he's the best man alive, for me only you and you are my love.

The moon was again witness of their love...

It started raining heavily........

Prithvi kissed her forehead, cheeks and then kissed her passionately. He made her lie on the ground and kissed her neck. She tightly grabbed his hair. She touched his back and kissed his shoulder and then neck....she was very happy after a long time. He passionately caressed her waist and kissed it. Tears came out from her eyes due to pure love. In the rain, their love blossomed like a flower.

In morning, they were with each other in the bed.

Vasantmitra- After so long we are away from every trauma and pain, just happy with each other.

Prithvi grabbed her in his arms, he said- I wish my sons grow up soon and take the Empire, then I will retire and spend the rest of my life with you, alone, just making love and visiting new places.

Vasantmitra- Oh really?.

Prithvi- Yes, i now understand what your father felt for your mother, and how heartbroken he was when she died, I want my death before see you....she puts her hands on his mouth.

Vasantmitra- You idiot, never say this, you are not only my husband but my king.

Prithvi stared in her eyes and remembered when he first saw them...

Prithvi- I remember when I first saw these pretty eyes...oh god, they took my breath away. I just wanted to get you.

Vasantmitra- Didn't you find me boy faced?.

Prithvi- It was just my way to stop myself from cheating on Avantika.

Vasantmitra- That means you always loved me.

Prithvi sniffing her- Oh you don't even realise how madly I wanted you, in nights I had dreams about you, when I said you tortured me, I meant it. But you status as a dacoit was coming in my way to get you.

Vasantmitra- Well you were very cunning with me.

Prithvi- I know..I could do anything to get you....he said in passionate voice- It's maddening.

Vasantmitra kissed him.......

Vasantmitra put her head on his chest and he was caressing her hair....she was in total bliss forgetting every pain..
