FF - Passion of Love - Ch 249- Pg 84 - Page 80



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Posted: 1 months ago

Chapter 222

Two days later

Vasantmitra went to meet Samagra very anxiously, she was feeling really awkward.

Vasantmitra anxiously thought- You can do this Vasantmitra, you can, just remember him as your friend, just a friend and not someone who put you in an awkward situation in your family. She came to his door. His guards bowed to her.

Vasantmitra couldn't say anything as she was feeling absolutely awkward. Guards were confused as she wasn't saying anything. Just when she was about to say something to guards the door opened and Samagra came out. He was shocked to see Vasantmitra there. They looked at each other very awkwardly.

Samagra voice cracked- Pranam Maharani.

Vasantmitra awkwardly- Rajkumar, I need to talk to you. Do you have a minute? He saw few servants with her.

Vasantmitra- Ah she will be accompanying us in our talks.

Samagra- Prithvi doesn't trust me I guess or you perhaps.

Vasantmitra- Listen, I brought them myself besides it's not something secret, I just want to talk to you about something which doesn't need secrecy.

Samagra- Whatever, come in.

Vidatha and Kaya were there.....Kaya got up and bowed to Vasantmitra. She smiled at Kaya thinking- Oh thank God, thank God, he's moving on.

Kaya- I will come later.

Samagra mocked- No you stay, Maharani doesn't need to talk to me secretly. She doesn't trust me anymore.

Vasantmitra became angry a little but she sat down gracefully....her servants were behind her and Kaya was standing behind Samagra. He saw Vasantmitra's eyes and his emotions started flowing in his heart. He looked away as tears came in his eyes.

Vasantmitra- I have brought a proposal from Maharaj Bhadradev. He is very keen to have you in his family. His Chief Queen (Bhudev's mother as Sujata was imprisoned ) had requested me to ask you.....she stopped.....then she said- will you be interested in marrying Chaya?

Samagra shocked- What?

Kaya's heart was broken but as she was just a servant, she never really expected to be anything more than just a concubine.

Vasantmitra- Father really respects you, more so after whatever you have done for me and my family, he wants to have you as son or grandson in law. Poor Chaya has suffered because of Lakha, and she seems to admire you a lot. She cried for two days when you married Vaishali.

Samagra- Forced to marry Vaishali.

Vasantmitra- So? What do you think?

Samagra- What's your opinion?

Vasantmitra- Mine?

Samagra- Yes.

Vasantmitra- I don't know, it's your life, it will be your decision. But Chaya is a good and lovely girl. She will make you happy.

Samagra- I never had a choice you know, the proposal for marriage with Prarthna was sent to my father by Rajmata. I had to accept it as my father wished for the alliance. I never had any concubines as I never felt any connection with anyone and I had Prarthna as my wife. In Chaya's Case, Maharaj should send the proposal to my Father, if he accepts, then I accept.

Vasantmitra- But what about you? What about your happiness?

Samagra- My happiness never mattered, and now with this terrible condition of Prarthna, I don't think I deserve happiness anyway.

Vasantmitra- Prithvi told all about it to me, I am very sad knowing about her health. But Samagra, you deserve love and happiness. If not chaya then find someone whom you can love.

Samagra was irritated and he got up, he was holding his tears- If Mahrani doesn't have anything else to say, I need your permission to just get out for my work.

Vasantmitra- I am sorry Samagra if I hurt you in anyway. I know you are stressed due to Prarthna, I was very scared to talk to you about this, perhaps my timing was bad, I am so sorry.

He looked at her and his emotions were flowing in his heart. Kaya noticed him very carefully and she understood how difficult was for him to remain distant and cold to her.

Samagra voice again cracked, he said- Maharani, I apologise if I have offended you in anyway.

Vasantmitra- Come on Samagra, we were never like this, we used to converse so easily. You were my most trusted friend, are you mad that I slapped you? I am sorry that I misjudged your intentions.

Samagra- I can never be mad at you...I lo....

Vasantmitra was shocked, Samagra just realised what he was about to say ......he bowed and quickly left the room leaving a very shocked and anxious Vasantmitra. She sat down in shock.

Vasantmitra thought- I never thought his feelings could be this deep. Oh god, what will happen now? How can I talk to him normally? Ugh...

Kaya looked at stressed Vasantmitra and offered her water. Vasantmitra drank the water and said- Thank You. She looked at Kaya....

Vasantmitra- What is your name?

Kaya- My name is Kaya , Maharani.

Vasantmitra- Are you his concubine?

Kaya- I wish but no, I am caretaker of Rajkumar Vidatha till Rajkumari Prarthna gets well.

Vasantmitra- You said you wish....that means you like him?

Kaya- I don't like him........I love him.

Vasantmitra smiled- Excellent....so did you two get together?

Kaya sadly smiled- No, he rejected me.

Vasantmitra- But why?

Kaya didn't want to tell Vasantmitra about the real reason so she said- I don't know, maybe I am not beautiful enough.

Vasantmitra- Oh Dont say that, you are beautiful. Where are you from?

Kaya- I don't know, I was raised by Rajmata herself, then she sent me in Maharaj's service.

Vasantmitra shocked and angry- So you were his concubine?

Kaya- Only for few days, then he rejected me and I went back to Rajmata.

Vasantmitra angry but she calmed herself and she only said- Oh....but now you aren't, right?

Kaya- You don't have to worry, he does not even know me now.

Vasantmitra relieved- Good....., try to win Samagra's heart.

Vasantmitra came out and thought- Raised by Rajmata? But knowing how rigid Rajmata is, she wouldn't raise a non royal child, then who is Kaya?

Samagra came to meet Prithvi, he entered his room and quickly said in one go- Before you misjudge me again, your favourite wife came to meet me and she brought proposal of chaya for me. I hope it's clear before you make another scene.

Prithvi- Ah hello Samagra, I was just eating, care to join me?

Samagra- You aren't mad?

Prithvi while eating- Why would I be mad?

Samagra confused- Okay.....now he felt awkward.....

Prithvi- She asked my permission for that.

Samagra looked at Prithvi and said- Prithvi I am going back to Durgpura.

Prithvi- Samagra no one wishes it more than me but you have to stay now.

Samagra- Why?

Prithvi- You forgot? Vidyut is coming and I bet with him Kala will come too.

Samagra- Oh god not her again.

Prithvi- Yeah, her.......again......

Samagra- She's a nuisance.

Edited by NostalgiaLove - 1 months ago
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Posted: 1 months ago

Chapter 223

It was day of Aparajita and Shaurya's marriage. Aparajita was still mad that Shaurya had called her rustic but she couldn't afford to not marry him now as they already had been in a relationship and she couldn't make Shaka sad.

They came into the mandap and did all the rituals, Shaurya didn't even realise Aparajita was mad at him. They took blessings of Shaka who was overjoyed that his both daughters got happily married and their husbands absolutely adored them.

Kala had attended the wedding but she met the couple really formally and remained distant throughout the wedding.

Afterwards, there was ritual of ring finding....

Shaurya and Aparajita looked at each other, she didn't look happy at all. They started playing and Aparajita was really competitive. Shaurya found the ring but he gladly let Aparajita have it.

Aparajita- I won, I won.....she looked happy.

Later when Shaurya entered her room, Aparajita was in normal clothes and was eating fruits.

Shaurya- Wow, so I don't get welcomed like a groom.

Aparajita- Welcome, how?

Shaurya- Well you should be in your bridal dress behaving all shy, don't snatch the joy from me.

Aparajita- Well that's what rustics do, won't they?

Shaurya laughed- You are so mad at me for that? Forget it, I was just angry.

Aparajita- But it hurt me.

Shaurya came near her and hugged her- I am so happy everything got sorted out.

Aparajita- I am not happy at all with Kala and your relationship.

Shaurya- Me and Kala? In a relationship? He bursted out laughing....

Aparajita- What's so funny?

Shaurya- The fact that you actually think that we are in a relationship is too damn funny.

Aparajita- Then why is she your prisoner?

Shaurya- I have told you why, why are you asking again?

Aparajita- I think you are hiding something about Kala from me. What is it?

Shaurya- There is nothing to hide, now come on, you are my wife in its true sense, love me, in most rustic way.

Aparajita smirked- Oh yeah....

Shaurya mischievously smiled- Yes....

They started they usual passionate romance.........and were happy and peace after a really long time, without any burdens.


Avantika in her room thinking- Samagra and Prithvi's friendship is too strong, even Vasantmitra couldn't break it. I didn't in my wildest dreams think that Prithvi would give his blessings to Samagra's love and that fool rejected it. If he had accepted it, I didn't have to plan something else.... ugh...why Samagra why....it would be all sorted out. Vasantmitra would be in Durgpura with her new husband and I would be here with Prithvi, healing him from the pain and this Samagra and Kamla, they like to pretend being saints to get praises. Ugh, such idiots. Prathana is my next target but she is always with guards. How can I talk to her without those guards present. I must do something soon.


In night

Kaya came out after taking bath, she looked absolutely ravishing in fine silk white clothes but without any jewellery as it was night time. Samagra noticed her and complimented her- I must say, you are a gorgeous woman.

Kaya shy- I am glad you noticed me.

Samagra was reading a book- Don't get too hopeful.

She smiled...Vidatha was sleeping and she gave him a kiss on forehead. She said- He's just so cute, look at his cute little hands and cute chubby cheeks. Oh....I want one....

Samagra put down the book and sat with her...he smiled- If you want, I can introduce you to some of my friends from noble backgrounds. Who wouldn't be interested in such a.....he saw her eyes......he said in very passionate voice- Such a beautiful woman.

Kaya looked at him.....she sat closer to him.....she touched his face and said- I know I am not Vasantmitra, but I can try to heal your pain. A tear fell from her eye.

Samagra in soft voice- Your eyes remind me of her.

Kaya leaned towards him, she came very close to him, their noses were touching each other....but Samagra looked away.

Kaya- What happened?

Samagra- I can't give you the love you deserve. Prarthna was my responsibility, I don't have that baggage with you.

Kaya- I don't understand why you want to hold on to the woman who doesn't even care about you. She is happy with Maharaj, she doesn't even think about you.

Samagra- I know but when I fell in love with her, she didn't even notice me. Since that day I love her, unconditionally. Well, didn't you love me all these years? I did not even know you existed.

Tears came in her eyes....

Kaya- I can understand about Rajkumari Prarthna but why you wanna stay loyal to someone who is not even yours.

Samagra- No, it's not about that.

Kaya- Then what?

Samagra- I believe you should be with someone who loves you and not uses you for his own pleasure. You deserve love, you are not some object for me.

Kaya in tears- No wonder everyone praises you in the Empire, I have never seen or met anyone like you. But I still believe you are just using this as an excuse. Do you really believe that Vasantmitra would return your feelings?

Samagra- I don't have that hope and I don't want that either. Prithvi is very dear to me, despite the fact that he's impulsive and fought with me in anger.

Kaya smiled- You are lying I can see that, you use your friendship with Maharaj as an excuse to forget her but you are unable to.

Samagra- Think whatever you want......he got up and started reading his book again.


Kanak came to the children's room and didn't find them there ...

Kanak- Dasi, where are children?

Dasi- Rajmata, they are with their mothers in Maharani Kamla's room.

Kanak shouted- What? She came to meet Kamla.

Kanak was shocked to see Vasudha and Kosha playing with their children and the children being truly happy meeting their mothers.

Kanak shouted- Kamla...

Everyone shocked....Vasudha and Kosha got up.

Kanak- Who told these concubines to meet the children? Don't they know they can only meet them when the children are sick or they need maternal care.

Kanak shouted- Kushagra, come to me.

Kushagra hugged Vasudha- No, I want to stay with Maa.

Vasudha- Putra, go to Rajmata , don't defy her wishes. Go, come on.

Kushagra started crying- No, I want to stay with Maa. Tears came in Vasudha's eyes and Kalyani who was also called by her nickname Kripa started crying as she was also just a child.

Kamla- Rajmata, it's Maharaj's order that from now children can meet their mothers for few hours in my room.

Rajmata- Prithvi? Where is he?

Guard- Rajmata, he is with Maharani Vasantmitra.

Rajmata- Right? He doesn't know that he has an Antahpura and two other wives as well. He should be spending time with you Kamla, you are going to be a mother.

Kamla smiled- I am alright Maa, besides Kushagra and Kripa/Kalyani being with me gives me good company.

Kanak straight went into Vasantmitra's room, Vasantmitra was in Prithvi's arms.... suddenly she barged in their room. They got shocked...

Prithvi- Maa, you could have atleast informed me that you are coming.

Kanak- It's your doing, isn't it Vasantmitra?

Vasantmitra- What Maa?

Kanak- Prithvi, have you lost all of your senses in her love? I know she is a princess and I have accepted her but that doesn't mean she will start changing rules of Antahpura.

Prithvi- What's harm in Vasudha and Kosha meeting their children for few hours? Let them Maa.

Kanak shocked, she shouted at Vasantmitra in anger- First your mother made Samudra insane after her, now Prithvi and Samagra, do you know some magic? Please teach me too so that I can fill some sense in my son.

Vasantmitra- Rajmata, pls, calm down, I am not trying to change any rules, but I couldn't see plight of the mothers who were longing for their children. She folded her hands in front of her and said- Please Maa, as a mother I know how much it pains if your child is snatched from you. She bent down in front of Kanak.

Kanak was shocked, Vasantmitra started crying- Maa, please.....

Kanak made Vasantmitra get up and wiped her tears- I can understand you have a good heart but we sometimes have to be stone hearted to run the Empire. Vasantmitra was still crying....she hugged her....For your happiness, I will allow it, but only for few hours.

Vasantmitra hugged Kanak- Thank You Maa, you are the best.

Kanak smiled but said- But no more changes, if you have any ideas , you will first discuss with me and Kamla, okay?

Vasantmitra- Okay Maa...

Kanak left the room...

Prithvi- Wow, now you have learnt how to tackle a dominating and proud Rajmata.

Vasantmitra- I was not tackling her, I genuinely felt really bad for the concubines and their plight hurt me very much. I wanted to do something for them but Rajmata is also right, she cant let chaos happen in Antahpura.

Prithvi pulled her in his arms and said- She is right, you do know some magic that I fell more and more deep in love with you. What is it?

Vasantmitra- Magic....

They started laughing............

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Posted: 1 months ago

Chapter 224

Kaya came with Vidatha to Vasantmitra's room as she wanted Chandra and Vidatha to play with each other. Chandra and Vidatha started playing with each other and it was a very cute sight.

Vasantmitra- Oh I love these kids, they are so adorable.

Kaya- Indeed, Maharani the whole Antahpura is singing your praises after what you did for Vasudha and Kosha. The whole Antahpura is very happy. But the women are also jealous as they rarely get to see Maharaj now due to you.

Vasantmitra smiled.....

She started looking for dresses as her servants showed her to wear tomorrow as Prithvi had planned a date with her in the royal garden and had told her to spend the whole evening with her there despite he was very busy.

Servants were showing her dresses...

Servant- How's this red one Maharani?

Vasantmitra- ahm...nah, not this one, it won't go with my jewellery. Show me another.

Servant showed her a black one and she was shocked....she remembered


Samagra came to meet Vasantmitra after her marriage to again congratulate her.

Samagra- So, you guys finally got back....it seemed like you guys abandoned us.

Vasantmitra- I can't be more happy Samagra, it's like I got everything in the world, but I am sad because I am missing Baba.

Samagra smiled- Ah, I bought this as a wedding gift to you, I personally wanted to give it to you if you don't mind.

Vasantmitra- Come on Samagra, we are friends first, why would I mind. She saw it was a beautiful black dress (Samagra originally had bought it to give it to her after he would propose her but as he sacrificed he thought of giving it to her after she married Prithvi).

Vasantmitra- It's such a good dress, did Prarthna buy it?

Samagra- Ah....you just enjoy the gift, who bought it doesn't matter.

Vasantmitra- Well, her choice is really good.

Samagra was happy to see her smile and she did not notice it.

Vasantmitra came out of her thoughts.....she saw Kaya looking at the black dress and she liked it.

Vasantmitra- Kaya, do you like it?

Kaya- Me? Ah... Maharani I...

Vasantmitra- I saw in your eyes that you like it. Come on, take it.

Kaya- Maharani, I really don't want to.

Vasantmitra- Please, I insist.

Kaya- Maharani, I don't want to take the things which belongs to you.

Vasantmitra- This doesn't belong to me, she picked the dress and gave it to Kaya. Take care of it Kaya, take care of it like you would take care of my friend.

Kaya- Your friend?

Vasantmitra smiled- Ah Nothing, I like this dress but I won't wear it, so you can have it.

Kaya hugged Vasantmitra- Thank You Maharani.

Vasantmitra- Oh come on, I am like your sister.

Kaya- That's your kindness but I know my place.

Vasantmitra caressed Kaya's face and said- I hope you get your love soon.

Kaya sadly smiled- I wish Maharani, I can only wish.

Vasantmitra took her hands- I am confident you will get your love. You know why, because your love is selfless and selfless love always win.

Kaya- Then why his love didn't win?

Vasantmitra shocked....

Kaya scared- I am sorry Maharani, I said something without thinking, please forgive me.

Vasantmitra in tears- You can go now.

Kaya took Vidatha and left her room with the black dress.

Vasantmitra was irritated but she started looking at dresses again.

Avantika went to meet Prarthna....Guards were there but she told them to wait outside.

Guard- Maharani, Rajkumari has become insane, she can easily harm you.

Avantika- Don't worry, Prarthna is my friend, if she harms me I will shout so don't worry.

She entered the room....

Prarthna was chained and Avantika was shocked to see Prarthna like this.

Avantika in tears- That Vasantmitra is responsible for our tears. I will destroy her. Poor Prarthna, we were so close since childhood. She wiped her tears.

Prarthna- Avantika?

Avantika- It's me Prarthna......

Prarthna- Avantika, be aware of that witch who is roaming in the palace.

Avantika in tears- Prarthna, my friend, that witch will be destroyed, don't worry.

Prarthna- Are you sure?

Avantika- Yes, let me open your chains....

She opened her chains, Prarthna pushed Avantika very hard and ran to open the door, guards were shocked, they caught Prarthna but she bit one's hand and hit another one with her leg and ran really fast.

Avantika smirked and thought- I am sorry Prarthna, I have to use you for our revenge. Vasantmitra can not live in peace destroying our lives.

Some guards told Kanak that Prarthna ran away, when Kanak asked her, they told the details of how Avantika met Prarthna and then she ran away...

Kanak thought- Avantika?

Edited by NostalgiaLove - 1 months ago
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Posted: 1 months ago

Chapter 225

Prarthna was eventually caught and put in prison again.

Kanak- Avantika, how dare you let Prarthna get out of the prison.

Avantika- Maa, she told me the chains were hurting her.

Kanak- She is insane, she would say anything , are you also insane that you believed her.

Avantika realising her plan went wrong apologized to Kanak.

Kanak- This shouldn't happen next time.

Avantika thought- Again my plan failed, it was such a good plan, Prarthna would try to hurt Vasantmitra and she would retaliate and hurting Prarthna would definitely make cracks between Prithvi and Vasantmitra. But I won't stop, they will be separated.


Next Day

In night

Vasantmitra went to meet Prithvi in the garden for their date. She wore a beautiful white-golden dress and looked absolutely ravishing and gorgeous with her hair down and diamond earrings in her ears.

Prithvi looked totally mesmerized...

He gave her his hand and she took it smiling. He covered her eyes and took her to a beautiful lonely place in their big garden, he opened her eyes and she saw a beautiful bed of flowers and the moon light was coming directly on it. It was a very beautiful sight.

Vasantmitra- So beautiful....

Prithvi in her ears- Yes, absolutely beautiful.

She smiled ......

He turned her towards her and gave her a very rare blue lotus.

Vasantmitra- It's such a rare flower

Prithvi- I brought it just for you.

Her eyes were in tears, she hugged him.....

Vasantmitra- Never in my life I thought I could be ever loved by someone like this or I would love someone so passionately.

Prithvi smiled and hugged her tightly......he kissed her in the moonlight........the couple looked very much in love.

He caressed her face and lips with the blue lotus....He picked her up and gently put her on the flower bed.....he kissed her forehead. She took his hand and kissed it.

Prithvi stared in her eyes, totally getting lost in them.

They hugged and left each other in their loving embrace.


It was night time and Vidatha was sleeping......Samagra had told Kaya he would be busy working in the night so she was all alone. She for fun didn't lit diyas except 4 or 5. She wore the black dress which Vasantmitra gave and wore diamons jewellery with it.

Kaya- Hmm.. i should also do my hair and makeup like Maharani Vasantmitra. Let's see how I look in her get up. She for fun exactly did make up and hairdo like Vasantmitra and she looked almost like her, specially when their eyes were similar.

Samagra entered the room...- Sorry Kaya, i had to come here to....Kaya was shocked and she turned....Samagra was shocked to see her.

The dark room with diya lights and her standing there looking like Vasantmitra made Samagra totally mesmerized.

He slowly came towards her with his eyes filled with desires. Kaya looked at him all mesmerized.

Samagra unconsciously touched her waist and pulled her closer. She looked like Vasantmitra to him.

Samagra caressed her face and gave a kiss on her cheek. Kaya was shocked but also very happy. He ran his hand all over her back and she did the same. She kissed his shoulder.

Samagra- I have waited so long for you.

Kaya- So did I ....

Samagra in tears- Never leave me....

Kaya- I will never....

He kissed her forehead, cheeks and then kissed her passionately....... suddenly he realised what he was doing and pushed her away....

Samagra in shock....he realised she was Kaya and not Vasantmitra.

Kaya- What Happened?

Samagra in anger- Why are you wearing this dress? Did you steal it?

Kaya- No, Maharani gifted it to me.

Samagra angry- Why have you dressed like that?

Kaya- I was just having fun...

Samagra remembered what Vaishali did with him and it brought his trauma back.

Samagra grabbed her hand real tight and Said- Don't play these dirty games with me. I thought you were a nice woman but you are just like everyone else, playing with my emotions.

Kaya angry- I wasn't playing with your emotions, you told me you weren't coming tonight, Vidatha was sleeping so I was just having fun.

Samagra silent and in tears....she cupped his face and kissed his forehead, Kaya in tears said- Forget her Rajkumar, for how long you are going to torture yourself.

He hugged her and started crying.....She patted his back and let him cry.

Samagra placed his head on her lap and she was gently caressing his head.

Samagra- I want to forget but I am unable to.

Kaya in tears- I know it's difficult but it will all be fine, the pain will be gone.

Kaya's care for Samagra was slowly soothing him, he fell asleep in her lap and she smiled, she was gently playing with his hair. She said- Such soft hair, she kissed his head. She looked at Vidatha sleeping and smiled....she thought- I have two babies (Vidatha and Samagra) to care for. She smiled and fell asleep as well.


Next Day

Vidyut arrived at Shaurya's palace and Shaurya, Kala and Aparajita greeted him.

Kala hugged Vidyut- Brother

Vidyut hugged her.....

Later Shaurya , Kala and Vidyut met in a secret room.

Vidyut- Father has sent me for peace talks with Maharaj.

Shaurya- It's good that Maharaj is considering peace, finally.

Vidyut- Kala, it's been so long, how stubborn are you? Everyone thinks they have kept you as hostage.

Kala shouted- I won't go till I get what I want.

Vidyut- After this place deal, you will have to come back with us.

Kala smirked- Let's see.....it will be either my will or no place.

Shaurya shouted- You have been a problem for us for too long.

Edited by NostalgiaLove - 1 months ago
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Posted: 1 months ago

Chapter 226

Vasantmitra opened her eyes and saw Prithvi sleeping in her embrace. She gently caressed his hair and kissed his forehead.

Vasantmitra- Maharaj get up, it's time to go.

Prithvi- Just one more minute.

Vasantmitra- No, you must get up.

Prithvi opened his eyes and said- Your embrace is everything for me, my heaven.

Vasantmitra shy.....they got up....

Vasantmitra- It was the most magical night ever..

Prithvi hugged her and said- We will always be together.


Kala, Vidyut and Shaurya started their journey to Meluha leaving Aparajita at the palace. Aparajita was sceptical at first but Shaurya assures her that Kala and him had no relationship.


Avantika in her room sitting in all gloom- Times after times I have tried to destroy their relationship but nothing worked, due to Samagra's sacrificial tendencies and Kamla's worship of Vasantmitra. These siblings are the reason Prithvi and Vasantmitra are still together otherwise they would have broken up by now and I did not even have to do anything. Ugh......my first attempt to use Prarthna against Vasantmitra failed but I need to try another time. Let Kala come here, it would be better that way, considering Kala's obsession, Prithvi and Vasantmitra would definitely have problems. She evil smirked. Vasantmitra, you will be left alone, oh no, not alone, that Samagra is always there for you. She evil laughed, I am doing you a favour Samagra, Vasantmitra will be yours and Prithvi will be mine. What Maharaj Samudrasena couldn't have, you will have it Samagra, you will have your love in your arms, that would break Prithvi into pieces and I will combine those pieces and he will make me his Mukhya Maharani, don't worry sister, i will still not let you have your happiness with Samagra, I will make Prithvi attack Durgpura by reminding him again and again that his Vasantmitra was now in your arms....he will kill you and Vasantmitra will be left all alone. And Prithvi will attack Shaka and all of them will be annihilated.....she started evil laughing........

Vasantmitra was praying in the temple after taking bath, she prayed- God, please keep everyone dear to me happy, Prithvi, Chandra, Kamla, Prarthna, Samagra, Kaya, Rajmata, Avantika, Father, Baba, everyone.

She later went to meet Kamla with Chandra and found Children there.

Kushagra hugged Vasantmitra- Badi Maa....... Kushagra took Chandra in his arms and sat on the bad to play with him along with Kalyani.

Vasantmitra- How is the mommy to be doing?

Kamla- I am fine dear, I just sometimes get anxious, I am scared to be a mother.

Vasantmitra smiled- Don't worry, I am here to help you. You will be just fine.

Kushagra- Yes, Mukhya Maharani, Mother said, Badi Maa is very kind and generous, she will help you, and I will too. Look at me, I am a big boy now.

They laughed....

Vasantmitra- Yes, my prince, you are a big boy, of 6 years....

Kushagra- I want to be a warrior like father.

Kalyani (Prithvi's daughter) was playing with Chandra ....

Vasantmitra- Yes, and I will teach you all the skills I know.

Kushagra- Really?

Vasantmitra - Yes ...

He ran to hug Vasantmitra.........

Kamla- Kids really love you. I think their mothers feel indebted for what you did for them.

Vasantmitra- I did nothing but I am glad Vasudha and Kosha can finally meet their children and not feel entrapped in this palace.

Kamla smiled....


Edited by NostalgiaLove - 1 months ago
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Posted: 1 months ago

Mini Chapter

Samagra got up and found Vidatha in his crib playing with his toy. He saw Kaya wasn't there, suddenly she came out from bath, she was wearing a beautiful dress in the same pattern Vasantmitra wore it. Samagra looked absolutely mesmerizing with her.

Samagra- I told you not to wear dresses like her.

Kaya- It's latest fashion, whole Antahpura has started wearing dresses like her, women say that Vasantmitra has some power that her husband is crazy for her. Poor them, they don't know more than one person is crazy after her.

Samagra irritated- For a servant your tongue is very long.

Kaya smiled- You asked me why I wore this dress and I told you, my cheeku.

Samagra- How do you know my nickname? My parents used to call me that.

Kaya laughed......

Kaya- You don't know but I am your biggest admirer, since childhood I have been trying to find every detail about you. I even know that you like Kheer very much, Watermelon is your favourite fruit, your favourite subject in Gurukul was Mathematics and....

Samagra was shocked- You are scaring me now Kaya, I am scared you will make me your hostage.

Kaya- I was wishing you would do that ......to me.

Samagra laughed- You are crazy.

Kaya came closer to him and said in his ears- For You.

Samagra- Hmmm........ Nice try but dressing like Vasantmitra won't work.

Kaya- I am not copying her, I just want you to get healed from all the pain you are suffering.

Samagra serious- My pain can never be healed, but if Prarthna gets cured, the baggage of ruining her life will be off me.

Kaya- Rajkumar, if you loved her this much you shouldn't have sacrificed like this, why didn't you fight for your love? Its not like Maharaj loves her more than you. He got married two times after marrying her. Your love is greater than him.

Samagra- It's not about what I want or Prithvi wanted, it's all about what she wants. Her happiness is my priority, my happiness doesn't count. If she's happy, i am happy. If she's sad, I am sad, her happiness is with Prithvi, so be it.

Kaya was in tears- I have never seen such a selfless man before.

Samagra- Even if I had proposed her, she wouldn't ever accept because she would never hurt Prarthna. She is not like that. She didn't even want to hurt Avantika and tried many times to make them together but Prithvi was adamant to get her. He wanted to make her his concubine but she rejected so he played his game and lured her into a marriage which was only in name.

Kaya- And she still loves him?

Samagra- That's Vasantmitra for you, she loves him despite what emotional manipulation he did with her. I know Prithvi better than anyone else, he only cares for what he wants. The offer he made to me was just in name, out of his affection and friendship for me but I know he would always keep a grudge that he gave Vasantmitra to me and I didn't want that. Besides, Vasantmitra would never accept such a demeaning and disgusting offer.

Kaya in tears- Only if you hadn't married Rajkumari, there would be still hope.

Samagra- Its fate I guess, I met Vasantmitra at very wrong time, if only I had met her before, there would be no one else in my life, no one.

Kaya in tears- Your sacrifice is too big, you lost yourself in order to protect her. You restored her honour, you gave her back her lost family.

Samagra- Vaishali should be credited too, she died for her sister.

Kaya put her hand on his shoulder and made him look at her, she cupped her face and kissed his forehead- I understand I can never be the love you want, i can never be the person you would love, but is my love not enough to atleast make you feel less pain? Is it okay to torture me like how you are torturing yourself. There is obviously no hope that she will ever return your feelings.

Samagra smiled and kissed her forehead, he looked in her eyes and became mesmerized, he said- You are very kind but right now I am only focussing on Prarthna's well being, I just want her to get cured. That's it. Companionship is not in my mind. I hope you understand.

Kaya heartbroken- I understand.....

He left to take his bath....Kaya bursted in tears and started crying.....

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Posted: 1 months ago

Chapter 227

Vasantmitra was practising swordfighting while Chandra was in her servant's arm. He was laughing at his mother doing sword fighting.

Servant- Maharani, Rajkumar is already loving Sword fighting, he will be a wonderful swordsman.

Vasantmitra proudly- He's my kid, he will be best in everything.

Prithvi and everyone else were busy in Kala and Vidyut's arrival and other matters.

Kaya arrived with Vidatha....

Vasantmitra- Kaya, why are you here?

Kaya- I wanted to meet you Maharani.

Vasantmitra- or what?

Kaya- Nothing, I wanted Rajkumar Vidatha to spend more time with Rajkumar Chandra. Both kids should be close like their fathers. I hope i won't be a bother to you.

Vasantmitra- Bother? Oh no, I like making friends. She stopped her practice and washed her face with water.

Kaya- Oh my, Maharani is indeed so beautiful, if I were not a girl, even I would fall for her. Kaya was feeling envious of Vasantmitra and also a little jealous due to Samagra.

Vasantmitra- Let's go to my room and we will talk.

They went to her room....

Vidatha and Chandra were playing together...

Vasantmitra- So Kaya, you haven't told me much about your origins, you told me Rajmata had brought you up since you were a baby and you don't know who were you parents.

Kaya- No, absolutely not, Rajmata never told me and I never dared to ask her.

Vasantmitra- Can you be some defeated king's daughter?

Kaya shocked....

Vasantmitra- After closely examining you, I think you are of some noble background.

Kaya smiled- That's very gracious of you Maharani, but I am not interested in knowing my origins.

Vasantmitra thought- Rajmata dislikes commoners, the way she treated me, even a simpleton can say Rajmata won't personally care for a common baby. She cared for her and then sent her to Prithvi's room. There is definitely something more about Kaya only Rajmata knows. Should I ask Samagra? Maybe he knows something as she is currently serving him. Would it be weird if I talk to him? Ugh, for how long I will not talk to him. His feelings, his problem,why should I feel awkward, but again knowing how he feels for me, I.....ugh ..... okay, i won't talk to him, I will talk to Prithvi, he will ask him ...that way everyone will be happy. She remembered Samagra almost confessing his love and tears were in her eyes. She wiped them.

Later in night....

Vasantmitra was sleeping, someone came and caressed her face and lips.....she pulled him on the bed....

Vasantmitra- Why you came so late?

Prithvi snuggling her- I came late because I was busy.

Vasantmitra smiled- I wish I could keep you all day, just with me.

Prithvi- Then we would have to retire to forest because my enemies would dethrone me.

They laughed.....and banged their heads together.

He kissed her and said- How was your day?

Vasantmitra- It was okay, I missed you, then did swordfighting, then I missed you, then had lunch, then I missed you...

He put finger on her lips....

Prithvi- Sssshhh......

Vasantmitra kissed his finger....

Prithvi pulled her in his arms and gave a kiss....

Vasantmitra- Tell me, when this Vidyut and this Kala are coming.

Prithvi- I don't know, they have left for Meluha already with Shaurya.

Vasantmitra- Is Aparajita coming?

Prithvi- No

Vasantmitra- Oh no, i wanted to meet her. By the way, who is this Kala girl?

Prithvi- Don't ask, she is a nuisance.

Vasantmitra- Nuisance?

Prithvi- I will tell you later, i don't want to spoil my mood talking about her.

Vasantmitra- Oh..... Prithvi I need to ask you something.

Prithvi- Ask me for anything except my life, that's the only thing I love more than you, he laughed.

Vasantmitra laughed- Thank God, I don't like Simps either.

Prithvi sarcastically- Oh nice, then I am safe, who can be bigger simp than Samagra.

Vasantmitra became serious- Don't say that, he is going through so much pain, he did so many things for us and that too very selflessly.

Prithvi irritated- Yeah, yeah, having feelings for my wife behind my back. He's my friend but how can I consider this situation normal.

Vasantmitra caressed his face- I understand you perfectly well Prithvi, I am just saying, we should honour his sacrifices.

Prithvi- What about my sister ha? She's suffering because of him.

Vasantmitra- If she's your sister, she's his wife and mother of his child, his pain is not lesser than yours.

Prithvi angry- And who is responsible for her situation?

Vasantmitra angry- Prithvi, you have concubines and other wives, I didn't go insane, Kamla didn't go insane, Vasudha, Kosha and Avantika didn't go insane, Rajmata suffered more trauma than her, still she handled it pretty strongly.

Prithvi- I have always protected my sister, I am sorry I couldn't make her strong like you....he was about to leave the bed when she grabbed his hand and pulled him on the bed.

Vasantmitra- I am genuinely sorry Maharaj, I am not justifying him, I too feel terrible for what Prarthna is going through. Wish, she becomes better.

Prithvi- You saying sorry? To me? Oh the sun rose from the west.

Vasantmitra smiled....-So you forgave me?

Prithvi- How can I be mad at you for long?

Vasantmitra kissed him..

Prithvi- So what do you want to ask me?

Vasantmitra- There is a woman named Kaya in your Antahpura, she was also sent in your service, do you remember her?

Prithvi- The name doesn't ring a bell to me, in my service? Maybe just for two or three times.

Vasantmitra- Yes, she served you but only for two or three times then she returned back to Rajmata when you rejected her.

Prithvi- I had many flings like that, i don't remember everyone.

Vasantmitra- Actually, this girl is currently in Samagra's service, Kamla sent her.

Prithvi- Okay....so?

Vasantmitra- Weird part is, Rajmata brought her up when she was a baby.

Prithvi- Oh that Kaya....ok I remember her....she has a major crush on Samagra, she told me when she was with me. I promised her to introduce to Samagra but then I forgot and she also never mentioned it again. Good for her that she's finally with Samagra.

Vasantmitra- Yeah, that girl, what's her origins?

Prithvi jealous- Why you wanna know? Are you jealous that she is with Samagra.

Vasantmitra- Why would I be jealous? Prithvi, weird part is that Rajmata would never care for a non royal baby, then why she brought up Kaya. Doesn't it looks weird to you?

Prithvi- Don't tell me there is mystery even in this. I think your identity revelation has been pretty dramatic already.

Vasantmitra- But why? Who were her parents? As far as I know her, she looks from a noble background.

Prithvi- If I will get time, I will look into it. I barely get time to meet you.

Vasantmitra- Okay, but do look into it.

Prithvi- Ok fine I will.

Vasantmitra gave a kiss on his cheek...

Prithvi- Nah, not enough....she gave him kiss on another cheek. Prithvi- You are forgetting how to romance.

He tightly grabbed her in his embrace.....

Vasantmitra- Maharaj always win...

Prithvi- Oh yeah I do.....

They both laughed....

Edited by NostalgiaLove - 1 months ago
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Posted: 1 months ago

Chapter 228

After 10 days, Kala, Vidyut and Aparajita arrived in Meluha.

Varun and Arjun greeted them...

Arjun tired- Nice to see you back Rajkumari Kala, Again.

Varun- Yes, again......

Shaurya- Sudhregi nahi ye.

Vidyut- Tell me about it.

Kala- Where is he?

Varun thought- Oh Lord, please help them (he meant Samagra and Prithvi).

In Prithvi's room

Samagra- Why the hell I have to stay here, to meet that Kala, why are you torturing me?

Prithvi tensed- Consider it your punishment.

Samagra- Its worst than death.

Prithvi- I Know...

Guard entered- Maharaj, Rajkumar, Rajkumar Vidyut and Rajkumari Kala ( Guard tensed and gulped) are here, Again.....

Prithvi- Let the nightmare begin...

Samagra got up...

Kala and Vidyut entered....

Vidyut bowed to Prithvi and did Pranam to Samagra, he did Pranam to Vidyut in return.

Kala- How are you?

Prithvi angry- What do you want?

Kala- As usual, you know what I want.

Vidyut disgusted with Kala..she looked at Samagra and smiled at him, he didn't smile back..

Prithvi- Kala, I have told you thousand times, I....... Can.......Not...........make..........you...........my..............MahaMantri.

Kala- It has been my dream, I am your biggest admirer. I have read all the books, I am perfectly qualified. What's your problem?

Prithvi- I have told you thousand times,first you are a princess of a rival kingdom, second I already gave a Maha Mantri, third you are very childish, fourth your family is waiting in Parsvapura, fifth you fell in love with Shaurya's personal bodyguard just because he was handsome and but he does not want a relationship with you, what a pity, a bodyguard rejected you, you should be happy that we stopped five attempts of your assassination by your own uncle, you are an absolute nuisance. Look, if that's what makes you get out of my Empire, here I will give you an honorary title of Mahamantri, now get out.

Kala shouted- I said I won't go.....

Prithvi shouted- Guards...

They forcibly took Kala away.

Vidyut- I want to apologise but guess you have been suffering already so....

Prithvi- Tell me the message which Maharaj of Parsvapura sent for me.

Vidyut- Maharaj has got to know about alliance of Mahishmati and Meluha and he is very concerned.

Prithvi smirked...- Go on..

Vidyut- He offers you a peace deal.

Prithvi- What is in this deal?

Vidyut- Well, we will take Kala with me.

Samagra- Oh please, take her ....

Prithvi- Very gladly...

Vidyut- Maharaj wants to have a marital alliance.

Prithvi- Please don't say it's Kala.

Vidyut- He wants a peace deal not a war.

Samagra laughed and so did Prithvi..

Vidyut- My half sister who is 18 years old, Roshani.

Prithvi- Rajkumari Roshani, I have heard she is very skilled and a talented person.

Vidyut- Yes, we will give also give you money and gold.

Prithvi- In return of the alliance, I want lands of Meluha which Parsvapura occupied.

Vidyut- I knew this would come and we accept.

Prithvi- Then done, send Roshani and I will marry her. Consider the deal as done.

Vidyut- Then the peace shall prevail between the Empires.

Prithvi got up and hugged Vidyut, he said to him- Thanks for taking Kala back.

Vidyut laughed....


Kanak- Brilliant son, we have secured matrimonial alliances with Mahishmati and Parsvapura, now our Empire will prosper more and more with peace and happiness.

Prithvi- It could happen just because of one thing, revelation of identity of Vasantmitra.

Kanak jealous- Yeah but we also have contributed in it, isn't it Samagra?

Samagra- Oh yeah we did...

Prithvi thought- One more wife, Vasantmitra will eat me alive.


The news reached the news of Vasantmitra, Kamla and Avantika.

Vasantmitra shocked...- One more wife? She got angry....she threw the vase on her mirror which scared Chandra. He started crying. She picked him up - No my son, don't, see, I am here, you are a warrior right, don't cry.

Kamla shocked- Another wife? Princess of Parsvapura? Surely, its a matrimonial alliance but....tears came in her eyes. I am already not favoured despite being Chief Queen. I am feeling sad. She rubbed her belly.

Avantika fell on the ground crying- I have lost my identity, I have so far been unable to separate Vasantmitra and Prithvi and now this Roshani. She is youngest of all of us. What if Prithvi even forgets Vasantmitra and falls in love with her, she shouted - No.....No....this can't happen.


In Parsvapura

Roshani- What? Maharaja Prithvisena?

Her father- Yes

Roshani- But father, he's 6 years older than me.

Her father - Even if he was 26 years older than you, we would have married you to him, consider yourself lucky that you are only 6 years younger than him.

Roshani felt frustrated but she couldn't do anything.....

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Posted: 1 months ago

Chapter 229

Prithvi came to meet Vasantmitra after a week as he was a little scared of her reaction.

Vasantmitra was sitting on her bed all angry and frustrated.

Prithvi- My Love.....

She threw a pillow at him and he dodged it. She threw flowers at him and again dodged it.

Prithvi laughed- Look how much you care for me, throwing such soft things at me.

Vasantmitra- If I did not love you enough, I would have thrown this big, giant, golden bowl on your head.

Prithvi tried to hug her but she pushed him away, he grabbed her hand and forcefully captured her in his arms.

Prithvi- Don't be angry....its for greater good.

Vasantmitra- Oh yeah, great for you, a new young wife so you can forget me.

Prithvi- It's a matrimonial alliance, not a love match. Maharaj of Parsvapura proposed it to me, I didn't, what are you mad at me for.

Vasantmitra- I am mad that you accepted it.

Prithvi- Let our sons grow up, then I will dodge such proposals and send it to them.

Vasantmitra amusingly looked at him- Seriously?

Prithvi laughed- You need to understand how all this works.

Vasantmitra- I understand, I just.....I just feel absolutely frustrated and angry. Just imagine how would you feel if I got a proposal of marriage from Samagra for so called greater good.

Prithvi angry- Why the hell you always bring him between us?

Vasantmitra- It pinched right? Yes, this is the way how I feel about this alliance.

Prithvi angry- Well for your information I am not going to ruin my Empire's relationships with other kingdoms to please you. He shouted- You don't run the Empire, I do. I am the King, obey me.

Vasantmitra shouted- And I am princess of Mahishmati, daughter of Bhadradev and also remember, a very feared dacoit name Simhanad.

Prithvi sarcastically laughed- Don't forget I have another princess of Mahishmati in my palace, and she would do anything for me if I show her a little love.

Vasantmitra looked very angry with him, tears came in her eyes.......

Prithvi felt a little bad seeing her like that....

Surprisingly Vasantmitra pulled him and kissed him passionately.

Prithvi- Woah, I thought you were angry.

Vasantmitra- I can't see with you anyone else, I just can not. Its all so frustrating. I am scared someone will steal you away from me.

Prithvi cupped her face- My love, no one can steal me, am I am object to be stolen?

Vasantmitra looked at him ... Prithvi very passionately said- Your eyes, so charming.

Vasantmitra rested her head on his chest- Don't ever leave me.....

Prithvi laughed- I will never ....


Roshani had started her journey from Parsvapura to Meluha...

Roshani was anxious but wasn't scared....

She thought- I hope my would be husband won't be a pot bellied, big moustached man. Her maids were sitting with her.

Roshani- How Maharaj Prithvisena looks? Do you guys know?

Maid- Rajkumari, we haven't seen him, but from what I have heard, he's a very handsome man..

Roshani smiled- Handsome?

Maid- Yes, but alas ...

Roshani curious- What?

Maid- We have heard that Maharaj loves Princess of Mahishmati, I don't remember her name but we have heard she is very beautiful, to gain her, his own brother fought against him and lost his life.

Roshani smiled-- Oh, is that so....

Maid- We have also heard they have a son, he also have children with other women.

Roshani anxiously giggled- Okay......not to get panicked, seems like I will go through a living nightmare in Meluha.


A servant came running in Kanak's room...

Kanak- What happened?

Servant- Rajmata, Anarth, we were taking Rajkumari Prarthna for a bath and she ran away by using a knife against our maid, she is still in palace but where we don't know.

Kanak shocked.....

Edited by NostalgiaLove - 1 months ago
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Posted: 1 months ago

Chapter 230

Vasantmitra with Chandra was going to meet Kamla, on the way she saw Samagra was standing looking at outside from the balcony.

She thought- Should I ignore him or say pranam? He has done so much for me, it would be really rude to ignore him. But Prithvi won't like it. Hey, he can marry multiple times leaving me distressed and I am not supposed to even talk to my friends? This is not fair. I am not his puppet.

She walked towards him, Samagra immediately realised who was coming towards him and he turned, he saw Vasantmitra with Chandra.

Samagra- Pranam Maharani.

Vasantmitra smiled- Since when my friends started calling me Maharani.

Samagra smiled- Well, it's the norm, i shouldn't call you by name..........he took a long breath......well not anymore.

Vasantmitra- I allow it.

Samagra looked at her with love but couldn't show it- Prithvi won't like it.

Vasantmitra- I don't care.

Samagra- Oh so this is how you punish him for marrying Roshani. Good game.

Vasantmitra frustrated- This is not some game, i genuinely feel like my friends should be casual with me, whether you or Kamla or Varun or Arjun or Kaya.

Samagra- Kaya is your friend?

Vasantmitra- Yes....and I hope the person she loves accepts her soon.

Samagra- What if that person loves someone else?

Her smile faded and it turned into anger, as she was about to leave, he grabbed her hand, it shocked her....She turned...

Vasantmitra angry- How dare you?

Samagra in tears- We can never be friends Vasantmitra, not anymore....she looked at him surprisingly.......if we were friends, you wouldn't mind it.

Prarthna saw them together, she was shocked and in rage, she attacked Vasantmitra with a knife..

Samagra saw it and shouted- Watch Out....he shielded Vasantmitra and Prarthna stabbed Samagra.....Chandra started crying....

Guards immediately came there and caught Prarthna but she was very much in rage....

Vasantmitra-- Samagra, Samagra are you alright?

Samagra in pain- Aaaahhhh......other guards took Samagra away...

Prarthna shouted- You witch, you s###, you w####, Vasantmitra started crying seeing this state of Prarthna.

She was about to go, Prarthna couldn't be handled by the guards....she ran to hurt Vasantmitra again, she would have hit Chandra and to save him, Vasantmitra kicked Prarthna very hard and she fell from the balcony.

Vasantmitra caught her hand- Prarthna, i have caught you, guards took Chandra...

Prarthna- Leave me you witch ...

Vasantmitra- Listen, Prarthna, hold on, you will be saved. Gaurds also came to save Prarthna....

Vasantmitra- Prarthna, look, Vidatha is calling you..

Prarthna- Vidatha?

Vasantmitra- Yes, your son, he's crying, he wants his mother's embrace. Come on, keep holding my hand.

Prarthna in tears- Don't worry Vidatha, I am coming, your mother is coming.

Guards and Vasantmitra saved Prarthna........

Prarthna started shouting- Vidatha, Vidatha....she saw Chandra and hallucinated him as Vidatha..

Prarthna- Vidatha ...she went to grab chandra but Vasantmitra took him in her arms....

Prarthna shouted- Give me Vidatha.

Vasantmitra- Vidatha is in another room, this is my son.

Prarthna shouted- - First you stole Samagra and now you are stealing Vidatha, you witch, Give me my son back.....

Kanak came there and was shocked to see the scene...

Kanak- Prarthna? Vasantmitra, you go from here, she will only get worse seeing you.

Vasantmitra ran away while crying to see this horrible state of Prarthna, she thought- Why Samagra? To give me my rights, you destroyed your happy life, you destroyed Prarthna, I never wanted to become a princess at her cost, I will never forgive you.

Vasantmitra was running with Chandra while crying and Kamla saw her like this. She met her....

Kamla- Vasantmitra? What happened? Why are you crying?

She told Kamla all the details, they both went to see Samagra..

Kamla- How is Bhaiyya?

Rajvaidya- He is fine, the injury is not big. You can meet him.

Vasantmitra and Kamla came.... Vasantmitra was standing but Kamla sat beside him.

Kamla took his hand and cried- Bhaiya? Are you alright? Are you in pain?

Samagra in tears- No pain is bigger to see Prarthna like this.

Vasantmitra- Thank You for saving my life.

Samagra didn't say anything but just looked at her in tears.

Vasantmitra- How are you feeling?

Samagra- I am in pain....

Vasantmitra in tears- Don't worry, it will heal, time heals every wound. You must take rest, I should go, Chandra needs to relax, so much tension is not good for my child.

Samagra- He's a warrior's son, handling such stuff is in his genes.

She smiled but quickly went away.....

Kamla- Bhaiya, I am with you all day here.

Samagra- No Kamla, you must take rest, you will deliver your baby in a month. You shouldn't be stressed because of me. He touched her face.

Kamla took his hand and said- I will take care of myself but I will send Kaya. You won't be staying alone.

Edited by NostalgiaLove - 1 months ago