FF - Passion of Love - Ch 249- Pg 84 - Page 79



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Posted: 1 months ago


Edited by NostalgiaLove - 1 months ago

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Posted: 1 months ago

Chapter 213

Bhadradev pushed Prithvi and the arrow hit him. Turned out it was a toy arrow, Bhudev's 5 year old fourth son came running.....everyone realised it and started laughing.

Bhudev- Son, say sorry to grandfather and Maharaj Prithvisena.

Son- Kshama (in childish voice) while folding hands.

Bhadradev- Son, you would have started a new war again.

Prithvi laughed- Don't worry Maharaj, it's a toy arrow and who wouldn't want to lose from this cute little munchkin. He picked Bhudev's son up and gave a kiss to his cheek. Everyone looked happy and praised Prithvi for not taking it seriously.

Vasantmitra when got to know of it laughed...

In night

Vasantmitra- When I heard someone attacked you, my heart started beating fast but thank God it was nothing.

Prithvi- I didn't want to show my displeasure but I didn't like it.

Vasantmitra massaging his shoulders- I know my dear, even though the two kingdoms are friends now, they are still rivals. You must be really careful.

Prithvi pulled her in his arms- Till you are with me, nothing can happen to me.

Vasantmitra- Of course, before anything else, I am your warrior.

He laughed and kissed her , their son was sleeping peacefully in the crib.

Vasantmitra while massaging his back- Ah Prithvi, I need to talk with you about something.

Prithvi- About What?

Vasantmitra- Bhabhi was saying that Chaya has a major crush on Samagra, the poor girl has suffered so much trauma. Samagra is a good guy, how about getting them married. Maybe she can heal hin from all the pain he is suffering.

Prithvi- Chaya and Samagra? Really?

Vasantmitra- Yes.....

Prithvi- Dear, Samagra is not my slave or servant, he's a prince of Durgpur, just because he respects my decisions, well mostly, I can't force my decisions on him.

Vasantmitra- I know, if you allow, can I talk to him regarding this matter?

Prithvi irritated- If you do he will gladly marry Chaya, he can't say no to you, you know why.

Vasantmitra- Prithvi, please, I swear I will only talk to him about this matter. You can send your slaves with me to keep an eye on us.

Prithvi- Vasantmitra, do you really think I wouldn't trust you alone with Samagra.

Vasantmitra- I don't know, considering how jealous you get, I am afraid you would end up again doing something really disastrous.

Prithvi smiled and said- Very Good, you know me so well.

He grabbed her in his arms and said- Someone else loving you is a nightmare for me, only I know what terrible torture I went through when I proposed your marriage with Samagra. I cannot bear that someone else loves you.

Vasantmitra rubbing her nose with his- Now you know what I always feel when I see you with Avantika or even Kamla or Vasudha or Kosha or any other lady. My heart burns and I want to just destroy everything.

Prithvi caressing her waist and kissing her ear lobe- You are personification of my passion, my love, my desires.....he kissed her so passionately that she couldn't even breathe.....and they fell on their bed continuing their never ending embrace.......


Samagra couldn't sleep due to his sorrows, he saw Vidatha sleeping peacefully with Kaya. He went to the window and saw the moon and thought- Wish, I had been a little selfish in my life, I wouldn't be enduring so much pain right now.

Suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder....he turned....

Kaya- Maharaj, are you in stress?

Samagra- No Kaya, go and sleep.....

She smiled and came towards him...she looked in his eyes and her eyes were so mesmerizing, he got lost in it, also her eyes reminded him of Vasantmitra. Unknowingly, he touched her face and gently caressed it... He touched her waist and pulled her a little closer....she closed her eyes...he came really close to her and in his ears said- I love you Vasantmitra.........The name of Vasantmitra shocked Kaya and even Samagra was shocked that how could he say that.....

Samagra pushed her away- I am sorry Kaya, I think I am really stressed..... please take care of Vidatha, I will come and he left the room...

Kaya in shock- Vasantmitra?

Samagra came to his bathroom and started washing his face....

Samagra in anger threw a bucket filled with water ....he shouted- Why can't I forget her? Why? She's not mine, she can never be mine.....


Kanak- Oh my shoulders are in pain, I need a massage, call Kaya, she does wonderful massages.

Servant- Rajmata, Kaya has been placed in Rajkumar Samagra's service.

Kanak shocked- Samagra? Who sent her?

Kanak- Mukhya Maharani

Kanak shouted- Who told her to give my personal slaves to others....servant got scared, she shouted- Get Out....

Kanak stressed- Oh god, what if Kaya's truth is revealed, no Kanak, no one knows what Samudra and you did years ago...if Bhadradev gets to know, he will feel betrayed...I sent Kaya in Prithvi's service thinking he would make her a concubine, but he didn't like her enough, he used and threw her and now Samagra......I must stay calm........let her be in Samagra's service, that way she would leave for Durgpura and remain there till her death, its a good thing for me...good.....she started sweating........

Edited by NostalgiaLove - 1 months ago
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Posted: 1 months ago

Chapter 214

Prithvi met with Bhadradev and Bhudev....

Prithvi- Maharaj, I am thinking of marrying Chaya to Samagra as Vasantmitra suggested to me.

Bhadradev- Chaya? With Samagra? But she's a widow, will he accept?

Prithvi- I don't know, I will talk to him and if he says yes, his father will send you the proposal.

Bhudev- It willl be wonderful, after so much trauma our families went through, this occasion will be a good celebration for us.

Prithvi smiled- Maharaj, there is one more matter, King of Parsvapura is always in war with Meluha as you know. Now our families are tied so strongly and empires are together as allies, I think it's time to teach Parsvapura a lesson.

Bhadradev- My support is always with you Prithvi, I remember Parsvapura was my key ally when we attacked Samudrasena. But now my whole support is with you and Vasantmitra.

Prithvi amused- Brilliant, Brilliant.....

Bhudev- Isn't princess of Parsvapura your prisoner?

Prithvi uneasy- Oh Kala, well we are keeping her with honour till a settlement happens with Parsvapura.

Bhudev- She's been in Meluha for two years, I dare say, marry her or get her married.

Prithvi- Forcing women to do anything is not Meluha's tradition. Even concubines are kept with honour and they choose their partners, they are never forced, Whatever will happen, will happen with her consent. A woman's honour must be protected, both in peace and war.

Bhudev and Bhadradev looked at him proudly........

Bhadradev joked- I have few more daughters and granddaughtes, are you interested in anyone?

They all laughed.......


Aparajita was getting ready for her engagement ceremony, it was a small ceremony..... Shaurya had given her servants....

A servant- Wow, Rajkumari, you are so pretty, I have heard you are cousin of Maharani Vasantmitra, she's really beautiful, right?

Aparajita- Oh didi is absolutely gorgeous, no one can come close to her beauty and grace.

Servant sly- I am sure, well Rajkumari Kala is also very pretty, she's a gem.....

Aparajita became uneasy at Kala's name....

Aparajita- What is Kala even doing here? Why don't she go back?

Servant- Well, don't tell anyone that I told you this but Rajkumari Kala loves a Meluhan.....

Aparajita- A person in Meluha?

Servant- Who is he no one knows and therefore she purposely is prolonging her stay.

Aparajita shocked, she thought- I bet it's Shaurya whom she loves, otherwise why would she be in his custody instead with her lover. A tear fell from her eye.

Shaka came- Daughter, are you ready?

Aparajita faked her smile- Yes Baba, I am ready....she got up and left with Shaka but with angst and anger in her heart.


Avantika was in her room all alone, she was contemplating of how to make differences between Prithvi and Vasantmitra.

Avantika- My plan worked so beautifully but Kamla and Samagra both ruined it, Kamla by making Prithvi see his faults and Samagra by not accepting Vasantmitra's proposal. If he had accepted it, Vasantmitra would leave with him for Durgpur and Prithvi would be all mine, I remember the night he accepted me, I know he still loves me but due to that woman he fakes that he doesn't want me. Samagra you idiot, your love was given to you in platter but you are a fool.......ugh.......I need to work on my plan better, my next target is my dear friend Prarthna, her insanity will be a tremendous help for me (She smirked).

Samagra was with Arjun and Varun.... discussing about many future plans of war, trade and peace...

Varun- I think Parsvapura will not be problematic as now Mahishmati and Meluha are allies.

Arjun- Exactly, but so far no offer of peace from Parsvapura.

Samagra- Kala can be of help for us.....we should return her back in exchange of a peace deal.

Arjun- But Kala herself don't want to go, she is absolutely stubborn.

Varun- She is in love, who can blame her....

Arjun- But he doesn't love her back ....

Samagra- Kala is a kala herself....

They all laughed......


Kaya was with Vidatha thinking about how Samagra called her Vasantmitra...

She thought- So much pain is in his eyes, he longs for someone whom he can never have. It surely is absolutely painful. I wish I could heal him but will he ever love me back? I love him since childhood, I used to do chores and look and admire him from distance. This is my only chance to get his love but he will think of me as a gold digger. He doesn't know the depth of my affections. I can do anything for him, anything. She touched her waist where he had unconsciously touched her and had happy tears. Kaya was completely, very deeply in love with Samagra.

Edited by NostalgiaLove - 1 months ago
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Posted: 1 months ago

Chapter 215

Vasantmitra was playing with her son, he was laughing and his smiles made her cry of joy. Prithvi was with Bhadradev and Bhudev discussing about many things including betterment of trade and economy.

Chaya entered....

Chaya- Bua, can I play with this cutie?

Vasantmitra- Sure, he's all yours, he is craving for my attention since morning.

Chaya- He's so cute, she started playing with him and Chandra was smiling.

Vasantmitra- Chaya? Do you love Rajkumar Samagra?

Chaya shy- Bua, what are you saying?

Vasantmitra- Oh come on tell me, what do you feel for him?

Chaya- Bua, I....I find him, really handsome.

Vasantmitra- And?

Chaya shy- And he is kind, nice, educated, well behaved, he's the most handsome Prince in the entire Empire after Maharaj Prithvi....she started blushing.

Vasantmitra thought- Seems like she fancies him but I don't find trace of any genuine love. Well, how can it happen anyway? Samagra and chaya have rarely met, only on few occasions that too really formally. I don't know, I want Samagra to move on but I don't want to force him again in a loveless marriage. He deserves happiness in his life, he needs to move on from me, that will be good for everyone, otherwise there will always be an awkwardness between Prithvi and Samagra who once were inseparable friends. She remembered them punching each other when the revelation happened. Oh god, why am I always stuck in awkward situations? Can't I once have a normal life? Born as a princess, raised as a dacoit, married to a King with concubines and children and secretly loved by his friend. This all makes me again wanna runaway and live a normal life with my son, away from royals, living a peaceful normal life. This is all too messed up for me. I don't understand what's so special about me anyway, I never worked on my beauty and it fades with time, Prithvi might have genuinely appreciated my skills but again it comes secondary to my beauty. What if I was not beautiful? Would I still be considered desirable? When Prithvi thought me as boy faced, we were such good friends, talking and sharing things which now we hardly do.

Chaya- Bua? What are you thinking?

Vasantmitra came out of her thoughts...

Chaya- Bua, is Avantika Bua okay?

Vasantmitra- I don't know, she is going through a tough phase. I feel terrible for her.

Chaya- Avantika Bua is very nice, she cares for me. But she is your co-wife, it must be really awkward.

Vasantmitra- If I had known about it, I would never marry Prithvi,I did not know our relationship then. She was a stranger to me and vice versa.

Chaya- You would leave your love for her?

Vasantmitra- Yes

Chaya- Oh my, I can never do that, it takes heart of stone to do that, when you genuinely love someone, sacrificing it causes most gut wrenching pain. Only most brave can do this.

Vasantmitra remembered everytime Samagra helped her and cared for her ......tears came in her eyes....she thought- It must had been so hard for him and he silently bore so much pain. She also remembered Prarthna and thought- If I had not been in their life, Prarthna would have been happy. That poor woman, Samagra you deserve the pain for hurting the person who genuinely loved you. Even if I had loved him, Samagra would still suffer because I wouldn't make a relationship on corpse of Prarthna's love. Oh God, please remove all the bitterness from Prarthna's heart and make the couple reconcile with each other. Let them and Vidatha have a happy life.


Aparajita and Shaurya had their engagement ceremony....

Shaurya noticed Aparajita was angry with him but she wasn't showing it.

Kala was also there and it only agitated Aparajita .........

Kala smiling- Many congratulations to you two.

Shaurya- Thank You

Aparajita fake smiled- Thank You, I am eagerly waiting to attend your wedding Rajkumari Kala.

Kala was amused and she looked at Shaurya, he looked embarassed....

Kala- Oh well, I look forward to it too.

The statement made Aparajita more angry and she was about to burst on Kala when Shaurya eases the situation by taking Aparajita to meet his friends. Kala sensed that Aparajita was jealous and she found it amusing.


In night....

Samagra came to his room very tired as he worked all day. He didn't see Kaya and Vidatha. He asked a servant, she told him they were out in the garden, just then Kaya entered with Vidatha.

Samagra- Oh my dear son, how are you? He picked him up and started playing with him. Kaya was admiring both of them. She joined them and they looked like a happy family. Samagra leaned to kiss Vidatha and the same time Kaya leaned too, it made the situation awkward for them.

Kaya- I am sorry Rajkumar, I got carried away.

Samagra- Don't be, you are taking really good care of my son, I will give you a raise.

Kaya- I am doing all this from my heart, money doesn't matter.

Samagra- Well I appreciate your genuine love towards kids but money is also important in life. You will be a very good mother when you will have your own kids. I am already envious of your future husband. Even Prarthna never took such good care of Vidatha.

Kaya sad smiled- I do love someone but so far it's unrequited.

Samagra- Oh yeah, make him meet me, I will make him see how amazing a person you are, and if he denies, well I am prince, he can't deny me. He laughed......

Kaya- After so long I am seeing you smiling.

Samagra became serious...............

Samagra- You are getting too comfortable with me. Don't forget who you are and who I am.

Kaya- I haven't forgotten anything, I just want you to be happy.

Samagra- My wife is sick, how can I be happy? I am really concerned for Prarthna, I hope she gets well otherwise I won't be able to forgive myself.

He left the room....

Kaya looked at the door pining for his attention and love, tears were in her eyes......

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Posted: 1 months ago

Chapter 216

Prithvi and Vasantmitra were out in Mahishmati's garden. It was a really beautiful garden filled with roses, flowers and other small plants.

Prithvi- Wow, I have never seen this flower.

Vasantmitra- Oh that flower, it's used in medicines which cures stomach pains. Its a very effective plant.

Prithvi- How you know this?

Vasantmitra- Not everything is learned in Gurukuls.

Prithvi- Oh, street smarts..I see

She laughed.....

Suddenly, Vasantmitra saw few people hiding in trees, she quickly took Prithvi's Katar and threw it on the person who was hiding with bow and arrows, the arrows started coming from all sides and Prithvi and Vasantmitra and their guards with skills eliminated all of them.

Prithvi angry- Seems like your father does not want peace at all.

Vasantmitra was confused but she couldn't say anything, Bhadradev was informed of this and he quickly came to meet Prithvi.

Bhadradev- I sincerely apologise Prithvi, I very soon will find....

Prithvi angry- Enough, Maharaj, I don't think you really want harmony between us.

Bhadradev- Prithvi I..... Suddenly Bhudev came with Suryadev's wife.

Bhudev- Maharaj, she is your culprit.

Prithvi- Who is she?

Bhudev- She is my brother Suryadev's widow, I give her to you as a criminal, decide her punishment.

Prithvi-No Maharaj, she is your daughter in law, decide her punishment yourself because if I give it to her, it will be really harsh, and I am not in mood of continuing this chain of enmity.

Bhadradev- Imprison her...

Suryadev's wife- Maharaj, my husband was your favourite child and you are favouring your new found daughter's husband over your dead son.

Bhadradev- I am doing what is right....take her away.

Guards took her away....

Bhadradev- Prithvi, I am really ashamed, give me one chance to rectify this.

Prithvi- How?

Bhadradev- I give 100 villages around borders of Mahishmati to Meluha.

Prithvi was shocked but also amused, he thought- Maharani Lachi was seriously very influential, otherwise why would he do so much for Vasantmitra's husband.

Bhudev was shocked and he found it an immature act from Bhadradev but he couldn't say anything as Bhadradev promised.

Prithvi hugged Bhadradev and he said- In return of it, I will give you twenty elephants with gold laden on them.

In night

Vasantmitra in her room with her son thought- I did a terrible mistake coming to Mahishmati, specially with my son. Suryadev's wife could easily target Chandra, I got lucky.

Prithvi- What are you thinking my love?

Vasantmitra- Nothing...

Prithvi- Come sit with me.....She sat with him..

Vasantmitra- I am sorry, I put your and Chandra's lives in danger.

Prithvi- Oh my love, he kissed her head, you are suffering too much, let's leave for our home tomorrow.

Vasantmitra- Prithvi, I don't want to return.

Prithvi shocked- What?

Vasantmitra- I want to live at a peaceful place, away from palace conspiracies.

Prithvi- No way, I need you.

Vasantmitra- Your sister hates me, Avantika is there who makes me uneasy, Samagra's revelation has made our equations really awkward..its too much for me to handle.

Prithvi put his hand on her mouth.....

Prithvi- Forget Everything, tell me, can you stay away from me?

Tears came in her eyes...

Vasantmitra- Never, the day it happens, I will be completely broken.

Prithvi- Then, how could you think something like that? Remember my dear, I love you and you love me, nothing else matters, absolutely nothing.

Vasantmitra- What if you again misunderstand me?

Prithvi- Your happiness is everything for me, if you wanna leave me for Samagra, I will not come in your way.

Vasantmitra shocked.....She said- You don't have the guts to do that, you will still chase me and want me back. She laughed.....

Prithvi smirked- Very Good.....You have started understanding me.....way better than before. He pulled her in his arms and said- I am selfish, extremely selfish for you.

Vasantmitra- Then why you gave him the offer?

Prithvi- He's my best friend and I can't see him in pain.

Vasantmitra- You know Prithvi, if I didn't love you so much, I would punch in your stomach so hard, you would have gone to heaven. You so easily were ready to give me, it's insulting....

Prithvi- Let's just leave it, everything's sorted, so...shall we leave tomorrow.

Vasantmitra- I guess...but promise me, prarthna or anyone else won't be a problem for us. I don't want Chandra to be harmed.

Prithvi- Isn't he my son as well, I care for him just as much as you do.

Vasantmitra- Fine, Fine, let's just leave for Meluha tomorrow.


In Morning

Aparajita had taken bath and she came out on her balcony and she was shocked to see Kala and Shaurya in the front window. It looked like Kala was pleading Shaurya and he was denying her something, she grabbed Shaurya's coller and it looked like she was threatening him, Aparajita became very angry....


Samagra came to meet Kamla with Kaya and Vidatha...

Samagra- How are you my dearest sister?

Kamla- I am well brother.....She saw Kaya ...- Is she doing her job well?

Samagra- Oh she is amazing, Vidatha is much more healthier and happier than before.

Kamla- It's great....

Samagra- Did you get any news about Prithvi and Vasantmitra?

Kamla- So far I didn't but I am hoping they return soon.

Samagra- He will be devastated knowing about Prarthna. She is his beloved sister, I am very upset Kamla.

Kamla- I am also really worried about Prarthna, she seems to have completely lost it.

Samagra- It's all my fault, I don't deserve any happiness in my life.

Kamla- Bhaiya, what could you do?

Samagra- I could have lied, I could have said I don't love Vasantmitra, why I had to be honest with her?

Kamla- Because it's your core trait, you are too good by the heart. You thought you didn't act on your feelings so it wouldn't matter but Prarthna took it very seriously. It was a mistake.

Samagra- But due to my mistakes, Prarthna is suffering....

Kamla- When she attacked Vasantmitra, she was still stable from her mind, what she did was plain villainy and she can't be forgiven for that.

Samagra started crying....Kamla hugged Samagra....she saw Kaya was in tears too.....

Kamla- Kaya, give my nephew to me...she gave him to Kamla. If you don't mind, can I keep Vidatha with me tonight?

Samagra- Sure.....

Samagra left with Kaya...

Kamla thought- Bhaiya, you need to move on , both from Prarthna and Vasantmitra, you lost Vasantmitra and Prarthna lost you. You need to get peace and happiness in life. I pray a woman comes in your life who can make you forget Vasantmitra and Prarthna.

Samagra's head started hurting due to too much tension, trauma and pressure. Kaya took him to his room.

Kaya- Rajkumar, can I give you a head massage?

Samagra- Oh please, do it, it looks like my brain will explode.

Kaya started massaging his head....it gave him relief......he closed his eyes, and all the moments with Vasantmitra started coming in front of him......he relaxed himself and started feeling happiness seeing Vasantmitra...

Kaya- Are you feeling nice?

Samagra was so im trance, Kaya's voice sounded like Vasantmitra to him...

Samagra- Yes, it's nice, keep going....

He unconscious rested his head on Kaya's lap and fell asleep........

Kaya touched his face and kissed his forehead.....

Samagra smiled and said- Vasantmitra.....

Kaya was shocked and sad, she thought- Rajkumar's feelings are very strong, he himself doesn't understand it. I hope it won't turn into an obsession. This shouldn't happen. He must come out of it or else.......


Aparajita confronted Kala....

Aparajita- Stay away from Shaurya

Kala confused- What?

Aparajita attacked Kala.....- I said stay away from me ..

Kala fell in the ground....- Are you crazy?

Aparajita grabbed her neck and said- Shaurya is mine and you must know that, if I see you near him, I dare you, you will see a very Ugly side of dacoit me.

Kala- You can't talk to a princess like this.

Aparajita mocked Kala- Princess? Huh......you are just a prisoner.....she again pushed Kala and left

Kala smirked and laughed- Interesting, what a stupid girl, now it will be even more entertaining.

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Posted: 1 months ago

Chapter 217

Prithvi and Vasantmitra left for Meluha, Bhadradev and Bhudev came to see them off. They hugged each other and promised to be each other allies.

Vasantmitra and Prithvi left as a normal couple while their duplicates were going as the royal couple for their safety. They were in a simple cart.

Prithvi and Vasantmitra were sitting together with Chandra in her arms. They looked very happy and in peace but she was anxious of the same problems for which she left palace for. She was uneasy with Samagra's revelation and Avantika's presence.


Samagra got up and he realised he fell asleep on the same bed with Kaya. He felt awkward.

Samagra- I am sorry Kaya, I was too tired so I did not realise where I slept.

Kaya smiled- Rajkumar, it's my honour that I am near you.

Samagra- You try to flatter me way too much. What do you want?

Kaya- I want nothing except your happiness.

Samagra sarcastically- Yeah, the line every slave says so that she can become a concubine.

Kaya- I don't care you don't believe me, my regard and affection for you is unconditional.

Samagra laughed- Affection? You barely know me.

Kaya- I have been in love with you since you saved me from those crocodiles in the river.

Samagra- Crocodiles? When?

Kaya- Years ago, remember? You were practicing bow and arrow and you saved me when I was struck between crocodiles. You jumped into the river to save me without caring for your own life.

Samagra laughed- I am a warrior, it's no big deal for me, you are confusing regard with affection.

Kaya took Samagra's hand and placed it on her heart- Can you hear the heart beat? It races whenever you are near me.

He looked in her eyes, beautiful eyes which were identical to Lachi and Vasantmitra. Her eyes always made him go in trance. His heart started beating faster...........she came closer to him ......she looked at his chest and gently placed her head on his heart, he slowly touched her back and hugged her...........

Samagra closed his eyes and felt peace in her arms....

Kaya very passionately said- Samagra......

Samagra said- Vasantmitra.......

Kaya was shocked again......a tear fell from her eye ......she broke the hug and looked at him sadly .....

Kaya- Why her?

Samagra took her hand and put it on her chest and said- It beats for her........

Kaya was in tears......He wiped her tears and said- It's always nice to know that there is someone who admires you but Kaya, don't confuse your regard and gratefulness as love.

Kaya tearfully smiled- You are stubborn so am I, Maharaj Prithvisena couldn't stop you from loving Vasantmitra and you cannot stop me from loving you. I am confident one day you will accept my love.

Samagra smiled- Acceptance out of pity won't be love Kaya.

Kaya- You will love me.....I am confident.

Samagra smiled- Well your confidence is amusing to me, but I think you don't understand the depth of my feelings.

Kaya- don't underestimate my depth of affections for you.

Samagra- Seriously? You want riches so bad that you are gonna use my vulnerable situation to climb ladders. No wonder Prithvi rejected you.

Kaya- If I wanted to climb social ladders Rajkumar, I would have accepted offer of Rajkumar Shaurya years ago...but I had told him of my preference for you and in your regard he did not accept me.

Samagra- Shaurya liked you?

Kaya- He asked me to go with him to his Antahpura but I wanted to stay close to my mother like Rajmata and if I had left, I wouldn't get chance to see you.

Samagra- Oh well, I will show Prithvi, girls like me too.

Kaya laughed, he laughed as well....

Samagra- I appreciate your regard and love for me...but don't expect anything but keep trying for your amusement....he patted her head and left....


Shaurya entered Aparajita's room in anger...

Shaurya- Aparajita, don't you know how to behave?

Aparajita- What happened?

Shaurya- Why you behaved so badly with Kala?

Aparajita- I didn't do anything...

Shaurya- Don't lie, I know everything.

Aparajita angry- If she will try to steal you from me I won't be staying calm.

Shaurya shocked- Steal me from?

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Posted: 1 months ago

Chapter 218

Shaurya- Are you insane Aparajita? Why the hell you misbehaved with Kala?

Aparajita shouted- She is coming between us and you just don't care.

Shaurya turned tense- How is she coming between us? Because I don't see it.

Aparajita- I saw you two from my balcony, it looked like she was begging you for something and then grabbed your collar threatening you.

Shaurya became very tensed, he said- Learn some etiquettes Aparajita, your behaviour is very rustic, you are going to be my wife now and it would not look nice if your behaviour is childish and laughable. He left the room in anger.

Aparajita shocked, she was in tears- Rustic? Me? Is he ashamed of me?


Samagra was talking with Varun and Arjun, they were discussing the many matters of the Empire, suddenly few women from Antahpura came nearby.

Arjun- Woah, look who came.....

The women started flirting with them and Arjun and Varun were enjoying flirting while Samagra was not into it at all, he was never like that.

Samagra got up....

One Lady grabbed his hand and said- Come on Rajkumar, aren't we beautiful enough to even talk to you?

Samagra gently removed her hand and said- Sorry ladies, I rather spend time with my son than your glorious company.

Ladies laughed, one of them said- You are the most desirable prince ever, every lady wants a partner like you.

Samagra sad- Then they shouldn't, I have failed in life as a partner, tears came in his eyes and he left. Even the ladies felt bad when he said that.

Arjun- He is just too much distressed due to Prarthana's situation.

Varun- I know, we might never know what happened between this loving couple.

Samagra came to see Vidatha who was playing with Kaya.....he came and sat with them.

Kaya- Rajkumar, in the middle of the day? Is today your day off?

Samagra- Nope, I just felt like meeting my son, now he is the only one I have in my life.

Kaya touched his hand and said- I am here for you.

Samagra looked in her eyes and felt calm.......they stared at each other for a minute then he looked away. He said- You eyes are really beautiful, they are just like Vasantmitra.

Kaya giggled ....

Samagra- What's funny?

Kaya- Nothing, its like she dominates your mind.

Samagra- My mind, my heart and my soul.

Kaya serious- Rajkumar, it's not healthy, she belongs to someone else.

Samagra- I know

Kaya- Then why do you want to hold onto this awful pain? You are punishing yourself.

Samagra- I know that but I can't help it. I can even die for her.

Kaya- But can she die for you?

Samagra looked at her ....- I don't know, why would she?

Kaya- Exactly, why would she? She loves someone else. Its too late. Move on in your life. Atleast for Vidatha.

Samagra frustrated- How? Tell me how? How can I move on from something which is so deeply ingrained in my heart?

Kaya put Vidatha in his crib and sat very close to him...

She cupped his face and said- Look Into my eyes...

He looked in her eyes.....

Kaya- What do you see in them?

Samagra silent....

Kaya- I only see you.....Samagra , she touched his back and slowly pulled him closer to her..

She slowly hugged him and said- I will make you forget her......

A tear fell from his eye and he hugged her, he closed his eyes and saw Vasantmitra's face when he first met her, when her mask was removed and her beauty had mesmerized everyone...

Samagra said to Kaya- I don't want to forget her.....

He broke the hug.......

Kaya- What were you planning to do then?

Samagra- I had planned to take Prarthna to Durgpura and spend the rest of my life in a loveless marriage.

Kaya- Would you be able to love Prarthna?

Samagra- She is my responsibility bestowed on me by my Father, I wish Prarthna gets cured and I swear on Vidatha, I will do my duties very sincerely.

Kaya in tears- Isn't this punishing yourself?

Samagra- Its like punishing myself for my sins.

Kaya- There are so many princes and kings who don't even consider having many wives and concubines as sin and here you are punishing yourself for something which you didn't even do.

Samagra- Prarthna is suffering because of me, it's all my fault.

Kaya started crying...

Samagra- Please don't cry......she hugged Samagra.....Kaya said- I love you..............I can't see you in so much pain.

Samagra shocked.......

Kaya crying bitterly- Please, accept me.....I don't want to stay away from you.

Samagra thought- Is she a honey trap? But Rajmata cared for her since she was a child, she can't be a honeytrap.

Samagra- Calm Yourself Kaya.....he wiped her tears......he kissed her forehead and said- Thank You. He picked up Vidatha and then left to take him outside. Kaya saw him leaving. She said in tears- Why can't I replace Vasantmitra?


Prithvi and Vasantmitra halted at a place....

Chandra was making cute noises.....

Vasantmitra- Say Maa, come on sat Maa

Prithvi- No, say Pita, say Pitaji .....come one Chandra..

Chandra was laughing on his parents....

Prithvi- Look, he is mocking us...

Vasantmitra laughed- I wish his first word is Maa...

Prithvi- Yeah, boys always prefer their mothers...over fathers...

Vasantmitra- Oh yeah, whom Kushagra prefer?

Prithvi-Kushagra never met his mother enough to have any attachments with her.

Vasantmitra- Prithvi, let Vasudha and Kosha meet Kushagra and Kalyani.

Prithvi- Absolutely not, they are concubines.

Vasantmitra- Looks like you haven't learned any god damn lesson.

Prithvi- Something I cannot change...but I assure you Vasantmitra, even if you weren't daughter of Bhadradev, I would find a way to keep Chandra with you.

Vasantmitra- Would you? Because Rajmata boasted to me that I was just like Vasudha, an object of decoration in your palace.

Prithvi- What I feel for you, I have never felt for anyone, how could you be just an object of decoration for me? Tell me? To get you back, I put my life in danger.

Vasantmitra- But Vasudha and Kosha also wants to see their children, they love them.

Prithvi- Fine they can meet them, now happy.

Vasantmitra excited- Really?

Prithvi- If that makes you not wanna leave again then fine. But I will keep an eye on them.

Vasantmitra hugged him so tightly that he fell off, she started giving kisses to him- Thank You, Thank You, Thank You....

Prithvi- Oh wow, if my queen is rewarding me like that, I can do anything.

Vasantmitra laughed.....Chandra started crying as he wasn't getting any attention.

Prithvi- Oh you are gonna be my biggest rival....

Vasantmitra- He loves his mother..

Prithvi- Yeah and hates his father loving his mother...

Vasantmitra- It's your fault...she smirked and he was amused......


Kanak got a letter from Parsvapura.....

Samagra- What does it say Maa?

Kanak- Maharaj of Parsvapura is sending his son, Prince Vidyut for a peace deal. He has told Kala to be presented to him.

Samagra tensed- Kala?

Kanak- Yes Kala...


Kala- I always get what I want.

Prithvi- So do I...

Kanak- We cannot give you this Kala.

Kala- Either do this or things will get ugly.

Prithvi- Are you threatening me?

Kala- Oh yes....

Prithvi and Kala looked at each other with competitive eyes....

Edited by NostalgiaLove - 1 months ago
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Posted: 1 months ago

Chapter 219

Vasantmitra and Prithvi reached the palace and this time they were invited very grandly by Kanak. She even kissed Vasantmitra's forehead.

Vasantmitra smiled but she thought Kanak accepted her only because she is a princess and not out of her goodness, it still broke her heart.

Kanak took Chandra and said- Can I play with my grandson?

Vasantmitra- Of course Rajmata, he's your grandson.

Kanak- Well, I feared that you might misunderstand me and run away again, we can't afford Maharaj to run after you every single moment you go outside.

Vasantmitra felt a little jealousy in her tone but she laughed it off.

They all entered the Palace....


Vasantmitra went to meet Kamla...

Kamla- Welcome Back

Vasantmitra- Why did you tell him where I was?

Kamla- He would have found about it even if I didn't tell him, he begged me to know your location, he was genuinely very upset.

Vasantmitra- He again made me come back here. I am really very uncomfortable in this palace.

Kamla- Due to palace or due to Samagra bhaiya?

Vasantmitra uncomfortable- I....I don't know.

Kamla- I know it was a shocker, but I thought it would never come out in open.

Vasantmitra- You knew about this?

Kamla- I saw in Bhaiya's eyes how much he loved you but he never told anyone.

Vasantmitra remembered her and Samagra's conversations...

Vasantmitra- What a fool I was, how could I not notice it.

Kamla- If you had noticed it, what would you do?

Vasantmitra- I don't know what I would do, it's absolutely shocking. Samagra and Prarthna looked so much in love, who could have thought that.

Kamla- You have never seen Bhaiya and Prarthna together, they weren't too close, it's been only 3 years of their marriage and mostly bhaiya used to remain outside of the palace. They rarely spent time with each other. There was never any love between them.

Vasantmitra- Only three years and so much happened.

Suddenly Avantika came...

Avantika- Pranam Mukhya Maharani.

Kamla- Pranam

Avantika- How are you my little sister? (Avantika said it to make Vasantmitra guilty).

Vasantmitra sensed the tone and said- I am very well.......Didi.

Avantika- I must say, there is something about you that men get crazy for you. First Prithvi and Samagra, next Lakha, then there was Akramak, who's next? Shaurya maybe?

Vasantmitra angry- Shut Your Mouth Avantika, you being my sister would have made me so happy if it was revealed before I met Prithvi, but now I have come too far in my relationship, if you think I would leave him for you, then forget it. Besides, what your mother did to my mother can never make our relationship normal. We are Co-Wives and that only.

Avantika sarcastically laughed- I know Prithvi since childhood Vasantmitra, he is always possesive of his toys, when he gets bored he throw them away, like he did to me, you will always get thrown away.

Vasantmitra- You are mistaken because you were a toy, I am a queen. She smirked and left the room. Avantika was embarassed .Kamla unconsciously laughed but became serious.

Avantika thought- You won't be queen for long. What happened with your mother will happen to you too.

In Night

Chandra was with Vasantmitra, Prithvi came to meet her.

Prithvi- What are you doing?

Vasantmitra- Nothing, he just drank milk and is sleeping. I expected you to catch up on the matters of the Empire, I didn't think you would come to me tonight.

Prithvi- Nothing can stop me from coming to you. Did you meet Samagra?

Vasantmitra lowered her head- No, I did not. He was hiding in his room the whole day, I do not think he met you either, did he?

Prithvi- No, he didn't, he gave excuse that he was sick.

Vasantmitra- Did you meet Prarthna?

Prithvi- I will tomorrow, I was busy, Mother told me, Prince Vidyut of Parsvapura is coming in Meluha.

Vasantmitra- Prithvi, you look tense.

Prithvi- Ah, it's nothing.

He rested his head on his lap, she was gently caressing his head. Her gentle touch took his stress away.

Vasantmitra- Prithvi, what are your plans for Avantika?

Prithvi- Plans?

Vasantmitra- You said that you don't see her as a wife anymore but she is still staying here. I don't understand, send her away.

Prithvi- I told her, but she was not listening. I told her to leave me and remarry.

Vasantmitra- If she does not what will you do?

Prithvi- I won't force her for anything, if I do she will continue being bitter to all of us. Let her get healed, she is suffering from too much trauma.

Vasantmitra- Hmmm, but I feel she is not happy with our relationship.

Prithvi- What's new in that?

Vasantmitra- I don't know, now she seems dangerous to me which she wasn't before.

Prithvi- Don't be insecure of Avantika, whatever we had died the day of her birthday.

Vasantmitra- But in anger you did accept her love and accepted her as your wife, even when you know I was very uncomfortable with that.

Prithvi- She is still my wife, what's the big deal if I spent some time with her, Vasantmitra, I don't another fight, please, we have just got here.

Vasantmitra- Fine, I won't bring this topic but I tell you I am not at all happy about this.

Prithvi- I have much bigger problems to think about (he thought about Vidyut coming to Meluha and Kala's history).


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Posted: 1 months ago

Chapter 220

Prithvi went to meet Prarthna and he was told by Kanak and his guards about the terrible condition she was having. Prithvi was shocked, he entered with guards. He was teary eyed seeing his sister like that. She was sitting chained to her bed. Only few really courageous maids who genuinely loved Prarthna were there to serve her.

Prithvi in tears- Prarthna.

Prarthna looked at Prithvi- Bhaiya

She ran to hug him but she was chained so she couldn't get to him. It broke Prithvi's heart in two pieces. He forgot what she tried to do with Vasantmitra and Chandra.

Prarthna crying- Bhaiya, no one loves me, but you do, right?

Prithvi in tears- Yeah, I love you sister.

Prarthna- Then why Samagra does not love me? Why he loves that witch? Why Bhaiya?

Prithvi crying- No, Prarthna, he only loves you, no witch is there.

Prarthna- No Bhaiya, that witch roams in our palace, she is very beautiful but ugly inside ....sssshhh.....be very careful Bhaiya, you will start loving her and forget Avantika. Don't make her go through same pain as me.

Prithvi couldn't control his tears and came out of the room ......he got very angry and entered in Samagra's room. He was with Kaya who was caring for Vidatha. He came towards him and slapped Samagra.

Samagra shouted- What the hell Prithvi?

Prithvi- Because of you my sister is suffering, you r#####.....He again hit him, Kaya came in between them

Kaya- Maharaj, listen to me...

In anger, he pushed Kaya and she fell on the floor, her ankle was hurt.

Samagra attacked Prithvi in anger but again was stopped by his guards.

Samagra in tears- I would never have imagined you would attack me like this.

Prithvi took his sword out and was about to kill him when someone grabbed his hand ....

She was Kanak...

Prithvi- Maa, Why are you stopping me?

Kanak- Are you really gonna kill prince of Durgpur and the person who saved your life in many battles? Is this how you thank him? He did so many sacrifices for you and this how you repay him?

Prithvi- Maa, he is responsible for Prarthna's condition.

Kanak- I failed as a mother, I couldn't make her strong like me, she hasn't suffered like I did, I remember Samudra's insanity over Lachi, Kanak in tears- I remember day and night him mourning Lachi and trying to find Vasantmitra. I had to see him with concubines and took care of Shaurya. If I had lost my sanity then who would care for the Empire? Keshav wasn't interested in inheriting the throne.

Samagra- Enough, I have been Insulted enough by you Prithvi, I am leaving for Durgapur with my son right now.

Kanak grabbed his hand as Samagra was about to go out.....

Kanak shouted- Say Sorry to Samagra Prithvi, right now.

Prithvi- I am a King .. I won't.....

Kanak shouted- Say Sorry...

Prithvi like a kid said- Sorry....

Kanak shouted- We have bigger problems than fighting over daughter of Bhadradev. Are you two gonna fight over Vasantmitra forever leaving important matters of the Empire? Are you two children fighting over a toy? Whatever happened, happened.....Is Vasantmitra really that important that you are gonna ruin your friendship and alliance? Are you guys stupid? Prithvi, I haven't raised you to be a merry making maniac king.

Prithvi- Maa, I got carried away seeing Prarthna.

Samagra angry- Don't I care for her? I decided to take Sanyas because I felt tremendously guilty of her situation.

Prithvi in tears...

Samagra- You don't even know what torture I go through everyday. Seeing Vidatha deprived of his mother's love is heart wrenching for me. He fell on the floor and started crying.....

Kanak saw Kaya was standing there...with crying Vidatha.

Kanak- Kaya, take Vidatha outside.....

She took him outside.....

Kanak- Samagra, please get up...he got up, if Vasantmitra is the Problem, then I will request her to be with Samagra for some months and then return to Prithvi. That way atleast your relationship will not be strained.

Prithvi and Samagra shocked and both in tandem shouted- No

Kanak- Why? Why shouldn't I request her? It would be for greater good of the Empire?

Samagra- Are you seriously considering her making a Nagar Vadhu?

Kanak- Why not? If that keeps harmony so be it.

Samagra- Maa, please, don't, she will again run away. Prithvi was too dumbstruck to say anything.

Kanak sarcastically laughed- Women have always suffered due to men's selfish desires. You can't see her being shared between you two but still will fight for her like cats and dogs. Typical. You two idiots, get out of your stupid obsession and focus on the Empire's work. Come on, hug it out.

Prithvi and Samagra hugged each other..

Kanak- From now on, I don't want you see you two fight. Don't destroy your relationship, you two are royals not neighbours in a street colony. If you can't keep peace between yourselves, how would you keep peace in the Empire. And don't worry, I won't request anything like this to Vasantmitra, I would never do such a thing to that poor girl.

Prithvi and Samagra were shown reason with brutal honesty by Kanak. She left the room.

Prithvi- Samagra, I am really sorry, I couldn't see pain of my sister. I got carried away, if mother had not come on time, I would have regretted losing my friend.

Samagra- I deserved it Prithvi, suffering of Prarthna is punishment for me. God is making me see how impulsive decisions can destroy your life. He started crying, Prithvi was crying too and the brothers like friends hugged each other.

They sat together.....

Samagra- I think you heard about Vidyut coming.

Prithvi- Yes, I am very worried, specially due to Kala.

Samagra- I know, this girl has been a nuisance for us.

Prithvi- She's so dangerous....I am actually surprised how Shaurya could handle her so far.

Samagra- She won't stop till she gets what she wants.

Prithvi- Hmmm .....


Kala smirked- Pranam Maharaj

Prithvi sarcastically- Pranam Rajkumari

Kala- For how long are you gonna keep me in your Empire?

Prithvi- As long as you want....

Kala came closer- Then give me what I want, she ran her finger on his face......

Prithvi pushed her hand away- Don't play games with me.

Kala giggled.....

Edited by NostalgiaLove - 1 months ago
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Posted: 1 months ago

Chapter 221

Avantika met Prithvi...he was sitting on his chair all tired and stressed. She sat on his lap.

Prithvi- I thought we were friends.

Avantika- Friends who are married.

Prithvi- Get up....

Avantika smiled and got up

Prithvi- I don't see you as a wife, well not anymore.

Avantika- But I do, she hugged him from behind and gave a kiss on his cheek.

Prithvi- You are only irritating me Avantika, get out.

Avantika- So Samagra and Vasantmitra ha? Quite Shocking isn't it?

Prithvi- There is nothing between them, he has feelings for her but he will get over it.

Avantika- Think about it Prithvi, it's been two and half years since you guys met Vasantmitra and so many things happened, yet he couldn't forget her. He might never move on.

Prithvi- Are you here to irritate me?

Avantika giggled- No, I am here to ask you about Kala.

The name made him tensed ...

Avantika- My Gosh, she is stubborn, even more stubborn than me.

Prithvi- She won't succeed..

Avantika- What she did years ago is unforgivable though....

Prithvi drank from his glass in one go.....

Prithvi- I will never forgive her.

Avantika- I am sure, I am sure.....she sat in front of him in a very bold pose.

Prithvi smirked- I tell you again and again, leave me and get remarried.

Avantika- I will never, my love for you is maddening.

Prithvi- Yeah, so maddening you were very adamant to torture me.

Avantika- it's been three years, get over it.

Prithvi- No Avantika, you must get over and move on.

Avantika- Prithvi, you are just like me, we never move on from things which we are obsessed with, can you leave Vasantmitra? Even for Samagra?

Prithvi- I offered him but he denied.

Avantika- He's stupid, if I were him, I would grab the opportunity and take Vasantmitra to a location where you couldn't find us. Oh so Romantic and passionate.....he threw his glass in anger....

Prithvi shouted- Shut Up....

Avantika angry- Why? You can't imagine that now can you? Yes Prithvi, I am obsessed like that, I will never leave you, she shouted- Understand, never, and you will have to accept my love.

Prithvi- Are you challenging me?

Avantika- Yes, you will come to me, willingly. You will forget Vasantmitra.

Prithvi smirked- I accept your challenge but don't become like your mother, you will only suffer. You grossly underestimate my love for Vasantmitra. This was only my extreme regard for Samagra that I gave him that painful offer, if there was anyone else in his position, his head would be hanging on a spike that very moment.

Avantika angry, Prithvi smirked, he grabbed her neck and pinned her to the wall- Listen to me very carefully Avantika, You are nothing, look at Kala, now she's more challenging for me. He smirked. He pushed her away and said- Get out...

She for out......

Prithvi- Fools, they all are fools, they think they play with me....he smirked, he took queen from his chessboard and kissed it - My most precious pawn.....he started laughing.......

he remembered Vasantmitra denying to be his concubine and then their wedding night, he pushed a horse on his chessboard from his Queen,

he then remembered Samagra and Vasantmitra talking and feeling Jealous and then hurting Samagra and him saying sorry to him and then he pushed another pawn from his Queen

and then he remembered Bhadradev and their enmity and then him offering villages to him, he knocked the king on his chessboard with his queen.

He remembered deciding to make Vasantmitra his warrior, he kissed the queen and said- My most precious weapon..........he laughed......

He remembered Vasantmitra leaving and Kamla giving him lecture, he threw his chessboard in anger- They all are my pawns, they do what I want, either by hook or crook. He smirked......
