FF - Passion of Love - Ch 249- Pg 84 - Page 76



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NostalgiaLove thumbnail
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Posted: 1 months ago

Chapter 211

Aparajita came in her room totally irritated and jealous of Kala. Shaurya was in his room very tensed due to Kala. He thought- If Aparajita knows about truth of Kala, she won't be silent and it will.....oh no.

Aparajita in her room mimicking Kala- Oh I am so intelligent, oh I am so beautiful ne ne ne.....ugh.....I can't tolerate her already and I just met her.

Next Morning.....

Prithvi was sleeping peacefully and when he got up, he didn't find Vasantmitra and Chandra and got scared. He thought- Oh no, did she leave me again? He went to bathroom but she wasn't there......as he was about to go outside..... Vasantmitra entered and he immediately pulled her in arms and kissed her which shocked her. Behind her Bhadradev, Bhudev, their wives and children were there. He saw them and got shocked................................Wives closed eyes of the children.

Vasantmitra embarassed- What the hell are you doing?

Prithvi- Ah ...... Pranam....

All of them while trying to stop their laugh- Pranam

Bhudev's wife- Ah Maharaj, in your honour we have organised a grand party and lunch, I hope you will grace the occasion.

Prithvi- Oh yeah , yeah I will.....

They all left, guards closed the door.....

The family burst out laughing....and Bhudev and Bhadradev could barely control it .....

Vasantmitra- Prithvi what is this? You embarassed me in front of everyone.

Prithvi- I am sorry, I got scared that you might have left me again. He hugged her tightly.....

Vasantmitra- I went for my morning walk and I did not want to wake you up. -

Prithvi- Where is Chandra?

Vasantmitra- He's with other kids and my trusted servants are there to take care of him.

Prithvi- Oh yeah, he touched her face and then her neck tickling her.....that gives us more time ...to ..

Vasantmitra ran her finger on his lips- For what?

Prithvi- To make another Chandra...

She gave a passionate look to him...

Prithvi- I should go for a bath, care to join me..

Vasantmitra grabbed his hair and in his ears- Gladly....they laughed and he picked her up.....

Chaya was with kids ....

Chaya- Chandra is so cute...she was giving kisses to the baby.....

Servant- Yes and Maharani is very protective of him. She trusts very few servants with him.

Chandra was really comfortable in Chaya's embrace...

Chaya looked at him and tearfully said- I want a baby too.....

Servant- I know about your husband, I am sorry.

Chaya- Don't be, he was a demon in human form. I never liked him.

Servant- I am sure you will get your prince.

Chaya remembered having a crush on Samagra.....when he first came to the Palace.

Chaya- I want someone like Rajkumar Samagra.

Servant- Rajkumar Samagra but he loves....she stopped...

Chaya- He loves? Whom he loves?

Servant- Ah........ nothing....

Chaya looked confused...


Samagra went to see Prarthna.....she had a deadly look in her eyes.....she saw Samagra....and ran to hug him.

Prarthna- You came back to me? I knew you would come back.

Samagra in tears and hugged her tightly....

Samagra- Yes I am back my darling....

Prarthna shouted- Liar, liar, your darling is someone else, you are in love with a witch, that beautiful witch...she goes out in night (she had a crazy look in her eyes). She broke a vase...

Samagra got scared...she took the vase and came towards him slowly- That witch lives in your head, I know it, I should break you head and throw the witch out.

Samagra was shocked, as she was about to attack him guards caught her, this shook Samagra to the core, he could not believe she was the same sweet Prarthna he once was married to.

He came out of the room and fell on the floor, he started crying...the whole Antahpura was looking at him...in Confusion.....

Kaya came.....

Kaya- Rajkumar?

Samagra- It's all my fault.......it's all my fault.....I destroyed her.....I completely destroyed her.....

Kaya and few other ladies picked her up, Kaya took him to his room.......

Samagra- I don't deserve to be alive ....

Kaya sat in front of him on her knees....she wiped his tears.....

Kaya- You are not responsible for anything Rajkumar.

Samagra- My one mistake snatched Vidatha his mother.....I have decided, I will take sanyas and do penance. This is only way to pay for my sins..

Kaya was shocked.....

NostalgiaLove thumbnail
Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 1 months ago

Chapter 212

Kaya- Rajkumar, what are you saying? This is no age to take Sanyas, besides the decision is out of guilt, no genuine pursuit of meditation and solace, so, please.

He got angry and looked at Kaya but his anger turned immediately into admiration when he saw Kaya's eyes. Kaya was beautiful but not Gorgeous like Vasantmitra but her eyes were similar to Lachi and Vasantmitra and they were very magnetic and charming, it made Samagra feel like Kaya was the Vasantmitra he loved.

Samagra stared in her eyes and felt strange calm ..

Kaya got shy and Samagra said- Kaya, I appreciate your opinions and thoughts but I ruined an innocent woman's life, she was put in my care and I couldn't take good care of her.

Kaya- Rajkumar what if she gets cured and she finds out you took Sanyas because of her, there is a chance she might blame herself for it and again gets sick. What will you do in that situation except regret and more trauma. She boldly cupped his face and said- You are a wonderful man, you have done so much for so many people without thinking for yourself. You deserve love and happiness, you can take Sanyas when the time will come and your heart will say it's time, not our if guilt or self punishment.

Kaya hugged Samagra unknowingly due to her feelings, he got shocked.......but she soon broke it off ..

Kaya- I am sorry Rajkumar, I was just trying to make you feel better.

Samagra- You are in my service to take care of my son, nothing else, focus on Vidatha....

She was embarassed....

Samagra- But I value your wisdom, I think you are right, when Prarthna will get cured she might not like my leaving Vidatha when he needs my care and attention.

Kaya smiled and took Vidatha and started feeding him...... Vidatha looked really happy in her arms......


Prithvi and Vasantmitra with Chandra came to the party.....everyone was in a jolly mood after so long, there was Suryadev's wife also who got angry when she saw Prithvi. She had a deadly look in her eyes.

Prithvi was hugged by Bhadradev....

Bhadradev- Come my son....

Prithvi- Please say son in law... It will not be weird for me ... Bhadradev laughed.....

The kings sat together.....Bhudev sat along with them....

Chaya- Bua, Maharaj loves you very much, I heard what he did in the morning.

Vasantmitra embarassed-- Ssshhhh......

Chaya giggled.....

Bhudev's wife- Chaya has always been such a lively person.....too bad she was forced into marriage with that demon.......

Chaya- I don't want to talk about that demon....(Everyone called Lakha demon)

Vasantmitra- Forget sad things of the past, we must all think about the future.

Chaya- Wish Avantika bua was also here, she was my favourite.

Bhudev's wife- I think Rajkumar Samagra would be better, now wouldn't it Chaya? You know Vasantmitra, she has a major crush on Samagra and she cried for two days when he was married to Vaishali.

Chaya- Vaishali was a slave's daughter, not worthy for Rajkumar.

Vasantmitra- Don't say this Chaya, Vaishali sacrificed her life for me and Samagra.....I owe my happiness to these two people.

Bhudev's wife- Vasantmitra, I have heard Samagra is your good friend as well, can you talk with him about Chaya. I know Chaya is a widow so he might not be interested but we can take a chance, right?

Vasantmitra shocked, she remembered Samagra confessing that he loved Vasantmitra......

Vasantmitra- I....I don't think I can even talk to him, ah...I will ask Prithvi.

Chaya- I have heard he loves Rajkumari Prarthna a lot, he will surely reject me.

Vasantmitra thought- I only wish Prarthna reconciles with Samagra and they live happily ever after.

She remembered all her moments with Samagra and a teardrop fell from her eye, she thought- Only if you have confessed before, then I would have taken care of the situation and help you heal from the pain. You are a wonderful guy Samagra but in this life, I can not love anyone else other than Prithvi.

The kings and courtiers were watching dance performance when suddenly an arrow came from nowhere towards Prithvi, Bhadradev saw it on time....

Bhadradev shouted- Prithvi ........

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

chapter 199

Prarthna is now even attacking Samagra. She has totally lost her mental balance.

Edited by coderlady - 1 months ago
coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

Avantika is playing the jealousy card as much as she can. She might even overdo it.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

chapter 200

Shaurya and Aparjita had a good outcome. Prithvi has consented to them getting married.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

chapter 201

Prithvi loses it really quick and then comes back around after some time. It repeats over and over.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

She is whiny Prithvi? Seriously? Have you looked at yourself lately?

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

chapter 202

If Prithvi suffers. won't Avantika suffer too? Is that her love towards him? To see him suffer?

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

chapter 203

Everyone is getting upset with Samagra. No one is trying to understand his pain. He never took advantage of anyone.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

chapter 204

Prarthna has crossed too many boundaries. Prithvi needs to put a clamp on this. And soon.
