FF - Passion of Love - Ch 249- Pg 84 - Page 75



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Posted: 1 months ago

Chapter 202

Ther servants were gossiping and laughing....Avantika and Prarthna were talking when they heard the servants laughing...

Serv 1- Maharaj was so sneaky......it's so romantic....

Serv 2- Maharani is so beautiful, no wonder he adores her. They both looked so cute in the pool.

Avantika and Prarthna looked shocked...

Avantika shouted- Don't you guys have any other work, what the hell are you two gossiping about.

Servants got scared...

Avantika- I demand to know, who is with Maharaj in the pool?

Servants scared..

Avantika- Answer me...

Serv 1 scared- Maharani, Maharaj is with Maharani Vasantmitra.

Avantika got shocked......

Avantika- Ekant....

All servants left...

Avantika- Ugh......looks like these small misunderstandings won't work. We need to do something big. I am suffering here while she has everything, her son, my father , my love, everything. Even Kamla is under grasp....Ugh....

Prarthna- Don't worry, we will succeed.....

Prithvi and Vasantmitra were in their room, she was drying her hair....

Prithvi was admiring her ....- You know what my dear, I miss our old days, when you were just my warrior, the angst, the longing, you playing hard to get ....and all. It was very painful but also passionate.

Vasantmitra- I don't miss those days because you were forcing me to enter your Antahpura. It was a torture.

Prithvi- I got what I wanted ....

Vasantmitra sad- I know....

Prithvi- I wanted your love and I have that.

Vasantmitra- Oh really? I thought you just liked my beauty.

Prithvi- Initially yes but my love for you just so damn deep.

Vasantmitra- Yeah, it's so deep that you never respected me.

Prithvi annoyed- I am being so romantic and you are just killing my mood with all this sarcasm.

Vasantmitra- I am sorry Maharaj, but so far you haven't done anything which has truly made me happy.

Prithvi- Oh so what should I do, leave all of my work and run around like Samagra just because I want to reveal your identity.

Vasantmitra- Why are you dragging Samagra into all this?

Prithvi angry- Oh why shouldn't I, he's the one who is kind and caring towards you, he's so caring that a dasi says you called him and he just blatantly enters your room. You once told me you preferred him over me.

Vasantmitra shouted- I might have said it in anger and you know he is indeed a better man, he doesn't have a harem, he doesn't have illegitimate kids and he loves his one and only wife...

Prithvi shouted- Vasantmitra and he pushed her in anger and she fell....

Prithvi was shocked.....and Vasantmitra looked at him in shock and anger.....

Vasantmitra got up- Why Maharaj? Why only a small push? Why don't you just slap me? Even that would be love for you. Won't it be.

Prithvi- I am done......he left the room in anger.....

Vasantmitra started crying......and she fell on her bed.....

Prithvi was in tears.....

Avantika got to know about this fight as Prithvi went to her room and vented out his frustration and she celebrated it with Prarthna by telling her this.

Prarthna- Oh my, this is going good.

Avantika- I have known Prithvi since childhood, I know his tendency. Its so easy to trigger him. She evil laughed.

Prithvi in his room was feeling frustrated.....he thought- Why should I always say sorry to her. She is so whiney and keeps spoiling my mood. Ugh.... perhaps she doesn't love me or her love has ended for me. Tears were in his eyes. He in anger went to his Antahpura and stayed at Vasudha's room. Meanwhile Vasantmitra was very upset.........she thought- Why am I still living in this palace where I have no respect even when I am revealed as a princess. I have no happiness, nothing at all except my son.

Next day

Bhadradev decided to leave for Mahishmati....

Bhadradev- My darling daughter, I want you to come with me but your son is very young and travelling such a long distance is not good for you and your son.

Vasantmitra- Don't worry father, I will definitely come to Mahishmati to meet you. Avantika also came to say goodbye to Bhadradev.

Avantika- Take care father

Bhadradev- I will Avantika, he hugged her and Vasantmitra smiled.

Prithvi also came, Vasantmitra didn't look at him and Avantika was being very loving to Prithvi. Seeing this Vasantmitra got jealous and noticing it Prithvi started making her Jealous as he kept her hand on her shoulder, Bhadradev found it really awkward and he left.

As Vasantmitra went away heartbroken, he removed his hand and went away.

Avantika thought- I am slowly getting there..... Vasantmitra, you will be in ruins, just like your mother, you will be thrown out of the palace you dacoit.

Vasantmitra ran to her room.........Prithvi went to meet his Amatyas......

Shaurya and Aparajita met Kanak....

Kanak- Shaurya, Prithvi has given you the orders to go on the borders of Meluha, near Parshvapura...you Antahpura is there.

Aparajita looked annoyed knowing it....

Kanak- Go with Aparajita there and marry her with rituals...we can't come son even though we want to. I wanted to throw a lavish wedding but we just got out of a major war situation, too many battles happened, I think it's safe we don't spend lavish amount of money.

Shaurya- I perfectly understand Maa, I will take Aparajita and marry her with rituals.

Kanak- And you don't worry Aparajita, your father Shaka is going with you so you won't feel alone.

Aparajita- I wish didi could come...

Kanak- I know but she is a new mother, I don't want her health to get effected....after few years, we will all visit you two......Shaurya, it's your turn to become a father now.

The couple blushed.....

In night Avantika met Prithvi....he was very hurt and upset...

Avantika- I told you she didn't love you...

Prithvi- Get out Avantika....

Avantika giggled- Servants told me all about your fight... She came to him and started massaging his head ....but he was in very much pain...

Prithvi- After being so humiliated by her, I still want to run back in her arms.

Avantika- You should go in the arms of the person who love you.

Prithvi- Avantika I have told you before, I don't want to have any relationship with you. Why are you even here. Vasantmitra and my fighting doesn't mean you are gonna crawl back in my life.

Avantika- Even when she likes Samagra, maybe even loves him.

Prithvi shouted- Avantika.......you are accusing my wife and mother of my child.

Avantika- Think about it, why would Samagra take so much pain to give Vasantmitra his rights, he could just tell you and then you would deal with it, Vasantmitra and your relationship would have got approval of your mother way before, he didn't tell you because he wanted to rise high in Vasantmitra and Bhadradev's eyes.

Prithvi shocked......

Avantika- Do you even know why Prarthna is so upset, because she knows Samagra loves Vasantmitra.

The revelation shocked Prithvi to his soul, he couldn't believe his ears....

Prithvi- You are bluffing, you are trying to separate me from my wife....no.....no this cannot happen....

Avantika- It's true, ask Prarthna herself.....

Prithvi- No...... absolutely not....this....this ...is not.....he was so shocked he actually fainted....

Avantika ran her hands on his face....- Oh my dear friend, you are gonna suffer....she evil smirked and then shouted- Guards......

The same night Aparajita and Shaurya left for Parshvapura with Shaka.....

NostalgiaLove thumbnail
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Posted: 1 months ago

Chapter 203


Vasantmitra got to know about Prithvi fainting and without thinking she ran to see him. He was on his bed and was occassionally saying Vasantmitra.....she ran to his room....

Kanak, Avantika, Prarthna, Kamla and Samagra were there.

Vasantmitra ran, her foot was pricked by glass particles which were on the floor and she was bleeding but she ran to his room and straight went to his bed...

Vasantmitra- Prithvi, Prithvi open your eyes...

Prithvi- Vasant ....m....

Vasantmitra- Yes Prithvi, I am hear, please my love, open your eyes, please.....she started crying....she hugged Prithvi....

Kanak came to her- Calm Yourself dear, he will be alright, Rajvaidya has assured that.

Vasantmitra- It's all because of me, I was so stupid to fight with him. Oh god, please, take my life but make him well. She hugged him. Her tears weren't stopping.

Samagra looked at her reaction and thought- I am glad I did not propose her, she would never love me even if she married me out of pity and regard. I would be responsible for separating two lovers and that would destroy her life, I wouldn't want that.

Prithvi opened his eyes and everyone looked happy, Avantika and Prarthna looked at each other with evil eyes, they smirked at each other.

Prithvi saw Vasantmitra near her bed in tears, he then looked at Samagra.....he got up..

Kanak- What happened Prithvi? How did you faint?

Prithvi- Samagra...

Samagra- Yes..

Prithvi- What is your relationship with Vasantmitra?

Samagra shocked- What?

Prithvi shouted- What is your relationship with Vasantmitra? Just tell me....

Samagra- I don't understand, she's your wife and I am your sister's husband, that's how we are related.

Prithvi- Oh yeah, still you choose to love my wife behind my back.

Samagra shocked- What the hell are you saying Prithvi?

Prithvi slapped Samagra......this shocked everyone...

Samagra angry- I don't want to hit you Prithvi....

Prithvi again hitbl Samagra but this time he also attacked Prithvi only to be stopped by his guards....

Vasantmitra- Prithvi, what the hell are you doing, are you blind in your jealousy that you are accusing him.

Prithvi- You are not so innocent yourself my dear, Kamla is his sister, Avantika calls him Bhaiya then why the hell you call him by his name.

Samagra- I don't have any relationship with her...

Prarthna crying- He's lying Bhaiya, he himself confessed to me that he loved Vasantmitra.

Kanak shocked- What?

Prarthna- Yes Maa, this is what I wanted to tell everyone but no one listened to me.

Kamla- Shut Up Prarthna,you are blind in your delusions.

Prithvi- Kamla please ,leave, the shouting and this fight is not good for my heir.

Kamla- But....

Prithvi yelled - I said leave..

Kamla left helplessly...

Vasantmitra- you are accusing me of infidelity?

Prithvi- If not, call him Bhaiyaa, do it....if you don't love him then do it.

Samagra shocked.....

Vasantmitra- I don't have to prove my innocence but if this will give you peace and restore my honour , then fine I will call him Bhaiya.

Prarthna- You vile woman, you will malign such sacred relationship of brother and sister to save yourself from his wrath.

Vasantmitra- Samagra Bhai...

Samagra shouted- Don't....

Everyone shocked including Vasantmitra......

Samagra in sheepish voice- Please, don't say that....

Kanak looked absolutely dumbstruck....

Prithvi in tears....

Vasantmitra- Samagra?

Samagra- It's true, I love Vasantmitra, even before Prithvi realised that Vasantmitra was beautiful.

Prithvi remembered calling her boy faced and all the moments where Samagra hinted to Prithvi that he likes Vasantmitra came in front of his eyes...

Vasantmitra came towards Samagra and slapped him......

Vasantmitra- I thought you were a nice man but you proved that a man can never be just a woman's friend. You did so much for me just because you thought I would return your feelings, pathetic.You really think I would do that? How awful.

Samagra in tears - That's not true... please believe me....

Prithvi- So that's why you were so adamant on revealing her identity.

Avantika- They are just pretending Prithvi, they are in love...

Vasantmitra shouted- Avantika, Shut Up..

Avantika- Why should I shut up? Don't you always say that you prefer Samagra over Prithvi.

Prithvi also reminded that she said that...

Vasantmitra- I didn't mean it....it was just a joke...

Kanak- You are responsible for plight of my daughter Samagra, we respected you so much and what you did....you...she started crying...you betrayed us in most horrible way.

Prithvi- My best friend and my wife....wow, the two people I trusted the most broke my trust in a very horrible way.

Vasantmitra- Prithvi, trust me, I didn't know anything about that and what are you accusing me for. I never knew about his feelings. Do you really believe Avantika over me? Do you really think I could betray you?

Prithvi- I don't know what to or what not to believe anymore, everyone just leave....

Vasantmitra- But....

He shouted- It's my command, everyone get out....

Edited by NostalgiaLove - 1 months ago
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Posted: 1 months ago

Chapter 204

Vasantmitra came to her room all distressed, shocked and sad. Not even in her wildest dreams she thought Samagra loved her and she would be accused of disloyalty.

She sat on her bed, tears were flowing from her eyes and she couldn't understand how to respond to this situation anymore. She remembers her mother's story as told by Bhadradev and Shaka to her.

She thought- My life is so similar to my mother, I chose a person who fancied me rather than loved me and the person who loved me remained a hidden Knight in shining armour. But, what is fault of mine? That I genuinely love Prithvi and remained loyal to him. Is that my fault? Samagra's feelings are his own, I am not involved in it, neither I ever encouraged him in any way. I don't understand, why is Prarthna accusing me not him.

Suddenly, Prarthna barged in her room......

Vasantmitra- Prarthna?

Prarthna- It's Rajkumari Prarthna for you dacoit, soon you will lose all your status and will be reduced to a concubine. She laughed. Now how you like it, that Bhaiya will crawl back in arms of his real lover, Avantika. It hurts right, like you hurt me.

Vasantmitra- You are mistaken Prarthna, I was here because of love of Prithvi, if he doesn't love me, there is no prison in the world where he could capture me.

Prarthna- Guards, take her son away...

Vasantmitra shocked- No, where are you taking my son.

Vasantmitra- Oh he will grow up with me and I assure you I will torture him, very badly. She evil laughed.

Vasantmitra shouted- You evil woman, she slapped Prarthna...

Guards entered but they were scared to harm Vasantmitra as there was no order as such from Prithvi and she still was his favourite wife.

Prathana- Don't worry Guards, this traitor of Maharaj will soon be imprisoned, take her son away.

Guards took the son, Vasantmitra slapped Prarthna really hard that she fell on the ground, she took her sword and shouted- If anyone comes near my son, I will cut you all in pieces. There were many guards and after some fighting they overpowered Vasantmitra.

Vasantmitra- No, No, kill me but don't hurt my son prarthna.

Prarthna- Your son will pay for your sins Vasantmitra. She kept pleading but Prarthna was dead ears to her plight

She took her son and turned away, she saw Kamla standing there looking at her in anger.

Kamla- Guards, release her, immediately....

Guards released Vasantmitra, she hurriedly snatched her son from Prarthna. Kamla tightly slapped Prarthna.

Kamla- You ##### woman, how could you do such a thing to an innocent baby.

Kamla shouted- Guards, imprison Prarthna for trying to hurt the Queen and the prince.

Guards captured Prarthna....

Prarthna- You can't do this to me, you cannot....

Kamla- Guards, take her away ....they forcefully took Prarthna away.

Vasantmitra fell on the feet of Kamla....

Vasantmitra- Mukhya Maharani, I am forever your servant. Thank You for saving my child.

Kamla- Get up Vasantmitra......she gently wiped her tears and said- I have told you, no one can hurt you and your son till I am alive.

Vasantmitra- Kamla, please help me, you promised. She said something to Kamla.....

Kamla was shocked............

Prithvi called Samagra in night.........

Samagra was very embarassed to come in front of Prithvi....

Prithvi- So you loved Vasantmitra, huh....tell me the truth, how and when did you fall for her. I want truth only.

Samagra- Prithvi I.....

Prithvi- I only want truth, and only truth. Samagra tell me otherwise I will tell this story to your father. I am sure he doesn't want to know about this and fell ashamed of you.

Samagra- Fine, he told the whole story of how he fell for Vasantmitra and he heard her confessing her love for him near the lake and in moonlight. His sacrificing and not proposing to her, how he got to know about her identity, Vaishali's contributions and how he wanted to reveal the identity of Vasantmitra. Prithvi heard it all very patiently........

Prithvi- You may go now......

Samagra- Prithvi, I am very sorry that I hurt you.

Prithvi- I command you to leave my sight....

Samagra went outside and before leaving he said- Prithvi, for me nothing matters to me more than your friendship. You can even kill me, I don't care, but trust me I had the purest of intentions and I never ever thought of breaking you two or confessing to her behind your back, if I wanted to do that, I would have confessed that very day.

Prithvi in tears.....as Samagra left the room, he remembered their school days and their friendship......and then he remembered Vasantmitra talking with Samagra and looking happy.

Prithvi closed his eyes and saw Vasantmitra's face and their son......he opened his eyes and said- I have decided what I have to do.

Edited by NostalgiaLove - 1 months ago
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Posted: 1 months ago

Chapter 205

Prithvi next day called everyone to his room and they came except Vasantmitra.

Kamla- Ah Maharaj, Vasantmitra has given the message that she is sick so she can't come. She apologized.

Prithvi- Hmm right, maybe she didn't want to see her husband and her lover.

Samagra- Prithvi, have you called us just to insult me.

Prithvi- You just shut up , okay, I don't want to hurt Prarthna by hurting you. Kamla, why did you imprison Prarthna? And how dare you?

Kamla- Maharaj, Prarthna wanted to imprison Vasantmitra and snatched her baby from her. So I imprisoned her.

Prithvi- I will give you only once chance to give a good explanation of why exactly you think you had a right to imprison my sister.

Kamla- I had right as Mukhya Maharani to save your wife and baby. Your darling sister tried to kill Vasantmitra and her baby many times, remember when Avantika saved Vasantmitra, Prarthna was behind that accident.

Everyone was shocked....

Kanak- But Prarthna she is innocent...

Kamla- I have proof, Guards..

Guards brought that Dasi who was involved in that accident....

Kamla- Tell Maharaj what happened Dasi and you will be spared from any punishment.

Dasi was scared but to save herself she told every detail of how Prarthna planned her accident. Prithvi and everyone were shocked.

Prithvi- Why would she do that?

Kamla- Because she hates Vasantmitra, she is so blinded by jealousy and grief that she is venting her anger on Vasantmitra when it should be on Samagra Bhaiya.

Prithvi was deeply hurt, seems like everyone is hurting me one way or the other. Let her remain imprisoned, I will decide her punishment later. Everyone just leave......except Kamla.

Everyone left...

Prithvi kissed Kamla's forehead- You are the only one who has remained loyal to me. Please don't betray me. I am totally broken inside. He hugged her and started crying.........

Kamla consoled him and made him sit on his bed .......she said- Maharaj, you are hurt but what about Vasantmitra, she is hurt too, I am witness Maharaj that she is innocent. I knew about Bhaiya's love for her.

Prithvi shocked.....

Kamla- But trust me, Vasantmitra was only yours. She never, ever has betrayed you. She loves you and only you. Her heart and soul only belongs to you.

Prithvi- How did you know? Did Samagra tell you?

Kamla- I had seen it in his eyes, I am his sister, I know him better than everyone else. The hurt of unrequited love was in his very eyes. But as I said, unrequited. Bhaiya will leave Meluha forever, never to come back again but please don't hurt Vasantmitra anymore.

Prithvi- I have already decided Samagra and Vasantmitra's punishment. You can go now Kamla. Take rest, all this tension must be affecting you and it's not good for my child.

Kamla left the room.....

In night.....

Prithvi- Guard...

Guard entered...

Prithvi- Call Samagra .....

Edited by NostalgiaLove - 1 months ago
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Posted: 1 months ago

Chapter 206

Samagra entered his room thinking that Prithvi might even kill him or banish him or some really harsh punishment.

Samagra- Pranam Maharaj

Prithvi- Did you meet Vasantmitra?

Samagra- No, did you?

Prithvi- No, I didn't.....

Samagra- Is she okay?

Prithvi sarcastically smiled- You still so shamelessly asking about her to me. What's gotten into you Samagra? Well, she is indeed have some power to make people crazy after her, look at Lakha, he lost his life due to his obsession with her.

Samagra- Didn't you go against your mother for her? Aren't you obsessed with her?

Prithvi smiled- I don't know what I am right now......You always knew I hate disloyal people, why did not you tell me about your feelings before I married her? In that way atleast I wouldn't be heartbroken knowing that my best friend whom I considered my brother had lied to me.

Samagra- I didn't lie, I just never told about it because it did not matter. Why would my feelings matter when you and Vasantmitra love each other? Besides, it shouldn't be a matter of discussion at all.

Prithvi- Due to your feelings my own sister became so hateful that she tried to harm my child. When you let us two get married, you should have given up on your feelings, do you still love her? Tell me the truth and only the truth.

Samagra in tears- I do love her still and I am very ashamed of it. I am so sorry.

Prithvi hurt and in tears, he voice cracked- Well, atleast you are truthful to me now.

Samagra- Prithvi, I swear I will leave you two forever, I don't want you and her to have any problems because of me.

Prithvi- I am now really, really thankful for my mother that she forced me to marry a woman like Kamla. She so selflessly took care of my wife and child when I wasn't here to protect them and I thank you too that because of you my wife could get the honour she deserved but knowing that you still love her makes my heart break in two. Knowing that I hurt my brother like friend unknowingly is absolutely heartbreaking for me.

Samagra confused ......

Prithvi in tears- I have decided your punishment and Prarthna's .....I..... will....he paused as he couldn't speak due to heart break....I will let you...get married to her.

Samagra shocked.....

Prithvi- You can take her to Durgpur...that way Prarthna will also get her punishment.

Samagra absolutely dumbstruck by this decision....

Prithvi- My son will stay with her for a while and when you will have children with her, I will bring my son back.

Samagra was too shocked to even say anything.....he slowly came forward towards him with shocked expression , prithvi thought he was coming forward to hug and thank him.

Samagra came forward and gave a very hard and tight slap to Prithvi ........the sound of the slap was so loud his guards immediately entered the room..

Prithvi was shocked.....

Samagra in anger- How dare you propose such a thing to me....Guards captured Samagra....

Prithvi- Release him....Ekant....

Guards left the room anxiously....

Samagra- If you were not my friend, I would kill you here instantly. What do you think I am....a simp who would accept such a disgraceful proposal. Prithvi if I wanted things to go that way, no power in the world would stop me from marrying Vasantmitra. I would have confessed to her that very night and I am sure she would never reject me. But I didn't, you know why, because I care for you, you are like my brother and that poor girl, she loved you from her heart, I saw her eyes and face when she confessed to you, there was nothing except pure love for you. Just because I love her that does not mean, I want her. That's what not love is and you never understood it. Because for you love only means one thing. Do you even know what love is?

Prithvi was shocked and distressed- I know what love is Samagra, I am pained to see my best friend suffering.

Samagra- I am not suffering Prithvi, I am happy to see you two happy. That's love, yes I love her but I love you too, like a brother.

Prithvi- And I love you my brother.....he cried and hugged Samagra......

The bffs reconciled........

Samagra- I am glad, you didn't say all this in front of Vasantmitra, she would have left you this very moment.

Prithvi laughed.....

Samagra- But what will you do with Prarthna?

Prithvi- I am very much hurt with what she did with me.....she was planning to kill my son...that broke my heart.

Samagra- She is your criminal, you can punish her, I won't object.....

Samagra- Go and make up with Vasantmitra, she is terribly distressed.

Prithvi hurriedly left for Vasantmitra's room

Samagra looked at him going and then he fell on the floor crying, he cried and cried like a baby......

Samagra thought- I can't show my tears to him....I can't make him see that it does hurt, it hurts very bad. But knowing how Vasantmitra is like, I could never hurt her accepting this proposal. Prithvi doesn't know, I am punishing myself enough, he could give me no other punishment more severe than that.

Edited by NostalgiaLove - 1 months ago
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Posted: 1 months ago

Chapter 207

Kanak went to prison to meet Prarthna...

Prarthna hugged Kanak- Maa, Maa, thank God you came, that evil Kamla imprisoned me here because I tried to save Prithvi's son from Vasantmitra. The prince doesn't deserve a mother like him.

Kanak was looking at Prarthna with disgust and anger.

Prarthna- You know Maa, Samagra and Vasantmitra love each other and I am scared they might hurt Bhaiyaa...

Kanak gave a tight slap to Prarthna which shook her ...

Prarthna shocked- Maa

Kanak- You evil woman,you cannot be my daughter, you tried to kill my grandchild.

Prarthna- I didn't Maa

Kanak again gave her a slap...

Kanak- You don't deserve any mercy Prarthna, Kamla told me everything what evil planning you did to kill Vasantmitra and her child. Despite being a mother yourself you tried to end an innocent life. You didn't even fear God? That time I too hated Vasantmitra from the core of my heart, still I never tried to go so low against her. I never even hated Lachi, you know why? Because I had this much sense that Samudra was in wrong, not her. That poor woman suffered Karma of an evil woman and now her daughter is suffering Karma of you and Samagra. What did these poor women do to deserve so much sadness. Lachi's soul would be cursing me for torturing her daughter so much, and my own daughter failed me in life. I was so proud of you, I thought I got the best person in the world for you but no, I failed in life as a mother.

Prarthna- So that Kamla brainwashed you as well, Prarthna attacked Kanak which shocked her, Guards stopped her from attacking Kanak.

Prarthna shouted- I will kill that woman, I will end everyone of you, no one loves me in the world, no one.....seeing this lunatic state of her daughter, Kanak realised she had lost it. Tears started flowing from her eyes.

Kanak crying- Oh Samagra, what the hell did you do.....she fell on the floor crying while Guards imprisoned Prarthna.

Prithvi went to Vasantmitra's room.....but she wasn't there.

Prithvi - Dasi..

A dasi came to him totally scared...

Prithvi- Where is Maharani Vasantmitra?

Dasi was crying....

Prithvi- I asked where is Maharani?

Dasi- Maharaj....Maharani....she stopped and started crying..

Prithvi- What? What happened? What happened to Vasantmitra?

Dasi- Maharaj, Maharani left the palace two days ago.

Prithvi shocked- What? Left for where? Where is she? And why the hell no one informed me?

Dasi- I don't know where she went but Maharani Kamla knew about it, we don't know where is she right now.

Prithvi was shocked, he didn't think once and straight ran to Kamla's room...

Kamla was sleeping, he barged in her room and shouted- Kamla...

Kamla got up- Maharaj, what is it? Is everything alright?

Prithvi angry- Where is Vasantmitra?

Kamla- I don't know Maharaj...

Prithvi shouted- Don't lie, Dasi told me she left two days ago, where is she. No queen or lady can go outside of the palace without my permission, then how did she leave.

Kamla looked down....

Prithvi shouted- Kamla, tell me, where is my wife.

Kamla- Your wife? Really Maharaj? Is she your wife?

Prithvi- Tell me where is she?

Kamla- Did you ever consider her your equal?

Prithvi shouted- Stop this nonsense and telling me where is she.

Kamla- No Maharaj, I won't tell you because I promised her. That poor woman suffered since the day she met you. She was in locked in this palace like a toy for you to play with. She was just like a glorified Vasudha for you whom you visited just to get relaxed.

Prithvi- I don't want to listen to lectures right now, where is she.

Kamla shouted- Why? Why should I tell you where is she? So that you can separate her child from her and give her to your maniac sister who plans to torture your child.

Prithvi shocked....

Kamla- Or are your desires burning again that you need her right now because you only kept her for one objective here. She was your warrior right? But you imprisoned her here.

Prithvi was shocked that Kamla was giving him this brutal reality check.

Kamla- That poor woman silently bore every pain, suffered abuse from your mother, sister and your brother Lakha. Did you forget your mother literally sent her in Lakha's service. She could save herself only because she was a good warrior. You used to snap on her for little things, when she went to fight against Akramak you became berserk and in a minute changed her room and gave it to me and when you became cool gave it back to her. What is this. Samagra Bhaiya had feelings for her but she was accused, why? She didn't even know it.

Prithvi in tears- Where is she?

Kamla- Why do you want her now? You want to punish her? You are doing it since day one.

Prithvi fell on the floor- Give my wife back to me, where is she Kamla? I want her back. I beg you, please tell me.

Kamla- Maharaj, she took a promise from me to never tell her whereabouts to you.

Prithvi- Kamla, I was ready to free her, I offered Samagra to marry Vasantmitra.

Kamla shocked- And what did he say?

Prithvi- He refused....I trust Vasantmitra, I know she can't betray me, I want her back, I swear I will never hurt her again, never, he folded his hands in front of Kamla, please tell me Kamla, break your promise, tell where is my beloved.

Kamla in tears, she wiped Prithvi's tears and said- She is in Mahishmati......

Prithvi- I should have known it, wives ran to their maternal homes when angry. Kamla smiled.....

Kamla-You know what she said, she told me to take care of you, myself and the family. Even Vasudha and Kosha and let them meet their children. She told me that you always like to have a good walk in the garden on Fridays so she told me to accompany you even though I don't like walking.

Prithvi was in tears, Kamla- She told me to tell you to don't worry, she would not do anything that will make Bhadradev or Shaka attack you.

Prithvi- I am going to Mahishmati, I need to bring her back..

Kamla smiled- Yes, bring her back and this time like how a King marries a princess and brings her to his home.

Prithvi- Yes, I will bring my queen and my son back.

Kamla- Nope, your chief Queen and heir......

Prithvi smiled.....

Kamla- I know you won't give the titles to her because of your regard for me. But that's your wish, I want your chief queen here......

Prithvi hugged Kamla and said- My dearest friend, more than a consort you are my and Vasantmitra's genuine friend, no one can top your selfless love for me.

Prithvi hurriedly left to meet Vasantmitra at Mahishmati

In Mahishmati

Bhadradev hugged Vasantmitra....

Bhadradev- My dearest daughter, what a pleasant surprise. Why did you come here without any guards or servants. Where is Prithvi?

Vasantmitra tried to look happy as she didn't want Bhadradev to hate Prithvi ...

Vasantmitra- Father I wanted some change, so I came here. Besides, I wanted to spend time with you and get to know my maternal family better.

Bhadradev- Come my child...

Bhudev welcomed his half sister...

Bhudev- My sister, you and your son will get every comfort here.

Vasantmitra smiled- I know brother...

Bhadradev took her to Lachi's room...it was so nostalgic to both of them...

Vasantmitra took a look around the room...

Vasantmitra- Last time I came here, I entered this room, I didn't know that time it was my mother's room.

She placed her son in the crib which was built for her...

Bhadradev confused- Daughter, you were here before? When?

Vasantmitra- On Avantika's birthday, I had come to loot your treasure here. I entered the room and looked at Mother's painting. I felt a connection that time and took my mother's jewellery. I didn't know it was my own mother's jewellery.

Bhadradev remembered the day....

Vasantmitra- That day I met Prithvi for second time.....and fell in love with him. She remembered the episode and started crying.

Bhadradev- Don't cry, please....

Vasantmitra touched her mother's painting and said- Maa, wish you were alive, then I wouldn't have to suffer so much pain in my life. She fell on the floor crying.

Bhadradev- It's all my fault dear, I am in fault dear, but I am glad your husband is not like me.

She thought- Baba, he's worst than you.

In Meluha

Next Morning

Avantika- No, no, no....she started throwing things in her room. She screamed....I thought Samagra's truth will break them, and it did but now due to Kamla everything is ruined.....that Prithvi left to bring her back......aaaahhhh this siblings duo has always protected Vasantmitra otherwise me and Prarthna would have succeeded way before.

Avantika- I can't let them get back together. They are not supposed to be together, she screamed- Never.....the woman who ruined my life will be ruined forever. I will do what Uncle Virochana did....she evil laughed.......

Samagra- Prithvi went to bring back Vasantmitra?

Kamla- Yes

Samagra- Kamla, you shouldn't have helped Vasantmitra.

Kamla- Bhaiya I thought Maharaj would punish her, I thought I was saving her and Chandra.

Samagra- Prithvi's offer came as a surprise for me too.

Kamla- Why didn't you accept it?

Samagra- Are you crazy?

Kamla- I know you wanted it then why?

Samagra- Because Vasantmitra would never agree and if she was forced into this, I would be guilty of destroying her honour and I could never do that to her.

Kamla- I am proud of you Bhaiya, you took right decision.

Samagra in tears- Yes, perhaps....

Kamla- Don't worry, you will get a wonderful girl in your life who will heal you from the pain.

Samagra- I had decided to move on with Prarthna but her viscous nature and insanity has made me abandon her. Durgpur does not need a woman like her as it's prince consort.

Kamla- What about your son?

Samagra- I will bring him up

Kamla- But he needs a mother....Prarthna in her insanity is incapable of caring for a child. If she can attack Rajmata, she can attack him too..

Samagra- I know.....and he left heartbroken as he cared for Prarthna and he was very hurt due to her sickness. He wanted her to get well.

Kamla- May you get a girl who loves you Bhaiya.....

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Posted: 1 months ago

Flashback Chapter

In Prithvi's absence Kanak with Keshav and Varun and Arjun were seeing the Kingdom. Kanak was absolutely distressed with her daughter's condition. Samagra was blaming himself for all the things happened with Vasantmitra and Prarthna even though Kanak forgave him as he never acted upon his feelings and also rejected Prithvi's offer.

Samagra was in his room sitting very upset with his son....some servants were working in his room.... suddenly his son started crying...he picked him up but he was crying continuously. Suddenly a girl said- Rajkumar , can I?

Samagra- Okay

She picked up his son and he immediately stopped crying.

Samagra- You are quite nice in handling babies, what's your name?

Girl- Rajkumar my name is Kaya.

Samagra- Well, Kaya, since when are you working here? Are you from Antahpura or a regular servant?

Kaya- I am in service of Rajmata since I was born, I mean she brought me up.

Samagra- She brought a servant up? Why?

Kaya- I don't know, but my parents died and she found me as a baby, she brought me up, she also sent me in Maharaj's service but he didn't keep me as his concubine for long. I only had one or two encounters with him.

Samagra- so you are a rejected one.

Kaya- I guess so.....

Samagra- If you don't have any problem, you can be in my service but only to take care of my child. I will give you good money. You will be even free to have a lover or get married.

Kaya- I like Kids Rajkumar, I gladly accept but I am part of Maharaj's Antahpura, I...can not serve anyone else without his permission.

Samagra- Antahpura is handled by Rajmata and Mukhya Maharani, my sister is Mukhya Maharani, I am sure she will agree. I will talk to her.

Kaya smiled at Samagra, her smile was really pretty and he noticed it.

Samagra saw her eyes and it looked quite similar to Vasantmitra....he stared at her eyes for sometime...

Kaya shy- What happened Rajkumar?

Samagra- Ah nothing, your eyes, your eyes are......he wanted to say beautiful but he didn't....ah... take care of my child.

Kaya- I will do this work with dedication Rajkumar.

Kanak was in her dark room remembering her past.....


Kanak- Samudra, are you crazy? How could you do it?

Samudrasena- She was a still born, but miraculously she lived. Its unbelievable.

Kanak- Return her back........

Samudrasena- No way, she will be raised in my care Kanak.

Kanak- You have lost it Samudra, completely lost it. Are you crazy....are you gonna bring everything that is related to her. Pray I tell you to ask Bhadradev, he will gift her to you seeing your insanity.

Samudrasena- Shut up, shut up and Shut Up....

Kanak came out of her thoughts.....

Kanak in tears- History is repeating itself, the insanity Samudra had is inherited in Prarthna. Oh my god, how will I handle all this. Kaya's truth must never come out in front of anyone. I am so glad Prithvi didn't make her his concubine, only had her two or three times otherwise Vasantmitra would be devastated to know the actual truth. The poor girl is already so shattered. If Samudra had succeeded in finding Shaka, he would also bring Vasantmitra in our home as well and I would have to raise her. Her head started hurting.

Kanak- I am suffering consequences of insane decisions of Samudra. Just like how Samudra was obsessed with Lachi, Prarthna is obsessed with Samagra and in her obsession she became insane.

Edited by NostalgiaLove - 1 months ago
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Posted: 1 months ago

Chapter 208

Vasantmitra was in her mother's room admiring her mom's picture.She touched the painting and said- Maa, you were absolutely gorgeous, no wonder Father fell for you deeply and you must have been a really beautiful woman from your heart as well because despite being a dacoit, I always cared for people. I think I got good traits from you and stupid traits from father otherwise I would never take stupid decision of marrying Prithvi. So many people warned me but don't worry Maa, I have left him. Now Avantika, Prarthna and everyone else will live a happy life. Avantika will finally get her true love and will get out of trauma she is suffering from and I....I....she started crying will live alone with my love for Prithvi in my heart.

She wiped her tears and picked her son and said- Look Maa, your grandson, isn't he adorable. She gave a kiss on his cute cheeks. The baby smiled and started playing with her hair.

Vasantmitra- Oh my cutie....don't play with my hair, you know your father will get jealous as he says he loves playing with my hair and I love playing with his hair....she suddenly realised what she said and became sad. All the moments she spent with Prithvi came running in front of her eyes. She was really sad and wasn't able to bear the pain of separation. She said- I had to do it my son, for your own good. Your other maa, Kamla, also loves you, she saved you from an evil woman (Prarthna).

Bhadradev entered in the room....

Bhadradev- What are you doing dear?

Vasantmitra- Nothing father, just playing with my cute little lion.

Bhadradev- Give my dear grandson to me....

Vasantmitra- Here..

Bhadradev strated playing with him..

Vasantmitra smiled at them....

After few minutes, Chandra went to sleep.

Bhadradev- Dear, I want to ask you something.

Vasantmitra- What father?

Bhadradev- Is everything alright between you and Prithvi? I noticed it even then, there was some tension between you two. Should I talk to him?

Vasantmitra- No, no baba, please....

Bhadradev- You are looking very sad, is he favouring Avantika over you? That's why are you sad? We all know how passionate lovers Avantika and Prithvi are. That stupid daughter of mine was obsessed with Prithvi since her childhood.

Vasantmitra- Baba, he loves me very much, it's nothing, I just wanted to visit you and see my mother's room and her painting.

Bhadradev- But it's so sudden, he cupped her face- I don't want to lose you again my child. You have suffered enough.

Vasantmitra- Don't worry Baba, I am fine, besides no matter what happens, till my son Chandra is by my side, I don't need to care for anything else

Bhadradev- I know my daughter, you are just like my Lachi, caring and smart. I remember she used to say that when you would born, she would give you everything she never had growing up despite she was a village Chief's sister. Only if I had not been a stupid man, all the people I loved would be with me , Lachi, Samudra, Suryadev....he started crying......and I would marry you to Samagra....I know you are happy with Prithvi but I don't know, I always get a feeling that he was a better match for you. I want him to be related to my family.

Vasantmitra was uncomfortable with this talk.....

Vasantmitra- Ah Baba, let's talk something else......

Bhadradev - Okay.....and they talked for an hour and then he left....

It was night time and Vasantmitra left to take her night bath leaving her son in care of one of the maids.....suddenly from the window a man entered in mask which shocked the maids, they shouted but then he removed his mask and signalled them to be quite. The maids giggled....

He picked Chandrasena......and gave him a kiss on forehead..........

Kaya was taking care of Samagra's son while Samagra was writing a letter to his father telling him all about the condition of Prarthna and their relationship.....

Kaya- Oh my dear....oh my dear...

Samagra- What the hell are you singing?

Kaya- It's making Rajkumar happy....I am sorry Rajkumar but what is his name...

Samagra- My son's name is Vidatha...

Kaya- My dear Vidatha...

Samagra- is not your dear. He is my son.

Kaya- Anything related to you is dear to me.

Samagra shocked.....

Kaya shy- I mean I am in your service so....

Samagra- Ok Ok I understand......just focus on my Vidatha.

Samagra was unable to concentrate as he was very concerned for Prarthna's health. Doctors were giving her medicines but her condition was only deteriorating.

Avantika came to Kanak.....

Avantika- Maa, how is Prarthna now?

Kanak- Oh my daughter, I don't know what will happen to her. Her health is deteriorating day by day.

Avantika- I say release her and let her meet her son, maybe she will become better.

Kanak- Avantika I would have if she was in good health but she attacked me, I am scared she might end up hurting Vidatha and we will definitely regret it.

Avantika was irritated as Prarthna was a good support for her and now she had to plan her schemes on her own....

Avantika- Maa, will Prithvi succeed in bringing Vasantmitra back?

Kanak- I hope so dear, she's my daughter in law and daughter of Lachi and Bhadradev, the daughter whom Samudra wanted to marry Prithvi as his last wish, I...want her to come back. I am also missing my dear grandson Chandra. I miss his cute little handsome face and his tiny arms. I have Kushagra, Kalyani and Vidatha but I still want Chandra to come back. I bet I am gonna spoil him as he would surely be my favourite grandchild. She laughed and Avantika faked her smile

Kanak- When are you gonna give me happiness Avantika? He had finally accepted you as his wife.

Avantika- But Maa, after the revelation of Vasantmitra, he has said he will never have any relationship with me. He even told me to leave him and get remarried.

Kanak- Daughter, if that is the case I will only advice you to either win him back , this time by love and kindness and not evil schemes or else leave him for you own good. You are still young , rich and beautiful, you can find a good match.

Avantika- Then my love will be proved a failure in front of Vasantmitra.

Kanak- It's not a competition.....you cannot force Prithvi to love you.

Avantika got up and bowed to Kanak and left.

Kanak thought- I wish Avantika finds her own peace.

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Posted: 1 months ago

Chapter 209

Vasantmitra came out of the bath wearing a beautiful white night dress. She looked in peak of her beauty. She saw her maids and Chandra were missing. She was shocked.

Vasantmitra- Guards, Guards...but no one came...she tried to open the door but it was locked from outside. Vasantmitra started shouting - Guards, Baba, Maharaj......

Suddenly someone pulled her from behind and put knife on her neck.....

Man- Your son is with me, if you want him to stay alive be quite.

Vasantmitra shocked but helpless.....

He turned her towards him, he was wearing a mask....

Vasantmitra- Who are you and where is my son?

Man- He is alright and who am I? He pinned her to the wall....

Man- I am your admirer....I am mad for you since I have seen you.

Vasantmitra was looking at the man with shock and amusement.

Man- Your beautiful hair, your lips, your face I like everything about you expect your eyes, they are so ugly, Yuck...

Vasantmitra ran her fingers in his hair and made his one hand place on her waist.....man got shocked.....

She placed her hands on his shoulder and said- You admire me right, I am need of a lover myself.....

Man gulped- Aren't you married?

Vasantmitra- Oh that ugly man, I don't like him, I was there with him just for money, but you..oh my god, you are the one whom I want.

Man got shocked and he pinned her to the wall and grabbed her neck, she smirked....

Man- How could you do this to your husband?

Vasantmitra removing his mask- Just like how you could do it Prithvi.....

The masked man was Prithvi......

She pushed him away in anger ..

Prithvi- Oh my god, you gave me a heart attack, I for once thought you were serious.

Vasantmitra was angry and wasn't looking at him- Where is Chandra? And why are you here?

Prithvi came from behind and hugged her....- Chandra is fine, your servants took him in their room to play with. I had informed Maharaj Bhadradev that I was coming but told him not to tell you as I wanted to give you surprise. He kissed her neck and caressed her waist. Tears came out in her eyes thinking of all the things that happened in Meluha.

She turned and said- If you keep chasing me, I won't be able to move on.

Prithvi cupped her face- Why you want to move on.....I accept I was a jerk but why did you punish me by coming here. I didn't accuse you of anything then why?

Vasantmitra removed his hands and said- You didn't but your sister did, do you know what she....he placed his finger on her lips and said- Sssshhhh..I know what she did and I am ashamed I was unable to protect you and Chandra. He hugged her..... Vasantmitra I don't care who loves you or desires you, I know you only love me and I have full trust on you.

Vasantmitra- You didn't have this trust when I was there, is this some trick to again imprison me in your palace because forget it, I am not coming back.

Prithvi- Then I will have to make Shaurya the king and live here as Ghar Jamai.

Vasantmitra- It's not funny..

Prithvi- I am not kidding, Meluha needs it Mukhya Maharani and heir.

Vasantmitra- Nope, Mukhya Maharani will always be Kamla and her son. Kamla is suffering due to me, you shouldn't have left him in such a fragile condition.

Prithvi- I took her leave and she encouraged me to come here. Samagra is there to take care of her.

The name of Samagra made her uncomfortable.....

Prithvi- What happened?

Vasantmitra- I am feeling uneasy on his name, not in my wildest dreams I thought he liked me.

Prithvi- He does like you, he loves you.

Vasantmitra- Please don't say such things, it makes me very uneasy and nauseous.

Prithvi kissed her cheeks and said- I know my dear, it was such a shocker for me. And before you know it and again leave me, I have to confess something.

Vasantmitra- What the damn thing you did now?

Prithvi- I offered Samagra to marry you.

Vasantmitra shouted- What?

Prithvi- Yes, Vasantmitra, he's my best friend, like a brother, we have grown together as best pals, he saved my life in battles many times, he had been responsible for many wins in my battles, due to him I could be saved from many evil plots of Bhadradev, the one thing he wanted I snatched it from him, it burned me alive, no matter how much it pained me, I was ready for it if it means he became happy.

Vasantmitra angry and slapped him, this time Prithvi didn't say anything and was just in tears- Am I a toy for you friends to play with? How could you offer me to him without even talking to me? Do you really think I would accept this?

Prithvi- I just gave my blessings, that would be your and his decision.

Vasantmitra in tears- Let me be very clear, I don't love anyone expect you in this world, no matter how irritating, jealous, dominating..... cute, handsome you are....he smiled and she smiled back.....and she pulled him to kiss him......the couple after so long were truly happy without any tension or sadness in their hearts.

Prithvi checked her out in her white dress and said- It looks like an apsara has descended from Heaven.

Vasantmitra caressed his face and stared in his eyes .....her beautiful eyes mesmerized him......

Prithvi gently touched her waist and pulled her closer gently ...he sniffed her hair and then slowly kissed her neck.......she ran her hands on his back.....

Vasantmitra kissed his ears and said Prithvi gently....it sent him in trance and he picked her up and gently put her on the bed....he ran and a peacock feather on her face and neck....they felt like they were being romantic for the first time, they got lost in each other and for the first time they were truly happy as equals.......


Avantika was sitting in a dark corner of her room, all alone, she was wearing a very simple dress, looking at all the gifts Prithvi gave her since childhood. She picked up a doll and remembered....

Prithvi (13 years old)- Avantika, close your eyes...

Avantika (10 Years old)- Why?

Prithvi- I said close your eyes..

She closed it...

Prithvi- Now open it....

Avantika opened her eyes and Prithvi gave her a doll- Look, this is a boy doll and this is a girl doll. You keep this girl doll, when we grow up and I will bring Barat at Mahishmati, I will bring this boy doll, and we will make these dolls marry each other in our Mandap.

Avantika- Oh you idiot, dolls don't marry in real marriage.

Prithvi- Have you seen a real marriage?

Avantika- Yes, of my brother Suryadev.

Prithvi- What do people do after marriage?

Avantika- I don't know, mother told me, after marriage, gods in heaven comes on earth and gives people children in a mithai box.

Prithvi- Oooohhh......

Avantika- I will order 5 children

Prithvi- No, no, 5 is not enough, how about 20? We will play with all of them.

And the kids started laughing...

Avantika came out of thoughts and she also started laughing in tears...

She said- We were so naive and stupid back then.......I never in my dreams thought my best friend and my love would be snatched away by the daughter of the queen he always mourned. My every plan has failed so far......but I will keep trying to separate them, she took the doll and threw it in fire.......you abandoned me Prithvi like I was some doll, you and your beloved destroyed my life and my every relationship which was dear to me, I won't let you live in peace.


Samagra was sitting alone in his room while Vidatha was with Kaya who was in joint room with Samagra. He was in tears thinking about Prarthna. He thought- Because of me, my wife is suffering from insanity, I broke her heart so brutally that she became bitter and insane. Its all my fault. I should have kept my mouth shut but she told me to take oath of my child, how could I say a lie. Tears started flowing from his eyes.......I didn't love Prarthna but that doesn't mean I wanted to get rid of her. She was a tremendous support for me always, caring for my every need and was such a good wife...how...how brutally I broke her....he started crying and crying more........Kaya entered his room with Vidatha and was shocked to see him.

Kaya put a sleeping Vidatha in crib and came to Samagra.

Kaya- Rajkumar? Why are you crying?

Samagra- Your job is to take care of my son, don't talk to me.

She gently touched his shoulder and he felt a sensation....he pushed her hand away and said- How dare you touch me without my permission.

Kaya sad- Sometimes when a person is sad, he or she need emotional support Rajkumar. She came close and wiped his tears.

Samagra- Don't think that I am stupid, I will not make you my concubine so don't even try.

Kaya- I am not trying anything, tell me what's bothering you.

Samagra angry- Know you place.....

Kaya faintly smiled and said- Fine....

After few moments of silence he asked- How is Prarthna?

Kaya- She is imprisoned in a room, though she is provided every comfort, she occasionally starts throwing things shouting no one loves me, everyone loves that witch and she has injured two of her Servants.

Samagra sad- It's all my fault .......

Kaya- What did you say?

Samagra- Nothing.....he left the room

Kaya saw him going away and she remembered.....

Kaya used to always see Samagra in hiding since childhood, she admired him very much..


Samagra (15 years old)- He was practicing bow and arrow near a river when he heard screaming of some girls. Help! Help!

He saw some girls were swimming in the river and one girl (12 years old) was trapped in between crocodiles ..... without caring for his own life, he jumped into the river and saved the girl after much difficulty, one crocodile had even injured him. All the girls were in awe of his bravery.

Girl- Dhanywaad Rajkumar

Samagra- Oh it's nothing, what are warriors for, to save their people.

Girl- You are injured Rajkumar, she tore her dress and wrapped it around his wound.

Samagra patted her head and left......

The girl saw him going away....

Kaya came out of her thoughts and said- That day when you saved me, my admiration turned into deep love. I fell in love with you Rajkumar, one of the reasons I never wanted to be in service of Maharaj Prithvisena but Rajmata forced me in this. Glad he did not make me his concubine. I am going to serve you Rajkumar from my heart. She kissed Vidatha's forehead....

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Posted: 1 months ago

Chapter 210

Prithvi was playing with Vasantmitra hair and occassionally kissing her and her hands. The couple looked very much in love.

Vasantmitra smiled- I am still mad at you.

Prithvi staring in her eyes- It makes you even more beautiful.

She laughed.....

Prithvi caressed her face and said- Never leave me like this again. I went mad when I didn't find you in your room.

Vasantmitra in tears- You think it was easy for me? My whole soul left my body when I placed my foot outside my room but I had to do it to save Chandra.

Prithvi- I am ashamed you had to endure so much torture because of me. I feel like never going back again.

Vasantmitra- Father won't tolerate you here much longer.....even for me.

Prithvi laughed... suddenly a maid entered with Chandra....they got shocked....

Vasantmitra- You could have knocked before entering....

Maid looked away smiling - Maharani, Rajkumar Chandra was crying....

Vasantmitra got up and took her son in her arms- You may leave

Maid left smiling.....

She started trying to put Chandra back to sleep.... prithvi was adoring the sight...

Prithvi- Seems like he's a strong rival for me for your affections....he came towards them....

Prithvi- Hey you little one, she's mine first okay......

Vasantmitra laughed....Chandra grabbed a finger of Prithvi....and it made him emotional....tears came in his eyes...

Vasantmitra- Prithvi? What happened?

Prithvi- Nothing, he wiped his tears, I remembered my father,he used to play with me whenever he got time, me and Shaurya were apple of his eyes.....

Vasantmitra put her son in the crib as he went to sleep...

Vasantmitra- Your father had only two sons , well, considering his Antahpura was so big.

Prithvi- I thought that too but after revelation I understood why, he could never move on from Maharani Lachi.

Vasantmitra- Hmmm......so strange right? History repeated itself in our life as well.

Prithvi- Samagra is not an idiot, he's wise....he won't be wasting his life hung up on you, well that's my hope.

Vasantmitra- If he's hung up on me, I would lose the regard I had for him. I mean I know it hurts but life goes on.

Prithvi- Its easy to say but it's not possible to forget whom you truly love.

Vasantmitra- Prithvi...

Prithvi- Yes

Vasantmitra- This conversation is really, really stupid......

They both laughed......

Vasantmitra- Who's looking after the empire behind you?

Prithvi- As usual ,Maa

Vasantmitra- Rajmata is a really capable ruler.....

Prithvi pulled her on the bed ......

She smiled ........

Prithvi- You will also be a really capable Rajmata...

Vasantmitra in tears- For that I will have to lose you and I don't want to be Rajmata, I want to live my whole life with you and die with you. She hugged him.

Prithvi kissed her head......- My beautiful wife, my life .......

They tightly hugged each other and felt asleep in each other's arms.....


Aparajita and Shaurya reached near Parsvapura where he was stationed....he entered his palace and it was a big one.... Aparajita was very happy...

Shaurya- My love it's our home...she had tears in her eyes...

Shaka coughed...

They got shy....

They went to their rooms ....she came to meet him...

Aparajita- Why do we have to live in separate rooms. I don't like it.

Shaurya smiled- Bhaiya declared our marriage null and void, now we both are bachelors again.

Aparajita- So, when are we gonna get married again, though it's just a formality now.

Shaurya- Soon, my dear, soon, I will ask my purohit for a good Muharat.

Aparajita kissed him.....

Shaurya- Oh my, please, lady, what are you doing...

Aparajita- I am sorry my prince, it's just that you are so handsome.

They both stared at each other and then started laughing.....

Suddenly a guard came- Rajkumar, there is someone here to meet you.

Shaurya- who?

Guard- Devi Kala...

Shaurya- Kala?

Aparajita confused- Who is Kala?

Shaurya tensed....

Kala entered the room...

Shaurya- Pranam Devi

Kala- Pranam

Shaurya- Ah, Devi, she is Aparajita, my fiancee...

Aparajita- Pranam

Shaurya- And Aparajita, she is Kala, ah.....my......prisoner

Aparajita- Prisoner?

Kala- I am princess of Parsvapura, my father, one of the sons of rulers of Parsvapura attacked Meluha, I was 16 years old then. Shaurya defended his lands and my father unfortunately died. I was taken as prisoner.Now after two years, I am still a prisoner as Maharaj of Parsvapura is not accepting Meluha's demands.

Aparajita- Oh.....but if you are a prisoner, why aren't you behind bars?

This question amused both Shaurya and Kala... She was confused...

Kala- Rajkumar, I didn't think your fiancee would be...ah....so...naive...

Shaurya looked at Kala....she left the room....

Aparajita- What a rude woman....

Shaurya- Ah she's not a criminal prisoner, there is a difference, you truly are very naive.

Aparajita - Oh really, then you should have chosen her...she in anger left the room...
