FF - Passion of Love - Ch 249- Pg 84 - Page 70



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coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

Lakha met his end. Killed by his own father. Now he was a royal wasn't he? What made him so vile?

Edited by coderlady - 1 months ago
coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

chapter 187

All the enemies under one roof. This is very tricky. Things can go wrong at any moment.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

Well Sujata, your conscience is haunting you. You know you did so much evil. The justice will be delivered.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

Even though Kanak and Avantika know the depth of love Prithi has for Vasant, they still can not accept her.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

chapter 188

Now Prithvi is even suspecting Vasant's love for him? He claims to love but does not know her nature?

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

Prithvi knows bits of the story but none of them know the whole story. Many surprises are coming their way.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

If only you knew Shaka. Aparjita has fallen into the very same trap. What will be her fate?

NostalgiaLove thumbnail
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Posted: 1 months ago

Chapter 189

Revelation Special Part I

Next Morning

Bhadradev, Sujata and Virochana came to a grand hall along with their guards and servants and so did Prithvi, Kanak and Avantika with their guards and servants.

Bhadradev and Prithvi finally met after so long, they looked at each other with anger and disgust. Prithvi being young did Pranam first.

Bhadradev- Kalyan Ho (irritating Prithvi)

Bhadradev- Pranam Kanak, it's been so long.

Kanak- Oh Yes, Last time we met, both Lachi and Samudra were alive.

It pricked Bhadradev.......

Avantika saw Sujata and she wanted to hug her mother but Sujata was very disturbed with her inner feelings of something bad was gonna happen to her.

Bhadradev- I hope my daughter is having a good and happy life there Kanak.

Kanak- Avantika is like my daughter, she is kept with regard and care Bhadradev, you don't have to worry.

Bhadradev- I always knew you would be following morals, alas your husband couldn't.

Prithvi shouted- Bhadradev.....

Kanak- Stop it Prithvi....

Bhadradev laughed- Young blood, easily gets agitated.

Samagra entered with Shesha and his guards.....

Samagra- I welcome you all, before the meeting, I have decided to entertain both parties for good mood. Please, be seated, I have organised a play for all of you to see. Its an interesting play.

Bhadradev- I am in no mood to see a play Samagra.

Prithvi- Me neither Samagra, let's go straight to talking though I don't think there will be any conclusion to all this.

Samagra- I insist, it's part of our meeting. I request you two.

Prithvi- Fine

Bhadradev- Ok, we will see the play

Samagra- Very well then, they all got seated and curtains raised up....


Kamla and Vasantmitra mostly stayed together being each other's support in their fragile condition. Meanwhile Prarthna was in house arrest, only to be let out to go to temples and gardens and only with guards. She wasn't allowed near Vasantmitra. Prarthna had vowed to destroy Vasantmitra when Prithvi would come back.

The morning was really soothing and beautiful with calm breeze making a fresh ambience. Vasantmitra's son was sleeping and she held him tightly. She rarely gave her son to her maids.

Vasantmitra was remembering her old days, how she used to be a free spirited woman before getting imprisoned in that golden cage. She felt suffocated as she got disillusioned of Prithvi's love. She was deeply hurt by Prithvi's approval of snatching her child from her.

A dasi entered...

Dasi- Maharani

Vasantmitra- Kamla is not here...

Dasi- I meant you Maharani

Hearing the word, Vasantmitra started laughing and she laughed really bad....Dasi got confused....

Dasi- Did I say something funny?

Tears started flowing from her eyes

Vasantmitra- My whole life is funny Dasi. Why are you here?

Dasi- Devi Vasudha and Devi Kosha are here to meet you.

Vasantmitra- Let them in

They entered, they did Pranam to Vasantmitra..

Vasantmitra- Your kids are not here, Rajmata forbid them to be brought to my room.

Vasudha- I know, we were just here to see your son.

Kosha- We thought, it might give us some happiness as we again are unable to see our children.

They say near her....

Vasudha- So cute when he sleeps....she has tears....

Vasantmitra- Both of you tell me, why did you accept his concubinage....were you forced to do it or riches were more important for you two.

They looked at each other...

Vasantmitra- Don't you two have any dignity?

Vasudha- Maharani I think you don't know my story...

Vasantmitra- What's your story?

When Maharaj was in Gurukul, I used to stay near his Gurukul and I was from very poor family. I was a very good cook and used to make food to him. He befriended me despite the gap in our status. My father was an Alcoholic and he sold me to a very old man who was an alcoholic too. I pleaded Maharaj to save me. He declared that he was taking me in his harem so both my father and old man got scared and I was saved. That was the only way to save my dignity. Maharaj obviously wouldn't marry me. At that time he was deeply in love with his friend Avantika. Rajkumari Avantika is all he could talk about with me. After you came, he altogether stopped visiting me. Now we rarely meet and whenever we meet, you are the only one in his mind. I am happy that I was of some use for my benefactor. Not everyone can afford to live life on their own terms. Maharaj has been really kind to me.

Vasantmitra- But he snatched your son from you

Vasudha- I couldn't do anything, it's a tradition.

Vasantmitra- And Kosha you? What's your story?

Kosha- I don't have any story. I entered harem as a gift from Rajmata's sister. She sent me to Maharaj. And then I became his second favourite after Vasudha.

Vasantmitra- Oh.....I see...

Vasudha- Maharani you are so lucky, despite being a commoner, you are so loved and respected by Maharaj. I am surprised he didn't declare your son as crown prince.

Vasantmitra- Crown Prince is gonna be Kamla's son besides....she stopped herself from revealing her plight.

They talked for a while and then the ladies left.

Vasantmitra thought- I wish I could just run away from here but Kamla's request I cannot refuse. She kissed her son's forehead.

NostalgiaLove thumbnail
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Posted: 1 months ago

Chapter 190

Revelation Part II

The parties sat on different sides, Bhadradev and his people were on left side and Prithvi and his party was on right side. Curtains opened and.....

The play started....

Samagra knew he couldn't convince both parties of the reality of their hostility and why the families hated each other. So he decided to show all the reality through play.

This song can be imagined how Samagra would have revealed the whole story


As the play got to the part of Lachi's death, Bhadradev got shocked, Sujata and Virochana were submitting and scared to their soul.

Kanak put her hand on her mouth in shock and Avantika was very confused.

Bhadradev looked at Virochana in anger and shock...

Virochana got up and shouted- Stop this.....

Shaka entered- Wait a minute you vile man, let the play finish......

Prithvi- Shaka?

Samagra- No, Shakdev, maternal uncle of Vasantmitra, daughter of Maharaj Bhadradev and Maharani Lachi.

The revelation shocked them......Bhadradev slapped Virochana, he grabbed his neck and shouted- You traitor, you #####, You ######

He started beating him....

Sujata- Maharaj, Maharaj leave him...

Avantika was shocked and scared to see the violence...

Prithvi was equally confused, he thought- Vasantmitra? Daughter of Bhadradev? Oh My God...

Bhadradev- You killed my Lachi, you killed her, you ###### He shouted- Arrest these traitors..

Sujata- Maharaj, this is an evil plan to divide our family....

Samagra- Maharaj...look at this...he showed the necklace chain, he took Bhadradev's necklace chain and then Vasantmitra's and combined them together in front of everyone. Bhadradev reminded that he had given the chain to Samagra and Prithvi too remembered how Vasantmitra was accused by Prarthna due to that chain.

Prithvi thought- Samagra knew about this all along and he didn't tell me? Why?

Bhadradev in tears fell on the ground, Sujata and Virochana were dragged away to a room while they were pleading and still not accepting their sins.

Bhadradev crying- My Lachi died because of me and I did so many sins thinking Samudra had killed her. He saved my child and I took his life. Oh no, God will never forgive me. He was crying and crying.

Shaka- Maharaj .....

Bhadradev fell on his feet- I am so sorry Shakdev, I tried to find you but Virochana told me you died too. If I had known my daughter was alive, I would have brought her in my palace and kill these traitors.

Kanak came towards Bhadradev, he fell on her feet too..

Bhadradev while crying- Kanak, my sins cannot be forgiven and I don't expect you to forgive me but I am terribly sorry.

Kanak- You have suffered enough Bhadradev, you died every day due to Lachi's death.

Bhadradev- I swear if I had known Samudra liked Lachi, I would never have married her.

Kanak- You friends were just like that, sacrificing for each other but it was Lachi's choice to be with you. She chose you even when she was manipulated thinking you wanted to kill her.

Bhadradev- Where's my daughter Shakdev? Where is she?

Kanak- Ah....she....ah.....

Shaka- Ah....you don't wanna know...

Bhadradev- Please tell me please, I want to meet her.

Prithvi- Oh you are gonna love it...

Bhadradev confused...

Prithvi- Karma got you, she is my wife.

Bhadradev shocked and shouted- What? How? When? Why?

Prithvi- It's a long story, Samagra will tell you, it's too much information for me to handle.

Bhadradev- You married two of my daughters?

Prithvi- Hey if I had known it, I wouldn't marry Avantika at all.

Kanak- Yes Bhadradev, we all thought she was a dacoit and I tortured her so much, I feel ashamed.

Avantika in all this was shocked to her soul and she ran away seeing that no one gave any attention to her even when this was a very shocking news for her and her mother was dragged in front of her eyes.

Bhadradev- You tortured my daughter?

Kanak told him everything and it gave him pain

Bhadradev- My beloved daughter, who deserved every happiness in the world suffered so much because I chose to believe two evil people. I want to meet her, please Kanak, I really do.

Prithvi- For that you have to end this war..

Bhadradev- I can never be at war with the family of Vasantmitra, never.

Bhadradev shouted- I hereby declare end of this war.

Everyone cheered........

Prithvi- I can never forgive you for what you did to my father.

Bhadradev- Prithvi, before your father he was my friend. I am very ashamed.

Prithvi angry- And this is how you treat a friend, plan his death.

Kanak shouted- Prithvi .....easy son....

Prithvi- But Maa...

Kanak- Whatever happened, happened, we want peace between the two Empires. No more war. I also can't forgive him but we have to think about the greater good of our people.

Bhadradev- Prithvi, I will do everything in my power to compensate you. I am really, very sorry. You lost your father then I lost my son too.

Prithvi- I just wanna go...

Bhadradev- Prithvi please, I want to meet my daughter.

Prithvi- Fine Maharaj, you are invited to Meluha to meet my wife.

He then left for his room....he called Samagra and he entered the room.

Prithvi was furious....

Prithvi- Why the hell did you choose to not reveal such important information to me.

Samagra- I wanted proof Prithvi.

Prithvi- You could have saved us so much time and men if you had revealed it on time.

Samagra- Prithvi, understand, it was such a secret mission, even you couldn't be involved.

Edited by NostalgiaLove - 1 months ago
NostalgiaLove thumbnail
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Posted: 1 months ago

Chapter 191

Prithvi- How Samagra? Why I couldn't be told this thing? Since when we started hiding things from each other?

Samagra- Your obsession with Vasantmitra is too much Prithvi, if I had told you it would destroy my plan for this identity reveal, you definitely blurt it all out in anger and Virochana would have been alerted.

Prithvi - You think I am that incompetent.

Samagra- No, you are not but trust me, due to this, whole truth is now in front of us.

Prithvi- Is there anything else you are hiding from me?

Samagra shocked....

Prithvi- Tell me Samagra because I don't want to feel betrayed by you again.

Samagra was shocked and uneasy...

Samagra- Ah Prithvi I....I .....

Suddenly Shaka came.....

Shaka- Pranam Maharaj..

Prithvi hugged Shaka...

Prithvi- You are my family Shakdev, Wish I had known you are actually a village chief, I would have given you proper respect you deserved.

Shaka- I wish you respected me for the person I am then what my status is.

Prithvi shocked..

Shaka- Well, I am happy that my Vasantmitra whom your mother tortured so much and you remained a spectator to that will now get the respect she deserves. Maharaj Samudrasena wanted this marriage as his last wish, and you completed his last wish, his soul would finally be at peace now.

Prithvi- I protected Vasantmitra...

Shaka- She doesn't need your protection, I have made her very capable my self. Maharaj, if she is with you despite what Rajmata did with her consider yourself lucky, she really loves you. Vasantmitra is not someone who tolerates this much insult and that too silently. Vasantmitra was once a fierce fighter and your love snatched her very soul from her and she silently bore it. Even now you left my niece in labour pain and came to this meeting.

Prithvi-I didn't want to leave her like that ,I had to come here, you are a grandfather now. She gave birth to my son.

Shaka- I know, but somehow I feel bad that now she is a princess she is respected but when she was just my daughter, she wasn't allowed to meet me, even send me letters. Isn't it cruelty? You can't run away from your own faults and flaws Maharaj.

Prithvi was silent and a slight ashamed as well....

Shaka looked at Samagra and then Prithvi- You are not a good match for my daughter...and he left the room.

Prithvi was sad- Samagra, am I that bad?

Samagra- I don't want to interfere in your relationships Prithvi, figure youself out.

And he left the room as well....

Prithvi was feeling very bad thinking he had such a low opinion of Vasantmitra....he was now convinced that in Shaurya and Aparajita's case Vasantmitra was innocent.

Prithvi- My love, I will make everything perfect for you. You won't be suffering anymore.

Avantika was crying in her room......she was inconsolable...

Kanak entered her room....

Kanak- Avantika? Daughter , what happened?

Avantika while crying- She stole everything from me , everything, she destroyed my life....

Kanak- What?

Avantika- First she married my love and now she stole my father's love as well and my mother is imprisoned because of her. She shouted- Wish I hadn't saved her that day, she and her child should have died.

Kanak gave Avantika a tight slap.......She got shocked...

Kanak- How dare you wish ill of my daughter in law and my grandchild?

Avantika clapped her hands in mockery

Avantika- Wow Rajmata, her identity revelation changed your opinion of her in a second. Brilliant.....Avantika started laughing like a maniac.....

Kanak- I would have slapped you despite not knowing her identity for wishing ill of my grandchild. In fact , you are the one who is evil, you are not of noble birth, you are daughter of that Sujata, that evil woman who used her beauty to trap Bhadradev. I thought Vasantmitra was gold digger but you are the daughter of an actual gold digger. Vasantmitra bore everything so that my relationship with my son won't be tarnished, she saw him marrying Kamla and you because of me and didn't complain once. I have so much to apologise for. Avantika, correct Yourself before it's too late.

Kanak left the room and Avantika threw a glass on the mirror...she threw away her jewellery and removed her make up.

Avantika looked really evil and scary...

Avantika- My mother is suffering because of you, my love is in your arms, my father only cares about you, Vasantmitra, you will suffer just like I am suffering, you will lose everything in your life. She evil smirked. It was like the shock of her mother's evil deeds completely made her lose her senses.

Shaka and Samagra- What?

Prithvi- Yes

Shaka- Again What?

Prithvi- Its true, apparently your people are invading my family, Aparajita married Shaurya.

Shaka- How is this possible?

Prithvi- I don't know, who is this Aparajita anyway? Is she really a dacoit or she has some hidden identity as well?

Shaka- Well, she is adopted by me.

Prithvi- From where?

Shaka- Ah...... actually, I never told anyone about this, but she is born from one of my illicit affairs.

Prithvi and Samagra were silent and then they bursted out laughing....Shaka was embarassed.....

Prithvi laughing- Who is the lucky woman?

Shaka- She was a dancer, we fell in love and I brought her to my place but she lived a free life and refused to marry me, she gave birth to our daughter Aparajita and then left, it was mutual separation but I still think about her.

Prithvi- Well she's your daughter and Shaurya is himself a son of a concubine so their match can be accepted.

Samagra nonchalant- Hurrah.... atleast Shaurya and Aparajita would not suffer your wrath.

Prithvi- But they still married without my permission so I won't give them such an easy get out. He thought- My dearest, most beloved, I am coming back to you.

Vasantmitra opened her eyes as she was sleeping....

Vasantmitra- What is this feeling? Why am I suddenly feeling so calm and happy? I think Prithvi got some success. A smile came on her face. But suddenly she remembered his decision and became angry again. Why should I think about him? He does not care for me. Am I right Chandrasena? Her son was sleeping. She was admiring her son sleeping. She said- Such small hands, such a cute small face. Oh I wish I could hug him over and over again. You know, when your father will come, he will be very happy to see you, so will be your grandmother.

Prithvi went to meet Avantika, she looked pale and angry, she was sitting on the floor, her bed was supporting her back. It was all dark in her room.

Prithvi- Avantika....

She didn't look at him but said- I thought you would be so happy you would forget me altogether.

Prithvi sat beside her- Look, if I had known, I would never marry you. Its so weird because she's your sister. Just forget what happened.

Avantika was hearing everything silently without giving any expressions.....

Avantika without blinking looking like a ghost- Should I forget that we are married?

Prithvi- Avantika, I can feel your pain, she is your mother, the person whom you are closest to, she raised you up, but a sinner is a sinner. You have to accept it.

Avantika- Your mother committed sins too...she separated children from their mothers and planned to separate Vasantmitra from her child and you agreed as well.

Prithvi- Actually Avantika, I don't think I would have been able to give her that pain, I have said many things in the past for her but I could never leave or hate her. She has bewitched my soul. I love her hopelessly, madly and passionately. But I am not here to talk about her, I am here to support my friend in her difficult times.

She looked at him....

Prithvi- Avantika, we had a past and I accepted your love in anger but I am sure after this revelation you don't want to continue the marriage, you can go back whenever you want and start a new life.

Avantika- Who said I want to go back?

Prithvi- What? But Avantika, she's your sister.

Avantika- But I am elder, if someone should leave she should leave not me.

Prithvi- So you won't be leaving me?

Avantika moved her head in No ...

Prithvi- Don't expect me to visit you like a husband.

Avantika smirked- As you said Prithvi, you say things in anger but doesn't always do that. She laughed.

Prithvi left the room without saying anything.....

Avantika- Vasantmitra, now you will see, what snatching someone's love and happiness means.

Edited by NostalgiaLove - 1 months ago