FF - Passion of Love - Ch 249- Pg 84 - Page 68



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Posted: 1 months ago

Chapter 183

Prithvi was in his room looking at the rainy night. He was calm looking at the rain. He thought- If peace prevails, me and Vasantmitra will go on a vacation with our child, a sweet vacation where we both will enjoy, I will teach my son warrior skills, he is my second son after Kushagra, I will take both the kids for a play and then I will finally have my heir when Kamla will give birth. He smiled thinking all the positive thoughts in his head. Suddenly a guard came...

Guard- Maharaj, I am sorry but a Guptchar is here to meet you.

Prithvi- Guptchar? Here? At this hour? Call him in.

Guptchar entered....

Prithvi- Tell me what's the news.

Guptchar- Maharaj, I don't know how will you process this news, it's very weird.

Prithvi- Tell me....

Guptchar- Maharaj, Rajkumar Shaurya got married.

Prithvi shocked- Married? During war? To whom? And without my permission?

Guptchar- He got married to ah.....he paused...

Prithvi- Tell me, why you paused?

Guptchar- To that lady dacoit..... Aparajita....

Prithvi was shocked to his soul- What? Are you absolutely sure?

Guptchar- He himself declared it to his army.

Prithvi- I.....I can't believe this....Ekant....

Guptchar left, Prithvi got absolutely shocked, he remembered his whole relationship with Vasantmitra and how it started.

Prithvi- Is Mother and Prarthna true? Does these women trap us in their beauty to gain riches by faking helplessness? He got very angry on this news. He started doubting Vasantmitra's love due to mistake of Aparajita and Shaurya. He started throwing things in his room in anger.....oh so this is it, Shaka first let Vasantmitra in my life and then faked his disapproval so that I want Vasantmitra more and more, she too didn't become my concubine so that I could marry her. She knew I wouldn't force her as I had fallen for her. What a sly fox and then this Aparajita played the same trick on Shaurya. These cunning ladies, to climb social ladder they used their beauty to lure us. I will never forgive you, I will hurt you where it hurts the most Vasantmitra, I will snatch my child from you, forever, you will never see him again and throw you in Antahpura, never to see outside world again. You will have a status lower than Vasudha. And Shaurya, you will get punished most brutally......he in anger went to Avantika's room.

Avantika- Prithvi, what happened, you look angry and disturb. He hugged Avantika.....

Avantika- What happened?

Prithvi- I need you Avantika......

Avantika- Prithvi....she caressed his head....

Prithvi- I was so stupid to not give you your rights, you are my wife ......and you love me so much.

Avantika was happy but very surprised to hear these words.

He kissed her forehead and hugged her, she had tears of happiness, he smirked and thought- Vasantmitra, this is your first punishment.....

He kissed Avantika really passionately, Avantika reciprocated....

Avantika- I love you Prithvi so much, I knew our love would win.

He smiled and picked her up....... and put her on the bed gently......as he was about to kiss her again, he again felt a jolt, like his consciousness was trying to tell him what he was doing was wrong but in anger he brushed this feeling aside and accepted Avantika as his wife.

Vasantmitra also felt something was wrong, she had her child by her side....she thought- Is Prithvi alright? Why am I feeling so anxious and sad? Ugh why should I care for him? He wants to separate me from my child. I always knew he thought me as a concubine, all his words were lies, but my love for him is so strong, I always end up forgiving him, but not this time, he will pay heavy price. Tears started coming out of her eyes, she thought- My child, if Kamla wasn't here, you would have been killed by Prarthana. Oh what I have done, she remembered all the warnings of Samagra and Shaka. She thought- For Kamla I will stay here for a while but don't worry my child, we will escape this hell never to return to these treacherous people again.

She saw a box and opened it- It was filled with gifts which Prithvi gave her.

Vasantmitra- Dasi.....

Dasi entered.......

Vasantmitra- Call all my servants at once....

All the servants came and she distributed her gifts among them.

Vasantmitra- You guys have served me with utmost devotion, you are not only my servants but my friends, she group hugged her maids and servants were really surprised as no queen ever gave them so much regard and appreciated their work. They all had happy tears in their eyes.

They left and Vasantmitra started crying and she fell on the floor.............she remembered all her moments were Prithvi.

She said- Everything was a lie.........she remembered how he was manipulating her to be his concubine. She said- He succeeded in it, this marriage meant nothing to him. It wasn't a marriage but his way to get me to accept this prison. What a cunning man. He outsmarted me. He went against will of his family to get what he wanted, he is very dangerous. I must escape but I can't dishonour Kamla who has done so much for me. Or is she also manipulating me? I can't think through......I will wait for Prithvi to come back, if I escape now everyone will blame me that I left him in war and distress. His love wasn't true but mine is, I can't leave him in the situation when he is fighting a war. I will have to stay to support him mentally. She went to her son and kissed his forehead........my only joy, you are my life....

Edited by NostalgiaLove - 1 months ago
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Posted: 1 months ago

Mini Chapter

In Morning

Avantika got up and found Prithvi still sleeping. She kissed his forehead and admired him. She went away to take bath while Prithvi opened his eyes with tears. He felt extremely bad for hurting Vasantmitra but his anger would make him feel like he punished her. He was feeling heartbroken thinking that Vasantmitra was a gold digger and didn't really love him. He went back to his room. After taking bath, he sat on his bad thinking about all the moments with Vasantmitra. He thought- How could she be so cunning in faking her goodness. She entered in my life, ruined my relationships and I looked like a fool in love. I am sure she would again play her evil games to get rid of my heir and Kamla is too naive to see it. She supports Vasantmitra thinking she loves me. Kamla is the one who truly loves me and I have been neglecting her. Vasantmitra and Avantika both are opportunist. Mother warned me about women like them but I didn't listen to her.

Prithvi is in his own misunderstandings was feeling himself as a victim.

Avantika came to his room ....

Avantika was very happy to be reunited with her love.....

Avantika- My Darling, I am just so, so happy that we are together again after so long. Our love for each other finally won.

Prithvi looked her with shameful eyes, like he did something wrong.

Prithvi- Avantika, I am in no mood of talking. She saw tears coming out of his eyes.

Avantika- What happened Prithvi?

Prithvi hugged her and said- Everyone was right Avantika, Vasantmitra is a gold digger.

Avantika- What? What happened? Why are you saying that?

Prithvi told her how he got the news of the marriage of Shaurya and Aparajita.

Avantika- Even I had got convinced that Vasantmitra was a nice person, I knew she was a gold digger all along but she is so good in faking her kindness, even I thought I was wrong and Vasantmitra was right. Gosh I feel such a fool. She needs to be punished.

Prithvi- On what charges? She didn't do anything against me. Shaurya and Aparajita got married and I am sure Shaurya was manipulated into it. I will snatch Vasantmitra of her wife title and send her into Antahpura, she will remain as one of my concubines, Vasudha and Kosha will be above her.

Avantika- Wow, even after this, you are not willing to leave her. As your concubine she will still enjoy riches. That's what she wanted, to enter in your life and manipulate you, she might use her child to again gain her position, after all you have been with each other for so long. I tell you, exile her with her child, never to see her again.

Prithvi shocked- Never see her again?

Avantika- Yes, this is what she wants, to stay in your life and enjoy a comfortable life. She manipulated you into this so punish her. Leave her in rags, snatch her child from her.

Prithvi- No, I can never do that to her.

Avantika- Why? You punished me for so long because I misunderstood you. Why can't you punish her, she never loved you. After she gives birth to a boy, she would want to get rid of your legitimate heir and gain the throne. Save your dynasty before it's too late.

Prithvi was scared of Avantika's talks but he calmed himself...

Prithvi- Avantika, I will plan her punishment when we will come back from this meeting. I am very hurt right now, I might do something which I will regret later. He remembered his night with Avantika and thought- I hope i won't regret this.

Avantika- Fine, but I just want you to be careful of this manipulative woman, she is very convincing of her goodness. She hugged him........

NostalgiaLove thumbnail
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Posted: 1 months ago

Chapter 184

Keshav came to meet Shaurya....

Shaurya hugged him- Welcome Uncle, we all were waiting for you.

Keshav- I am glad to meet you son after so long. After making peace in my place, Prithvi told me to come here to help you.

Shaurya- We have also made peace here Uncle.

Keshav- So I can see....

Shaurya- Ah uncle , I want you to meet someone.

Keshav- Who?

Shaurya- Aparajita, come here.

Aparajita slowly came outside wearing a cute saree , jewels and Sindoor, looking shy and all. She came forward and touch his feet.

Keshav- Saubhagyavati Bavah.....

Shaurya- Ah uncle, she is my wife.

Keshav- Wife? When did you get married?

Shaurya- Uncle, please sit, I will tell you everything in detail.

Shaurya told his whole story with Aparajita in detail and Keshav slapped his head.

Keshav- You kids, what have you done? Prithvi is a king, still he does not reveal that Vasantmitra is a dacoit and you here actually married her sister and above all revealed it to your army. I didn't expect such stupidity from you Shaurya. Its not like Prithvi will not get to know about this.

Aparajita looked ashamed and so did Shaurya.

Keshav- It might severely effect Vasantmitra and Prithvi's marriage, how selfish you children can be.

Shaurya realised what Aparajita was trying to say- I am sorry Uncle, I didn't think about Bhabhi at the moment. I will tell Bhaiya, Bhabhi is not involved in all this.

Keshav- You know Prithvi, when he is angry he doesn't think about anything and goes on doing irrational stuff.

Aparajita- Uncle I am so sorry, it's all my fault.

Keshav- You people are still young, you don't understand how emotional decisions can result into. I am only scared for Vasantmitra and you Aparajita, there is no way Kanak is going to accept you. She only tolerated Vasantmitra because she became with a child, till then she worked very hard to separate Prithvi and Vasantmitra. But Prithvi is her own son, Shaurya is not, she will be brutal with you two.

Aparajita- I......I will renounce my title as a wife and live as a concubine.

Keshav shocked

Aparajita- If this means, saving marriage of Didi, I will do it.

Keshav had tears in his eyes and said- you sisters are so self sacrificial and yet no one understands you two.

Shaurya- It's brutal uncle, this is not right, I won't make my wife my concubine.

Keshav- If you don't, Prithvi will take drastic measures. He might even kill you. What's the point if you die.

Aparajita- Uncle is right Shaurya, we must not be too selfish, this is the only way to convince Maharaj and Rajmata. As a concubine, no one will care about my existence.

Shaurya was silent now and accepted his fate- Fine, if this is for good of everybody and you accept this then who am I to object. But don't blame me if you get insulted.

Aparajita- I can bear anything to make didi happy.

Kanak reached the place and met Prithvi and Avantika .....

Avantika told Kanak that Prithvi accepted her as his wife and marriage of Shaurya and Aparajita.

Kanak was furious- How could Shaurya do this? That witch Vasantmitra, she again added dacoit in our family. I am not even surprised Prithvi. I knew she was up to no good. But I am happy that you accepted Avantika and plans on publishing her. She might have given birth to your child by now.

Prithvi shocked- She gave birth?

Kanak- Yes, when I was about to leave, I confronted her for making Vasudha and Kosha meet their children.

Prithvi- She make them meet my children?

Kanak- Yes , it's a long story, I will tell you later, but when I was about leave, she went in labour and was in very much pain, she was screaming.

Prithvi anxious- Is she okay? Was it hurting her too much?

Kanak- It's normal Prithvi, you were not there when Vasudha and Kosha gave births so you don't know, yes, it does hurt a lot but it's natural.

Prithvi- So she must have given birth by now.

Kanak- Yes, I wonder if it's a boy or a girl. Doesn't make a difference to me, her child is not my heir but I want a girl again. A cute little tiny princess whom I can spoil again. I already spoiled your daughter a lot, she is such a cute little demanding munchkin.

Prithvi smiled....but again became sad as he had to now punish Vasantmitra. He didn't feel like talking anymore and left the room.

Kanak- So, Avantika, I guess you are next.

Avantika became shy.........

Kanak- Only if you had another unmarried sister, I will wed her to Shaurya and get rid of Aparajita.

Avantika- All my sisters are married but I have nieces, Chaya would have been a wonderful bride for Shaurya but alas, she was forcefully married to that evil Lakha. That pathetic guy is responsible for death of my most trusted servant, Rupa.

Kanak- Hmm....well, I am glad Prithvi came to his senses and accepted a legitimate princess as his wife after all and Vasantmitra will be reduced to what she is, a concubine and that too not a favoured one.

Both evil laughed........

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Posted: 1 months ago

Chapter 185

Vasantmitra was with her baby, sitting on the bed and looking terribly sad and disturbed. She felt suffocation in her room. She reminded herself of the days when she was a free bird. She remembered meeting Prithvi, falling in love, getting manipulated and the revelation that she was considered a mere concubine and her child would be snatched away from her. This all disturbed her too much. Tears automatically came in her eyes.

Kamla entered the room......she got scared looking at Vasantmitra.

Kamla- Vasantmitra

Vasantmitra came out of her thoughts.....

Vasantmitra- Come Maharani....

Kamla- Hey, you call me by name.

Vasantmitra- A concubine should know her place, isn't that true Mukhya Maharani?

Kamla- You are a Queen, crown on your head or not, never forget that.

Vasantmitra hugged Kamla ....

Vasantmitra- Kamla, I have a request, as a queen to Chief Queen.

Kamla smiled- What?

Vasantmitra- When the war will be over, I want to leave Meluha forever.

Kamla got shocked.......

Kamla- No, why? Why you want to leave? I thought you loved Maharaj.

Vasantmitra- I do but he doesn't, he only cares about me as I am beautiful, slowly my beauty will start facing away as I will age and I don't want to live in this cage forever. Its Enough. I want to live peacefully, somewhere else, alone with my son.

Kamla- You can't separate son from his father.

Vasantmitra- What father? If he cared about his children, he would never separate them from their mothers. Forget others, me, he sang songs of love to me but in the end he wants to give the same pain to me. Am I nothing for him? What type of love is this? I don't call it love. Its cruelty. He treats me just like one of his paramours in Antahpura whom he can treat anyway he likes.

Kamla- Listen, let the war end, then you decide, perhaps you end up changing your decision. What say?

Vasantmitra- I just want a promise, when the time comes, will you help me? Please, as a friend.

Kamla- Fine, I promise, I will help you.

Vasantmitra hugged her......


Samagra and Keshav were talking when suddenly a person entered the camp and he said- Rajkumar, we have been attacked by Lakha.

They were shocked...

Keshav- Lakha?


Prithvi was in his journey but he was too distressed by Shaurya's betrayal and misunderstanding was taking a heavy toll on him. Avantika and Kanak were behind him.

A messenger came to Prithvi....

Messenger- Maharaj, this message is from Mukhya Maharani.

Prithvi opened it, it said-

Maharaj, Badhai Ho, You have become father of a healthy baby boy. Vasantmitra is fine too, we all are praying for your good health and peace between the parties.

Tears came out both due to happiness and sadness and it fell on the message....

Prithvi said- Distribute sweets in the army....I have been blessed by a baby boy. The whole army started cheering.

Kanak became happy....Avantika was happy too, more so that now Vasantmitra will be reduced to the status of a mere concubine.

Prithvi thought- What this beautiful eyed witch has done to me. The thought of hurting her is killing me inside. Will I be able to hurt her like I have planned but I must keep my feelings aside, she has betrayed me. She never loved me, she played with my emotions and tricked me into marrying her. I hate who betray me. I will use Avantika to hurt her like never before. When she will know I have accepted Avantika, it will eat her alive, like I felt when her sister married my brother and he betrayed me for a dacoit.

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Posted: 1 months ago

Chapter 186

Prithvi and Avantika reached the spot where Vasantmitra and Prithvi had confessed their feelings and he had proposed to her. The nostalgia of the place hit Prithvi hard and he was feeling quite sad. It was night time and Kanak went to her room. Avantika and Prithvi were sleeping. In mid night suddenly Avantika's eyes opened and she didn't find Prithvi beside her. She thought he might have left for some work.

Prithvi actually reached the spot of his love proposal to Vasantmitra and the moon was shining bright, giving a romantic ambience to the environment. He was all alone and tears were flowing from his eyes. He remembered his every single moment with Vasantmitra and it killed him to stay away from her but he was very much in anger due to Shaurya and Aparajita.

He sat down under a tree and looked at the lake nearby. He closed his eyes and all moments again started flashing in front of him.

Prithvi- What this woman has done to me. Being with Avantika gives me no pleasure, I am forgetting where I am going, I just want to get back to her and my son despite knowing she does not love me. She is truly an evil enchantress. Me being with Avantika will surely shake her. I must not show how I really feel for her and give her cold shoulder. She must know that she can't manipulate me with her love talks anymore.

As he got up and turned around, he found Avantika, he was shocked.

Prithvi- What are you doing here?

Avantika- Last time when I was here, I wanted to confess my love for you. But you didn't let me. Tonight, I want to confess again.

She took his hand and brought him to the lake, she said- Prithvi, I have loved you since childhood and I will always love and support you. There is no one in this world I love more than you. She had teary eyed.

Prithvi was cold faced however....

Prithvi- Avantika, I appreciate your love and all the sacrifices you did for me. But.........I don't love you, let me be very honest. I have accepted your love that doesn't mean I love you.

Avantika shocked- But I thought you accepted me because you loved me.

Prithvi- I accepted you because I want to punish Vasantmitra. Don't expect anything else from me. My feelings for you died the day when you revealed my being in your palace.

Avantika shouted- It was a mistake....for how long you are gonna extend this reason....its been so long. What should I do to prove that I love you.

Prithvi- I don't want any proof because I don't love you....

Avantika shouted- Enough....

He shouted- I Love Vasantmitra and only her ......he started crying......he fell on the ground....I hopelessly love her Avantika, I am feeling so guilty of trying to hurt her despite knowing she is a gold digger.

Avantika was shocked........

Prithvi crying- I can't forget her, I don't think I will be able to hurt her no matter what things I say from my mouth.

Avantika teary eyed- I never thought your feelings were this much strong. Love has ruined you Prithvi.

Prithvi- I.....just want to get back and hug her and kiss my son on his tiny forehead. I want to see his face, who knows what this meeting is about and will I be able to get back alive from there. My only wish is to see my darling wife and son. I am so terrible that I can only think about her and my son when there are so many people who love me like you, Kamla, my other children. But .....he was crying really badly....I am horrible....I am so horrible....

Avantika sat on the ground and hugged him ......he hugged her and cried in her arms. He let his emotions burst in front of her.

Kanak who had followed them as soon as she got to know the couple was missing was seeing this scene from behind a tree and she also started crying. She for the first time realised how strong Prithvi's feelings were for Vasantmitra and she also realised no matter what nonsense he says from his mouth, he can never hurt Vasantmitra.

Kanak thought- How can he stay alive if he or I hurt Vasantmitra. Is this some divine revenge on me. Vasantmitra is beautiful but so are Kamla and Avantika and many other ladies in Antahpura, no one could make my son such a fool in love. She remembered....


Samudrasena was crying and it had been two days since Lachi died.

Kanak- For how long are you gonna mourn her. Its fate, let's leave it now my dear.

Samudrasena- I couldn't save her, neither Shaka gave me her child. I wanted to raise her and let her marry my son Prithvi. I couldn't get my love, but seeing Lachi's daughter marrying my son, it would give me some solace Kanak.

Kanak- I will try to find Shaka and Lachi's daughter and give him offer of marrying Prithvi with her daughter when she grows up.

Samudrasena- I tried to find him but he is gone like he has become invisible. I wanted Lachi's daughter to be part of my family. This way her name would be always connected with my dynasty. She had been someone else's wife so I can't even call her my beloved. What a pitiful life I have.

Kanak- Wow, Samudra, you don't have a slight respect for me that you are saying such things in front of me.

Samudrasena- I am sorry Kanak but I have been honest to you.

Kanak- Forget it, but don't worry, I will try...

Kanak came out of her thoughts...she saw Prithvi and Avantika were still in each other's arms trying to console Prithvi. She left the spot in grief that she had lost her son to a person whom she considered unworthy.

Avantika- Prithvi, ssshhh......

Prithvi- I am so sorry Avantika, I have been hurting you a lot. It must be terrible for you.

Avantika- Hey, we have been childhood friends, we shared everything, remember. We were friends first, then lovers.

Prithvi- Let's go, I think I needed this emotional outburst.

Avantika- Exactly, and look, you again confessed your love for Vasantmitra, now your love is twice immortal.

Prithvi smiled....- I wish Avantika, I wish....


Lakha had attacked Shaurya and he had left to fight him. Aparajita and Keshav were there with him.

Lakha shouted- Father, how could you, I am your son, support me, be on my side.

Keshav- You are not the son I raised, who lusts after your brother's wife, you are a filthy man and not my son. You don't deserve title of a prince.

In anger, Lakha attacked Keshav but he thwarted the attack. Aparajita and Shaurya were fighting but they started losing due to massive force.

Lakha then targeted Shaurya, he went after her and attacked him with all his force. Shaurya fell down...

Lakha laughed- You always lost against me brother.

Shaurya- Don't call me brother......Shaurya got up and again started fighting.....After few minutes Lakha disarmed Shaurya.....

Lakha was about to cut his head off when suddenly someone stabbed Lakha from behind. It was Keshav. Shaurya was shocked. Seeing Lakha dead his other men ran away.

Keshav looked lifeless seeing his son dead but he didn't have tears in his eyes. Shaurya was shocked and so was Aparajita.

Shaurya- Uncle, why did you?

Shaurya- He deserved it Shaurya, he was a filth, a rotten apple who if succeeded had brought down morals of our dynasty. No one in our family ever had such lusty and filthy brain. This man didn't have respect for women. I guess I don't have sons now.

Shaurya hugged Keshav- Don't say that uncle, I am your son. You chose morality and loyalty over you own son. You are a great man.

Aparajita- Uncle, I always despised royals but I had never seen what sacrifices were behind that glamourous and luxurious life. You are an inspiration.


Kamla was taking care of Vasantmitra...

Kamla- Vasantmitra, you will have to take this medicine. Come on..

Vasantmitra- But it's too bitter.

Kamla- Come on Rajya Vaidya have said that you must take it for your health.

Vasantmitra took the medicine with great difficulty....her son woke up and started crying. Vasantmitra took him in her arms.

Kamla- He is so cute, wish my son will be just as handsome as he is..

Vasantmitra laughed- Handsome? He's a baby.

Kamla- I know he will be a very handsome man, girls will beg him to be his paramours.

Vasantmitra laughed but suddenly remembered her plan to escape and became sad.

Kamla- What happened?

Vasantmitra-No, nothing...

Kamla- I have told you Vasantmitra, I am here so don't worry, no one will snatch your baby away from you.

Vasantmitra faintly smiled.....

Edited by NostalgiaLove - 1 months ago
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Posted: 1 months ago

Chapter 187

Bhadradev with Virochana and Sujata reached the place of meeting and was greeted by Samagra and Shesha. Shaka remained hidden for their plan.

Samagra hugged Bhadradev but he didn't reciprocate.

Bhadradev very coldly- This meeting better be used for me Samagra, I have not forgotten death of my beloved son and Crown Prince, Suryadev.

Samagra- Maharaj, we are all saddened by this but remember he attacked us first and this is war and who knows better than you that War only brings destruction. Come Maharaj, I have all the arrangements for you to stay comfortably along with your queen, advisor, bodyguards and other staff.

Bhadradev- Your negotiating skills are really commendable, it's sad Vaishali died, I had a very good son in law.

Samagra- I am sad your secret agent died too Maharaj.

Bhadradev wasn't shocked but looked amused....

Samagra- Vaishali helped me a lot.

That surprised Bhadradev and Virochana....

Samagra- I know she was just a prop for me to get separated from Prithvi but our friendship is as strong as a mountain.

Virochana smirked- Are you sure Rajkumar? Because I have heard you are just like a slave to Prithvi and one misunderstanding and Prithvi will not hesitate from killing you.

Samagra angry but put on a fake smile- Atleast I don't control Prithvi's mind like you did with Maharaj.

Virochana angry- You....

Samagra- Maharaj, please, enjoy our hospitality, I promise you won't miss your home.

Bhadradev and his troops were given a very respectful and grand welcome which suprised him and to an extent even pleased him.

Bhadradev thought- I must get one of my nieces married to him. He is such a nice man. I would love to have him as part of my family again.

Samagra entered his room where Shaka was there.

Samagra- Shaka, as soon as Prithvi arrives, we must start our plan and we must be very careful as Virochana would do everything in his power to destroy this peace meeting. This is our last chance to expose him and stop this war.

Shesha- Don't worry Rajkumar, I have done all arrangements to keep that vile man very busy. She clapped her hands and three women came to the room.

Shesha- They will keep him busy. She laughed.

Samagra- Well done Shesha, you are using his weakness against him, clever.

Shesha bowed- I am just doing my work and Prema had given me all the details of how to control this pathetic person.

Samagra smirked- Let the game begin, he thought- Vasantmitra, I will avenge your mother and give you back your rights as a princess. You will not have to suffer anymore. A tear fell from his eye.

Shaka- What happened?

Samagra- Nothing....and he left the room.

Shaka- He must move on, he is bearing this pain silently.

Shesha- Once he gets back to Rajkumari Prarthna and take her away to Durgpura with his son, I am sure he will move on. Its not like he will be meeting Maharaj Prithvi daily, time heals every pain and after all Rajkumari Prarthna is his wife, he has duties towards her. I am sure when they go to Durgpura back, they will live a peaceful life.

Shaka- I feel sorry for Prarthna, I hope she doesn't know about this, her heart would break in two.

Shesha- Forget her, hope Maharaj doesn't find about this, as much as I know him, he is very possessive and everyone knows Maharani Vasantmitra is his favourite, he can easily harm Rajkumar Samagra, he won't think a second about friendship.

Shaka- I just pray everything goes according to our plan and that Samagra just leave Vasantmitra and Prithvi for good. This will bring no good for anyone.


Avantika was crying in her room in night.....she was absolutely heartbroken with Prithvi's confession. Kanak came to her room.

Avantika hugged her....

Kanak-I heard everything Avantika, I saw him confessing that he still loves her.

Avantika- Why me Ma? Why me? Don't I deserve love? I came in his life first, he fell for me first, yet she's the one who is his first wife, she's the one whom he loves, while I am not even Mukhya Maharani, a neglected wife, do I deserve this? Whose wrong Karma I am suffering? I never did anything bad in my life. Why then? Why? She cried more and more.

Kanak- Don't cry my dear, Vasantmitra will be reduced to a status of concubine, I know Prithvi, even if it pains her, he is very justice loving and he will definitely punish that gold digger, even if it means it eats him alive.

Avantika-But she will still remain in Antahpura, it's not like he will stop visiting her. She will still have his attention. What will change?

Kanak- It will change, Vasantmitra wont accept this and this will create a crack in their relationship and once a crack comes, it's never repaired. That gold digger dacoit will fail in her plan. And when Shaurya will return, I will force him to abandon that dacoit. I have brought him up, I am sure he would obey me. He can't act on his will alone.

Prithvi came to her room and found Kanak there....

Prithvi- Ma, I have got another letter, it's from Shaurya.

Kanak- What does he say?

Prithvi- Apparently, he doesn't mention his so called marriage to that dacoit but he says Lakha is dead.

Kanak- Lakha? Dead?

Prithvi- Yes, Lakha attacked Shaurya but Uncle Keshav saved him and killed Lakha.

Kanak- We are blessed to have a loyal family member like Keshav, he killed his own son for you Prithvi.

Prithvi- Uncle is very justice loving and loyal. Lakha did many sins and he was punished in a very cruel way.

Kanak- I brought up Lakha since childhood, I don't feel good my son but guess he got his Karma back.

Avantika- He is responsible for death of my dearest servant Rupa, she was very loyal to me. He deserved it. But I hope it won't effect this meeting.

Prithvi- Samagra is just trying to stop the war but I know it won't stop, what possibly Samagra can do to stop it. Bhadradev and I Hate each other from core of our hearts. What possibly can change that?


Vasantmitra was looking at the moon silently and slow breeze was flowing and it cooled her mind. Suddenly her son woke up.....and she started playing with him.

Kamla entered- Oh so little prince is awake.

Vasantmitra- Kamla you should relax, you are working too much in this condition.

Kamla- I like work my dear....she took her baby and kissed him. Oh Vasantmitra, he's just so cute. I can't wait to give birth to my own child.

Vasantmitra smiled....

Kamla- What do you want to name him?

Vasantmitra- Chandra Sena

Kamla- Hey, that's Maharaj's grandfather's name.

Vasantmitra- Yes, Prithvi and I had decided to name him Chandrasena. Well that time I didn't know he had planned such a disgusting plan to separate me from my child of course. What will you name your child?

Kamla- Well, if it's a boy, it's Akshay and if it's a girl then it's, Supriya

Vasantmitra- Oh nice names....

Kamla- Well Akshay is my maternal grandfather's name and he really pampered me.

They both smiled...


Bhadradev- What? Lakha is dead? Who told that idiot to attack Shaurya? It was ceasefire.

Virochana- Well, as you said he was an idiot.

Bhadradev- Good riddance, poor chaya is now free.

Virochana thought- Oh I wish he succeeded, then this meeting would've have happened.

Sujata was in her room was getting weird vibes, when she was sleeping she was constantly seeing Lachi in a black saree, sindoor, looking at her like she was judging her for her wrong Karmas. Sweat was flowing from her body and she was drinking water again and again.

Sujata- No, why am I feeling so anxious? Why suddenly I am remembering Lachi and the wrong things done to her. Is something dreadful is gonna happen? Oh I am just so scared, I wish I never came here. But no one knows what we did to Lachi. Its been so long, except Maharaj no one knows she existed. I hope this meeting ends and I go back.

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Posted: 1 months ago

Chapter 188

Prithvi, Kanak and Avantika reached the place and was welcomed very grandly by Samagra.

Prithvi- Where is Shaka?

Samagra- Ah he is not well and he said sorry that he couldn't come to welcome you but the disease is infectious so he didn't come. He apologized.

Prithvi- Ah don't worry

Samagra- Prithvi you look unhappy, what happened?

Prithvi- Oh no no,I am very happy, in fact Vasantmitra gave birth to my son.

Samagra smiled- Oh wow, Congratulations then my brother. He hugged him.

Kanak- Are you gonna welcome us or not?

Samagra touched her feet

Kanak- Vijayi Bhavah

Samagra- I am so glad you accepted my request to come here Maa.

Kanak- How could I refused my Jamata. She smiled.

Samagra- Welcome Maharani....

Avantika- Pranam Samagra Bhrata

Prithvi thought- Vasantmitra never called Samagra Bhrata....why? It's strange. Avantika have met Samagra before and she never called him Bhrata but now she is married to me she is calling him that, why not Vasantmitra? Prithvi felt pain in his heart thinking of what he should not think.

They all were sent to their rooms, their rooms were in different palace as Samagra was trying his best to keep Bhadradev and Prithvi away before official meeting.

Avantika and Prithvi stayed in same room....

In Night, Prithvi was on his bed totally involved in Vasantmitra's thoughts.

Avantika was lying next to him....

Avantika- Hey, what are you thinking? About the meeting. She entangled herself to him.

Prithvi- I am tired

Avantika- Then you should sleep....

Prithvi- Are you not excited to meet your parents?

Avantika- Huh, my father never really cared for me. For him Surya Bhaiya and other daughters were more important. He always used to cry and mourn for his dead queen......what was her name....oh yeah, Lachi.

Prithvi- I know about Queen Lachi a little...Did he love her very much?

Avantika- Oh yes, He cried everyday remembering her.

Prithvi- How did she die?

Avantika- Father said Maharaj Samudrasena was behind her death.

Prithvi- What? This is impossible and you never told me.

Avantika- We had a promised each other Prithvi to never talk about each other's families and empire strategies to keep our love clean.

Prithvi- But mother never told me anything about this, give me more details.

Avantika- I don't have any details.....father and mother both never discussed about Lachi with me.

Prithvi straight up left for Kanak's room.....She was surprised

Kanak- Prithvi, at this hour? Take sleep my son, you are very tired.

Prithvi- Mother, what is the story of Father and Queen Lachi

Kanak shocked- What? Why are you asking me this question?

Prithvi- Avantika told me Bhadradev thinks father was involved in Maharani Lachi's death.

Kanak- What? He thinks that? Why? He's the one who is responsible for Lachi's death.

Prithvi- But mother Avantika told me he mourns Maharani Lachi everyday. He loved her very much. Please tell me everything in detail.

Kanak- Fine

Your father Samudrasena and Bhadradev were really close friends.....one day they went together for hunting..... Bhadradev fell in a river and Samudra fell too save him. Lachi, a village chief Shakdev's sister saved them both. Samudra woke up first and he fell for Lachi. You were just a toddler then my son. He proposed Lachi to marry him after she refused to become his concibine but then Bhadradev woke up and she fell for him. They started a relationship and it broke your father's heart. He very shamelessly accepted in front of me that he would always love her. That day my heart broke into pieces. I stayed strong only for you and Prarthna. Bhadradev and Lachi got married as people started giving taunts to Lachi. Samudra used to spy on Lachi's well being despite my objections. Soon, Lachi became pregnant and Bhadradev got bored of her and he decided to kill her. Avantika's mother Sujata told Lachi to escape and she did but Bhadradev sent his men after her. Samudra saved her and proposed her marriage which she accepted out of spite but then when she got ill she confessed that she couldn't live any else but Bhadradev and she died giving birth to her daughter. Shakdev took his niece away while Samudra wanted to raise the baby and when she would grow up he decided to marry the baby to you. He wanted Lachi to have a permanent relationship with his dynasty. As his love remained unrequited, he decided this way to keep her forever.

And after narrating the story Kanak started crying.......

Prithvi- You never told me about this Maa.

Kanak- I didn't want you to despise your father for hurting me.

He hugged Kanak and said- You have bore so much mother because of father and me. I am so sorry Maa. Due to Vasantmitra, I rebuked you so much when I didn't know you bore so much pain in your life to give a healthy life to me and Prarthna. Father was a disgusting man.

Kanak slapped Prithvi which shocked him...

Kanak- No matter how he was but he's your father, I didn't teach you to abuse your elders Prithvi. I loved your father. You are not saint yourself Prithvi. You had concubines before you married Vasantmitra. I accept I forced you to marry Kamla and Avantika but you are no good either.

Prithvi- I am sorry mother, it won't happen again.

Kanak- I only want best for you and our Empire. That's the only goal in my life. I found the best husband for Prarthna.

Prithvi- Indeed, Samagra is awesome, he has only one woman in his life and that is my sister and he loves her very much.

Samagra in his room was thinking about Vasantmitra. He thought- So finally she had her child, I thought when this would happen I would move on but still I am unable to. God will punish me in cruelest way possible. I must take Prarthna after everything is settled and Virochana is punished and leave for Durgapur as soon as possible. Vasantmitra must not suffer due to my sins. He had teary eyes.

Shaka entered her room....

Shaka- What are you thinking?

Samagra- After tomorrow, everything will change, either for good or bad but something will change.

Shaka- I have become a grandfather, I am so happy.

Samagra smiled...

Shaka- I can see pain in your eyes Samagra.

Samagra- I am not in pain, I am genuinely happy for them.

Shaka- I am sure you are but it's not right. Forget Vasantmitra, move on. What will you get by torturing yourself?

Samagra- I am a horrible person Shaka, just horrible. How will I pay for my sins?

Shaka- Loving someone is not bad Samagra, it's not a sin but holding onto someone who belongs to someone else that's definitely wrong. You are a wonderful man, never lose your dignity.

Samagra- The burden of being a kind man is becoming too heavy on me. Sometimes I think if I were selfish and had confessed to Vasantmitra, she would have chosen me.

Shaka- Would she?

Samagra- I don't know but I could have tried. But watching her confessing her love for Prithvi so passionately, I decided to give her what she wanted. It wasn't a sacrifice for my friend, it was her wish I wanted to fulfill.

Shaka- Oh Samagra, don't do this please. I like you a lot, if you are not happy with Prarthna, find a new wife whom you would love as much as Vasantmitra.

Samagra- That would make me even more horrible than I already am. Besides, I don't think there is any other woman in this world whom I can love like I do Vasantmitra.

Shaka- Hope, time will heal you.

Samagra- I just wish I am forever released of this torment. Prithvi and Vasantmitra must never know about it, but I have told Prarthna in anger and that's why I am scared.

Shaka- What? You told Prarthna.

Samagra- It was a stupid mistake.

Shaka- What was her reaction?

Samagra- Not good, obviously.......

Shaka- Oh god, you kids will eat me alive one day. I just hope now Aparajita won't do anything stupid. Seeing my life's track record, now I am damn sure Aparajita would end up taking stupid decisions as well.

Samagra laughed a little.....

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

chapter 180

Avantika is going along with Prithvi to the meeting. What will this bring?

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

chapter 181

Vasant will get only a few months with her child. This is not fair to any of the women.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

This is heartbreaking for Vasant to hear that she has no value in Prithvi's life. She is not considered a wife where it counts.
