FF - Passion of Love - Ch 249- Pg 84 - Page 67



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coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

Wish they had a witness at least. They have not a single person to attest to their wedding.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

chapter 177

Hope things work out for the lovers in the long run. At least they are married. That will help.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

Everyone is confused about the meeting called by Samagra. All are in for some big surprises.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

chapter 178

Virochana is finally showing signs of fear. Good for him. Its time he was held accountable for his sins.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

chapter 179

Shaurya himself revealed about the secret marriage so that is good. Truth will come out at some point anyways.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

Well that joke is true after all. Why is it taking them so long to arrange a spot for the meeting?

NostalgiaLove thumbnail
Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 1 months ago

Chapter 180

The venue for the meeting was decided and Bhadradev left to meet Samagra and Prithvi along with Sujata and Virochana.

In night

Prithvi came to take leave of Vasantmitra....

Prithvi- I am sorry my darling, I have to go.

Vasantmitra- I know you have to, but be very careful of Bhadradev, he's very cunning and he would definitely want to hurt you.

Prithvi-I know I will be safe...

Vasantmitra- I know, because Samagra is there. I am sure he will be your shield.

Prithvi got irritated- You praise Samagra very much, it's weird sometimes.

Vasantmitra- I praise him for his loyalty towards you and unconditional love for his wife. He's the only prince who doesn't have concubines and other wives. He's such a nice guy.

Prithvi felt jealous- If you liked him so much, you should have married him.

Vasantmitra laughed- Oh look at you, you look so jealous.

Prithvi- Fine, I am jealous, I don't like you praising someone else other than me.

Vasantmitra kissed his cheek and said- You have thousands flaws, but you are my love, King and husband, I don't see anyone else other than you. She had tears in her eyes.

Prithvi felt guilty of making her cry- Oh my dear, I didn't want to hurt you. I am actually sad that you will give birth to our child soon and I will be leaving.

He kissed her eyes and tears and then left to meet Kamla.

Kamla in her room thinking- I have so far saved Vasantmitra from Prarthna's wrath but for how long. I am dreading, she would not stop until Samagra comes back. Suddenly she heard the announcement of Prithvi coming. She got up.

Prithvi came and kissed her forehead and told her about his mission.

Kamla sad, Prithvi- I know you are upset but I have to leave.

Kamla- Maharaj, be careful, I am praying for the peace.

Prithvi- I will be careful but you take care of yourself. I have appointed some extra maids for you. After all ,you are mother of my heir, my legitimate children.

Kamla thought- He married Vasantmitra ritually but he doesn't consider her as his wife in his heart, what a pity. And Avantika, he doesn't think about that.

Prithvi left after kissing her forehead......

Prithvi also came to the door of Avantika, he saw the door and reminded himself of all the good and loving memories they had. He entered the room and saw a sad Avantika who became full of joy when he came. She ran to hug him.

Avantika- Prithvi, I heard you are leaving, please, be careful, I know how father wants to torture and kill you. Suddenly she saw tears in his eyes.

Avantika- Prithvi? What happened? Is something wrong? Is Vasantmitra alright?

Prithvi- I don't know but our old times suddenly flashed in front of me. I hope this is not my last meeting with you.

Avantika put her hand on his mouth- No Prithvi, don't say that. You are my everything. I live for you and I will die for you.

He kissed her forehead and said- If possible, forgive me.

Avantika- For what?

Prithvi- For everything. I dare say, come with me.

Avantika excited- Me? Really?

Prithvi- Yes, your parents are coming, you can be really valuable on negotiation table.

Avantika got really excited and she kissed Prithvi in excitement. He got shocked but reciprocated.

Avantika- Prithvi, I will not disappoint you this time, I promise.

Prithvi smiled- Pack your bags........

He left the room and Avantika got really excited......

NostalgiaLove thumbnail
Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 1 months ago

Originally posted by: coderlady

Well that joke is true after all. Why is it taking them so long to arrange a spot for the meeting?

Both parties needed a neutral zone for a meeting

NostalgiaLove thumbnail
Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 1 months ago

Chapter 181

Vasantmitra- Really? Avantika is going with him?

Servant- Yes, Maharani.

A tear fell from her eye, she gently touched her belly and said- You are my only joy.

Vasantmitra- Ekant

She sat on her bed and thought- In this journey, they would be alone and he might finally accept her as his wife. Tears started coming out of her eyes without her knowledge, she remembered the day Prithvi was admiring Avantika on her birthday and she for the first time felt deep heartache and she didn't even know she had fallen for him.

As she was in her thoughts, drums started rolling and it shocked her. She saw from her windows, Prithvi was ready on his horse and Avantika sat in Palanquin. She saw them going away from her slowly and slowly, she stared at him till he didn't fade away from her eyes.

As she turned, Kanak stormed into her room ....

Kanak shouted- Vasantmitra.....

Vasantmitra shocked- What happened Rajmata?

Kanak- How dare you let concubines meet their children without my knowledge. I heard they meet them in your room when you call the children in your room.

Vasantmitra- What's harm in it Rajmata? They are mothers, they have all the rights.

Kanak- Shut Up, who are you to decide that? You yourself will be separated from your children.

Vasantmitra got shocked....

Kanak- I didn't want to tell you this but you crossed the line..

Vasantmitra- I am not a concubine, you can't separate my child from me, that's cruelty.

Kanak- You won't be till they need their mother for food, after that, they will be separated.

Vasantmitra shocked- No you cannot do that, I am not your concubine. I am Prithvi's wife, in fact first wife.

Kanak- You think that, huh, Guess what, Prithvi agrees with this. She smirked, in his eyes, your worth is no more than just a concubine.

Vasantmitra- You are lying.....Prithvi can never do that to me.

Kanak touched her belly and said- I swear on my grandchild, he agreed with this, in fact I didn't have to even say it, he himself told me this.

This gave chills in Vasantmitra's spine and she stood numb.... suddenly she shouted- AAAAHHHHH........................

Kanak concerned- Vasantmitra.......she shouted- Dasi, Call RajVaidya.......... Vasantmitra was screaming in pain....

Suddenly Prithvi felt a jolt....he stopped....he thought- What is this weird feeling? Is Vasantmitra okay? Why am I suddenly feeling concern for her? But brushing it off after few seconds he again started his journey........

In Mahishmati

Lakha threw his glass after drinking while Chaya was massaging his shoulders, she got frightened, he pushed Chaya and shouted- I am ruined........I wanted Vasantmitra and throne of Meluha and both are slipping away from my hand. Enough......... Enough......he screamed and this frightened Chaya more.....she ran to her mother's apartment......

Lakha said- I will attack Shaurya...........this will stop this meeting.......yeah....I will.........

Aparajita and Shaurya as newlyweds were deeply in love and would rarely stay away from one another. Aparajita's men were really happy with the news but his men were sceptical but due to Aparajita's good nature and skills, they had started respecting her more.

Aparajita- Shaurya, I hope this news won't be reaching Maharaj anytime soon.

Shaurya- I have told my men not let Bhaiyya know about this till everything is settled.

Aparajita- We did a mistake Shaurya, if Maharaj becomes angry, tell him I am just a concubine and you said it so that my men keep supporting you.

Shaurya- I won't lie....

Aparajita- You will have to...listen, I don't mind, okay.

Shaurya- This is not the woman I love, I love that fiesty Aparajita who stood up for her rights.

Aparajita- Not on your future's expense.

Shaurya- Fine, we will decide it later but saying anything false to Bhaiya is not right. I will tell him the truth and only truth.

Aparajita- Fine, but I know they will never accept me. They will force you to leave me..

Shaurya- I will never leave you, never.

Aparajita- Then they will force you to accept another wife like they did with Maharaj.

Shaurya- That they would definitely do.

Aparajita- When the time comes, you should get married to that princess...

Shaurya- No way...

Aparajita put her finger on his lips and said- Think Practically, being with you was my choice and I don't regret it. I never wanted to put you in trouble.

Shaurya- Don't make me guilty, besides I can never love another woman, that would be really unfair to the Princess. So, no......

Aparajita- Fine, we should not plan too much...

Shaurya- Exactly, when the time comes, everything will be sorted.....he hugged her........

A servant came.....and Shaurya broke the hug ...

Sarvant- Rajkumar, this letter came....

Shaurya opened it- It's from Uncle Keshav, Lakha's father, he says he is coming to meet me....

Aparajita- Lakha's father? Can he betray us?

Shaurya- He left the throne to become a warrior, but Lakha is his son so we never know.

Aparajita looked concerned...

NostalgiaLove thumbnail
Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 1 months ago

Chapter 182

Kamla came running, Vasantmitra was in deep pain as she was giving birth, she was screaming and slaves were there to help her.

Kamla- What happened Ma?

Kanak- Kamla, I had to leave with Prithvi for the meeting but when I got to know Avantika was going, I stayed for one day to give them privacy, now I have to leave. My dear, please take care of Vasantmitra and my grandchild, I am leaving them in your care.

Kamla- Don't worry Ma, you go, I will take care of Vasantmitra and her child.

Kanak hugged her- I know I can trust you only Kamla, your heart is of Gold, so pure.

Kanak left for the meeting.....

Kamla went to the room, Rajvaidya was there trying her best to soothe Vasantmitra.

Kamla came to Vasantmitra and caressed her head and said- Don't worry dear, breathe heavily......

Prarthna got to know about Vasantmitra...

Prarthna shouted- Aaaahhh.....that witch is getting everything in life while she destroyed my life. Due to Kamla I failed in my every attempt to harm her. I should have faked myself as her friend instead of showing hostilities, then I would have easily killed her. Ugh.....she threw a vase on the mirror.

Bhadradev with Virochana and Sujata was travelling....

Virochana- Maharaj, we must be careful, it might be a trap.

Sujata- Yes Maharaj, I am scared.

Bhadradev- Don't be scared you two, sujata you are Prithvi's mother in law, he atleast won't harm you. You are wife of a warrior, just relax.

But Sujata was going through Anxiety and for the first time Virochana was nervous. He wanted to bring Prema but due to Bhadradev he didn't bring any slaves with him. Prema on the other hand escaped from the palace.

The whole night Vasantmitra was in pain but in the end she finally gave birth to a healthy Baby Boy.

Vasantmitra was exhausted, she couldn't even see her baby. Kamla picked the baby and she had tears in her eyes. She said- Heir to the throne has arrived.

Rajvaidya- Heir to the throne? But you are Mukhya Maharani.

Kamla smiled- I just know it, this boy will be a conqueror. He has Maharaj and Vasantmitra as his parents, there is no way he is not made to become a king.

Rajvaidya- Rajmata will never agree for this, and I don't think Maharaj will either.

Kamla- A Sun's shine cannot be stopped by clouds.

Kamla stayed with the baby near Vasantmitra , totally awake and attentive till Vasantmitra opened her eyes. The first person she saw was Kamla, totally exhausted but attentive of her baby.

Vasantmitra tried to get up and slaves helped her....

Kamla- Look Vasantmitra, your baby ......

Vasantmitra had tears in her eyes....- she took her baby and kissed his forehead.

Kamla- It's a boy my dear.

Vasantmitra was sad- Kamla, please help me escape.

Kamla was shocked....

Kamla- Escape? Why and where?

Vasantmitra- Rajmata told me my child would be separated from me like other children of concubines. She said, Prithvi considers me a concubine and not a wife. Please Kamla, I beg you, I will die if my child is separated from me. Please help me escape. Please.

Kamla calmed her down by patting her head and wiping her tears - Vasantmitra, listen to me, no one can separate your child from you till I am alive. Understand. Your escaping with this fragile baby can actually harm your baby. Where will you go? Among dacoits? Prithvi will never forgive you if his child gets harmed.

Vasantmitra- But....

Kamla- Ssshhh.....Rajmata is old, she can't care for so many kids, even if they do separate your child from you, I will demand him, and then I will give him back to you. Maharaj will never know. Royal childs in fact mostly stay with their nannies.

Vasantmitra- You are a Devi Kamla, you have always protected me.

Kamla- Also Vasantmitra, be very careful of Prarthna, she might try to harm you and your baby again.

Vasantmitra shocked- Again? What do you mean?

Kamla- All those accidents which happened with you, they were all stages by Prarthna.

Vasantmitra shocked- What? But why? What have I done to her that she is so vitriolic?

Kamla- She has some misunderstandings and she is not ready to think wisely.

Vasantmitra- What misunderstandings?

Kamla- Vasantmitra....I will say just be careful of her, don't trust her, ever.....if she demands your baby, never give her, never.

Vasantmitra was shocked to know the details.....

Suddenly Prarthana entered the room...

Prarthna fake smiled and said- Congratulations Vasantmitra....oh look at this cute little baby boy, can I hold it?

Kamla- Get out Prarthna

Prarthna- What?

Kamla- You will never be near Vasantmitra or her child.

Prarthna- Look Kamla, I am here to reconcile, I was really a jerk to Vasantmitra, I am sorry Vasantmitra, let's just make up....

Vasantmitra was disgusted with Prarthna

Kamla- I have told her that you tried to kill her and her baby.

Prarthna- What? Kamla have you gone crazy? I never tried to do that. Vasantmitra trust me.

Vasantmitra- Prarthna, it's better you never meet me again. Get out.

Prarthna was shocked and she couldn't control her anger and ego- You dacoit, how dare you to tell me get out of this room. You are the one who get out, you filthy dacoit.

Kamla- Prarthna before I slap you and throw you out, just leave. With Rajmata gone for the meeting, I am the one incharge here. I will send you back to Durgpura. Understand, till they are back, you are on house arrest.

Prarthna- What? How dare you?

Kamla- Guards.....

Guards came....

Kamla- Take Rajkumari away to her room and keep her in house arrest.

Prarthna shouted- You gold digger, just to stay in good books of Bhaiyaa, you are supporting this filthy woman. You moron....

Guards dragged her away from the room...

Vasantmitra was shocked to see her behaviour and Kamla was still sceptical about telling Vasantmitra of why Prarthna hated Vasantmitra.

Prarthna was locked in her room with her son....she shouted- I was an idiot before, if I had shown myself as her friend before that Vasantmitra would have been dead by now. I didn't know my anger had no value in this palace. She started crying.......Samagra you rat, you lustful man.....your lust for Vasantmitra destroyed my life and Bhaiya is ignorant that he is friends with a snake and husband of a ####.

After two days, Prithvi and Avantika halted at a place in night to take rest ...Kanak was behind one day as she wanted to give Prithvi and Avantika space so that they could get closer.
