FF - Passion of Love - Ch 249- Pg 84 - Page 62



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coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

Avantika is changing her strategy. She is still intent of earning Prithvi's love but going about it in a different way.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

chapter 165

Rupa should wise up and stop helping Lakha. He is so evil that he will not spare her even.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

Lakha is just being used. He will get nothing finally besides betrayal. He deserves it.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

Shaurya has plenty of history with women it seems. The nurse was one of his lovers.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

chapter 166

Poor Chaya. She has to marry an evil person like Lakha.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

How is Suryadev planning to save Chaya?

Rupa met her end and Lakha did not care one bit.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

Prarthna is too foolish to realize she is doing the breaking. not Vasant. By her own actions, she is ruining herself.

NostalgiaLove thumbnail
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Posted: 1 months ago

Chapter 167

Bhadradev, Suryadev and Lakha were sitting together.

Bhadradev- It's quite risky Surya, son, it's dangerous. Don't do it. I lost my love, my unborn child, I don't want to lose my crown prince.

Suryadev- Don't worry father, me and Lakha will attack from both sides, with Lakha's help I will conquer the region and bring Samagra's head for you.

Bhadradev- Try to capture him alive, Durgpur is so far neutral.

Suryadev- What neutral? He is fighting from Prithvi's side.

Bhadradev- So his brothers are fighting from our side who married my daughters. That's the way of Durgpur to play for both teams.

Lakha- Don't worry Maharaj, I will do everything to protect my father in law.

Bhadradev- You must Lakha....You must....

Lakha- Well, it's night time, my dear Chaya would be wait for me.

The words made Bhadradev and Suryadev cringe to their souls.

Lakha left and Suryadev said- Don't worry Father, I will be safe but this leech will meet a brutal end.

In Meluha

Prithvi wanted to confront Prarthna but he was absolutely busy with his Amatyas, even though he most wanted to spend time with Vasantmitra he just couldn't do it and she understood it and encouraged him to totally focus on the war. Whenever he visited her they mostly talked about war and strategies.

Vasantmitra was sitting alone when Avantika came to meet her.

Avantika- How are you doing?

Vasantmitra was surprised- I am well, how are you?

Avantika sat in front of her- I am good too...

Vasantmitra- What brings you in my chamber?

Avantika- It's Mukhya Maharani's Chamber, it's funny that this room belongs to you but not the position. Well who am I to say anything , I have no place in this palace and in Prithvi's heart.

Vasantmitra- You are his childhood friend, he cares for you.

Avantika-I lost everything due to my stupidity, if I had been wiser, I would be in this room and you would still be a dacoit.

Vasantmitra laughed- You really think he wouldn't desire me if you had trusted him, you really don't know Prithvi.

Avantika- He might have desired you but would never marry you.

Vasantmitra- Avantika if that were the case he would have accepted you by now. You are still delusional. Our love is not like yours, it's not friendship, it's friendship plus passion plus love. He was never in love with you, he thought he was but he really wasnt.

Avantika irritated but maintained her composure- Did prithvi tell you this?

Vasantmitra- When we are with each other, we don't have time to discuss a third person between us.

Avantika got angry and was about to go when she grabbed her hand....

Vasantmitra- Come on Avantika sit....the sooner you get over your delusions, it would be better for you.

Avantika sat with tears in her eyes....it moved Vasantmitra...

Vasantmitra- I am sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you.

Avantika- Your condition is very delicate, I won't fight with you or give you stress. I might be jealous but I am not evil.

Vasantmitra smiled amusingly.....

Avantika- Me, Kamla and Prarthna are going for a walk tomorrow in our big garden, will you join us?

Vasantmitra- Prarthna doesn't like me.

Avantika- Come on, it will be fun. All of us together.

Vasantmitra agreed and Avantika left......

Next day

Vasantmitra came to the garden and Prarthna was shocked.

Prarthna- what is she doing here?

Avantika- I invited her.

Prarthna- What? She stole your love and you invited her here.

Kamla- Prarthna.....

Avantika- Prarthna please, don't shout and give her stress. She's with a child.

Kamla- If only she had some sense in her head.

Prarthna shouted- I don't like this husband snatcher...

Everyone got shocked and confused and Kamla got frightened

Vasantmitra angry- What the hell are you saying? I am Prithvi's wife, his first wife. I didn't snatch him from anyone.

Kamla- Vasantmitra, Avantika, let's go for a walk without her, she has become lunatic in her blind hatred. She gave death eyes to Prarthana to not reveal anything.

The queens went away leaving Prarthna alone but befor that Kamla said- If you don't change your name ways, you will be left all alone.

Prarthna was left alone in that big garden with only her tears...

Later as the queens were walking, suddenly Avantika and Kamla went to see ducks in that garden's little ponds. As Vasantmitra was about to walk, someone hit her from behind and as she was about to fall Avantika caught her.

Avantika- Be careful Vasantmitra, how did you trip?

Vasantmitra- Someone, someone pushed me from the back.

Avantika and Kamla saw all around but no one was there except their maids.

Kamla- Did you see anyone?

Maids- No .........

They went back to their chambers.....

In bushes....

Prarthna- You couldn't do one job.....

Maid- I tried Rajkumari....

Prarthna- Here, take your money and forget what happened today or otherwise....

Maid hurriedly went away with her money....

Prarthna thought- I will never forgive you Vasantmitra.....I will destroy you.

NostalgiaLove thumbnail
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Posted: 1 months ago

Chapter 168

When Prithvi got to know about Vasantmitra's almost accident he came to meet her leaving everything. He straight up hugged her gently and kissed her belly.

Prithvi- How did this happen? I bet Avantika did this right? I am gonna punish her very hard.

Vasantmitra- Calm down Prithvi, Avantika actually saved me.

Prithvi- No, she first put you in this situation and then tried to become great so I accept her love.

Vasantmitra- Prithvi please, give her benefit of doubt. Don't come to conclusions just like that, it might be just an accident, I wasn't being careful.

Prithvi- No, I will increase your security, nothing is more important for me than you.

Vasantmitra had tears- And nothing matters to me except you.

Prithvi sarcastically- Except your Pride.

She remembered her refusing him to enter his Antahpura.....

Vasantmitra proudly said- Maybe...

He sadly smiled.....and kissed her forehead.....

Prithvi- I will stay with you all day...

Vasantmitra- Prithvi don't waste your time on me, your kingdom is above everything.

Prithvi- Our kingdom.

Vasantmitra smiled- Yes, our kingdom....

Prithvi in tears- I love you so much......

He made her lie on the bed and gently kissed her forehead and took care for her all day and night....

Kamla went to Prarthna's room in anger...

Kamla shouted- I hope today's accident didn't involve you.

Prarthna acted innocently- What accident?

Kamla- I hope this question is actually genuine, otherwise I will tell Prithvi you are trying harm Vasantmitra.

Prarthna smirked- And I will tell the little love story which is blossoming behind his back, he will execute Vasantmitra, he wont harm Samagra for me and Samagra will get his Karma as well by death of Vasantmitra whom he is so lovingly protecting.

Kamla- You make me sick Prarthna, there is something called humanity, you are trying to harm your unborn nephew or niece.

Prarthna- I did nothing....

Kamla- You are so toxic, you are ready to harm bhaiya, Vasantmitra and Maharaj for your ego. Forget Vasantmitra, I bet you wouldn't tolerate Bhaiya having a concubine or marrying for an alliance.

Prarthna smirked.....

Kamla- I wish Bhaiya didn't marry you and she left the room.

Prarthna remembered....

Samudra shouting- I love her Kanak, hopelessly love her. And he left the room...

Kanak hugged young Prarthna crying...

Little Prarthna saw her mother with pity and hatred in her heart for co wives....

Prarthna said- Vasantmitra, you will be doomed, never to feel any happiness.

Samagra and Shaka tried to contact Bhadradev but Virochana stopped their every attempt.

He visited Prema in night....

Prema- My Master, you are the best thing happened to me.

Virochana was blindly in love, he lost all his senses whenever Prema was with him.

Virochana- That idiot Rajkumar Samagra wants to talk with Maharaj but I don't want them to meet.

Prema- why not?

Virochana- Because something is very dangerous about Samagra, he is very Smart , he might try to stop the war.

Prema- Stop this war my master, let us have peaceful love moments with each other only.

Virochana smirked- No my beautiful, I want them to fight forever and he evil laughed.

Prema- I wonder why ....

Virochana- Because it gives my men money...

Prema- By war?

Virochana- Yup, both sides but weapons from my people and I get richer and richer each day. He evil laughed again.

Prema looked at him lovingly in face but with disgust in her heart.. she thought- Your end is nearing Virochana. Rajkumari Vasantmitra whom you tried to kill is alive and she's a beloved Queen of Maharaj Prithvisena. You lost the day when Rajkumari survived.

NostalgiaLove thumbnail
Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 1 months ago

Chapter 169

Prarthna went to Kanak to tell her the truth and she was weaving a sweater for a baby.

Prarthna-What are you doing mother?

Kanak- Oh come my daughter, I am weaving this cute little sweater for my grandchild.

Prarthna- Kushagra?

Kanak- No, Vasantmitra's child.

Prarthna angry- But mother she's a dacoit.

Kanak happy- But her child is my grandchild. I am actually really excited. Besides, Vasantmitra and Prithvi, both are gorgeous people, just imagine how beautiful their baby will be.

Prarthna- Who knows whose child that is?

Kanak got up and slapped Prarthna...she was shocked.

Kanak- How could you say something like that?

Prarthna- Remember mother, she ran away to fight against Akramak.

Kanak- I know but the whole army was with her and later Prithvi went after her. I dislike her too Prarthna but I am not blind in my hatred. Think logically, I am really happy for my grandchild. Somehow Kamla is right, you are ruining the peaceful ambience of the palace.

Prarthna- But mother I want to tell...

Kanak shouted- Enough Prarthna, you are married now, sometimes I think Kamla is right, you are excessively interested in Prithvi's marital life. Think about your own husband and child. I will handle Vasantmitra my way.

Prarthna was disheartened, she shouted - No one loves me, everyone betrays me, everyone, she ran away crying. Kanak thought- Perhaps Kamla is right, I mustn't give her too much freedom to meddle, after all she is daughter in law of Durgpur now, she must not stay too long here. Let this war end and I will send Samagra and Prarthna back to Durgpura for their own peace.

Samagra was in his camp sitting with Shaka

Shaka- How can we tell truth to someone who has become blind and deaf in hatred?

Samagra- Prema's message came, Virochana is absolutely vile, he has captured Bhadradev in his palms.

Shesha- Rajkumar, there is only one way to stop the war, that is Bhadradev realising his mistakes and punishing Virochana and Sujata.

Samagra- How? If we send a letter, it won't reach him, in fact Virochana will become careful and will understand Prema is behind all this. We have to think about Prema as well.

Shaka- How about we tell the truth to Prithvi and Vasantmitra?

Samagra- Bad idea, I know Prithvi very well. We have to first convince Bhadradev then we can convince Prithvi. Vasantmitra is in very delicate condition, we can't stress her out.

Shaka- Indeed, I don't understand how this situation can be solved Without this unnecessary war.

A warrior came to him...

Warrior- Forgive me Rajkumar, but troops of Lakha and Suryadev have double attacked is from two fronts.

Samagra got shocked....

Samagra shouted in anger- Lakha.....

Shaurya and Aparajita together had gained massive success in the west.

In night

Shaurya visited Aparajita in her tent, she was washing her blood stained sword.

Shaurya- You were exceptional today, very good fighting.

Aparajita- Thanks, you are a really good warrior..

Shaurya- Yeah, experience it is.

She smiled.....

Aparajita- What brings you in my tent?

Shaurya- Nothing, just wanted to see you.

Aparajita looked at him with sadness and he also saw her with longing.

Aparajita- The situation is not under our control.

Shaurya- Right

Aparajita- How much more this suffering will go on?

Shaurya- Till one of the sides surrender.

Aparajita- But it will cost one's pride.

Shaurya- is pride more importantly than love?

Aparajita was silent....they stared at each other ......

Suddenly she hugged him ........

Shaurya- Once this war ends then what?

Aparajita in tears- I will forever disappear from your life..

Shaurya hugged her tightly........they were in each other's embrace like it was their last.

She broke the hug and said- We have annihilated our enemies.

Shaurya- But we can't leave till Prithvi says so and he left her tent leaving a sad Aparajita.

Edited by NostalgiaLove - 1 months ago