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Red_eyes94 thumbnail
Posted: 9 days ago

Now yug will attack Mohan 😭

Red_eyes94 thumbnail
Posted: 8 days ago

Originally posted by: Ralulo

New BTS here

RaHan hug smiley42

Ralulo thumbnail
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Posted: 8 days ago

June 28

Police drama done,Yug was left behind smiley3just cause RM needed to go back home together.

That's a strong door Kohlis have,none can break it,would use a window.

Mohan feels guilty (nothing new here,was obvious will feel it was his mistake and will help...while others will never say it was their fault);Champy is a champion smiley27stayed with Manan until Mohan entered to save him. New hand injury for Mohan

Mohan gives CPR to Manan (like he did when R was buried alive) and baby is fine. That RM+Manan hug was cute...and Mohan breaking it cause he remembered Radhika's words. Is sad that couldn't see new born Manan or his first years,will never get that time back and as seen still a lot to miss for the constant mu between RM. 

Yug smiley7 Mohan took those hits like a boss,knowing it was his mistake too and probably deserved scolding-Radhika's lecture. Some day will be Mohan's turn to trash Yug,all stopped now for R. Had this scene to show Yug's violent side and let Mohan not feel he's breaking 1 happy family?? Of course,gave Radhika another chance to play victim card-how Mohan is ruining her life?? 

Ralulo thumbnail
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Posted: 7 days ago

June 29

Mohan mentions gas leak,Gungun remembers about the gas but will the other family ask how incident took place?? Or will blame poor Manan? smiley6

Meera takes care of Mohan's wounds-such a nice scene,why had to ruin it showing step face?? smiley11 

Pari Dadi-new name on Yug's blacklist smiley36all cause she's Mohan's admirer;obvious,Mohan doesn't deserve a thanks for saving Manan,even if kid would have been gone without Mohan's help. No sorry or thank you in Radhika's dictionary. So many problems wouldn't exist if people will close the doors.

Mohan has same anger issues as after Tulsi or maybe hates that he still loves R while she's cold and with that attitude every day. Good advice from Meera to say sorry to Manan,R too. Who else says sorry in this show? smiley39

Gungun needs to stop these confrontations with Yug,only gives him fresh ideas to trap,punish,attack her and Manan too. 

Mohan using the stairs to reach Kohlis terrace and meet Manan. Boy is so sweet and the bond he shares with Mohan,clearly missed a friend all this time and someone who treats him like the baby he is. 

Probably Mohan already hides behind the bed when Radhika enters.

Mayakiran thumbnail
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Posted: 7 days ago

Mohanji recognises his mistake and is always ready to apologize.... Unlike R who can never say sorry cos she is always right 😁😁. Meera n Mohan🤗... at least he is lucky to have a good buddy now... Unlike Dangerous D 😛... Mohan sirf mera he .... 😁. 

Mohan can use his anger in his future fights with Yug... else using it in revenge with R is honestly of no use cos he lands in a mess😂. 

Pari dadi is so nice n neutral... But lols Yug n his black book n hit list. 🤣. Always thought Yug was sweet towards Pari n Garv n had no issues there. Dadi is now a gonner😛. 

Mohan Manan are very sweet. Nice bond there and maybe now Manan will not complain on his mom and dad?. Doubt he can be nice to Yug daddy🤣🤣. Kid is scared. 

Gungun should really stop her attitude talks with Yug. She is a kid still...  n Yug is a mastermind.. She is really instigating him... is it so that he can do another mistake and she can catch him red handed?.. Same as R tried with D and Kaddu last time and failed... Gungun will not be able to expose Yug alone or even with Meera. Maybe once Mohan joins, they can have success... but Zee loves it's villains and they reign long I guess😆. Cos an exposure would end the RY story and then what... R trying to expose Kaddu?... That would be honestly boring. Same as pre leap and don't think Mohan would believe R this time too... And would R agree to stay in a house where Kaddu would try to kill Manan n her🧐? 

Anyways the boys tashan is better than girls catfights😁. What better than 2 hunks in a fight club.. Visual treat😎😎. 

Mohanji.. please stop wearing these oversized clothes again..... 🤪🤪🤪. 

Ralulo thumbnail
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Posted: 7 days ago

If D would have been at least half of how Meera is then MD marriage would have completed. Of course,no need to bring R in then. 

Meera-Mohan friendship works cause there is no secret between them-she knew about R and his feelings (only missed seeing R face for 7 years),he knows Meera loves him and she asks nothing in return. Maybe Meera will put herself in danger to prove Yug's evilness or will save Mohan in one of the planned accidents. 

Mayakiran thumbnail
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Posted: 6 days ago

Yeah... Meera is the best buddy who was missing in Mohanji 's life till now. Hope they keep her sane n sweet always. Felt Mohanji never had a proper friend in his life but Meera is that dost now😇. 

They should never turn her negative.... That would be unbearable 😛😛. 

Also if Mohanji knows Yug is evil... he would just go n get R and Manan out from their home.... He can just give one punch n Yug would be on the ground 🤣🤣🤣Have to see what creatives have planned... 

Ralulo thumbnail
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Posted: 6 days ago

Originally posted by: Mayakiran

.... He can just give one punch n Yug would be on the ground 🤣🤣🤣

smiley37Want to see that! 

But don't think is so easy to escape,else R can punch him or use one of those rods she likes. Manan is in the middle-legally he's Radhika and Yug Kohli son,if 1 real Radhika appears to claim her place back (or Yug proves there was another Radhika in his life and turns things against R as revenge) then how R would get Manan back? Radha Sharma is nobody for him,not to mention Mohan. That's a plot they could use to show RM fighting together for their son. Cause most times when RM were a team they won;one against the other is a mess,leads nowhere.

Ralulo thumbnail
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Posted: 6 days ago

June 30

Mohan hides on the terrace and hears Radhika-Manan conversation,shock number one:Radhika doesn't talk bad about Mohan. 

Yug sees Mohan leaving smiley36that bts scene was after he noticed Mohan going out using the stairs. 

Shock number two:Radhika lecture for Yug. They put something in R water or what?? He won't touch Manan,her son smiley3from now. So R has a place on his blacklist too? Was matter of time. For now she's saved by Yug's mom...who also slaps him. Shock after shock. What's up??

Yug's past finally revealed:his Radhika wanted to leave him cause he was suffocating and he hit her with his car. (That seemed to be the day R was leaving the tiger park area.) To be continued...
