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Ralulo thumbnail
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Posted: 16 days ago
Mayakiran thumbnail
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Posted: 13 days ago

Yug exposed so soon in front of Radhika? πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰. Feel like there will be a twist. Cos if she finds out he trapped Gungun, then she will connect all previous dots and realize Gungun was true about Manan school incident too.... And then she would leave him. But think Yug may hear her or his mom may hear this conversation in Trivedi house and he will escape 😁

Just like Mohan was the last person to know Damini truth and still does not know about his mom... R will also know Yug ka sach only after longg😎

Edited by Mayakiran - 13 days ago
Ralulo thumbnail
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Posted: 13 days ago

Unless R knows but she's unable to leave for emotional blackmail or open threat-if she dares to leave MGM will die. She is trapped in such way that she won't be able to escape Kohlis (even if she's not planning to accept Mohan) without big drama. smiley5

Mayakiran thumbnail
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Posted: 13 days ago

First possibility is that Yug will escape by maybe telling police Gungun is not the culprit.and also get the imposter arrested n stuff. and make himself mahaan in front of R and she may promise I will never suspect u YugπŸ˜†πŸ˜†. This seems most likely. 

Second would be again head banging or wrist cutting with tears saying I was such a good guy but see what The Trivedi family turned me into🀣🀣. R would be gulit tripped.Possibile 50 precent πŸ™ƒ

Last would be open threat... which as of now seems most unlikely cos Yug wants to be the best guy in front of Radhika and losing her love and care may not be what he wants... And which will happen if he threatens her. 😎. Also she can easily tell all to Mohanji in such a case and he would save her. 
