Something got really out of hands quite quickly...
I took a bit of time to find the beginning of the whole process and it all started with the political Rally (=election campaign appearances Modi made from the 1st of January to the 4th :
Narendra Modi
Over the next two days, I will be attending various programmes in Tamil Nadu, Lakshadweep and Kerala. The programmes will begin from Tiruchirappalli in Tamil Nadu, where I will address the Convocation Ceremony of the Bharathidasan University. The new terminal building of the airport will also be inaugurated. At the same time, other development works will also be launched. These works will benefit several people.
I look forward to being among the people of Lakshadweep. Development works worth Rs. 1150 crore would either be inaugurated or their foundation stones would be laid. These works include projects relating to better internet connectivity, ensuring clean drinking water supply, solar energy, healthcare and more.
1:36 PM · Jan 1, 2024
Then, the 5th, IndiaToday posts an article on Twitter which contains the writer's interpretation of Modi's Rally and it's the writer bringing up the comparison with the Maldives criticising the Maldives for the new politics especially in hinsight of China's political involvement in the region.
The Maledives minister Maryam Shiuna reposts a tweet about this article
Zahid Rameez
އިންޑިޔާ ކަހަލަ ބޮޑު ބިޔަ ގައުމަކުން ރާއްޖެ ކަހަލަ ކުޑަ އިކޮނޮމީއެއް ކޮޕީ ކޮށްގެން ލާރި ހޯދަން އުޅުމަކީ ވަރަށް ދެރަ ކަމެކެވެ. އަދި މީގެން އިގިގެން މިދަނީ އެމީހުން ދިވެހިންނަށް ދުވަހަކުވެސް ހެވެއް ނޭދޭނެ ކަމެވެ.
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It is very sad that a big country like India is trying to make money by copying a small economy like Sri Lanka. And this shows that they will never wish the Dhanvantaris well.
Jan 5
"PM #NarendraModi's push for #Lakshadweep as an island destination among travellers could also be seen as a counter to India's neighbour #Maldives - which is a popular beach destination among Indians."
Following the article are the diverse reactions from Maledives side and Indian side...and voilà, the war on social media...and here in the forum...
Conclusion (mine): policy strike to position the Indian voters' minds against another country to instill patriotic feelings and making forget how the Indian government ruines the own country.
Modi's motto: Make India proud (but don't make people ask the important questions)
...and 1-2-3 the new president of the Maldives - allegedly - fires the three ministers and promises to not let China in (maybe, he may now reconsider his politics towards India...).
And now ...Ayodhya... the next proud making celebration
Edited by Clochette - 10 months ago