Yumna-Wahaj {YumHaj / MeeraSim} AT #1 [DT.N. Pg 26] - Page 50

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Virgo27 thumbnail
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Posted: 10 days ago

Who said that DNUTN was not hit and there was no chemistry between Yumhaj. Have you guys watch the drama?  It was most successful show. It was trended on YouTube and on twitter despite of airing on new channel. 



Yumhaj has that spark even in This dark serial. Even wahaj told in interview that people really loved His and Yumna chemistry In DNUTN. 

tgota92 thumbnail
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Emotional Epics

Posted: 10 days ago

Originally posted by: Virgo27

Who said that DNUTN was not hit and there was no chemistry between Yumhaj. Have you guys watch the drama?  It was most successful show. It was trended on YouTube and on twitter despite of airing on new channel. 



Yumhaj has that spark even in This dark serial. Even wahaj told in interview that people really loved His and Yumna chemistry In DNUTN. 

This is why I said they can pull off both kinds of chemistry, the sweet and tender kind in DNUTN and the fiery explosive kind in TB. Depends on what you like smiley20 Yumna/Wahaj dono provide ker saktay hain smiley41 They were absolutely beauuutiful together in DNUTN but it was a heartbreaking story 

Achelvi thumbnail
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Posted: 10 days ago
crystal30003 thumbnail
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Posted: 10 days ago

Yes I remember Wahaj commented this. Really admire Wahaj who’s a genuine friend of Yumna and always hypes her. He knows they have shipping together which happened organically and naturally. They didn’t do anything special it’s just a chemistry which happens to exist and that’s rare. Plus when both are such great and fine actors it makes performing together such a treat for viewers to witness and for them as actors to film. Wahaj many times commented how performing with Yumna is like water flowing as she does 80% of the work. It’s an action reaction combo that they have and it’s obvious as an actor who performs against a fine actor like themself makes their scenes even greater and Wahaj himself said he needs his co actors performance to be great for him to perform well. 
