MG SS- Partner Of Life - Chapter 27 PG 122 Jun 13 - Page 126

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Prit136 thumbnail
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Posted: 9 days ago
Link plz
tellyme thumbnail
Posted: 9 days ago

All links are here.. what link are you looking for?

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 4 days ago

She got to dance with him once a year and she felt so special in those few moments. Now she can have this forever.

Mouser1 thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: a day ago

Geet is married to dev and why she is not comfortable with dev and her MIL doesn't give credit to her as a family but as a employee maan and geet known each other very well interesting story nicely written 

Mouser1 thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: a day ago

Nina trapped geet bcoz she knows her calibre and she doesn't want to leave the firm i like the geet and maans relationship how mature he is and trying to help geet in his marriage ofcourse he himself is  fighting for her daughter 

Mouser1 thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: a day ago

Atlast dev spoke what is in his heart and he wanted to move on with his life suffocated in his marriage i dont think geet and dev are not at fault they tried for years to be comfortable they can be friends but not husband and wife 

Mouser1 thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: a day ago

Atlast she called maan for help and maan obliged for a woman first it comes the family and she make her world revolving around it i understand what geet must be going through now since dev is in hurry to end the relationship 

Mouser1 thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: a day ago

Why always a girl has to suffer from divorce consequences apart from having great career why in our society they can't give the woman that much financial freedom as male has this is the reality of our society 

Mouser1 thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: a day ago

Nice to know that geet is moving on with life positively and her friend maan is there also to help and guide there hope geet life issues will be solved and she become independent and ready to face the life as it comes 

Mouser1 thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: a day ago

What will be the life when a person understands you motivates you and not judge you for what you are and help and guide you for ur success in life they are true friends in life just maan for geet 
