Adnan Sami on Kangana Controversy - Page 3


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HearMeRoar thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: Mahisa_22

JK Rowling wasn't cancelled just for that one comment. She is violently transphobic, and has shown off her vileness on numerous occasions. She has actively supported a woman who was fired for hate speech against transgender people in public. She's a TERF. 

One instance of her violence please?

Mind quoting said hate speech here?

Also, the wokeratti lost that war๐Ÿ˜†.

Edited by HearMeRoar - 2 years ago
Mahisa_22 thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: HearMeRoar

Who decides what is discrimination? You claim it's a no-brainer, but what you're saying seems more like historical ignorance. 

Let's say, I, as a woman, do not want trans women with male equipment in female shelters, acc to you, it is discrimination.

Might I remind you, these trans women, under their male identity, would've been able to own property, vote, work a job they wanted, play sports, join the military, become priests, even beat their wives if they so felt inclined, only a 100-some years ago while biological women wouldn't.

So why would women - a group MORE discriminated against since the beginning of humanity - be asked to give up their safety and security? 

A sexually assaulted woman who takes shelter in GOVERNMENT-RUN safe place has to face the same situation she ran from according to you. All to favor a group  that is in with the woke crowd now.

If I speak against it, acc to you, it comes under hate speech. Fortunately for me, it's not the case in the United States. You could look it up. I can shout it from the rooftop, and the government can't do a single thing to me. And I do not want the country to go to a situation where I can't object to it. 

Then comes your statement hate speech is OK as long as it is against a group which has not yet been discriminated against/considered privileged. That worked out well in all those dictatorships - the French revolution, Nazi Germany, Socialist/Communist Russia. Even Venezuela if you want some example more recent.

All I can say to people who think like this is those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it. By the time you wake up, and not simply be woke, it will be too late. Hope to God I'm far from this lunacy by then.

Please name some groups persecuted in these countries in bold, who weren't a marginalized group already. Jews were a persecuted group much, kuch before Hitler happened, so I don't know what you're talking about. 

Historical ignorance? Like ignorance of the fact that cis, white men were NEVER EVER a persecuted and marginalized group in history, and will probably never be? Yeah, giving an example of 'hate speech against cis, white men' is the best example of this ignorance. 

Again, no, ranting against historically privileged groups for the atrocities they committed, isn't hate speech, as much as you want it to be. I can't help you understand these finer points if you knowingly choose to be blind to .    

Also, this whole "sexual violence by trans women on cis women" is a completely baseless right-wing talking point, which has been long debunked by both facts and anecdotes. 

Mahisa_22 thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: HearMeRoar

One instance of her violence please?

Mind quoting said hate speech here?

Also, the wokeratti lost that war๐Ÿ˜†.

Speech cannot be violent? Really? Please do tell me what you understand by 'violence'. Rioting on the streets and punching people in the faces? Is that 'violence' for you? ๐Ÿคช

Lost that war? How? 

Edited by Mahisa_22 - 2 years ago
HearMeRoar thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: Mahisa_22

Please name some groups persecuted in these countries in bold, who weren't a marginalized group already. Jews were a persecuted group much, kuch before Hitler happened, so I don't know what you're talking about. 

Historical ignorance? Like ignorance of the fact that cis, white men were NEVER EVER a persecuted and marginalized group in history, and will probably never be? Yeah, giving an example of 'hate speech against cis, white men' is the best example of this ignorance. 

Again, no, ranting against historically privileged groups for the atrocities they committed, isn't hate speech, as much as you want it to be. I can't help you understand these finer points if you knowingly choose to be blind to .    

Also, this whole "sexual violence by trans women on cis women" is a completely baseless right-wing talking point, which has been long debunked by both facts and anecdotes. 

๐Ÿ˜†*I* don't want any speech to be hate speech if by that you mean legal ramifications. The only time there should be repercussions for speech is when someone urges violence or commits violence. 

*You* on the other hand are blatantly advocating for censorship of what *you* deem hate speech against groups *you* favor but not against groups *you* disfavor. I'm telling you there is historical evidence these ideas of good discrimination end in very, very bad ways. 

As for your question which groups were considered privileged and then persecuted in those societies, once again... history books. Class wars in France and Russia were mainly aimed at #drumrollplease white men and their families. The Jewish were considered privileged in pre-war Germany. They were vilified, then victimized to support underprivileged groups. We all know how the societies turned out. Oh, the privileged did pay with their lives and their families' lives and their wealth. But then, the tyrants worked their way down the ladder of privilege. 

Point is when you single out a group and say it is fine to indulge in what you call hate speech against them because of their privilege but not others, it will eventually lead to such murderous tyrannies. In the whole history of humanity, it has never ended differently. If you think the woke generation is different, think again. 

One law, applied to all people. Say whatever the heck you want. Your job might let you go, your customers might boycott your business. But the government should never be able to do a single thing to you UNLESS you advocate violence or do violence. That equal treatment is the only way to progress. 

Also, my friend, point is not about stats of violence committed by trans women against cis women in jails and shelters although there is evidence it happens (Google is your friend). Point is those shelters are supposed to safe spaces for women who are fleeing physical and sexual abuse. Even those jails are separate because yeah, in a mixed jail, there is a good chance they'll get raped. You think they have no reason to fear someone with male genitalia? You think the female victims of sexual and physical assault should simply put their fears for their life and fears for their kids' lives aside for social justice?

All I can say is try going to a shelter and talking to a couple of those women. Try looking them in the eye and telling them what you just said to me. 

Edited by HearMeRoar - 2 years ago
Mahisa_22 thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: HearMeRoar

๐Ÿ˜†*I* don't want any speech to be hate speech if by that you mean legal ramifications. The only time there should be repercussions for speech is when someone urges violence or commits violence. 

*You* on the other hand are blatantly advocating for censorship of what *you* deem hate speech against groups *you* favor but not against groups *you* disfavor. I'm telling you there is historical evidence these ideas of good discrimination end in very, very bad ways. 

As for your question which groups were considered privileged and then persecuted in those societies, once again... history books. Class wars in France and Russia were mainly aimed at #drumrollplease white men and their families. The Jewish were considered privileged in pre-war Germany. They were vilified, then victimized to support underprivileged groups. We all know how the societies turned out. Oh, the privileged did pay with their lives and their families' lives and their wealth. But then, the tyrants worked their way down the ladder of privilege. 

Point is when you single out a group and say it is fine to indulge in what you call hate speech against them because of their privilege but not others, it will eventually lead to such murderous tyrannies. In the whole history of humanity, it has never ended differently. If you think the woke generation is different, think again. 

One law, applied to all people. Say whatever the heck you want. Your job might let you go, your customers might boycott your business. But the government should never be able to do a single thing to you UNLESS you advocate violence or do violence. That equal treatment is the only way to progress. 

Also, my friend, point is not about stats of violence committed by trans women against cis women in jails and shelters although there is evidence it happens (Google is your friend). Point is those shelters are supposed to safe spaces for women who are fleeing physical and sexual abuse. Even those jails are separate because yeah, in a mixed jail, there is a good chance they'll get raped. You think they have no reason to fear someone with male genitalia? You think the female victims of sexual and physical assault should simply put their fears for their life and fears for their kids' lives aside for social justice?

All I can say is try going to a shelter and talking to a couple of those women. Try looking them in the eye and telling them what you just said to me. 

Class wars in France and Russia were based on social class not race. LMAO, you're now changing the very basis of discrimination that we're arguing about. Please point out a SINGLE instance where cis white men were targeted FOR BEING cis, white men. My goodness! ๐Ÿคช๐Ÿคช

Also, those revolutions (French Revolution and October Revolution) are both hailed by historians as necessary social reactions of the time, regardless of some of their murkier outcomes like Robespierre (Reign of Terror) and the butchering of the Tsar's family after the Revolution. 

And no, Jews were persecuted throughout history, in Russia, Egypt and treated like second-class citizens all over Europe, regardless of their material wealth. Your argument doesn't cut it. There was a HUGE HISTORICAL CONTEXT to their persecution in Germany. Please read up some history, please please please please. Especially history of mediaeval Europe. 

I'm very sorry, but it's difficult to argue with someone with literally no knowledge of history and no sense of social context and fine points. Let me excuse myself now. Please carry on my friend. 

Edited by Mahisa_22 - 2 years ago
Hello_kitta thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

How dare Kangna have FoE . It's only reserved for vir sandas . 

atominis thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Vir Das did not make hate speech nor incited violence nor told outright lies. Kangana makes hate speech and incites hate, violence through her fake propaganda and is an abusive bully. Casteist, communal, sexist, racist - that is what her stuff is.

Vir Das never incited hate and his poem was truth anyway which pseudo nationalists cannot stand. 

malikakas thumbnail
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Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: Mahisa_22

JK Rowling wasn't cancelled just for that one comment. She is violently transphobic, and has shown off her vileness on numerous occasions. She has actively supported a woman who was fired for hate speech against transgender people in public. She's a TERF. 

You've basically proven my point by using the word "violently". Neither JK Rowling nor the other woman that was fired encouraged violence against Trans people. And by your own definition of protected people, Trans would have had the advantage of male privilege before they transitioned, so why shouldn't some people consider cis women as more disadvantaged requiring protection? 

Maroonporsche thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

This topic is a super hit 

Ashley.Tisdale thumbnail
Visit Streak 750 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 500 0 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: Maroonporsche

This topic is a super hit 

Yeah but looking at the content...I'd rather stay away, sorry ๐Ÿ˜†