Is Katrina really worth 224 crores ???

rushi1981 thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

I was just reading some news regarding Katrina Vicky wedding and read somewhere that Katrina’s net worth is around 224 crores… didn’t knew she was this rich..and according to reports Vicky’s net worth is around 40-50 crores… these days where most of the actresses are getting married on the basis how rich their partners are.. it’s refreshing to see kat getting married purely out of love and not money… 

what are ur opinions ???

Edited by rushi1981 - 2 years ago


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Sorein thumbnail
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Posted: 2 years ago

Wouldn’t it be shocking if she wasn’t this rich? She’s been in the industry for ages and been top tier: movies, brand endorsements, shows, events, magazine covers, etc. And now her own brand too.  Powerful/ambitious women usually rarely seek an equally powerful man as you need some balance and a certain type of man that understands and accepts the lifestyle they have. And why would they put up with the countless mistresses when they have so much to offer. Many examples: Madhuri, Sridevi, Kareena, Deepika, etc…

w4always thumbnail
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Posted: 2 years ago

I think she has an investment in Nykaa and it recently IPO'd there by increasing her net worth.

Talis thumbnail
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Posted: 2 years ago

Considering how long she's been working it actually sounds low. The new articles floating around also say she gets paid 6-7 cr per endorsement.  If she does 10 a year that's 60-70c.  It claims she charges 11cr per film.  2 films a year and that's another 22cr.  This doesn't include her Kay Beauty business or her other investments.

Edited by Talis - 2 years ago
S_H_Y thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

She probably has around 100-120 cr. Net worth Just from Nykaa shares and nyka kay beauty venture.

224-300 cr net worth sound reasonable for her.

InClouds thumbnail
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Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: Sorein

Wouldn’t it be shocking if she wasn’t this rich? She’s been in the industry for ages and been top tier: movies, brand endorsements, shows, events, magazine covers, etc. And now her own brand too.  Powerful/ambitious women usually rarely seek an equally powerful man as you need some balance and a certain type of man that understands and accepts the lifestyle they have. And why would they put up with the countless mistresses when they have so much to offer. Many examples: Madhuri, Sridevi, Kareena, Deepika, etc…

Agreed ! 

I earn more than my spouse and also more educated than him .

 Whereas in a typical desi society it is *usually* the opposite.

 Many question me regarding my choice. My answer is exactly what you wrote above.

you2 thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Visit Streak 365 0 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 2 years ago

Its applicable to Alia too.Her father's production company,Vishesh films has produced many hits over decades.In the last 2 years she has been shown earning more than her boyfriend. Dharma announced a slew of films..and none with RK. That is quite telling.The B list films he is stuck with,will take years to complete,seeing his history..he is in danger of becoming one himself.

Kapoor khandan kitchen might be running on Aloo's money..But she gets the Kapoor Tara,Saif and others😃

Edited by you2 - 2 years ago
atominis thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Katrina was top super model even before she entered Bollywood. And she has been top Bollywood star since 2005. So given how much she earns from films and modelling, I will not be surprised if she is indeed having 200 crore plus net worth. She has invested in Nykaa too and her investments, business ventures must have fetched her even more moolah.

Super successful women do not always seek men equally or more powerful and richer than them. Madhuri, Zeenat, Meenakshi, Deepika, Isha Ambani, Aishwarya, Sonali, Kajol, that Parle empire's heiress etc have all married men who are not as famous nor earned as much as them. Recently princess of Japan also gave up her royal family and royal status to marry a common man who is a lawyer, she also declined her share in inheritance or any compensation for being stripped of royal status.

It will be better for Katrina to marry someone she loves and one who respects her rather than marry for just fame or money. 

For that matter even Jaya was a much bigger star than Amitabh when she married him in early 70s. Hema was also bigger star than Dharam when she married him. It is not new or rare for women to marry men who are less famous or earn less or have less net worth than them. 

you2 thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Visit Streak 365 0 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 2 years ago

Alia And Katrina’s Investment In Nykaa

OnNovember 10, Nykaa Founder Falguni Nayar’s net worth jumped to over Rs 56,600crore, or $7.7 billion, thanks to the bumper listing. Nayar owns 53.5 per centof Nykaa, which he founded in 2012.

Alia’s share in FSN E-Commerce Ventures increased to Rs 54 crore on November 10 after she deposited Rs 4.95 crore in July 2020, according to YourStory.

In 2018, Katrina Kaif invested Rs 2.04 crore in a joint venture called Nykaa-KK Beauty. After the closing of trading on November 10, Katrina’s investment had risen to Rs 22 crore.
