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Frequent Posters

Posted: 4 years ago

 Kaale dhandhe  waale,.... Tera Munh Kaala !

 Chor ki daadhi mein Tinka ! - Sab kuchh Sumadi mein !

..................... n' Crime scene pe  "Palaayun"  - Aham Gachhami:  ( 9, 2, 11 )  !   See no evil,  Hear no Evil !!


Posted: 4 years ago

 This article is great,.. it says everything  what happened,......  

( click and scroll down )

 We have lost few other actresses also very mysteriously at younger ages,   besides Divya and recent Jiah khan,...


 Did not Priya Rajvansh died mysteriously?

Priya Rajvansh

One of the most beautiful and underrated actress of Bollywood, Priya Rajvansh was known for her outstanding performances in movies like ‘Hanste Zakhm’ and ‘Heer Ranjha’ during the 70’s. Her death is the most sensational in the list. Priya was found murdered in her bungalow in Juhu in 2000. Earlier speculations revolved that the actress committed suicide; later police confirmed that she died of excessive alcohol consumption. But the final truth was revealed years after when it was finally proved that Priya was actually murdered by her late husband Chetan Anand’s sons for the sake of property.

Did not Parveen Babi died mysteriously,...

Parveen Babi

The first ever Indian actress to grace the Time Magazine cover, Praveen Babi faced a lonely death on 22nd January, 2005. Once a glam doll, Parveen had a very tragic end as doctors speculate that she might just have starved herself to death. Rumored to be suffering from paranoid schizophrenia, she suspected people around her to be conspiring to kill her at all times. She even alleged, legendary Amitabh Bachchan of planning to murder her. She mysteriously found dead one day in her room,.....


Edited by Himalaya10 - 4 years ago